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Agil programmering

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  • af Frank F. Schrempp
    200,95 kr.

    In "Lean Startup im Großunternehmen: Von traditionellen Strukturen zu agilen Innovatoren" führt Frank Schrempp Sie durch die transformative Reise, auf der etablierte Unternehmen agil und innovativ werden. Dieses bahnbrechende Buch deckt auf, wie Großkonzerne die revolutionären Lean-Startup-Methoden nutzen können, um schneller auf Marktanforderungen zu reagieren, Innovation zu beschleunigen und eine Kultur des kontinuierlichen Lernens zu fördern. Mit praxisnahen Einblicken, Fallstudien erfolgreicher Unternehmen und erprobten Strategien ist dieses Buch ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für Führungskräfte, die ihre Organisationen zukunftsfähig machen wollen. Schrempps Ansatz zeigt, wie man interne Widerstände überwindet, agile Teams fördert und eine Umgebung schafft, in der Innovation gedeiht. Machen Sie Ihr Unternehmen mit "Lean Startup im Großunternehmen" zum agilen Riesen, der in der heutigen schnelllebigen Welt nicht nur überlebt, sondern floriert.

  • af Jasmin Karatas
    223,95 kr.

  • af Peter (University of Southern Queensland Wlodarczak
    264,95 - 971,95 kr.

  • af Stéphane Ducasse
    172,95 kr.

    Pharo is a modern, dynamically-typed, reflective, and pure object-oriented programming language - Pharo inherits and enhances the testing spirit from its ancestor Smalltalk. Indeed, Pharo's SUnit framework is the one of key asset of Agile Development as brought forward by K. Beck in its Test-Driven Development seminal book.But Pharo is much more powerful. It defines and supports eXtreme Test-Driven Development, a.k.a TDD on Steriods. Unique to Pharo, eXtreme Test-Driven Development is a powerful development technique that puts live objects at the center of the coding experience. With its unique flow, it delivers an excellent and unforeseen productivity mixing a fully live programming environment with TDD.In this book you will learn all the elements around TDD and XTDD. You will be empowered and understand why writing tests is not a side effect but a key element of the development process.Once immersed into XTDD you will not program the same way anymore.

  • af Martin Heck
    327,95 kr.

    Entdecken Sie die transformative Kraft der Monte-Carlo-Simulation und heben Sie Ihre Kanban-Planung auf ein neues Level! In diesem bahnbrechenden Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit Hilfe der Monte-Carlo-Simulation Ihre Kanban-Praktiken optimieren und zuverlässigere Ergebnisse erzielen können. Lernen Sie, Unsicherheiten zu beherrschen, Risiken zu minimieren und gleichzeitig Chancen zu nutzen. Mit praxisorientierten Anleitungen und realen Fallbeispielen zeigt Ihnen dieses Buch, wie Sie die Effizienz steigern, Verschwendung minimieren und Ihre Kanban-Performance auf ein neues Niveau heben können. Werden Sie zum Meister des Flusses und erreichen Sie eine exzellente Kanban-Planung!Highlights des Buches:* Eine klare Einführung in die Monte-Carlo-Simulation und ihre Anwendung in der Kanban-Planung* Praktische Strategien und Techniken, um Unsicherheiten in der Planung zu berücksichtigen* Fallstudien aus verschiedenen Branchen zeigen erfolgreiche Anwendungen der Monte-Carlo-Simulation in der Kanban-Praxis* Schritt-für-Schritt-Anleitungen und praktische Tipps für den Einsatz von Monte-Carlo-Methoden in Ihrem eigenen Unternehmen* Ein umfassender Leitfaden für die Optimierung der Kanban-Performance und die Steigerung der Effizienz* Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Simulation nutzen, um Ihre Kanban-Planung zu verbessern und zuverlässige Ergebnisse zu erzielen

  • af Sumit Jaiswal
    337,95 kr.

    Git is a popular open-source version control system that allows developers to efficiently track changes to their codebase and collaborate with others on software projects.

  • af Denise Canty
    596,95 kr.

  • af Paul C. Müller
    307,95 kr.

    Lean UX is probably the most popular and successful approach to agile innovation in interaction design. It ideally supports teams in developing customer solutions of the highest customer value and thus optimizing acceptance and value creation for the user. Based on the principles of lean and agility, it combines approaches and techniques from different methods and frameworks to form one big whole. Recently, through the collaboration of leading experts in Lean UX - such as Jeff Gothelf and Josh Seiden - with experts in Scrum, a joint approach was developed that best combines the strengths and application areas of both disciplines. This combination is presented in this offers the "Professional Scrum with User Experience (PSU I)" certification to combine the approaches. This book offers both deeper insights into the approach and targeted exam preparation. It deliberately avoids superfluous material and only covers content relevant to the topic.

  • af Bernd Öggl
    517,95 kr.

    Get started with Git-today! Walk through installation and explore the variety of development environments available. Understand the concepts that underpin Git's workflows, from branching to commits, and see how to use major platforms, like GitHub. Learn the ins and outs of working with Git for day-to-day development. Get your versioning under control!Highlights:InstallationDevelopment environmentsRepositoriesCommitsBranchesMergingHooksGitHubGitLabWorkflowsBest practicesCommand reference

  • af Ajit Singh
    229,95 kr.

    Document from the year 2019 in the subject Business economics - Business Management, Corporate Governance, , course: MCA, language: English, abstract: This work is about how lately Agile and especially Scrum have become more and more popular. A lot of people in higher management see the agile way of working as the key to success. But is this actually true? Have we found the silver bullet? Can every individual work in an agile way? If yes, does this mean that the team that he is part of will also adopt and use the agile way of working and thinking successfully? All those questions triggered this research.One of the first questions we ask ourselves for each of our project implementations is "Which development methodology should we use?". This is a topic that gets a lot of discussion as it¿s the way of organizing the work for the project and not as often misinterpreted about a style of project management or a specific technical approach. The two basic and most popular methodologies are: 1.Waterfall: which is known as the "traditional" approach, and 2.Agile: a specific type of Rapid Application Development and newer than Waterfall, but not that new, which is often implemented using Scrum. Both are usable, mature methodologies.I started by providing basic information about both methodologies (Waterfall and Agile). I try to make the differences between the two methodologies visible and by giving more emphasis to the second one i present the history behind the methodology, the advantages and disadvantages and i try to come to a conclusion on what is agile and what is not. Next, at section two i briefly present the basic Agile Methods and Practices. I continue with section 3, that i explain Scrum and all the ceremonies and roles related to this methodology.

  • af Vera Baum
    281,95 kr.

    Digital and agile transformations are learning processes for employees, teams and organisations. Many companies realise that the resulting learning needs cannot be met with standard trainings and other development methods. But how can learning, upskilling and employee development be designed in an agile way?The authors provide science-based answers and practical advice for the implementation of an agile learning approach. They show how learning coaching and agile methods can be used to make learning processes in organisations more efficient, demand-oriented and sustainable, and how a self-directed learning culture can be successfully established.

  • af Ulrich Wojahn & Alfred Breitkopf
    522,95 kr.

  • af Klaus Gruning
    467,95 kr.

  • af Jose L. Fiadeiro
    577,95 kr.

    Demonstrates how category theory can be used for formal software development.The mathematical toolbox for the Software Engineering in the new age of complex interactive systems.

  • af John Keane, Len Freeman, Rizos Sakellariou & mfl.
    1.156,95 kr.

    Euro-Par - the European Conference on Parallel Computing - is an international conference series dedicated to the promotion and advancement of all aspects of parallel computing. The major themes can be divided into the broad categories of hardware, software, algorithms, and applications for parallel computing. The objective of Euro-Par is to provide a forum within which to promote the dev- opment of parallel computing both as an industrial technique and an academic discipline, extending the frontiers of both the state of the art and the state of the practice. This is particularlyimportant at a time when parallel computing is undergoing strong and sustained development and experiencing real ind- trial take up. The main audience for and participants in Euro-Par are seen as researchers in academic departments, government laboratories, and industrial organisations. Euro-Par aims to become the primarychoice of such professionals for the presentation of new results in their speci?c areas. Euro-Par is also int- ested in applications that demonstrate the e?ectiveness of the main Euro-Par themes. Euro-Par has its own Internet domain with a permanent web site where the historyof the conference series is described: http://www. euro-par. org. The Euro-Par conference series is sponsored bythe Association of Computer Machineryand the International Federation of Information Processing. Euro-Par 2001 Euro-Par 2001 was organised bythe Universityof Manchester and UMIST.

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