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Since its initial debut in 2015, this critically acclaimed quick-start guide to programming has taught millions of people all over the world to write clean code, solve problems, and build custom applications in the popular language of Python. The highly anticipated third edition of Python Crash Course has been completely revised with updated code, practices, and projects-making it the ultimate launchpad for beginners to start their engines and code in Python 3!
Denne bog giver en introduktion til programmeringssproget Struktureret Tekst (ST) der benyttes i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC) Indhold: - Baggrund, fordele og udfordringer ved ST-programmering - Syntaks og grundlæggende ST-programmering - Stor guide til fornuftig navngivning af variabler - CTU, TOF, TON, CASE, STRUCT, ARRAY, STRING - Guide til opdeling i program moduler og funktioner - Mere end 90 PLC-kode eksempler i farver - FIFO, RND, 3D ARRAY, digitalt filter - Eksempler: Kom fra LADDER over til ST-programmering - Guide til løsning af programmeringsopgaver Bogen går systematisk frem med beskrivelse af de grundlæggende ST-begreber og programmering, herunder tips, og med inddragelse af forfatterens 25 års praktiske erfaring. Der er mange steder uddybende forklaringer til PLC-koden og der er fokus på at læseren lærer at skrive robust, læsbar, struktureret og overskuelig PLC-kode. Desuden fokuseres på at kunne skrive PLC-kode, som ikke kræver en bestemt PLC-type og PLC-kode der kan genbruges, samt PLC-løsninger, der kan benyttes internationalt. Grundlaget for bogen er et materiale, som er udarbejdet løbende med feedback fra undervisere og studerende på automationsteknolog-uddannelsen hos Erhvervs-akademi Dania. Materialet er således løbende opdateret, så det giver svar på de spørgsmål og udfordringer, de studerende typisk har gennem deres studie. ST-programmering til PLC-styringer er fra omkring år 2010 begyndt at blive mere udbredt i Danmark, og siden år 2015 er mange virksomheder i Danmark begyndt udelukkende at levere PLC-styringer, hvor der benyttes ST som det foretrukne programmeringssprog. Dette kræver at flere medarbejdere kan ST og det er et af argumenterne, for at udgive denne bog. Bogen er primært udarbejdet til brug på den videregående fuldtidsuddannelse Automationsteknolog og deltidsuddannelsen Automation og Drift.
Rebel Gardening is a captivating read by the renowned author, Alessandro Vitale. Published in 2023 by Penguin LCC US, this book delves into the world of unconventional gardening practices. Vitale, known for his unique perspective on traditional subjects, takes the reader on a journey through the rebellious side of horticulture. The book falls under the non-fiction genre, providing readers with a fresh look at gardening. Vitale's Rebel Gardening is not just a book; it's a movement, a call to action for gardeners to break free from the constraints of traditional gardening norms. Published by Penguin LCC US, this book is a must-read for those who dare to garden differently.
BEMÆRK: Der er udgivet en ny bog dækkende den nyere version 9.0 - EAN 9788799338238 - Bogen om C# 9.0---------------------------Hvis du gerne vil lære grundlæggende programmering med Microsofts populære programmeringssprog C#, eller har brug for et opslagsværk, har du fat i den helt rigtige bog. Bogen om C# 8.0 er opdelt i følgende kapitler: Introduktion til .NET, Udviklingsmiljøer, Introduktion til C#, Simple variabler, Tekster, Konstanter, Programflow, Metoder, Fejlhåndtering, Arrays, Samlinger, Dine egne typer, Klasser, Hukommelsesteori, Indkapsling, Arv, Polymorfi, Interface, Delegates, Hændelser, LINQ, Asynkron programmering.På www.bogenomcsharp.dk kan du desuden finde masser af videoer som understøtter mange af kapitlerne. Bogen kan benyttes som lærebog i C# programmering for private og på uddannelsesinstitutionerne og tager udgangspunkt i både Visual Studio og Visual Studio Code.Bogen er skrevet af Michell Cronberg, som har mange års erfaring med programmering – både som underviser, foredragsholder, konsulent og forfatter. Michell Cronberg har udgivet flere bøger og hæfter om forskellige former for programmering.
Hvis du gerne vil lære grundlæggende programmering med Microsofts populære programmeringssprog C#, eller har brug for et opslagsværk, har du fat i den helt rigtige bog.Bogen om C# 9.0 er opdelt i følgende kapitler:Introduktion til .NET, Udviklingsmiljøer, Introduktion til C#, Simple variabler, Tekster, Konstanter, Programflow, Metoder, Fejlhåndtering, Arrays, Samlinger, Dine egne typer, Klasser, Hukommelsesteori, Indkapsling, Arv, Polymorfi, Interface, Delegates, Hændelser, LINQ, Avancerede typer, Asynkron programmering.På www.bogenomcsharp.dk kan du desuden finde masser af videoer som understøtter mange af kapitlerne.Bogen kan benyttes som lærebog i C# programmering for private og på uddannelsesinstitutionerne og tager udgangspunkt i både Visual Studio og Visual Studio Code.Bogen er skrevet af Michell Cronberg, som har mange års erfaring med programmering – både som underviser, foredragsholder, konsulent og forfatter. Michell Cronberg har udgivet flere bøger og hæfter om forskellige former for programmering.
NO-CODE er for dig, der er ekspert i alt andet end kode. Du mestrer måske Excel, men ønsker at gøre en større digital forskel. Bogen introducerer dig til 25 måder at bygge software eller automatisere arbejdsgange uden at skrive en eneste linje kode.
Regenesis is a captivating book penned by the acclaimed author, George Monbiot. Published in 2023 by Penguin Books Ltd (UK), this masterpiece is a must-read for those who are intrigued by innovative thoughts and ideas. The genre of the book is not specifically mentioned, but Monbiot's works usually revolve around environmental and political themes. Regenesis, like his other works, is likely to challenge your perspectives and provoke thought. It's a book that promises to take you on a journey, exploring new dimensions of understanding. So, if you are looking for a book that is compelling and intellectually stimulating, Regenesis by George Monbiot is the one for you.
"The Rust Programming Language, 2nd Edition is the official guide to Rust 2021: an open source systems programming language that will help you write faster, more reliable software. Rust provides control of low-level details along with high-level ergonomics, allowing you to improve productivity and eliminate the hassle traditionally associated with low-level languages. Klabnik and Nichols, alumni of the Rust Core Team, share their knowledge to help you get the most out of Rust's features so that you can create robust and scalable programs. You'll begin with basics like creating functions, choosing data types, and binding variables, then move on to more advanced concepts. In addition to the countless code examples, you'll find three chapters dedicated to building complete projects: a number-guessing game, a Rust implementation of a command line tool, and a multithreaded server."--Publisher marketing.
The ultimate guide to surviving anywhere, now updated with more than 100 pages of additional material, including a new chapter on urban survival "A classic outdoor manual [that] addresses every conceivable disaster scenario. Don’t leave home without it”--Outside magazineRevised to reflect the latest in survival knowledge and technology, and covering new topics such as urban survival and terrorism, the multimillion-copy worldwide bestseller SAS Survival Handbook by John "Lofty" Wiseman is the definitive resource for all campers, hikers, and outdoor adventurers. From basic campcraft and navigation to fear management and strategies for coping with any type of disaster, this complete course includes:Being prepared: Understanding basic survival skills, like reading the weather, and preparation essentials, such as a pocket survival kit.Making camp: Finding the best location, constructing the appropriate shelter, organizing camp, staying warm, and creating tools.Food: What to eat, what to avoid, where to find it, and how to prepare it.First aid: A comprehensive course in emergency/wilderness medicine, including how to maximize survival in any climate or when injured.Disaster survival: How to react in the face of natural disasters and hostile situations—and how to survive if all services and supplies are cut off.Self-defense: Arming yourself with basic hand-to-hand combat techniques.Security: Protecting your family and property from intrusion, break-ins, and theft.Climate & terrain: Overcoming any location, from the tropics to the poles, from the desert to the mountains and sea.
I 2000-tallet møder vi Ekko i medieteknologien; i virale memes, shitstorme, hekseprocesser og ekkokamre. Den, der får algoritmerne på sin side, vinder opmærksomheds- økonomiens største trofæ: at blive set. Og Ekkos store kærlighed var Narcissus; ham, der druknede i sit eget spejlbillede.I dette essay fletter Lena Lindgren politik, mytologi, psykologi og videnskab sammen med scener fra Silicon Valley. Ekko er en samtidsdiagnose og tanker om nogle af de mest afgørende spørgsmål i vores tid – et forsøg på at skildre menneskehedens blind date med kunstig intelligens.Lena Lindgren (f.1969) bor i Oslo. Hun er til daglig politisk kommentator i Morgenbladet. Ekko – et essay om algoritmer og begær vandt Brageprisen 2021 i Norge.“Lena Lindgren følger sporene som en detektiv. Og det er spændende som en thriller.”– Juryens begrundelse, Brageprisen”… det er strålende tænkt og førsteklasses essayistik.”Kjetil Røed, Vårt Land”Anbefales på det stærkeste!”Marius Wulfsberg, Dagbladet
This book is aimed at everyone preparing for the ISTQB® Certified Tester ¿ Foundation Level exam based on the Foundation Level syllabus (version 4.0) published in 2023. It provides candidates with reliable knowledge based on this document and thus distinguishes itself from all the information about ISTQB® syllabi and exams on the Internet, which is often of rather poor quality and may even contain serious errors. The book expands and details many issues that are described in the new 2023 version of the syllabus in a perfunctory or general way only. According to the ISTQB® guidelines for syllabus-based training, an exercise must be provided for each learning objective at the K3 level, and a practical example must be provided for each objective at the K2 or K3 level. In order to satisfy these requirements, the authors prepared numerous exercises and examples for all learning objectives at these levels. In addition, for each learning objective, one or more sample exam questions are presented which are similar to those that the candidate will see in the exam. This makes the book an excellent aid for studying and preparing for the exam and verifying acquired knowledge.
This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the central ideas that underpin deep learning. It is intended both for newcomers to machine learning and for those already experienced in the field. Covering key concepts relating to contemporary architectures and techniques, this essential book equips readers with a robust foundation for potential future specialization. The field of deep learning is undergoing rapid evolution, and therefore this book focusses on ideas that are likely to endure the test of time.The book is organized into numerous bite-sized chapters, each exploring a distinct topic, and the narrative follows a linear progression, with each chapter building upon content from its predecessors. This structure is well-suited to teaching a two-semester undergraduate or postgraduate machine learning course, while remaining equally relevant to those engaged in active research or in self-study.A full understanding of machine learning requires some mathematical background and so the book includes a self-contained introduction to probability theory. However, the focus of the book is on conveying a clear understanding of ideas, with emphasis on the real-world practical value of techniques rather than on abstract theory. Complex concepts are therefore presented from multiple complementary perspectives including textual descriptions, diagrams, mathematical formulae, and pseudo-code.Chris Bishop is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and is the Director of Microsoft Research AI4Science. He is a Fellow of Darwin College Cambridge, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Hugh Bishop is an Applied Scientist at Wayve, a deep learning autonomous driving company in London, where he designs and trains deep neural networks. He completed his MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence at Cambridge University.¿Chris Bishop wrote a terrific textbook on neural networks in 1995 and has a deep knowledge of the field and its core ideas. His many years of experience in explaining neural networks have made him extremely skillful at presenting complicated ideas in the simplest possible way and it is a delight to see these skills applied to the revolutionary new developments in the field.¿ -- Geoffrey Hinton"With the recent explosion of deep learning and AI as a research topic, and the quickly growing importance of AI applications, a modern textbook on the topic was badly needed. The "New Bishop" masterfully fills the gap, covering algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning, modern deep learning architecture families, as well as how to apply all of this to various application areas." ¿ Yann LeCun¿This excellent and very educational book will bring the reader up to date with the main concepts and advances in deep learning with a solid anchoring in probability. These concepts are powering current industrial AI systems and are likely to form the basis of further advances towards artificial general intelligence.¿ -- Yoshua Bengio
In this insightful and comprehensive guide, Addy Osmani shares more than a decade of experience working on the Chrome team at Google, uncovering secrets to engineering effectiveness, efficiency, and team success. Engineers and engineering leaders looking to scale their effectiveness and drive transformative results within their teams and organizations will learn the essential principles, tips, and frameworks for building highly effective engineering teams. Osmani presents best practices and proven strategies that foster engineering excellence in organizations of all sizes. Through practical advice and real-world examples, Leading Effective Engineering Teams empowers you to create a thriving engineering culture where individuals and teams can excel. Unlock the full potential of your engineering team and achieve unparalleled success by harnessing the power of trust, commitment, and accountability. With this book, you'll discover: The essential traits for engineering effectiveness and the pitfalls to avoid How to cultivate trust, commitment, and accountability within your team Strategies to minimize friction, optimize career growth, and deliver maximum value The dynamics of highly successful engineering teams and how to replicate their achievements How to implement a systems thinking approach for everyday problem-solving and decision-making Self-advocacy techniques to enhance your team's visibility and recognition within the organization
**SHORTLISTED FOR THE 2023 WAINWRIGHT PRIZE**'Desperately needed' - Isabella Tree'I doubt any more important book will published this year' - Stephen FryIn this indispensable follow up to his acclaimed The End of the Line: How Overfishing is Changing the World, Charles Clover chronicles how determined individuals are proving that the crisis in our oceans can be reversed, with benefits for both local communities and entire ecosystems. Rewilding the Sea celebrates what happens when we step aside and let nature repair the damage: whether it is the overfishing of bluefin tuna across the Atlantic, the destruction of coral gardens by dredgers in Lyme Bay or the restoration of oysters on the East Coast of America.The latest scientific research shows that trawling and dredging create more CO2 than the aviation industry and damage vast areas of our continental shelves, stopping them soaking up carbon. We need to fish in different ways, where we fish at all. We can store carbon and have more fish by stepping aside more often and trusting nature.Essential and revelatory, Rewilding the Sea propels us to rethink our relationship with nature and reveals that saving our oceans is easier than we think.
When it comes to the climate, we don't need more marketing or anxiety. We need established facts and a plan for collective action.The climate is the fundamental issue of our time, yet it seems we can barely agree on what is really going on, let alone what needs to be done. We urgently need facts, not opinions. Insights, not statistics.The Carbon Almanac is a once-in-a-lifetime collaboration between hundreds of writers, researchers, thinkers, and leaders that focuses on what we know, what has come before, and what might happen next. With thousands of data points, articles and charts explaining carbon's impact on everything in our society, from our the economy to extreme weather events, it is the definitive source for facts and the basis for a global movement to fight climate change. This book isn't what the oil companies, marketers, activists, or politicians want you to believe. This is what's really happening, right now. Our planet is in trouble, and no one concerned group, corporation, country, or hemisphere canaddress this on its own. We are in this together. And it's not too late for concerted, collective action for change.
Denne bog giver en introduktion til programmeringssproget Ladder Diagram (LD), der benyttes i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC). Bogen giver en generel introduktion til PLC styring og der er fokus på atlæsere uden en el-teknisk uddannelse kan lære Ladder programmering.De mange illustrationer og kodeeksempler i bogen tager udgangspunkt i praktiske problemstillinger inden for automation til industrien.INDHOLD- Baggrund, fordele og udfordringer ved Ladder-programmering- PLC hardware, sensorer og grundlæggende Ladder-programmering- Guide og tips til navngivning, opgaver, optimering og programstruktur- Teori og eksempler på rutediagram, blokdiagram og sekvensdiagram- Design guide til udvikling af funktioner og funktionsblokke- Programeksempler med opdeling i moduler, funktioner og funktionsblokke- Sekvensprogrammering med SELVHOLD, SET/RESET og MOVE/COMPARE- Større programeksempler med pumpestyring, tankstyring og transportbånd- Design, opbygning, test og simulering af PLC programBogen er primært udarbejdet til brug på den 2-årige videregående fuldtidsuddannelse Automationsteknolog og deltidsuddannelsen Automation og Drift, hvor en stor del af studiet indeholder PLC styring. Men bogen er naturligvis også velegnet på de mange uddannelser der indeholder PLC styring. Her tænkes på uddannelserne til elektriker, styrings- og reguleringselektriker, automatiktekniker samt de videregående uddannelser til maskinmester og ingeniør.Forfatteren har 25-års erfaring og underviser i PLC styring på videregående uddannelser hos Erhvervsakademi Dania i Randers.
The bestseller in IT architecture. If you want to understand IT architecture, this book is for you. It covers many different areas, from strategy to business, technology, and software architecture. Are you working as an IT architect, student, developer, CTO, project manager, or IT professional? If so, this book will help you understand how IT architecture can help address the complexity in a modern organization. It will give you a deeper understanding of the concepts, methods, tools, models, organizations, and frameworks involved. It also covers the social and human aspects of working as an IT architect. Enterprise Architecture, The EA function, Strategy, Organization... Business Architecture, Understanding the business, Modeling, Practical advice… Solution Architecture, Integration, Infrastructure, Security…Software Architecture, Quality attributes, Agility and Lean, DevOps, cloud, AI…… and a lot more. Daniel Akenine is a physicist, technologist, writer, and former neuroscientist. He works as a National Technology Officer for Microsoft, specializing in the impact technology has on society. In 2015 he was appointed to IASA Fellow and ranked as one of the top IT-architects worldwide. He is a member of ISO’s international expert group for cloud standards, co-founder of two technology companies and holds patent applications in Europe and the United States in applied cryptography. Daniel is one of ten advisors to the Swedish Minister of Digitalization and a fiction writer with the latest novel 11 grams of truth about privacy and power in our modern society.
Denne bog giver en introduktion til programmeringssproget Struktureret Tekst (ST) der benyttes i Programmerbare Logiske Controllere (PLC)Indhold:- Baggrund, fordele og udfordringer ved ST-programmering- Syntaks og grundlæggende ST-programmering- Stor guide til fornuftig navngivning af variabler- CTU, TOF, TON, CASE, STRUCT, ARRAY, STRING- Guide til opdeling i program moduler og funktioner- Mere end 90 PLC-kode eksempler i farver- FIFO, RND, 3D ARRAY, digitalt filter- Eksempler: Kom fra LADDER over til ST-programmering- Guide til løsning af programmeringsopgaverBogen går systematisk frem med beskrivelse af de grundlæggende ST-begreber og programmering, herunder tips, og med inddragelse af forfatterens 25 års praktiske erfaring.Der er mange steder uddybende forklaringer til PLC-koden og der er fokus på at læseren lærer at skrive robust, læsbar, struktureret og overskuelig PLC-kode. Desuden fokuseres på at kunne skrive PLC-kode, som ikke kræver en bestemt PLC-type og PLC-kode der kan genbruges, samt PLC-løsninger, der kan benyttes internationalt.Grundlaget for bogen er et materiale, som er udarbejdet løbende med feedback fra undervisere og studerende på automationsteknolog-uddannelsen hos Erhvervs-akademi Dania. Materialet er således løbende opdateret, så det giver svar på de spørgsmål og udfordringer, de studerende typisk har gennem deres studie.ST-programmering til PLC-styringer er fra omkring år 2010 begyndt at blive mere udbredt i Danmark, og siden år 2015 er mange virksomheder i Danmark begyndt udelukkende at levere PLC-styringer, hvor der benyttes ST som det foretrukne programmeringssprog. Dette kræver at flere medarbejdere kan ST og det er et af argumenterne, for at udgive denne bog.Bogen er primært udarbejdet til brug på den videregående fuldtidsuddannelse Automationsteknolog og deltidsuddannelsen Automation og Drift.
4. udgave har fået vejledninger i, hvordan man kommer i gang med de mest udbredte programmeringsværktøjer. Grafikprogrammering er baseret på Swing med nye afsnit om animation, fuldskærmstegning, menuer, genvejstaster, faneblade, dialoger og tabeller (JTable). Eksemplerne er opdateret og forenklet til at følge praksis for Java (TM) 2 Platform Standard Edition 6.0. Introduktion til programmering Bogen starter fra grunden af, men har du ikke programmeret før, bør du være rede til at gøre en indsats, dvs. løbende lave en række små programmer for at øve dig i stoffet. Det forudsættes endvidere, at du har godt kendskab til computere på brugerniveau. En smule kendskab til matematik er også en fordel, men bestemt ikke et krav. Objektorienteret programmering Bogen arbejder grundigt med begreberne omkring objektorienteret programmering (OOP) og giver mange praktiske eksempler på denne måde at programmere på. Den introducerer og anvender løbende relevante dele af UML-notationen, der er meget anvendt i OOP og beslægtede fag som objektorienteret analyse og design. * Objekter * Klasser * Autoboxing * Nedarvning * Polymorfi * Indkapsling * Indre klasser * Interfaces * Analyse og design * Kravslister * Brugssituationer Faciliteterne i Java Programmeringssproget Java har en række faciliteter, der kan lette programmeringen meget. Det overblik, der præsenteres i denne bog, hjælper dig med at udnytte de vigtigste faciliteter samtidig med, at hvert kapitel slutter af med at gå i dybden med en række relevante og avancerede emner. * Grafik * Brugergrænseflader (Swing) * Hændelser * Appletter * Pakker * Tråde * Filhåndtering * Håndtering af undtagelser * Objekt-serialisering * Netværkskommunikation * Databaser * Remote Method Invocation Vælg selv dit værktøj: Borland Jbuilder Eclipse.org Oracle Jdeveloper NetBeans BlueJ
This book about Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is different from other books describing VBA for serveral reasons. It is fine-tuned for business applications and in particular business students and it includes business relevant examples. Already in the first chapters the reader is introduced to a variety of different VBA tools, which will enable him or her to write small useful business related programs. In the following chapters the same tools - and more - are presented in a more detailed and rigid way.VBA Programming in Business Economicsis structured as a textbook where each chapter is concluded with a number of exercises which can be used for individual training or as a base for computer-lab teaching. The book's webpage provides case projects that can be used to learn how to combine the material of the book in a larger context. In the situations where examples, exercises, and case projects require knowledge of specific theoretical background, this is provided as short summaries on the books webpage.Besides covering the basic programming, the book also covers programming topics that are more business related: How to use the Excel Solver from within the VBA code, how to perform simulations, and how to construct user forms and make them work with the program. Learning to make useful programs requires more than just writing a number of if- and while statements. Therefore the book also provides a chapter that illustrates how to design and structure a program.In all, this book is a hands-on-guide on VBA for graduate students in Business Economics.
In this book, author Will Larson shows you ways to obtain your first executive job and quickly ramp up to meet the challenges you may not have encountered in non-executive roles.
"An accessible, straightforward guide that demystifies Artificial Intelligence for a general audience without the use of complex math or technical jargon. Covers the fundamentals, from classical models and neural networks to the large language models leading today's AI revolution"--
Unleash the power of Python for your data analysis projects with For Dummies! Python is the preferred programming language for data scientists and combines the best features of Matlab, Mathematica, and R into libraries specific to data analysis and visualization.
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