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Miljøvidenskab, miljøteknik og miljøteknologi

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  • af Steen Ulnits
    220,95 kr.

    I den nye Steen Ulnits-bog, Laks & havørred, øser han ud af al sin viden om disse kongefisk. Undertitlen er Opgangsfisk, da der er særligt fokus på de forhold, der gør sig gældende, når man vil fange de fisk, der er på vej op i vandløb for at gyde. Desuden inddrages andre arter, fx Røding og Stalling, som har samme opgangsadfærd som Laksefisk.Bogen indeholder alt, hvad en fluefisker har brug for at vide, om standpladser, grejet, fluerne, fiskenes adfærd, teknikker og meget andet. Det hele er krydret med tipsbokse og rigtige lystfiskerhistorier!Både nybegyndere og øvede vil finde gode råd og ny viden i denne guldgrube af en lystfiskerbog.

  • af Hannah Ritchie
    165,95 kr.

    ** THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER **'A book for anyone who finds it difficult to believe in a better future' THE TIMESFeeling anxious, powerless, or confused about the future of our planet? This book will transform how you see our biggest environmental problems -- and how we can solve them.A STYLIST BEST NON-FICTION 2024 * A GUARDIAN BIGGEST FICTION AND NON-FICTION FOR 2024 * A WATERSTONES 'BOOK YOU NEED TO READ IN 2024' * A GUARDIAN 'FIVE GREAT READS' We are bombarded by doomsday headlines that tell us the soil won't be able to support crops, fish will vanish from our oceans, that we should reconsider having children.But in this bold, radically hopeful book, data scientist Hannah Ritchie argues that if we zoom out, a very different picture emerges. The data shows we've made so much progress on these problems, and so fast, that we could be on track to achieve true sustainability for the first time in history.Packed with the latest research, practical guidance and enlightening graphics, this book will make you rethink almost everything you've been told about the environment, from the virtues of eating locally and living in the countryside, to the evils of overpopulation, plastic straws and palm oil. It will give you the tools to understand what works, what doesn't and what we urgently need to focus on so we can leave a sustainable planet for future generations.These problems are big. But they are solvable. We are not doomed. We can build a better future for everyone. Let's turn that opportunity into reality.'Practical and truly essential' MARGARET ATWOOD * 'Does for the environment what Hans Rosling did for health' BILL GATES * 'Invigorating, inspiring, often surprising' DAVID WALLACE-WELLS * 'I find it hard to express how much I love this book' RUTGER BREGMAN * 'An unmissable myth-busting book to save our planet - read it' TIM SPECTOR

  • af Steen Ulnits
    277,95 kr.

    I den nye Steen Ulnits-bog, Tørflue og nymfe, behandler han med sædvanlig kyndig hånd den fiskemetode, som regnes for den fineste inden for fluefiskeri. Fluefiskeri med tørflue og nymfe er en kunstart, der kræver indgående kendskab til insekternes liv, adfærd og formering.Bogen indeholder detaljeret viden om de for fisk – og fiskere – vigtigste insekter og deres levevis. Med indsigt i livet under vandet bliver fluefiskeren i stand til at vælge både rette tid, sted og flue, hvilket fører til flere fangede fisk!I Tørflue og nymfe er der ud over dybdegående kapitler om insekterne også kapitler om grejet, særlige teknikker, ørrederne og fluemønstre, så man kan binde sine egne tørfluer.De mange tipsbokse giver ekstra viden om særlige emner, og lystfiskerhistorierne fra så godt som hele verden gør Tørflue og nymfe til en sand læseoplevelse.

  • af Marco Alverà
    217,95 kr.

    This is not just another climate change book, This is a comprehensive manifesto on the missing link between us and truly clean energy: Hydrogen,Marco Alverá, a pioneering voice in this field, will explore the market-based solutions that Hydrogen offers, moving the fight against climate change from a space of morally-motivated activism to financially incentivized global change, From introducing Hydrogen as the hot commodity it is to exploring how existing infrastructure can be adapted to embrace Hydrogen, this is truly plan blueprint for the future of clean energy,This book is for everyone: for the policy maker, for the business person, for the curious, and for the activists because if there's one lesson to take away, it is this: there is hope, for us and our planet,

  • af Kim Lykke Jensen
    167,95 kr.

    Landets vandtårne er, med deres himmelstræbende arkitektur, en vigtig del af den danske kulturhistorie.De fornemme bygninger er et monument over de almene forbedringer af levevilkårene i by og på land.Vandtårnene tegner desuden et fint billede af den arkitektoniske udvikling over de sidste 150 år.I bogen er der billeder og beskrivelser af langt hovedparten af de bevarede danske vandtårne, ligesom vandtårnenes overordnede historie bliver fortalt.

  • af Henry Sanderson
    127,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • - Renholdning i København 1898-2011
    af Søren Federspiel
    257,95 kr.

    Vi tog skraldet er fortællingen om virksomheden R98s 113 år lange historie. Det er historien om udviklingen i den københavnske renholdning fra latrin i trætønder og metalspande båret på skuldrene til kildesorteret genanvendelse på hjul og lift. Fra skraldemændenes forklæde og bærevest af læder til sikkerhedssko og arbejdstøj i trafiksikkert design. Fra hestevogn til mobilsug. Fra en tid hvor 15-20 bajere på en arbejdsdag ikke var unormalt til totalt alkoholforbud. Bogen er et stykke industri-, social-, arbejder- og lokalhistorie, der følger hele virksomhedens historie fra en tid før kloaker og verdenskrige, og før ord som forurening og miljø kom på mode i 1960erne. Bogen følger hele udviklingen fra ”Lortemøllen” ved Kløvermarken med transportbånd til toiletindhold og ”natmænd”, som mødte klokken to om natten og ikke fik mulighed for at bade, til en moderne veldrevet og effektiv virksomhed, der tilbyder sine ansatte fitness, squash og sauna. Igennem ord og billede giver bogen et levende indblik i skraldemændenes liv og hverdag før og nu. Og vi møder vor tids karismatiske skraldemænd, fx ”Hesten”, ”Alperosen”, ”Radisen” og virksomhedens eneste skraldekvinde, som alle fortæller deres historie.

  • af Michael Mann
    165,95 kr.

    An Independent Climate Book of the Year 2023In this sweeping work of science and history, the renowned climate scientist and author of The New Climate War shows us the conditions on Earth that allowed humans not only to exist but thrive, and how they are imperiled if we veer off course.For the vast majority of its 4.54 billion years, Earth has proven it can manage just fine without human beings. Then came the first proto-humans, who emerged just a little more than 2 million years ago ¿ a fleeting moment in geological time. What is it that made this benevolent moment of ours possible? Ironically, it¿s the very same thing that now threatens us ¿ climate change.Climate variability has at times created new niches that humans or their ancestors could potentially exploit, and challenges that at times have spurred innovation. But the conditions that allowed humans to live on this earth are fragile, incredibly so. There¿s a relatively narrow envelope of climate variability within which human civilisation remains viable. And our survival depends on conditions remaining within that range. In this book, renowned climate scientist Michael Mann arms readers with the knowledge necessary to appreciate the gravity of the unfolding climate crisis, while emboldening them ¿ and others ¿ to act before it truly does become too late.

  • af Simon Sharpe
    182,95 kr.

    We need to act five times faster to tackle climate change before it is too late. A policy insider, Simon Sharpe provides compelling ideas on how to rethink our strategies and reorganise our efforts in the fields of science, diplomacy, and economics to speed up progress in addressing climate change.

  • af Seth Godin
    217,95 kr.

    When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action. The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, and now we face a critical decision. Whether to be optimistic or fatalistic, whether to profess skepticism or to take action. Yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done. We urgently need facts, not opinions. Insights, not statistics. And a shift from thinking about climate change as a "me" problem to a "we" problem. The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and illustrators that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. Drawing on over 1,000 data points, the book uses cartoons, quotes, illustrations, tables, histories, and articles to lay out carbon's impact on our food system, ocean acidity, agriculture, energy, biodiversity, extreme weather events, the economy, human health, and best and worst-case scenarios. Visually engaging and built to share, The Carbon Almanac is the definitive source for facts and the basis for a global movement to fight climate change. This isn't what the oil companies, marketers, activists, or politicians want you to believe. This is what's really happening, right now. Our planet is in trouble, and no one concerned group, corporation, country, or hemisphere can address this on its own. Self-interest only increases the problem. We are in this together. And it's not too late for concerted, collective action for change.

  • af Heidi Roop
    185,95 kr.

    "Every Action Matters will lay out the issues facing the planet and offer up 100 important actions that readers can take to help slow the adverse affects of climate change. Each action will get a spread and be accompanied by an infographic, statistic, or display quote to provide visual impact to the topic at hand"--

  • af James P Womack
    307,95 kr.

    Revised, updated, and more relevant than ever, the bestselling business classic by two internationally renowned management theorists shows how companies of all sizes can become the most efficient organizations possible. 20 charts.

  • - How Motorsport Science can Save the World
    af Kit Chapman
    106,95 - 253,95 kr.

  • af Anders Hahn Kristensen, Elin Dichmann Jensen, Erik Karlsen, mfl.
    537,95 kr.

    Denne bog rummer alt, hvad du skal vide om vandforekomster, vandindvinding og vandforsyning,Den nødvendige teori er grundigt forklaret og illustreret med mange figurer og praktiske eksempler. Et omfattende stikordsregister gør bogen let at slå op i,  og de mange referencer gør det muligt altid at finde frem til yderligere oplysninger om emnerne. Bogen er således anvendelig både som lærebog på de videregående uddannelser og som håndbog for den praktiske vandværksmand eller den projekterende ingeniør.

  • af Peter Schwarz
    730,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

  • - en kommentar
    af Mogens Moe & Alex Puggaard
    507,95 kr.

    Få svar på spørgsmål om prisen for udledning af spildevandVed selskabsafgørelsen af spildevandsforsyningsselskaberne blev der fra 1. januar 2010 skabt en ny arbejdsdeling mellem kommunalbestyrelse, teknisk forvaltning og forsyning.Forsyningen har siden i langt højere grad kunnet bestemme, hvad regningen til kunden skal lyde på. Men på den anden side er der en række bestemmelser i betalingsloven, som skal overholdes, og som på nogle punkter er vanskelige at fortolke.Spildevandsbetalingsloven med kommentarer knytter sig til bekendtgørelse af lov om betalingsregler for spildevandsforsyningsselskaber m.v., nr. 633 af 7. juni 2010 med senere ændringer. Lovkommentaren er baseret på lovforarbejder samt den righoldige retspraksis og kommunale tilsynspraksis.Nyt i 2. udgaveBogen er ajourført frem til 31. oktober 2014 med lovstof, administrativ praksis m.v. samt de ændringer, der følger heraf.MålgruppeBogen henvender sig dels til spildevandsforsyningsselskaber og dels til andre, der har behov for at sætte sig ind i, hvad der skal betales for udledning af spildevand, f.eks. kommuner og virksomheder.Om forfatterneAdvokat lic. jur. Mogens Moe. Han var indtil 1994 chef for Miljøstyrelsens Tilsyns- og Lovkontor. Derefter har han praktiseret som advokat med miljøsager som speciale.Landsdommer i Østre Landsret Alex Puggaard. Han har tidligere i en længere årrække arbejdet som advokat med speciale i miljøret.

  • - med kommentarer til jordforureningslovens kapitel 4 b og miljøbeskyttelseslovens § 35 c om basistilstandsrapport
    af Peter Pagh
    482,95 kr.

    Ansvarssuccession ved forurenede ejendomme- med kommentarer til Jordforureningslovens kapitel 4 B & Miljøbeskyttelseslovens § 35 c om basistilstandsrapportI hvilken udstrækning kan en ny ejer af en ejendom eller en virksomhed blive gjort ansvarlig for en forurening, der er forvoldt af tidligere ejere?Problemstillingen betegnes ansvarssuccession og retsstillingen er kompliceret, bl.a. fordi planlovgivningen og forureningslovgivningen følger to forskellige systemer, hvortil kommer, at miljøbeskyttelsesloven og jordforureningsloven indeholder forskellige successionsordninger.Senest er der på baggrund af EU’s direktiv om industrielle emissioner (IE-direktivet) indført en helt særlig successionsordning, der har vidtgående konsekvenser ved overtagelse af større industrielle anlæg.Bogen giver et overblik over de forskellige successionsordninger med analyse af nyere retspraksis. I bogen belyses bl.a.:Hvem er forurenerenEr en ny ejer efter planloven forpligtet til at fjerne ulovligheder begået af tidligere ejerJordforurening og grundejeransvarAnsvarssuccession for affaldHvem er påbudsadressat for forurening ved dødsboerHvem er påbudsadressat, når der er flere forurenereHvem har ansvaret for ældre forureningHvornår overtager ny ejer ansvaret for tidligere ejers forurening efter IE-direktivetHvornår kan man forpligtes til at undersøge en forurening.MålgruppeBogen er relevant for alle, der beskæftiger sig med køb og salg af fast ejendom, ligesom aktører på boligmarkedet som ejendomsselskaber og rådgivende ingeniørfirmaer kan have gavn af bogen. Om forfatterenPeter Pagh har siden 1999 været professor i miljøret ved Københavns Universitets Juridiske Fakultet.

  • - vand- og luftforurening, lyd og støj, vedvarende energianlæg
    af Jørgen Nielsen
    257,95 kr.


  • af Giuliano Coutinho
    235,95 kr.

    Fifty years ago, rising global temperatures, shortages of drinking water, climate change and environmental degradation were unimaginable, almost fictional realities, but today they are part of everyday life. Researchers in various parts of the world are looking for solutions to the ecological imbalance and the preservation of human populations' quality of life. Among the various proposals that have been drawn up, the methods for measuring anthropogenic impacts on the environment stand out. For this reason, this study looks at one of the most widespread sustainability methodologies, the Ecological Footprint, and compares it with Article 5 of the Brazilian Federal Constitution of 1988, which guarantees Fundamental Rights and Guarantees, both individual and collective, in order to see if its precepts comply with the principles established in the country's charter. To this end, a comparative matrix was constructed, where it was possible to examine that the Ecological Footprint does not directly observe or guarantee any of the constitutional prerogatives.

  • af Bhavesh Vyas
    344,95 kr.

    The book tells about the basics of power system and restructuring phase of grid network is briefed in detail. Simulation analysis and fault identification is also carried out. Complete analysis of old power system shortcomings have been provided with real time power system network. Suggestions identified from studies will be improvised with the upcoming book of part II. Showing the studies and analysis output also. Role of software, algorithms and real time study is very important in proper power system functioning's.

  • af Yasir Mohammed
    525,95 kr.

    This book unveils AI-powered optimization of Recycled Aggregate Concrete (RAC). A novel machine learning model predicts compressive strength with unmatched accuracy. The book explores the impact of recycled content and the benefits of glass fibers, revealing their influence on strength and microstructure through advanced microscopy. Overall, it offers valuable insights for producing sustainable, high-performance concrete, advancing the field for both researchers and industry professionals.

  • af Deepmoni Deka
    1.560,95 kr.

  • af Martins O. Oyekanmi
    631,95 kr.

    La gestion des ressources en eau fait partie intégrante de l'ingénierie, de l'hydrologie et de la géologie, tout en recoupant les domaines de la limnologie, de l'océanographie et de la météorologie. La science de l'eau a été améliorée depuis le début des années 1900. Ce livre se concentre sur les techniques de routage en hydrologie, en mettant l'accent sur la méthode Muskingum pour les cours d'eau naturels. La conception de programmes de protection contre les inondations dans le bassin de la rivière Muskingum, dans l'Ohio, aux États-Unis, a donné naissance à cette méthode d'acheminement des flux. Les termes "inondation", "débit", "ruisseau", "rivière" et "tracé" ont été utilisés de manière interchangeable dans cet ouvrage. Le livre est rédigé dans un style de recherche facile à suivre. Il passe en revue la littérature et la cite dans chaque section, ce qui n'est pas habituel. Les données précédemment travaillées par des auteurs renommés ont été routées en utilisant les principes de base du tableur Microsoft avec peu de programmation dans les cellules de MS Excels. Les références aux articles cités pour les modèles non linéaires peuvent être essentielles pour mieux comprendre la philosophie qui sous-tend la méthode non linéaire de Muskingum. Cependant, cela ne limite pas la simplicité de l'ouvrage pour les étudiants, les professionnels et les chercheurs dans les domaines des sciences de la terre, de l'ingénierie et d'autres domaines connexes.

  • af Keith S Delaplane
    605,95 kr.

    What the honey bee can teach us about evolution--and ourselves.How did the honey bee evolve into the complex colonial species that exists today--and what does its evolution have to teach us about our own species? In Honey Bee Society, entomologist Keith Delaplane uses the humble but charismatic honey bee as a model of social evolution to highlight the many parallels a social insect colony shares with humans and other organisms. Delaplane shows how social processes drive evolution--for honey bee colonies, humans, and other animals.Each chapter spotlights a honey bee colony-level function such as group-level reproduction, task differentiation among cells, group decision-making, social immunity, defense behavior, senescence, anarchy, cancer, and more--all with stunning parallels to those of other organisms. These vivid comparisons, grounded in a practical context, emphasize how natural selection uses a common tool kit to solve similar problems across lineages.By revealing the complex hive of similarities between the honey bee's society and our own, Delaplane hopes to instill an ethos of solidarity with all organic life. The honey bee colony shows how evolution is more than selfish "survival of the fittest," but equally a story of the success of cooperation and altruism.

  • af Mohammadali Ahmadi
    1.522,95 kr.

    Artificial Intelligence for a More Sustainable Oil and Gas Industry and the Energy Transition: Case Studies and Code Examples presents a package for academic researchers and industries working on water resources and carbon capture and storage. This book contains fundamental knowledge on artificial intelligence related to oil and gas sustainability and the industry’s pivot to support the energy transition and provides practical applications through case studies and coding flowcharts, addressing gaps and questions raised by academic and industrial partners, including energy engineers, geologists, and environmental scientists. This timely publication provides fundamental and extensive information on advanced AI applications geared to support sustainability and the energy transition for the oil and gas industry.

  • af David Strayer
    256,95 kr.

    An exciting foray into Earth's inland waters, the remarkable species they contain, and the conservation challenges of protecting them.We call Earth "the blue planet" because oceans cover 71 percent of its surface. But this description ignores the diverse inland waters--streams, lakes, wetlands, and ground waters--that are so important to global biodiversity. These crucial ecosystems are home to about ten percent of all known species, many of which are extraordinary, and some of which are critically endangered.In Beyond the Sea, David Strayer introduces readers to the world's most remarkable and varied inland waters, including volcanic lakes more corrosive than battery acid, catastrophic floods that carried ten times as much water as the Amazon River, ground waters miles beneath our feet that are home to unique microbes, and vast lakes that fill only once a century. These varied ecosystems support a wide array of remarkable and unique species, such as tiny animals that can become "reversibly dead," mussels that seduce fish, and lungfishes that have evolved to meet the myriad challenges posed by inland-water habitats.Because humans have used--and abused--inland waters so intensively for everything from drinking water to sewage disposal, many species around the world that depend on them are already extinct or in desperate peril. Strayer explains the damage caused by human activities and outlines the solutions that are needed to sustain and restore inland-water ecosystems and their inhabitants. Proving that the sea isn't the only watery realm of mystery and wonder, this book illuminates the secrets, science, and amazing denizens of the overlooked waters in our backyards.

  • af Paul R Ehrlich
    276,95 kr.

    Legendary conservationists show us that we still have the power to prevent critical consequences of the sixth extinction in this game-changing book.Can we save threatened animals and ecosystems in the midst of a mass extinction? The answer is a resounding yes, and Before They Vanish shows us how. In their ambitious, impassioned, and wise new book, conservation scientists Paul R. Ehrlich, Gerardo Ceballos, and Rodolfo Dirzo urge us to shift our thinking rather than bow our heads, grieving over the losses that humanity faces. This comprehensive look at a crucial but often overlooked aspect of conservation--population extinction--urges us toward a new, hopeful path. While the extinction of species describes the global disappearance of entire kinds of organisms, population extinction represents the loss of fundamental geographic elements of species. The authors argue that conservationists have placed too much emphasis on the extinction of entire species, which occurs gradually enough that we only detect it in the direst of cases, by which time meaningful action may be impossible. By shifting the focus to identifying extinction threats at the more localized population level, we can intervene more rapidly and effectively to prevent broader declines--and the eventual extinction of entire species themselves. This shift represents a critical step in saving these vanishing species; early detection and intervention may be our last, best hope for stemming the tide of this global crisis. Using examples from the worlds of vertebrates, invertebrates, plants, fungi, and microorganisms, the authors explain the concept of population extinction, its causes and consequences, and how to prevent the mass destruction of the amazing and unique creatures with whom we share our planet. This call to action is a must-read for anyone concerned with saving endangered and threatened species, our natural world--and ourselves.

  • af André Loureiro Dias Paiva
    286,95 kr.

    "In this research, the pyrolysis process was used to list possible actions for transforming sludge from sewage treatment plants. Thus minimizing the impact of its disposal on the environment. The aim was to demonstrate that the products obtained from the pyrolysis process - charcoal, oil, gas and water - can be reused in different industrial segments and in the treatment plant itself, making the utility a company that complies with the precepts of the National Solid Waste Policy and even making it possible to reduce its operating and energy costs."

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