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Bygningsbevaring og bygningsmaterialer

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  • af Søren Vadstrup
    447,95 kr.

    Smuk, gennemillustreret bog om hvordan - og med hvad - du bedst behandler dit gamle hus.Utallige gamle huse har op igennem tiden været underlagt forskellige modeluner og er blevet forsynet med forsænkede lofter, elementkøkkener, plastikvinduer osv. I de seneste årtier er der kommet langt mere fokus på at istandsætte på den "rigtige" måde."Huse med sjæl" handler om nogle grundlæggende restaureringsprincipper, der sikrer, at man ikke ødelægger huset i forhold til dets oprindelige udseende og den håndværksmæssige kvalitet. Ovenikøbet er der tale om principper, der gør istandsættelsen langt billigere end ellers.I et engageret, underholdende og letforståeligt sprog formidler Søren Vadstrup sin store både håndværksmæssige og kulturhistoriske viden, der bygger på årelang forskning i "nænsom bygningsbevaring". "Landets mest vidende mand, når det gælder restaurering af gamle bygninger, har skrevet en stor værdifuld håndbog om nænsom istandsættelse og bevaring af aldrende huse ... Alle de, der gerne vil bevare deres huse og de gedigne gamle materialer og sætte dem i stand på så at sige husets, og ikke byggemarkedes, præmisser, har fået en stor håndsrækning. Og alle interesserede en voldsomt inspirerende bog." Politiken

  • af Søren Vadstrup
    447,95 kr.

    En flot illustreret bog om landhuset, skrevet af landets vel nok mest vidende mand på området. Om hvordan man istandsætter og ombygger landhuse på en måde, som er i overensstemmelse med husets oprindelige arkitektur og brug af materialer. Bogen er relevant for alle, der bor på landet, eller bare drømmer om at flytte ud. Vi får her en spændende gennemgang af både landsbyens og landhusenes udvikling fra de ældste tider til i dag, herunder de ændrede funktioner, de arkitektoniske stilarter og materialer. Der er kapitler om de forskellige typer af boliger, deres baggrund, karakteristika og indretning. Endelig giver bogen konkret rådgivning og vejledning om istandsættelse, ombygning, bygningsbevaring og reetablering, hvor de forskellige bygningsdele gennemgås systematisk, lige fra bindingsværkshuse med stråtag til murede huse, træhuse, sommerhuse osv.Søren Vadstrup er restaureringsarkitekt, tidl. leder af Raadvad-Centeret og forskningslektor på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København. Udgav i 2004 bogen Huse med sjæl og i 2014 Byhuset.

  • af Judith Resch
    397,95 kr.

    Versatile wooden windows In her book, the trained carpenter and architect Judith Resch looks at what scope still exists in modern window design and construction. The process of simplification is more difficult to achieve for windows than for most building components, since windows, due to their function, must meet high technical specifications. She presents a variety of window design projects that have one thing in common: they pursue a singular design concept using the simplest possible means. All projects are presented in detail with technical drawings and photographs. 10 simple wooden window designs From retrofitting historical windows to the possibilities of DIY design Precisely designed, handcrafted, highly repairable windows

  • af Yong Wu, Zhi Ding & Xinjiang Wei
    1.307,95 - 1.428,95 kr.

  • af Adolfo Crespo Marquez
    3.497,95 - 3.598,95 kr.

  • af Moritz Wild
    213,95 kr.

    Dieses essential vermittelt Denkmaleigentümern und ihren Auftragnehmern Grundlagen zur Erhaltung und Modernisierung von Denkmälern, zur Kommunikation mit Behörden und zur Antragstellung. Es beleuchtet die Themen Unterschutzstellung, Zumutbarkeit, Energieeffizienz und Klimaschutz. Und es gibt Hinweise zur Integration erneuerbarer Energien in den historischen Baubestand.

  • af Escott Norton
    187,95 kr.

    Color your own historic movie palace! This coloring book for all ages features 16 highly detailed original drawings of the Michigan and State Theaters in Ann Arbor, Michigan, ready for you to color! Each illustration also has info about the unique history and details of these beautiful theaters.

  • af Xinying Lu
    1.221,95 - 1.524,95 kr.

  • af Ippolito Marmai
    122,95 kr.

    La 'piera da l'aga' (pietra dell'acqua) di Ciago di Meduno (PN) è la base pressoria di un torchio vinario di epoca romana - una leggenda popolare vuole che il grosso monolite giacesse un tempo in mezzo al prato e che, spostato tramite l'aiuto di una coppia di buoi, fosse ritrovato il giorno seguente al posto di partenza. Solo in seguito ad un nuovo tentativo il masso ri¬mase nella nuova collocazione.Una seconda leggenda racconta, invece, che Ciago è stata in passato una "grande città", protetta dai quattro castelli di Meduno, Toppo, Cavasso e Solimbergo. La credenza è stata originata dal frequente ritrovamento, nella pianura ad Ovest e a Sud del borgo, di fondamenta di antiche case e dei resti di numerose tombe di epoca romana.Una vecchia consuetudine locale voleva che l'acqua piovana raccoltasi nelle quattro coppelle fosse benefica alla vista; veniva perciò toc¬cata dalle contadine di passaggio prima di fare il segno della croce, mentre mormoravano una preghiera.

  • af Minoru Kunieda
    2.387,95 - 2.392,95 kr.

  • af Tomislav Keser
    1.908,95 kr.

    This book presents papers submitted at 32nd International Conference on Organization and Technology of Maintenance (OTO 2023) held on December 12, 2023, at Osijek, Republic of Croatia.The objective of this conference is to promote, standardize, and support efforts to gain new knowledge in areas that are intimately tied to technical and social systems and where maintenance of any kind is of utmost importance. By bringing together experts from various fields, this conference aims to foster collaboration and the exchange of ideas, ultimately leading to advancements in both technical and social systems. Additionally, it seeks to create a platform for discussing best practices and innovative approaches in maintenance, ensuring the sustainability and efficiency of these systems in the long run. Furthermore, the upkeep of technological and social systems, along with their accessibility and dependability, significantly influences the long-term sustainability and economic feasibility of their functioning. Periodic and condition-based maintenance are integral components of the various systems, influencing their operational efforts and outcomes. By providing a space for professionals to exchange ideas and experiences, this platform facilitates the identification and implementation of cutting-edge maintenance strategies. Moreover, it recognizes the importance of addressing emerging challenges such as digitalization and environmental impact in order to ensure the continued effectiveness of these systems.Conference topics will address maintenance challenges in the areas of machine design, maintenance technologies in general, organization and management of maintenance proposals and procedures, quality management in system maintenance, information systems, product life cycle management, design for maintainability, material and structural properties, diagnosis and prediction of failures and breakdowns, design optimization for maintenance, analysis of maintenanceefficiency and cost-effectiveness, civil, mechanical and electrical engineering, etc.

  • af K S Sreekeshava
    1.774,95 kr.

    This book presents select proceedings of the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches in Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (IACESD 2023) hosted under the aegis of the Group of Twenty (G20) and Civil 20 (C20) at Jyothy Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India. The topics covered include sustainable and resilient communities, sustainable construction materials, disaster resilient infrastructure, nano-composites and bio-composites, sustainable geotechnics and earthquake engineering. This book serves as a resource material for researchers and industry professionals interested in disaster risk reduction.

  • af Josh Grey
    222,95 kr.

    Embark on an extraordinary journey through the heart of the Aegean with "Island Odyssey," an immersive exploration of 80 breathtaking Greek Isles that unveils the rich tapestry of history, culture, and natural beauty that defines this legendary archipelago. From the well-known gems to the hidden treasures, this comprehensive guide is your passport to the diverse wonders of the Greek islands.Delve into the fascinating histories of each island, tracing their ancient roots through Byzantine, Venetian, and Ottoman rule, to their present-day status as vibrant hubs of Greek life and culture. Uncover the unique stories that have shaped these islands, from ancient myths and legends to the struggles for independence that have left an indelible mark on their landscapes.But "Island Odyssey" is not just a historical journey-it's a curated adventure for those seeking to make the most of their island sojourns. Discover 20 must-visit places and experiences on each island, ensuring that every traveller, from history enthusiasts to beachcombers, finds their perfect Greek escape.Explore the charming alleys of traditional villages, bask in the sun on pristine beaches, and delve into archaeological wonders that span centuries. Immerse yourself in local traditions, savor the flavors of authentic Greek cuisine, and partake in activities that capture the essence of each unique island. From ancient ruins and historic landmarks to hidden coves and vibrant markets, "Island Odyssey" is your comprehensive guide to experiencing the best of the Greek Isles.Whether you dream of the romantic sunsets of Santorini, the lush landscapes of Crete, or the tranquility of lesser-known gems, this book is your indispensable companion. "Island Odyssey" invites you to uncover the treasures of each island, forging unforgettable memories against the backdrop of the azure Aegean Sea. Your Greek island adventure begins here-immerse yourself in the splendor and magic of 80 exquisite Greek Isles.

  • af Howard McKew
    941,95 kr.

    This book examines in great detail the D-B and IPD methods, while touching on D-B-B and CM project deliveries. In this vein, the discussion regarding IPD is a variation from ASHRAE Technical Committee TC 7.1, Integrated Building Design (IBD), with the focus herein on HVAC-Led IPD Opportunities by consulting engineers and mechanical contractors. This IPD variation is also described later in the book as a 21st-century version of what was 20th-century D-B project delivery although D-B project delivery is still widely used.

  • af Eduardo Linhares Qualharini
    2.119,95 kr.

    This book highlights the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of resilience and adaptation of buildings and cities to climate change, as presented by international researchers at the VI International Conference on Recovery, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Buildings (CIRMARE 2023), held in Covilhã, Portugal, on December 5¿7, 2023. It covers a diverse range of topics such as accessibility of buildings and urban spaces, industrialization of rehabilitation processes, interventions in cultural heritage, building quality assessment, maintenance and requalification of built spaces, BIM and the digitization of construction, urban planning, circular economy in the construction sector, urban infrastructure rehabilitation, near zero energy buildings, urban resilience and climate change, recovery of degraded urban areas, service life, and pathologies in buildings. The contributions, which were selected by means of a rigorous international peer-review process, present awealth of exciting ideas that will open novel research directions and foster multidisciplinary collaboration among different specialists.

  • af Rafael Amaya-Gómez
    941,95 kr.

    This book provides the most up-to-date, advanced methods and tools for risk assessment of onshore pipelines. These methods and tools are based primarily on information collected from ILI measurements and additional information about the soil surrounding the pipeline. The book provides a better understanding how the defects grow and interact (repulsion or attraction) and their spatial variability. In addition, the authors contemplate new defects that evolve between inspections and how they could affect the pipeline's reliability. A real-world case is presented to reinforce the concepts presented in the book. The book is structured into three parts: i) an introduction to onshore pipelines and the problem of corrosion, ii) a framework that deals with uncertainty for integrity programs for corroded pipelines, and iii) the applications of the methods presented in the book. The book is ideal for researchers and field engineers in oil and gas transportation and graduate and undergraduate engineering students interested in pipeline reliability assessments, spatial variability, and risk-based inspections.

  • af Claudia Ferreira
    1.307,95 - 1.629,95 kr.

    This book introduces a maintenance model that will assist decision-makers in their choice of building maintenance policies. The model is stochastic and condition-based that analyses the impact of different maintenance strategies on the durability and performance of different buildings envelope elements (facades, windows, and roofs).  As non-structural elements, the maintenance of buildings envelope can be disregarded stakeholders. However, as first barrier to the external environment, these elements are critical to buildings' overall performance and are expected to meet aesthetic, comfort, safety, and durability requirements. The methodology presented is innovative. The maintenance model is based on a Petri net formalism and includes degradation, inspection, maintenance, and renewal processes. The model provides key information, such as: i) the impact of different maintenance strategies on the service life and durability of the building components; ii) the impact of maintenance on their performance over time; iii) the life cycle costs; and iv) the impact of maintenance on the buildings' use.  The book will be of use to a variety of professionals in the construction sector.

  • af Bruce Jackson
    283,95 kr.

    A stunning visual memorial to Buffalo's architectural and industrial history.

  • af Laurence Vail Coleman
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af New York West End Avenue Association
    167,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Chandra Bahadur Shrestha
    1.333,95 - 1.342,95 kr.

    This book explores the reconstruction after the 2015 Gorkha Nepal earthquake, on the basis of the author's first-hand experience that has been validated with empirical evidence. Unlike other advocacy and academic literature, the book takes readers close to the ground where the activities took place. This book describes Nepal's efforts to rebuild private housing from the preparatory to the concluding stages, and the obstacles faced and overcome along the way. It assesses the consequences of the policy level decisions and also examines the relevance, utility and future use of damage assessment surveys that were carried out in the country. In addition, lessons from the housing grant payment through the banking system, impending reasons for housing non-compliance to building standards, experimentation with resilient resettlements and unresolved issue of urban regeneration have been also delved in. The ground realities revealed that the aid architecture requires further carving out. The last three chapters have attempted to capture the macro level picture of the reconstruction and recovery endeavors: contribution to national economy, structural resilience and comparative overview of Nepal's delivery in global context. As an intimately involved professional with the 2015 Nepal Earthquake, Dr Shrestha is the authority from whom a holistic understanding can be attained regarding the response of Nepal's state and society to the Earthquake. His study will have ramification at national and global scale in handling with inescapable natural calamities.                                                                                            Kanak M. Dixit, Journalist and Heritage ConservationistDr. Shrestha's book provides rare insight and perspective on the issues and challenges of governance during the complex journey to reconstruction and future resilience, reflecting his long and intense engagement in the post disaster recovery and reconstruction.                                                                                    Vivek Rawal, Director, People-in-Centre, Ahmedabad, India     This collection of balanced insightful essays methodically explores topics such as government decisions and aid during the earthquake recovery combining lived experience and a research approach to reveal lessons and future considerations.                                                                                                                                                          Loren Lockwood,                                                                                                                                      Former National Coordinator,                                                                                                Housing Recovery and Reconstruction Platform Nepal

  • af Robert Herskovitz
    317,95 kr.

  • af Dieter Unger
    444,95 kr.

    Die Planungsfibel soll für Architekten und Aufzugsplaner Hinweise geben, was bei der Planung einer Aufzugsanlage in einem Neubau, beim Bauen im Bestand und bei einer Modernisierung zu beachten ist. Die Fibel ersetzt keine Planung, sie soll aber als Hilfestellung dienen, Fehler zu vermeiden. Darüber hinaus soll durch Aufklärung einige im Markt vorhandene Missverständnisse beseitigt werden. Hierbei fließen meine eigenen Erfahrungen ein, die ich bei Planungsvorhaben in der Vergangenheit gewonnen habe.

  • af Ronald G. Knapp
    652,95 kr.

    SPONSORED BY THE NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF COVERED BRIDGESTheodore Burr (1771-1822) was the most prominent of America's three early nineteenth century timber bridge-building pioneers, the others being Timothy Palmer (1751-1821) and Lewis Wernwag (1769-1843). All three built superlative long-span timber bridges in the Northeast.A transplant from northwestern Connecticut, Theodore Burr moved to Oxford, New York in 1792-1793. In less than thirty years, he erected timber bridges over major rivers-the Hudson, Schoharie, Mohawk, Delaware, Potomac, and Susquehanna rivers-in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, District of Columbia, and Maryland.In addition to being the first full study of the most prominent timber bridge builder-Theodore Burr-that links him to other bridge builders, this book narrates the significant role of covered timber bridges and associated turnpikes in the westward expansion of the new nation, a subject never before written about. The book should help refocus scholarship on advances in transportation infrastructure during one of the most important periods in American history-the early 19th century. Based on archival research with newly discovered primary source materials, the book is richly illustrated more than 200 lithographs, paintings, and both historic and modern photographs, most of which have never been published before.Anyone today who has visited America's covered bridges and examined the structural features within is likely familiar with the variant forms of Burr's 1817 patented "Burr arch-truss" design- a multiple kingpost truss with an added segmented timber arch. Of the more than 1100 timber bridges using Burr's design that were erected over the past two hundred years, more than a hundred still stand in Pennsylvania, Indiana, New York, and other states.Burr claimed to have built forty-five bridges. These however were not like the ordinary covered bridges commonly seen today that are identified with his patent but include some of the most challenging and superlative bridges in American history.Despite Burr's herculean efforts, part of his legacy sadly includes an obscure and ignominious demise in 1822 at the age of 51, possibly by then penniless and without even an obituary lauding his work. He was buried in an unknown grave. Burr deserved better. This book is strongly supported by the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges whose purpose is "To preserve covered bridges. To gather and record knowledge of the history of covered bridges. To collect and preserve pictures, printed, and manuscript matter and other articles of historical interest concerning covered bridges." https: //

  • af Sara Beth Kohut
    207,95 kr.

    A photo book profiling the history, architecture, conservation status, and visit details of every covered bridge in Chester County, Pennsylvania, and surrounding regions

  • af Olivier de Chalus
    452,95 kr.

    Currently rising from the ashes, Notre-Dame cathedral's restoration is shown in this beautiful book, a genuine ode to a monument rich in symbolism and secrets.

  • af Ronald G Knapp
    632,95 kr.

    SPONSORED BY THE NATIONAL SOCIETY FOR THE PRESERVATION OF COVERED BRIDGESTheodore Burr (1771-1822) was the most prominent of America's three early nineteenth century timber bridge-building pioneers, the others being Timothy Palmer (1751-1821) and Lewis Wernwag (1769-1843). All three built superlative long-span timber bridges in the Northeast.A transplant from northwestern Connecticut, Theodore Burr moved to Oxford, New York in 1792-1793. In less than thirty years, he erected timber bridges over major rivers-the Hudson, Schoharie, Mohawk, Delaware, Potomac, and Susquehanna rivers-in New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, District of Columbia, and Maryland.In addition to being the first full study of the most prominent timber bridge builder-Theodore Burr-that links him to other bridge builders, this book narrates the significant role of covered timber bridges and associated turnpikes in the westward expansion of the new nation, a subject never before written about. The book should help refocus scholarship on advances in transportation infrastructure during one of the most important periods in American history-the early 19th century. Based on archival research with newly discovered primary source materials, the book is richly illustrated more than 200 lithographs, paintings, and both historic and modern photographs, most of which have never been published before.Anyone today who has visited America's covered bridges and examined the structural features within is likely familiar with the variant forms of Burr's 1817 patented "Burr arch-truss" design- a multiple kingpost truss with an added segmented timber arch. Of the more than 1100 timber bridges using Burr's design that were erected over the past two hundred years, more than a hundred still stand in Pennsylvania, Indiana, New York, and other states.Burr claimed to have built forty-five bridges. These however were not like the ordinary covered bridges commonly seen today that are identified with his patent but include some of the most challenging and superlative bridges in American history.Despite Burr's herculean efforts, part of his legacy sadly includes an obscure and ignominious demise in 1822 at the age of 51, possibly by then penniless and without even an obituary lauding his work. He was buried in an unknown grave. Burr deserved better. This book is strongly supported by the National Society for the Preservation of Covered Bridges whose purpose is "To preserve covered bridges. To gather and record knowledge of the history of covered bridges. To collect and preserve pictures, printed, and manuscript matter and other articles of historical interest concerning covered bridges."

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