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Her finder du spændende bøger om Vindyrking. Nedenfor er et flot udvalg af over 23 bøger om emnet. Det er også her du finder emner som Vinavl.
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  • af Jancis Robinson
    157,95 - 167,95 kr.

    Mange vindrikkere vil gerne vide mere om vin uden at skulle forstå hver eneste detalje eller tage dyre kurser i vinsmagning. I Vinekspert på 24 timer deler en af verdens førende vineksperter, Jancis Robinson, ud af sin store ekspertise med sin karakteristiske humoristiske og afslappede tilgang. Bogen er en guide til både nybegyndere og viderekomne. Her får du den basale viden om alt lige fra forskellen på druetyper, flaskernes form og ordene på etiketterne, beskrivelser af smag, farve og lugt, hvordan man matcher vin med mad til pris kontra kvalitet. Jancis Robinson giver dig redskaber til at få det bedste ud af den mytiske og delikate drik. Med bogen i hånden kan du blive vinekspert på 24 timer. Skænk dig et glas vin og læs! "Jeg er glad for god vin, så jeg har nydt denne bog med ekstra interesse og er bestemt ikke blevet skuffet. Bogens mange gode råd, tips samt vejledninger er godt formuleret, og man føler sig som læser en smule bedre rustet, når der skal handles vin næste gang. Hvis du gerne vil vide mere om vin i en fart, så har du en vinder i denne bog". Bibliotekerne "Alt, hvad man kan forestille sig af relevante og nyttige informationer og gode råd i forhold til målgruppen, er med.” Vinsiderne “Et skarpskåret og gedigent værk … den danske oversætter får sproget til at flyde … køb den hvis du vil have en hurtig introduktion til vinens verden.” Aarhus Update “Bogen kommer godt rundt i de vigtigste vinøse hjørner … Jancis Robinson op med en række vinmyter – fx den om, at virkelig god vin altid kommer i en flaske med hvælvet bund og at jo tungere flasken er, desto bedre er vinen. Og så er der myten om, at rosé og søde vine er for kvinder. Dertil svarer hun (meget rigtigt): Sludder og vrøvl! ”Vinekspert på 24 timer” er ikke en flot coffee table bog med masser af illustrationer, men derimod en yderst lærerig bog for den, der træder sine første skridt ind i vinens verden”. Vinavisen

  • - Essensen af æbler
    af Søren Lyshøj
    157,95 kr.

    Grundbog i fremstilling af cider og most.Søren Lyshøj er tegner, biavler og brygger. Han har brygget mjød i de sidste 20 år; først hjemme på køkkenbordet, siden i større mængder på eget bryggeri. Sammen med sin kone Camilla ejer han Østervang Gaard på Sjælland, hvor han driver biavl, æblemosteri, bryggeri og kursuscenter. Her holdes bl.a. kurser i mjød og cider-brygning.Har tidligere skrevet MJØD

  • - Boblernes verden
    af Søren Ellemose
    292,95 kr.

    Champagne bobler af både luksus og historie.Det navnkundige distrikt i Frankrig producerer nogle af verdens bedste mousserende vine.Mange fantastiske fortællinger er uløseligt knyttet til de luksuriøse bobler i glasset.Denne rigt illustrerede bog er spækket med historie, fakta og berømte citater om Champagne.Du får et indblik i Champagnens historie, produktionsmetoden og producenter som Pol Roger, Dom Pérignon, Veuve Clicquot, Moët & Chandon, Krug, Louis Roederer, Salon Delamotte og Vranken Pommery.Bogen indeholder desuden en gennemgang af mousserende vine fra Spanien, Italien, Frankrig og Tyskland.Om forfatterenSøren Ellemose (f. 1972) har skrevet en lang række artikler om vin og spiritus. Dette er 4. udgave af bogen om Champagne og boblernes verden.

  • af Annette Hoff
    254,95 kr.

    I Den Danske Vinhistorie er seniorforsker Annette Hoff gået på jagt efter historierne om danskerne og vores forhold til vin fra middelalder frem til i dag. En skat af hidtil ukendt viden er gravet frem af arkivernes gemmer, og rødderne til nutidens vinkultur stikker dybt. Vor tids vinsmagningskurser, apps og vinrejser er også med i bogen, der slutter af med et kig ud i fremtiden med besøg hos den første generation af danske vinbønder.

  • - Landskaber, mennesker, produktion og gastronomi
    af tekst, Jeppe Gents, Sara Hindkjær Gents & mfl.
    164,95 kr.

    Den ultimative rejse-, spise-, drikke- og gør-det-selv bog om cider.Bogen er skrevet af pioneren indenfor dansk ciderproduktion, Jeppe Gents, som også står bag eksportsuccesen, Fejø Cider.Cidermesteren og fotografen har gennem fire år gennemrejst Normandiet, Bretagne, det engelske Ciderland, nordspanske Asturien og den tyske Apfelwoi-region Hessen. Herfra rapporterer de om de bedste producenter, folkefesterne, barerne, landskaberne, kulturen og måltiderne. Skulle du få lyst til at lave din egen cider - den ægte - så indeholder denne bog endvidere en række tekniske kapitler til vejledning for en ny generation af cidermestre.Brug også bogen som rejseguide til nogle af Europa smukkeste regioner, langt fra de gængse turistruter: Spis østers og drik poiré på Breizh Café i Saint-Malo, oksefilet med cabrales-sauce på Casa Trabanco i Asturien, eller nyd en skinstegt multe med Fejø Cider på restaurant en Fuldkomne Fisker i Onsevig på Lolland.

  • af Gambero Rosso
    292,95 kr.

    Italian Wines is the English-language version of Gambero Rosso's Vini d'Italia, the world's best-selling guide to Italian wine. It is the result of a year's work by over 60 tasters, coordinated by three curators. They travel around the entire country to taste 45,000 wines, only half of which make it into the guide. More than 2,500 producers have been selected. Each entry brings together useful information about the winery, including a description of its most important labels and price levels in Italian wine shops. Each wine is evaluated according to the Gambero Rosso bicchieri rating, with Tre Bicchieri awarded to the top labels.The guide is an essential tool for both wine professionals and passionate amateurs around the globe: it provides the instruments for finding one's way in the complex panorama of Italy's wine world.

  • - Linolie, naturvin og landsbyliv
    af Jette Haugaard
    247,95 kr.

    Gården er en fortælling om at udskifte parcelhuslivet med en tilværelse på landet – en tilværelse, der kom til at indebære store mængder af linolie, renoveringsarbejde og produktionen af naturvin. Forfatteren skildrer i denne erindringsbog, hvordan hun i 1990’erne forelskede sig i en gammel gård i Nordsjælland. Hun faldt så meget for stedet, at hun udskiftede det trygge parcelhus tæt på jobbet i København med livet i landsbyen. I bogen beretter hun om, hvordan gården blev sat i stand ved hjælp traditionelle metoder og materialer, der respekterede gårdens oprindelse, og de mange op- og nedture, der kan være i en sådan proces. Hun fortæller også om, hvordan hun kom i gang med at producere naturvin som en af de første i Danmark.Det er en beretning om at vælge et langsommere liv i tæt kontakt med naturen. Fortælleren drives af nostalgi og en romantisk tilgang til landsbylivet, hvilket smitter af på sproget. Tempoet er langsomt, og vi dykker ned i detaljer med renovering, linoliemaling og lampeskærme fra 50’erne. Fortællingen har en rustik charme, og langsommeligheden afspejler den livsstil, der skildres i bogen.Bogen henvender sig til samme publikum, der ser ”Bonderøven”, bager med egen surdej og fifler lidt med hjemmebryg. Forfatteren er meget vidende om de emner, hun beskæftiger med, og man bliver som læser klogere – og nysgerrig – på både nænsom restaurering, landbrugshistorie og dansk vinavl. Det er en fortælling, der henvender sig til alle, der nogle gange synes, at det moderne liv er for stresset, og som værdsætter bondegårdsferierne, hvor man lærer, hvor vores fødevarer virkelig kommer fra.

  • af Giovanni Gentile
    167,95 kr.

    Una antologia di scritti e discorsi di Giovanni Gentile, autore della riforma scolastica che porta il suo nome e ha dato lustro alla scuola italiana. Il filo conduttore di questi scritti sono proprio i principi ispiratori della riforma gentiliana e gli obiettivi perseguiti e raggiunti di riqualificazione della istruzione italiana. Gli scritti sono stati raccolti dal prof. Girolamo Vanni Fiocca, studioso gentiliano e insegnante, autore anche dello studio introduttivo alla antologia, dal titolo " Giovanni Gentile e la educazione degli Italiani". Implacabile il raffronto fra la scuola gentiliana , " una porta verso l' alta cultura" e la scuola contemporanea, piuttosto un abisso aperto verso l' ignoranza di massa. Per finire, il volumetto raccoglie alcune riflessioni favorevoli alla riforma gentiliana di nomi illustri della cultura antifascista. Attuale.

  • af António M. Jordão
    1.362,95 kr.

    Recent Advances in Grape and Wine Production - New Perspectives for Quality Improvement, written by a group of international researchers, provides a comprehensive overview of recent innovations in viticulture and enology - grape and wine production. This book is not only for technicians actively engaged in the field but also for students at technical schools and/or universities and other professionals interested in the latest innovations in grape and wine research.

  • af U. P. Hedrick
    342,95 - 452,95 kr.

  • af Kevin Stafford
    542,95 kr.

  • af Steven Kent Mirassou
    372,95 kr.

    Winemaker Steven Kent Mirassou has brought forth a jewel of a book, one that will have a unique place in the literature of American wine.With his decades of winemaking expertise, and with his extraordinary gift for evocative writing, Steven takes us straight into the heart of his calling: how it looks and feels to be in a vineyard heavy with grapes, awaiting the dawn and the throbbing pulse of a harvest about to begin. It¿s a magical moment, and it¿s the beginning of a journey deep into the art, the craft, the passion, and the 8,000 years of history that lie inside the finest of wines.This is not glossy PR copy. This is raw truth, dirty jeans, arms deep in crushed grapes, heart pounding, dust in your nose, spirit in your mouth writing, flowing from a winemaker who sees crafting beautiful wines and combining them with healthy food as a way to serve others, to bring people together in joy and common cause, a noble calling that Steven Mirassou aptly terms ¿the true north¿ of our civilization. And every step of the way, Steven helps us feel his connection to the six generations that the Mirassou family has been growing grapes and crafting wines in California, the last thirty years in the Livermore Valley. It¿s a region that struggles, image-wise, in the shadow of the Napa Valley but holds fast to its belief in the virtues of its hills and valleys and fertile soils, and to its unshakable faith that crafting beautiful wines and sharing them with others is, at its core, good for the heart and pure tonic for the soul.There is high drama too. Like all family-owned wineries, Steven¿s faces a mountain of challenges: rough growing seasons, business mistakes, the loss of cherished vineyards and more. And Steven loses something larger too: his beloved wife, from a terrible illness. But as Steven shows us, with the proper attitude every loss can be a new beginning, an opportunity to live more deeply, and, with luck, to improve the character of the wines you craft and the enduring wisdom you can pass along to the next generation.In the literature of American wine, there is nothing quite like what Steven Kent Mirassou has brought us. Come feel the spirit, come share the wine.

  • af Larry Schwankl
    287,95 kr.

  • af Antonio Morata
    1.942,95 kr.

    Grape and Wine is a collective book composed of 18 chapters that address different issues related to the technological and biotechnological management of vineyards and winemaking. It focuses on recent advances, hot topics and recurrent problems in the wine industry and aims to be helpful for the wine sector. Topics covered include pest control, pesticide management, the use of innovative technologies and biotechnologies such as non-thermal processes, gene editing and use of non-Saccharomyces, the management of instabilities such as protein haze and off-flavors such as light struck or TCAs, the use of big data technologies, and many other key concepts that make this book a powerful reference in grape and wine production. The chapters have been written by experts from universities and research centers of 9 countries, thus representing knowledge, research and know-how of many regions worldwide.

  • af Silke Klein-Tischendorf
    346,95 kr.

    Diplomarbeit aus dem Jahr 2018 im Fachbereich BWL - Marktforschung, Note: 2.5, , Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ziel dieser Diplomarbeit ist es, durch Vorstellen verschiedener angewandter Marketingbeispiele aufzuzeigen, wie diese beiden südamerikanischen Weinbauländer mit unterschiedlichen Voraussetzungen ihre in den Strategieplänen gesteckten Ziele erreichen. Ein Einblick in die heutige chilenische und argentinische Weinwelt dient als Verständnis- und Entscheidungsgrundlage. Am Ende der Arbeite lege ich meine Konzeptempfehlung für das generische Marketing, aber auch für Marketingpläne von Bodegas für den deutschsprachigen Raum dar.Relevante Faktoren sind: Logistik, Handelswege, Absatzmärkte, Marketingkonzepte, Qualität, wirtschaftliche Stabilität etc. Chile und Argentinien unterlagen in den letzten drei Dekaden zahlreichen Transformationen durch die technische Innovation imWeinbau, den Exportboom in den 90ern, neuen Terroirentwicklungen, einer jungen Generation von Önologen und verschiedene "emotionale" Vermarktungskonzepte auf unterschiedlichen Märkten. Diese Entwicklungen sind eine hervorragende Basis für Weinmarketingkonzepte zur Förderung des Exports, der internationalen Reputation, zur Entwicklung eines Eno-Gastronomie-Tourismuskonzepts und zum Aufbau von Icon Wines.

  • af Volker Schneider
    867,95 kr.

    Red Wine Enology - Tannin and Redox Management in Red Wines - addresses the very heart of red winemaking, which is the extraction of tannins and colored compounds as well as the subsequent measures of balancing oxygenation and reduction throughout elevage to achieve their optimal sensory expression. In a broad-ranging discussion of redox management, the authors address in a single volume the most important and yet the most controversial aspects of red wine enology.The reader is guided through basic phenol chemistry and analysis to the broadly accessible total phenol measurements facilitating appropriate redox management decisions. Building upon these foundations, the authors discuss the entire process of vinification - from maceration options through elevage and stabilization to bottling, clearly defining what measures to take and those to avoid. Barrel aging, oxygenation, and the role of yeast lees and SO2 are presented as part of a holistic approach to elevage as a multidimensional process. Where appropriate the text encompasses closely associated issues including oak alternatives, micro--oxygenation, control of spoilage microorganisms, adjustment of pre-bottling free SO2 to compensate for post-bottling SO2 losses, and the issue of the so-called natural wines. Due to the shear complexity of tannin chemistry, this book has a strong focus on sensory analysis throughout discussing appropriate redox strategies to preserve fruit in low-tannin wines and to optimize the ageability of high-tannin wines.

  • af John Gladstones
    417,95 kr.

    This book is a scientific analysis of the soil and climatic factors affecting wine grape production, and thus, ultimately, wine itself. It provides a reasoned basis for the term 'terroir', and critically examines the science of climate change and how it could affect viticulture and winemaking. Dr John Gladstones is an internationally recognised authority on climate and viticulture, and among other achievements was instrumental in the establishment of the Margaret River wine district in Western Australia.'For anyone interested in the future interaction between climate, climate change and viticulture, this book simply has to be read. Dr John Gladstones's painstaking research is the foundation for his equally carefully constructed conclusions that robustly challenge mainstream opinions. - James Halliday

  • af George Husmann
    147,95 kr.

    This volume contains a collection of vintage articles on the subject of vineyard soil, with information on preparation, taxonomy, location, general management, and many other related aspects. Highly accessible and profusely illustrated, these timeless articles have been carefully selected for a modern readership, and are highly recommended for those with a practical interest in grape production. Contents include: ¿Classification of Soils¿, ¿Soil, Situation and Aspect¿, ¿Preparation of the Soil¿, ¿Soil and Cultivation¿, ¿Location and Soil, Preparation of the Ground and How to Cultivate the Soil¿, ¿The Soil and its Preparation¿, ¿Soil and Situation¿, and ¿Soil and Situation 2¿. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly rare and expensive. It is with this in mind that we are republishing this volume now in an affordable, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on growing fruit.

  • af William V. Cruess
    257,95 kr.

  • af William V. Cruess
    232,95 kr.

  • af W. Sherrard-Smith
    162,95 kr.

    This vintage book contains a concise guide to wine making, with information on tools and equipment, common problems, siphoning, fermentation, sterilisation, and all other related aspects. Written in simple, plain language and full of useful information, this guide is ideal for the beginner winemaker, and would make for a fantastic addition to kitchen collections. Contents include: "Blending of Wines", "Ageing", "Maturity", "Popping on and Off of Corks", "More about the Hydrometer", "How to Siphon", "Spoilt Wines", "Equipment", "The Fallacy of Spring Water", "Filter Paper", "A Dangerous Contrivance", "A Simple Way of Drawing a Sample", et cetera. Many vintage books such as this are becoming increasingly rare and expensive. We are republishing this volume now in an affordable, high-quality edition complete with a specially commissioned new introduction on cocktail and beverage making.

    112,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Peasant Woman with Grapes pocket journal features an illustration of a woman in vineyard holding a bunch of grapes. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

    112,95 kr.

    The Vintage Journal Galileo Quote, Paso Robles pocket journal features an illustration of a picture of a vine, a bunch of grapes. This journal has full color decorative vintage art on the cover, and is the perfect companion for your next trip, writing project, to-do list, or any occasion where a handy notebook is needed. Found Image Press Vintage Journals feature vintage art that celebrates your favorite places, hobbies and interests. The front cover design features a classic piece of art from the Found Image Press collection of over 60,000 pictures. - 4 x 6 inches - 100 lined opaque pages - Soft matte finish

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