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Økologisk landbrug

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  • - Så det kan smages, ses og mærkes...
    af Carsten Graff & Niels Stokholm
    187,95 kr.

    Måske kender du allerede landmanden fra den prisvindende dokumentar ”Så meget godt i vente”. Med denne bog får du lejlighed til at komme længere ind i denne pioners fascinerende tankeverden. Bogen er vokset frem af en lang række samtaler mellem Niels Stokholm og filosoffen Carsten Graff og indeholder også kapitler af kokkene Claus Meyer, Rasmus Kofoed fra Geranium og klimakokken
Jesper Møller. Niels driver sit landbrug ud fra en særlig indsigt i jorden, dyrene og planterne og lever i overensstemmelse med dem. Udgangspunktet er en kærlighed til alt levende, og det kan både ses, mærkes og smages i de grøntsager og dyr, han fremelsker på gården Thorshøjgaard. Dette betyder blandt andet, at verdens bedste restaurant, Noma, og mange af de bedste danske kokke henter inspiration og råvarer hos Niels.Ifølge kokken Claus Meyer er Thorshøjgaard hjemstedet for Danmarks lykkeligste ko, og ifølge klimakokken Jesper Møller laver Niels verdens bedste mælk.”Menneskeheden er i puberteten. Vi er i oprør imod naturen, vil ikke samarbejde med den og i stedet spejder vi imod fjerne planeter, imens vi drømmer om at ytte væk hjemmefra.” Niels Stokholm Mere om Niels Stokholm

  • - En rejse rundt i dansk landbrug
    af Rasmus Hage Dalland
    122,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Klimakrisen banker på døren, og afstanden mellem land og by vokser. Debatten om landbrugets fremtid er intens, og meningerne er mange og delte. Men ved vi egentlig, hvad vi taler om?Med udgangspunkt i den sidste bonde fra sin egen slægt rejser Rasmus Hage Dalland rundt til forskellige typer landbrug og tegner et billede af, hvordan landmændene selv opfatter de udfordringer og løsninger, forvaltningen af jorden byder dem.Dyrkningen af jorden er fjernere for flere danskere end nogensinde før, men landbruget har stadig dybe rødder i vores spisevaner, landskaber og slægtshistorier, og bevægelser på landet har formet vores politiske system, identitet og naturforståelse. Så hvordan vil de kommende bevægelser i landbruget forandre os?Jordbundet er en rejsefortælling, der undersøger, hvor landbruget står lige nu – på tærsklen til store forandringer.

  • - Samtaler om genopbygningen af jorden i Danmark
    af Sofie Isager Ahl & Sille Skovgaard
    207,95 kr.

    Jorden er grundlaget for vores fødevareproduktion og fødevaresikkerhed. Den er hjem for mere end en fjerdedel af klodens biodiversitet og fungerer som planetens største vandfilter. FN har anslået, at hvis udpiningen af jorden fortsætter, vil mere end 90 % af klodens jorder være svært udpinte i 2050. Regenerativt landbrug er blevet beskrevet som en jordbrugsrevolution, der har potentialet til at vende denne udvikling ved at genopbygge jordfrugtbarheden og øge kulstofbindingen i jorden. Her præsenteres for første gang en række centrale skikkelser i den regenerative jordbrugsbevægelse i Danmark i en samtalebog, der giver et indblik i jordbrugernes arbejde og formidler et grundlæggende skifte i vores forståelse af, hvad jord overhovedet er.Sofie Isager Ahl (f. 1988) er forfatter og har skrevet ph.d. i antropologi om regenerativt landbrug. Hun har tidligere udgivet de skønlitterære bøger Naboplanter (2018) og Demeters latter (2022). I 2023 udkom den etnografiske monografi Regeneration, der tegner et portræt af en ny bevægelse af regenerative jordbrugere i Skandinavien.Sille Skovgaard (f. 1989) er uddannet økologisk jordbruger og antropolog med speciale i regenerativt landbrug. Hun har lavet filmen Jeg tror, vi starter som lys (med Emma Harris, 2024) om regenerative jordbrugeres eksperimenter med jordfrugtbarhed og sidder i bestyrelsen for foreningen Andelsgaarde.

  • - Gensidigt helende praksisser i en ny jordbrugsbevægelse
    af Sofie Isager Ahl
    247,95 kr.

    Regeneration er en bog om en ny generation af bønder. En bog om at omlægge sit liv og sin jord for at komme de økologiske kriser i møde. Regeneration handler om at vågne op til krisen. Til kriserne. Om at blive hjemsøgt af fremtiden, af fremtidens generationer, men også af fortidens redskaber og vaner. Det er en bog om at miste sproget. Om at læse marken. En bog om antropologien som poesi. Om rødder og rodløshed, og om at give videre. Det er en bog om lys og blod, om død og liv. Om hvad det vil sige at leve i og med et fremmed landskab og årstiderne. Det er en bog om giftig landbrugspolitik og umulig økonomi. En bog om følsomhed, om gensidig heling og udsathed, om antiidyl. Her er regeneration en proces, der starter og slutter med en produktiv forvirring, hvor aflæsningen af verden ikke giver sig selv, men fordrer en styrket opmærksomhed på de levende systemer og livsformer omkring os. Det er en bog, der tegner omridset af denne nye regenerative poetik. Sofie Isager Ahl (f. 1988) er forfatter, oversætter og phd. i antropologi. Hun har tidligere udgivet bøgerne Naboplanter (2018) og Demeters latter (2022), begge hos Laboratoriet for Æstetik og Økologi.

  • af Den Grønne Ungdomsbevægelse
    187,95 kr.

    Levedygtigt Landbrug er et bud på, hvordan vi kan løse de ­økologiske, ­økonomiske og sociale kriser, som det ­danske ­landbrug står i. I bogen skildrer Den Grønne Ungdoms­bevægelse en fremtids­vision for et jord­forbundet og retfærdigt ­land­brug og præsenterer de ­konkrete politiske tiltag, der kan føre os dertil. Et utopisk opråb for alt det, vi har at vinde.

  • - Brødet og øllets historie
    af Åsmund Bjørnstad
    331,95 kr.

    Åsmund Bjørnstad er professor emeritus i planteforædling i Norge. I Kornbogen – brødets og øllets historie bygger han på det seneste tiårs indsigter indenfor genomforskning, arkæologi, kulturhistorie og bæredygtighedsforskning.Vi tæmmede kornet, og det os! Åsmund Bjørnstad formidler med kulturhistorisk spændvidde kornenes – det vil sige majsens, risens, hvedens, sorghums, hirsens, havrens og rugens – historie, fra vi begyndte at tæmme de vilde frø - og de tæmmede os. For ti, tolv, fjorten tusind år siden. Gennem denne kultivering opstod skriftsprog, tidsregning, religioner og klassesamfund – og den mangfoldighed af mutationer, som vi dagligt, uafvidende sætter på tallerkenerne. Eller svinger kruset med øl! Korn nok? Det var spørgsmålet for stenalderkvinden, som tæmmede kornet og frem til spørgsmålet ligesom gik i glemmebogen, og så lød det: Kød nok? Men nu er kornet igen kommet på den internationale dagsorden: Korn nok? At hver andet korn i dag går til dyrefoder eller til bioenergi, beskriver den nuværende udvikling. Kan den mon fortsætte – i et ændret klima, i en ny verdensorden? Bogens billedside er i absolut særklasse. Omkring 300 illustrationer rummer bogen.

  • af Catherine Sylvestre
    284,95 kr.

    The Winter Market Gardener is a guide to year-round vegetable production. Based on years of experimentation in techniques, tools, and cultivars, it presents planting, care, and harvesting details for dozens of winter crops that earn money and provide the highest quality, most delicious produce for local markets.

  • af Chris Smaje
    145,95 kr.

    âEUR¿If you want real food, food security and a truly biodiverse countryside, please, please read this book.âEUR(TM) John Lewis-Stempel, author of Meadowland âEUR¿[A] timely response to those who are constructing a dystopia of farms without farmers, food without farms, while promoting more industrialisation of the food system.âEUR(TM) Vandana Shiva, activist and author of Terra VivaâEUR¿Brilliant and compelling âEUR¿ at once hopeful and persuasive about the future of food.âEUR(TM) Dan Barber, chef at Blue HillNamed the Inc. Non-Obvious Book Awards 'Best Books of 2023'Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future is a powerful and timely response to the ongoing search for our sustainable food future. In the face of ongoing food, energy and environmental crises, Chris Smaje, farmer and social scientist, has become one of the most prescient voices on the future of farming. In his new book, he explores the false promises and unconsidered consequences of food techno-solutions advocated by ecomodernists like George Monbiot, arguing that we should not divorce ourselves from rural living and must embrace a future that includes farming. Saying NO to a Farm-Free Future passionately argues for scaling up the pro-nature principles of low-energy, biodiverse and agroecological farming, and for putting the power back into the hands of small-scale farmers and producers, and the local communities that support them. âEUR¿A case for a rural agricultural landscape that delivers food without wrecking the planetâEUR(TM). Jake Fiennes, author of Land HealerâEUR¿Everyone in the food business needs to read this âEUR¿ lively and superbly written polemic.âEUR(TM) Joel Salatin, co-founder of Polyface Farm

  • af Helen Atthowe
    394,95 kr.

    "The Ecological Farm is the go-to guide for ecological growing, with a unique focus on reduced tillage, minimizing farm and garden inputs, and pest control. Reflecting the wisdom that farmer, consultant, and educator Helen Atthowe and her late husband, Carl Rosato, gained during decades of farming experience, this book guides readers on how to reduce or eliminate the use of outside inputs of fertilizer or pesticides, even those that are commonly used on certified organic orchards and market gardens. In clear language and with color photographs, charts, and graphs throughout, the book emphasizes the importance of managing the details of an entire growing system over the full life of the enterprise. The Ecological Farm makes complex, sometimes messy, ecological concepts and practices understandable to all growers, and makes healthy farming, in which nature is invited to participate, possible."--

  • af John Lewis-Stempel
    95,95 kr.

  • - Linolie, naturvin og landsbyliv
    af Jette Haugaard
    205,95 kr.

    Gården er en fortælling om at udskifte parcelhuslivet med en tilværelse på landet – en tilværelse, der kom til at indebære store mængder af linolie, renoveringsarbejde og produktionen af naturvin. Forfatteren skildrer i denne erindringsbog, hvordan hun i 1990’erne forelskede sig i en gammel gård i Nordsjælland. Hun faldt så meget for stedet, at hun udskiftede det trygge parcelhus tæt på jobbet i København med livet i landsbyen. I bogen beretter hun om, hvordan gården blev sat i stand ved hjælp traditionelle metoder og materialer, der respekterede gårdens oprindelse, og de mange op- og nedture, der kan være i en sådan proces. Hun fortæller også om, hvordan hun kom i gang med at producere naturvin som en af de første i Danmark.Det er en beretning om at vælge et langsommere liv i tæt kontakt med naturen. Fortælleren drives af nostalgi og en romantisk tilgang til landsbylivet, hvilket smitter af på sproget. Tempoet er langsomt, og vi dykker ned i detaljer med renovering, linoliemaling og lampeskærme fra 50’erne. Fortællingen har en rustik charme, og langsommeligheden afspejler den livsstil, der skildres i bogen.Bogen henvender sig til samme publikum, der ser ”Bonderøven”, bager med egen surdej og fifler lidt med hjemmebryg. Forfatteren er meget vidende om de emner, hun beskæftiger med, og man bliver som læser klogere – og nysgerrig – på både nænsom restaurering, landbrugshistorie og dansk vinavl. Det er en fortælling, der henvender sig til alle, der nogle gange synes, at det moderne liv er for stresset, og som værdsætter bondegårdsferierne, hvor man lærer, hvor vores fødevarer virkelig kommer fra.

  • af Henrik Bodholdt
    227,95 kr.

    DANSK CHOKOLADEMAGER UDGIVER SPÆNDENDE BOG OM KAKAO OG CHOKOLADEOm Bogen "Chokolade er..." ”Chokolade er…” er en bog der giver læserne på det danske marked helt ny indsigt i hvordan chokolade bliver til. Bogen er skrevet af Henrik Bodholdt, der er både økologisk kakaobonde og chokolademager og som har boet de sidste 20 år i det mellemamerikanske land Costa Rica. I bogen beskrives med stor detaljerigdom hvordan hverdagen i en økologisk og bæredygtigt dyrket chokoladeskov udspiller sig; dyre- og planteliv, høst-, fermenterings- og tørringsprocesser, glæderne og sorgerne og alt sammen illustreret med flotte farvefotos og med interaktive QR-koder, der linker til referencer, videoer og merviden, der gør læseoplevelsen interaktiv og bringer læseren så tæt på kakaoproduktionen at man næsten kan ane duftene og smagene… Bogen er på 172 gennemillustrerede sider og koster 249,- Bogen har kapitler der, ud over selve kakao- og chokoladeproduktionen, også beskriver kakaoens temmelig grumme historie som menneskeføde – der indgår både missioneren, slavehandel og ublu ingredienser – og kigger også kort på de stadige udfordringer chokoladeindustrien har (og som der pt. skrives en del omkring i de danske medier. se f.eks. følgende artikel af Henriks Bodholdt: ved at skabe troværdige bæredygtige levevilkår for de mennesker, der lever på især Afrikas kakaofarme. Desuden indeholder bogen et kapitel, der beskriver kakaoens betydning og anvendelse hos de oprindelige folkeslag, der stadig lever af og med kakaoen i Mellemamerika. Afslutningsvis indeholder bogen desuden, som noget helt nyt på det danske marked, et fyldigt gør-det-selv-kapitel. En velbeskrevet og grundig guide til produktion af egen chokolade. Hjemme ved køkkenbordet. Kapitlet har desuden et medfølgende videolink, som grundigt illustrerer processen og som dermed giver læseren mulighed for selv at give sig i kast med chokolademageriet. Bogen afspejler den større trend, der igennem det sidste årti har præget den internationale chokoladescene, hvor et større og større antal mindre chokoladeproducenter producerer gourmetchokolade til det kræsne publikum, med både smags-, holdnings- og klimabevidsthed. Ligesom det f.eks. er sket indenfor øl- og kaffebranchen. Vi har endnu til gode at se trenden virkelig slå igennem på det danske marked, der stadig i overvejende grad domineres af den masseproducerede chokolade med masser af tilsætningsstoffer. Om forfatteren Henrik Bodholdt debuterer som forfatter med ”Chokolade er…”. Han er 54 år, født og opvokset på Københavns Vestegn og har igennem de sidste 20 år været bosiddende i Costa Rica Han er selvlært entreprenør, har været gennem Hærens Specialskoles afhøringsofficersuddannelse og har hvad der svarer til en bachelorgrad i russisk og har bl.a. boet i Moskva i 91-92 som Area Manager for Egmont Publishing. Han har været formand for Dansk Backgammon Forbund, han har spillet poker på ret højt niveau, været frontløber indenfor Next Stop-bevægelsen og for små ti år siden kastede han sig over chokolademageriet efter et skelsættende møde med den oprindelige kakaoforarbejdning hos det oprindelige folkeslag Bribri i junglen i Costa Rica. Det var så at sige kærlighed ved første duft . Lige siden har han, i hvert fald ifølge hans egen søn, haft ”un corazon de chocolate” - et hjerte af chokolade. Henrik er direktør og daglig leder af firmaet Maleku Chocolate, der også har en dansk webshop, der leverer bæredygtigt produceret økologisk chokolade til den kræsne og bevidste del af det danske chokoladepublikum.

  • - kraften fra Guldager
    af Egon Kjøller Nielsen
    236,95 kr.

    Aurion er navnet på Danmarks ældste økologiske og biodynamiske mølleri og bageri. Gennem et halvt århundrede har virksomheden ved Hjørring været centrum i en udvikling, som har gjort økologiske fødevarer til dansk hverdagskost.Aurion har været foregangsvirksomhed for genopdagelsen af gamle kornsorter som spelt, emmer, svedjerug og ølandshvede. Virksomheden har startet samarbejdet med økologiske og biodynamiske landmænd i Danmark, fostret idéen til madkultur- og formidlingscentret Kornets Hus og etableret det nye pengeinstitut Merkur Bank.Aurion – kraften fra Guldager fejrer 50-året for Aurions grundlæggelse. Fra den spæde start i 1974, da 45 mennesker dannede en forening, der skulle ”forhandle naturrene fødevarer i Hjørring”, frem til dagens fødevarevirksomhed med en omsætning på over 40 millioner kroner, 30 ansatte, bageri, mølleri, landsdækkende salg, eksport og internationalt samarbejde.

  • af Jeff Poppen
    185,95 kr.

    "With decades of knowledge and proven, common-sense methods from "The Barefoot Farmer," this practical guide to biodynamic principles and practices will appeal to growers of every scale and experience level. In Barefoot Biodynamics, organic grower Jeff Poppen-"The Barefoot Farmer"-combines tales from his personal history of building a harmonious farm community in rural Tennessee with the practical applications of biodynamic principles and the deep aspects of the biodynamic methods that continue to make his farm a success today. Jeff's friendly, direct, and humorous writing will appeal not only to the biodynamic-curious, but also to farmers and gardeners who have experimented with the biodynamic approach and are looking for a deeper understanding of the practice. Rooted in the teachings of biodynamic pioneer Rudolf Steiner, Jeff's unique insights and deep reflections on "guiding lines" of biodynamic growing are an invaluable resource. Those "guiding lines" include: -producing a farm's fertility using cover crops, compost, and other on-farm inputs -enjoying the renewing power of farm festivals -augmenting scientific knowledge with the power of observation and intuition -avoiding chemical fertilizers -understanding that carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, and hydrogen make up 95 percent of the physical structure of plants and are freely available in the air around us -enhancing the availability of critical minerals such as silica and lime through good farming practices -building humus-rich soil teeming with microbial life -using homeopathic preparations to heal and enrich the soil In addition, Jeff walks the reader through the eight lectures on farming given by Steiner in 1924, summarizing important points from each lecture and "translating" them from Steiner's profound yet sometimes impenetrable vocabulary into plain language. In Barefoot Biodynamics, Jeff provides new insight to this these enigmatic lectures, revealing an often overlooked yet cost-effective farming method rooted in common sense"

  • af Herbert Wright
    1.452,95 kr.

    Organic agriculture is a holistic approach to agricultural production system that sustains the health of soils, ecosystems and people. It relies on ecological processes, biodiversity and cycles adapted to local conditions, rather than the use of inputs with adverse effects. Agroecology is related to the study of organic farming methods, and studies ecological processes applied to agricultural production systems. The practice of organic agriculture relies on the use of organic fertilizers such as compost manure, green manure and bone meal. Crop rotation and companion planting are major agricultural techniques employed in organic farming. It also encourages crop diversity. Planting a variety of vegetable crops is beneficial for the overall farm health as it supports a wide variety of insects and soil microorganisms that are beneficial for agricultural environment and help protect different species from becoming extinct. This book unravels the recent studies in the field of organic agriculture. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

  • af Paul Jag Sharma
    1.092,95 kr.

    The book is the outcome of changing global perception about agriculture in view of globalization, innovations, increased urbanization, depleting natural resources, changed consumer preference and shift from produce to product development. The volume comprises 23 chapters encompassing diverse areas of agriculture including livestock farming and horticulture. First chapter elaborates the bottlenecks and gaps in the form of challenges that one needs to know while thinking of futuristic plans. Chapter 2nd enumerates technologies that changed the scenario of Indian agriculture and brought green revolution and sustainability in food production. Third chapter is devoted to new innovations and technologies that deserve priority if transformation in agriculture is desired. Small holdings are the characteristic feature of Indian agriculture and how contract farming is relevant and important is described in chapter 4. Due to increased preferences for vets and pets in our daily life zoonotic diseases have gained socio-economic significance, chapter 5 highlights it. Chapter 6 elaborates the role and relevance of ICTs (information and communication technologies) in agricultural transformation. Climate smart agriculture is essential part of agro-transformation and is described in chapter 7. Parasites in dairy cattle can reduce productivity upto 30% and chapter 8 focuses on their strategic management. Chapter 9 focuses on marketing interventions while chapter 10 discusses relevance of seed priming in climate resilience. Chapters 11 and 12 provide judicious coverage on horticultural technologies and their strategic implementation to boost productivity. Importance of biochar and organic agriculture in context of sustainable transformation is highlighted in chapter 13 and 14 respectively. Chapter 15 signifies the role of dairy farming. Weather forecasting and agro-advisory have become indispensable component of modern agriculture find place in chapter 16. Chapter 17 reveals avenue in agriculture through integrated farming system while chapter 18 discusses importance of remote sensing in integrated transformation of agriculture. Role of KVKs and biotechnological approaches is appropriately dealt in chapter 19 and 20 respectively. Chapter 21 places due emphasis on effect of climate change on parasitic diseases of animal and human. Scope of high cropping intensity in agricultural transformation is dealt in chapter 22. Last chapter 23 but not the least, is on organic agriculture as an entrepreneurship for women empowerment and socio-economic transformation which discusses the compatibility and suitability of organic agriculture to women entrepreneurs.

  • af Mahendra K. Satapathy
    787,95 kr.

    In earlier days, Children used to play outdoor games with natural resources such as plant parts (fruits, flowers, leaves, seeds, stems, etc.) and formed an integral part of nature. However with shrinkage of open spaces and play grounds, present day children are often seen putting their leisure hours with electronic gadgets such as computers, mobile phones and video games and consequently the indigenous knowledge associated with playing in nature is being lost and their social attitude is disturbed. From a wide survey of rural and tribal pockets, the authors have gathered the vanishing indigenous knowledge and have described 90 plant species with their fruits, flowers, leaves, seeds, stems etc. which are used for fun and games besides as learning materials supplemented with pictures, diagrams and photographs for the benefit of the readers, especially the plant lovers and Environmentalists.

  • af Ben Hartman
    294,95 kr.

    Award-winning author and "green leader" (Grist) Ben Hartman shares practical how-to tips, personal stories, and surprising examples of cutting-edge farmers and innovators around the world to show us how. In the early 1970s, US Agriculture Secretary Earl Butz infamously commanded farmers to "get big or get out." In The Lean Micro Farm, author Ben Hartman rejects that disastrous suggestion and instead takes up the charge of the late agrarian thinker Gene Logsdon: "Get small and stay in." Taking inspiration from the groundbreaking ideas of E. F. Schumacher and Mahatma Gandhi, The Lean Micro Farm shows how small, hyperlocal farms can be both ecologically and economically superior to industrial-scale operations geared toward export and commodity markets. The Lean Micro Farm details the author's remarkable journey to downsize his farm from one acre to a quarter of an acre in an effort to prioritize family and community over work, all without taking a pay cut. In addition, Hartman profiles six innovative farmers from across the globe who embody this "get small" mindset. These pioneering farmers show all of us a path toward resilience in the face of supply chain disruption, globalization, and climate change. They model a gentler, more ecological approach to farming that produces less waste and uses less plastic, petroleum, and fertilizer. Like his previous two books, The Lean Farm and The Lean Farm Guide to Growing Vegetables, Hartman's The Lean Micro Farm doesn't just explain why smaller is better, it shows readers exactly how it can be done with step-by-step guides on how to turn a profit from a tiny, but productive, parcel of farmland. Readers will find not just philosophical justifications for a minimalist approach to agriculture but also actionable information for starting your own profitable micro farm, including: -A description of the "deep mulch" method for building fertility -Instructions on two-step bed flipping to increase production on a small footprint -A guide for choosing essential tools and technologies "with a human face" -An easy-to-follow process for making your micro farm lean and efficient -A detailed plan for selling $20,000 worth of produce from your backyard It's time, Hartman makes clear, to pivot to a new kind of farming-one that builds upon ancestral knowledge, nourishes communities, and puts human joy, not technology, at its center. "Hartman has revolutionized his methods, cut down his work hours dramatically, and shrunk the size of his farm, all while making a better income.

  • af Abel Jabarin
    152,95 kr.

    If you have a backyard where you want to harvest natural food, grow vegetables organically, and keep it neat, beautiful, and environment friendly at the same time, this book is for you… and here is why…Sustainable living is becoming increasingly popular these days, especially with climate change, rising global temperatures, etc. But the problem is that most people find it difficult to put the dots together and start living a completely sustainable life that is healthy for the environment and is 100% affordable for just about any family.How long do you want to continue depending on those bland, store-bought vegetables that lack the vibrant taste and nutrients of fresh, home-grown produce? Would you like to harvest healthy foods in your own backyard? Would you like to grow healthy vegetables for yourself, and your family? This sounds like a dream life to me, and if it does for you as well, please read on…This comprehensive guide is perfect for anyone looking to start their own vegetable garden, no matter their experience level. From choosing the perfect plot of land to selecting the right seeds and nurturing your plants to fruition, this book has everything you need to know to grow your own delicious and healthy vegetables from the comfort of your home. With easy-to-follow farming techniques and practical illustrations in this book, you'll be harvesting a bountiful garden in no time.

  • af Jack Kittredge
    195,95 kr.

    "In this heartfelt and unflinching memoir, two activists recount the nearly half century they've spent questioning authority while raising a family, building a self-reliant community, starting an organic farm, leading a farming organization, and experiencing the struggles and joys of living a purposeful life. Many Hands Make a Farm traces the journey of organic farming pioneers Julie Rawson and Jack Kittredge from their early years of bright-eyed excitement, through the long slog for economic stability, to the formation of a thriving community and a growing natural farming movement. Along the way, they established relationships with farming leaders across the country during the creation of the National Organic Program. Julie and Jack met while working as community organizers in Boston. After falling in love and starting a family, they decided to use Jack's irregular earnings as a board game designer to support a move to a rural area where they could grow healthy food and earn their living at home, so they could be present for their four children. What began as a family homestead soon grew into the small, diversified Many Hands Organic Farm. Julie and Jack have intentionally chosen to live their lives differently than the mainstream, prioritizing minimizing energy use, raising food organically, not relying on credit, favoring natural health care, participating in the arts, working creatively, and instilling the values of hard work and responsibility in their children. In a time when society at large was 'going along to get along,' Julie and Jack stood out as leaders and iconoclasts. They believe that taking risks and making bold decisions can unlock one's potential and lead to actions that enrich the spirit, the family, and the community. Many Hands Make a Farm will resonate with fans of original thinkers from Henry David Thoreau and Wendell Berry to Lynn Margulis and Adelle Davis. The book strongly conveys the message of finding roots in a community, respecting the Earth, and combining social justice work with the joys and challenges of raising a family. These themes shine through on every page, making this memoir a must-read for anyone seeking inspiration and guidance on finding meaning in their life"

  • af Jeff Carpenter
    344,95 kr.

    ""Seasoned and novice growers alike will find a mother lode of information and wisdom packed into this gem of a book!"-Nancy Phillips, author of The Herbalist's Way *Updated with new information about herb dryers and construction, soil fertility, growing cannabis, and more In the first edition of The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer, authors Jeff and Melanie Carpenter presented a comprehensive seed-to-bottle guide for aspiring and experienced growers alike, from basic business considerations to planting and propagation to creating value-added products. Now they're back with a revised and updated edition, sharing the lessons they've learned throughout their twenty-five years of operating a medicinal herb farm that prizes quality over quantity. The Carpenters offer their insights and tips on every aspect of herb farming, including: Size and scale considerations Data management for profit maximization The herbal marketplace and choosing which herbs to grow Field and bed preparation and planting, including building soil fertility Plant-positive weed, pest, and disease control Harvest and post-harvest processing, including scalable dryer construction Value-added products and marketing A new chapter on growing cannabis And much more! The Carpenters make the case that growing organic medicinal herbs is not only viable and profitable, but also an important step for improving the ecological health of farmland, taking pressure off of wild medicinal plant populations, and increasing biodiversity. While local foodways are more often the focus of attention, local medicine ways are equally critical and in need of restoration. The Organic Medicinal Herb Farmer is a one-of-a-kind resource, complete with detailed profiles of 50 medicinal herbs and over 200 color photographs. Whether you're looking to grow an herb farm from the ground up, incorporate medicinal plants on an existing farm, or add tools to your belt as a seasoned grower, you'll find the information you need in this volume. "[A] beautiful and informative book . . . A dirt-smudged copy should be within easy reach of every home gardener or farmer who grows-or wants to grow-medicinal plants."-Michael McGuffin, President, American Herbal Products Association"--

  • af Vincent Growspact
    168,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Rudolphe Lemmens
    377,95 kr.

  • af Moritz Stüber
    309,95 kr.

    Research Paper (undergraduate) from the year 2018 in the subject Agrarian Studies, grade: 1,7, University of Hohenheim (Zentrum Ökologischer Landbau Universität Hohenheim), language: English, abstract: Mass releases of parasitic minute polyphagous wasps is a common biological pest control practice across the world. The application can reduce chemical insecticide use and therefore contribute to a more sustainable agriculture. Nearly all frequently used species derive from the genus Trichogramma. These wasps are released on several Million hectares of agricultural production, particularly in maize cultivation. This report is aiming to give an insight into a growing system, where Trichogramma practices are still under development. With regards to the application density, efficacy, applied species and environmental risks of Trichogramma in European ecological fruit cultivation was reviewed. The common application methods are lacking consistent results and pest control efficacy, since orchards differ greatly from the usual grain field cropping system. Three research directions to increase efficiency can be distinguished: new application methods (1); environmental attributes that favour Trichogramma (2) and suitable Trichogramma (mixtures) species (3). Development of equipment, suitable to disperse Trichogramma eggs more equally between rows is needed. A nozzle fan, spraying Trichogramma eggs, seemed to decrease costs and labour force by simultaneously increasing pest control consistency. Flower strips, particularly by containing buckwheat and mustard, can increase the longevity and fecundity of the wasps, leading to a better pest control performance. Local Trichogramma species should be preferred, as they are used to the climatic conditions and contribute to agroecological practices. The risk of mass releases on non-target insect species must be surveyed continuously. No significant effects were found, but off-field emigration does happen and needs to be monitored. The research implies the potential of Trichogramma to be used as an agroecological practice, being able to contribute to insecticide reduction. However, many results still need to be tested under commercial conditions.

  • af Ridge Shinn
    195,95 kr.

    *With a foreword by Gabe Brown, bestselling author of Dirt to Soil How can we learn from our mistakes and pave a way for sustainable, nutritious, local meat? The COVID-19 pandemic exposed the vulnerabilities of our globalized food system and highlighted the desperate need for local and regional supplies of healthy meat. We must replace corn-based feedlots, which are responsible for significant climate emissions, nitrogen pollution, and animal suffering. Grass-Fed Beef for a Post-Pandemic World outlines a hopeful path out of our broken food system via regional networks of regeneratively produced meat. In 2017, Ridge Shinn and Lynne Pledger went to market with Big Picture Beef, a company that partners with farmers across the Northeast to increase access to wholesale markets while promoting holistic grazing management techniques. The result? Increased health benefits for consumers, the environment, and livestock. In Grass Fed-Beef for a Post-Pandemic World, you'll find information assembled from the fields of ecology, climate science, nutrition, and animal welfare, along with on-the-farm stories from Ridge's travels as a consultant all over the United States and abroad. You'll discover how regenerative grazing can: restore degraded farmland protect against droughts and floods increase biodiversity combat climate change by reducing emissions and sequestering carbon contribute to regional economic development produce nutrient-dense, healthy meat for consumers Grass-Fed Beef for a Post-Pandemic World is not just for beef producers, but for anyone wondering how our farmers and ranchers can raise cattle while also caring for the local and global environment.

  • af Marcus D. Adams
    322,95 kr.

    107,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Peasant Woman with Grapes, Nepenthe, California pocket journal features an illustration of a woman in vineyard with grapes in her hand. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

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