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  • af Kim Lykke Jensen
    165,95 kr.

    Landets vandtårne er, med deres himmelstræbende arkitektur, en vigtig del af den danske kulturhistorie.De fornemme bygninger er et monument over de almene forbedringer af levevilkårene i by og på land.Vandtårnene tegner desuden et fint billede af den arkitektoniske udvikling over de sidste 150 år.I bogen er der billeder og beskrivelser af langt hovedparten af de bevarede danske vandtårne, ligesom vandtårnenes overordnede historie bliver fortalt.

  • Spar 12%
    af Pia Jacobsen, Werner Bai, Stefan Schmidt, mfl.
    528,95 kr.

    Denne bog rummer alt, hvad du skal vide om vandforekomster, vandindvinding og vandforsyning,Den nødvendige teori er grundigt forklaret og illustreret med mange figurer og praktiske eksempler. Et omfattende stikordsregister gør bogen let at slå op i,  og de mange referencer gør det muligt altid at finde frem til yderligere oplysninger om emnerne. Bogen er således anvendelig både som lærebog på de videregående uddannelser og som håndbog for den praktiske vandværksmand eller den projekterende ingeniør.

  • - en kommentar
    af Mogens Moe & Alex Puggaard
    493,95 kr.

    Få svar på spørgsmål om prisen for udledning af spildevandVed selskabsafgørelsen af spildevandsforsyningsselskaberne blev der fra 1. januar 2010 skabt en ny arbejdsdeling mellem kommunalbestyrelse, teknisk forvaltning og forsyning.Forsyningen har siden i langt højere grad kunnet bestemme, hvad regningen til kunden skal lyde på. Men på den anden side er der en række bestemmelser i betalingsloven, som skal overholdes, og som på nogle punkter er vanskelige at fortolke.Spildevandsbetalingsloven med kommentarer knytter sig til bekendtgørelse af lov om betalingsregler for spildevandsforsyningsselskaber m.v., nr. 633 af 7. juni 2010 med senere ændringer. Lovkommentaren er baseret på lovforarbejder samt den righoldige retspraksis og kommunale tilsynspraksis.Nyt i 2. udgaveBogen er ajourført frem til 31. oktober 2014 med lovstof, administrativ praksis m.v. samt de ændringer, der følger heraf.MålgruppeBogen henvender sig dels til spildevandsforsyningsselskaber og dels til andre, der har behov for at sætte sig ind i, hvad der skal betales for udledning af spildevand, f.eks. kommuner og virksomheder.Om forfatterneAdvokat lic. jur. Mogens Moe. Han var indtil 1994 chef for Miljøstyrelsens Tilsyns- og Lovkontor. Derefter har han praktiseret som advokat med miljøsager som speciale.Landsdommer i Østre Landsret Alex Puggaard. Han har tidligere i en længere årrække arbejdet som advokat med speciale i miljøret.

  • af Jaydevsinh M Gohil
    1.853,95 kr.

    Photothermal Materials and Membranes for Solar-Driven Water Treatment provides a comprehensive understanding of the chemistry of different photothermal materials, mechanistic pathways for light-to-heat energy conversion, design, and development of various 3D evaporation systems configurations, and photothermal membranes for water treatment. The book contributes to the understanding of photothermal materials to system design for efficient solar-to-heat conversion and solar-steam generation and paves the way forward to meet increasing freshwater demand through a sustainable and environmentally friendly approach. The book provides an in-depth introduction to emerging concepts such as steam generation; gives the basics of solar light and solar-light-adsorbing materials’ function, efficiency, and applications; discusses the preparation of photothermal materials and membranes; analyzes the key characteristic properties of photothermal materials; elaborates on water evaporation using nature-inspired system design; and highlights the key commercialization approaches and technologies. This book is an excellent resource for chemical engineers, materials scientists, energy technologists, environmentalists, policymakers, and regulatory bodies working on water treatment, wastewater decontamination, photothermal materials and membranes, photocatalytic materials, membrane separation, and membrane filtration.

  • af Maulin P Shah
    1.765,95 kr.

    Role of Environmental Microbiology in Industrial Wastewater Research focuses on environmental bioremediation concepts providing a comprehensive view of recent trends and emerging technologies in environmental bioremediation, addressing the current limitations and challenges pertaining to generally accepted and applied bioremediation strategies, and discussing corrective strategies for the removal of pollutants from the environment. Describing the broader role of environmental microbiology specifically in the treatment of industrial wastewater research Includes the recovery of resources from wastewater this book will be of interest to environmental microbiologists, biotechnologists, environmental engineers, chemical engineers and those working in the bioremediation field.

  • af Maulin P Shah
    2.564,95 kr.

    Applied Technologies for Clean Up of Environmental Contaminants covers the features of remediation and biocontrol technology, a multidisciplinary field combining environmental and industrial microbiology with biotechnology to improve environmental management. Studying the advanced microbial processes involved in geomicrobiology, aeromicrobiology, microbial loop and nutrient availability, as well as microbial energetics in the contaminated environment with an emphasis on innovative methodologies, the book provides readers with a better understanding of basic microbiology, allowing them to comprehend the mechanism and behavior of various biochemical processes that are used in bioremediation and biocontrol technologies.Including coverage of key subjects such as management of waste, energy generation, restoration processes, water treatment processes, co-metabolism, and nutrient recycling as well as emerging advances in environmental microbial biotechnology, green nanotechnology, metagenomic and proteomic strategies, DNA microarray, and biosensor-based technologies, this book provides potential implications for environmental management.

  • af Asheesh Kumar Yadav
    1.386,95 kr.

    Emerging Developments in Constructed Wetlands aims to provide comprehensive, up-to-date information on recent trends and advances in the domain of constructed wetlands. The book contains consolidated insights into distinctive research areas with application potential and commercialization possibilities. It also offers access to updated fundamental knowledge, current trends, and research advances worthy of potential implementations in the field. Although there has been significant research progress in the domain of constructed wetlands over the last years, there is no book available with actual case studies to meet growing demands.

  • af Maulin P Shah
    2.564,95 kr.

    Bio Refinery of Wastewater Treatment: Way to Generate Waste to Value focuses on the exploitation of various wastewater treatment technologies and microbial, chemical, and physical processes as tools for simultaneous value generation during treatment, degradation, detoxification, and stabilization of toxic and hazardous contaminants and restoring contaminated sites. The book provides recents advancements in integrative and cost-effective wastewater treatment strategies and stipulates all pros and cons of each strategy. Bio Refinery of Wastewater Treatment: Way to Generate Waste to Value is valuable to researchers and scientists, who are working in the field of effluent treatment plants/biodegradation of environmental contaminants for environmental protection and sustainable development.

  • af Asian Development Bank
    353,95 kr.

    Analyzing rural wastewater management in the People's Republic of China, this publication considers current financing, policy, and institutional frameworks, and proposes ways forward.It outlines the health, social and economic impacts of inadequate wastewater management in rural areas, considers cost recovery methods, and assesses the challenges of pulling in private sector investment. Drawing on case studies and international best practices, it suggests ways of strengthening rural wastewater services.

  • af Mohamed Elzagheid
    638,95 kr.

    Water chemistry, water sources, water pollutants, and microbiological contaminants are all covered in the book. The basic concepts of water chemistry are well taught. Along with stormwater management and green infrastructure, the book also examines the theoretical underpinnings of a number of water treatment and analysis procedures. Graduate and advanced undergraduate students, environmental researchers, chemists, and lab technicians who work in water and environmental laboratories could all benefi t from this book. Chemical engineers and operators are the primary target audience for the majority of books on the market, thus both technicians and chemists can gain a lot from this book.

  • af Maulin P Shah
    1.765,95 kr.

    Environmental Approach to Remediate Refractory Pollutants from Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plants discusses the emerging trends in the bioremediation of hazardous pollutants found in wastewater, including the fate of pollutants produced after the treatment process both at the laboratory scale and at the industrial scale. Describing a broad area of biological processes and water research - considered key components for advanced water purification - it also includes the desalination technologies that remove, reduce, or neutralize water contaminants that threaten human health.Exploring the unique biological aspects of the wastewater treatment process, the book highlights the advantages they provide for engineering applications in industry, with each chapter covering a different biological-based approach, examining the basic principles, practical applications, recent breakthroughs and associated limitations.

  • af Anonymous
    168,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af Christian Becke
    978,95 kr.

    Carbon dioxide has great importance as a greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and as a carbonic acid system in water. Since the CO2 in the two spheres of air and water is connected by gas exchange, these spheres cannot be considered separately. The basics of the systems are covered, the role as a greenhouse gas, the carbon cycles, and the solution in water. The carbonic acid system in water and the importance of lime are presented in detail. The occurrence in the natural water cycle as well as in raw waters for drinking water treatment and the corresponding treatment processes for drinking water are also described.Sample calculations for the aqueous phase supplement the theoretical considerations. The required constants are attached in tables. Chemical fundamentals are presented in brief in conclusion.

  • af Abhishek Nandan
    248,95 kr.

    The advent of modern printing and copying technologies has revolutionized the way we disseminate information and conduct business. Whether through inkjet printers, laser printers, or photocopiers, these devices have become ubiquitous in homes, offices, and educational institutions. While they offer convenience and efficiency, the environmental and health impacts of printing and copying technologies are significant aspects that warrant careful consideration. In this comprehensive discussion, we will explore the environmental and health implications of print and copy activities, the factors contributing to their impact, and the strategies to mitigate adverse effects.

  • af Maulin P Shah
    2.619,95 kr.

    Anammox Process: Technological Advancement and Application in Industrial Wastewater Treatment Plant systematically summarizes studies on the effect of various operational factors on nitrogen removal performance, along with reactor type, mode of operation (batch or continuous), and cultured anammox bacterial species. The book lists the effect of potential anammox inhibition factors, such as high nitrite concentration, high salinity, sulfides, toxic metal elements, and toxic organic compounds and provides a thorough interpretation of the synergistic and antagonistic toxicity of these inhibitors. In addition, this updated resource suggests a strategy for the optimization of anammox processes for wastewater treatment, also stressing the importance of future studies.

  • af Grigorios L Kyriakopoulos
    1.893,95 kr.

    Novel Materials and Water Purification introduces recent approaches to the fabrication of novel materials for water purification and discusses several significant applications including removal of heavy metals and pharmaceuticals.

  • af Francis Cruger Moore
    313,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Race
    193,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Geo W. Rafter
    193,95 - 338,95 kr.

  • af Maine State Water Storage Commission
    243,95 - 363,95 kr.

  • af George W. Rafter
    178,95 - 323,95 kr.

  • af William Ripley Nichols
    163,95 - 323,95 kr.

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