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  • af Raghurami Reddy Etukuru Ph. D.
    613,95 kr.

    When you enter the world of time series analysis, you step into a labyrinth of numerical patterns, where each turn you take unveils another layer of complexity. Here, simple mathematical or statistical models struggle to keep pace.Reality is riddled with complex patterns in time series data, which, like cryptic pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, hold the key to unraveling insightful predictions. These complex patterns include non-linearity, non-stationarity, long memory or dependence, asymmetry, and stochasticity.But what creates these intricate patterns? Raghurami Reddy Etukuru, Ph.D., a distinguished and adaptable specialist in data science and artificial intelligence, delves into that question in this groundbreaking book, explaining that the factors are numerous and multifaceted, each adding their own measure of challenge. He doesn't just discuss problems but also addresses the forecasting of time series amidst intricate patterns.Take a deep dive deep into the world of numbers and patterns, so you can unravel complexities and leverage the power of artificial intelligence to enhance predictive capabilities. More than just a theoretical guide, this book is a practical companion in the often-turbulent journey of understanding and predicting complex time series data.

  • af Cam-Duc Au
    764,95 kr.

    Auf Grund des langanhaltenden Niedrigzinsniveaus sowie der zusätzlichen Herausforderungen der Corona-Pandemie, stehen Anbieter von Finanzdienstleistungsberatungen (z. B. Banken, Vermögensverwalter) sowie Privatanleger vor finanziellen Problemen. Auf der einen Seite erleiden Banken signifikante Ertragseinbrüche in Geschäftsbereichen, die jahrelang als stabil galten (z. B. Fristentransformation). Auf der anderen Seite stehen Privatanleger der Inflationsgefahr gegenüber, die mit konservativen und niedrig verzinsten Anlagen nicht zu beseitigen ist. Ein möglicher Ausweg, um für beide Seiten finanzielle Linderung zu schaffen, stellen digitale Anlageberatungsservices, die im Fachjargon unter den Begriff Robo-Advice und Robo-Advisory bekannt sind. Dieses Konzept wird aktuell um die Einbindung sog. Krypto- Assets erweitert. Die Arbeit untersucht daher die entscheidungsbestimmenden Faktoren aus Sicht der Privatanleger hinsichtlich der Nutzung eines Krypto-Robo-Advisor.

  • af Raimund Schwendner
    532,95 kr.

    Salutogenious Growth setzt sich mit innovativen sowie zukunftsweisenden Formen des Wachstums auseinander. Daraus leitet es Instrumentarien und Prozesse zur nachhaltigen Transformation ab. Diese überträgt die Grundlagen der Salutogenese in wirtschaftliches Denken, also in die Frage, welche aktiven Prozesse ökonomische "Gesundheit" erzeugen, und verknüpft sie mit der "Ingeniosity". Die besticht durch Scharfsinn, Einfallsreichtum und Vorstellungskraft sowie durch kreative Empathie. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die "Leadership Maturity", der nachhaltige Turnaround des General Managements und die Entwicklung von "lernenden Kennzahlen". Die ordnen der Kauf- und Investitionskraft eine Problemlöse-Stärke zu, um eine langfristige Wertschöpfung zu erzielen. Das verbindet ökonomische, ökologisch verantwortliche und soziale Innovationen. Es bildet den Mantel für hochkarätige technologische Innovationen und für eine "hochbegabte" Künstliche Intelligenz. Diese vermag komplexe Risiken zügig zu erkennen,ihnen vorzubeugen und sie zu "überholen". So profitiert der Homo oeconomicus von der besonderen Klugheit des Homo sapiens-sapiens. Daraus entstehen neuartige Formen der Personal- und Organisationsentwicklung und insbesondere der zukunftsfähigen Persönlichkeitsentwicklung.

  • af Catia Pesquita
    778,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the post-conference proceedings of the satellite events held at the 20th Extended Semantic Web Conference, ESWC 2023, held in Hersonissos, Greece, during May 28¿June 1, 2023.The 50 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 109 submissions. They were organized in sections as follows: Posters and Demos, Industry, and PhD Symposium.

  • af Henderik A. Proper
    670,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Enterprise Design, Operations, and Computing, EDOC 2023, held in Groningen, The Netherlands, during October 30¿November 3, 2023.The 12 full papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 36submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Enterprise Modeling, Enterprise Architecture & Engineering, Model-Based Software Engineering, Enterprise Analysis with Process Mining, Process Improvement & Engineering, and Modeling in an Enterprise Context.

  • af Krassimir T. Atanassov
    2.187,95 kr.

    This volume is composed of selected papers from two conferences held in Warsaw, Poland on October 13-15, 2022: the BOS/SOR¿2022 - National Conference on Operational and Systems Research, one of premiere conferences in the field of operational and systems research, and the Twentith International Workshop on Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets and Generalized Nets, IWIFSGN-2022, one of premiere conferences on fuzzy logic, notably on extensions of the traditional fuzzy sets, also comprising a considerable part on the Generalized Nets (GNs). A joint publication of selected papers from the two conferences follows a long tradition of such a joint organization, and ¿ from a substantial point of view ¿ combines systems modeling, systems analysis, broadly perceived operational research, notably optimization, decision making and decision support, with various aspects of uncertain and imprecise information and their related tools and techniques.

  • af Salvatore Sapienza
    1.106,95 - 1.116,95 kr.

    This book identifies the principles that should be applied when processing Big Data in the context of food safety risk assessments. Food safety is a critical goal in the protection of individuals' right to health and the flourishing of the food and feed market. Big Data is fostering new applications capable of enhancing the accuracy of food safety risk assessments. An extraordinary amount of information is analysed to detect the existence or predict the likelihood of future risks, also by means of machine learning algorithms. Big Data and novel analysis techniques are topics of growing interest for food safety agencies, including the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). This wealth of information brings with it both opportunities and risks concerning the extraction of meaningful inferences from data. However, conflicting interests and tensions among the parties involved are hindering efforts to find shared methods for steering the processing of Big Data in a sound, transparent and trustworthy way. While consumers call for more transparency, food business operators tend to be reluctant to share informational assets. This has resulted in a considerable lack of trust in the EU food safety system. A recent legislative reform, supported by new legal cases, aims to restore confidence in the risk analysis system by reshaping the meaning of data ownership in this domain. While this regulatory approach is being established, breakthrough analytics techniques are encouraging thinking about the next steps in managing food safety data in the age of machine learning.The book focuses on two core topics - data ownership and data governance - by evaluating how the regulatory framework addresses the challenges raised by Big Data and its analysis in an applied, significant, and overlooked domain. To do so, it adopts an interdisciplinary approach that considers both the technological advances and the policy tools adopted in the European Union, while also assuming an ethical perspective when exploring potential solutions. The conclusion puts forward a proposal: an ethical blueprint for identifying the principles - Security, Accountability, Fairness, Explainability, Transparency and Privacy - to be observed when processing Big Data for food safety purposes, including by means of machine learning. Possible implementations are then discussed, also in connection with two recent legislative proposals, namely the Data Governance Act and the Artificial Intelligence Act.

  • af Tansel Özyer
    1.213,95 - 1.702,95 kr.

    This book includes chapters which discuss effective and efficient approaches in dealing with various aspects of social media analysis by using machine learning techniques from clustering to deep learning. A variety of theoretical aspects, application domains and case studies are covered to highlight how it is affordable to maximize the benefit of various applications from postings on social media platforms. Social media platforms have significantly influenced and reshaped various social aspects. They have set new means of communication and interaction between people, turning the whole world into a small village where people with internet connect can easily communicate without feeling any barriers. This has attracted the attention of researchers who have developed techniques and tools capable of studying various aspects of posts on social media platforms with main concentration on Twitter. This book addresses challenging applications in this dynamic domain where it is not possible to continue applying conventional techniques in studying social media postings. The content of this book helps the reader in developing own perspective about how to benefit from machine learning techniques in dealing with social media postings and how social media postings may directly influence various applications.

  • af Minghua Chen
    560,95 - 571,95 kr.

    This book addresses the urgent issue of massive and inefficient energy consumption by data centers, which have become the largest co-located computing systems in the world and process trillions of megabytes of data every second. Dynamic provisioning algorithms have the potential to be the most viable and convenient of approaches to reducing data center energy consumption by turning off unnecessary servers, but they incur additional costs from being unable to properly predict future workload demands that have only recently been mitigated by advances in machine-learned predictions.This book explores whether it is possible to design effective online dynamic provisioning algorithms that require zero future workload information while still achieving close-to-optimal performance. It also examines whether characterizing the benefits of utilizing the future workload information can then improve the design of online algorithms with predictions in dynamic provisioning. The book specifically develops online dynamic provisioning algorithms with and without the available future workload information. Readers will discover the elegant structure of the online dynamic provisioning problem in a way that reveals the optimal solution through divide-and-conquer tactics. The book teaches readers to exploit this insight by showing the design of two online competitive algorithms with competitive ratios characterized by the normalized size of a look-ahead window in which exact workload prediction is available.

  • af Lorenz Mrohs
    531,95 kr.

    Die Digitalisierung sowie der damit einhergehende Wandel von Gesellschaft und Arbeitsleben verändern die Anforderungen an Hochschulen, Lehrende und Studierende. Dabei entsteht eine neue Kultur digitaler Lehre mit großen Chancen und Herausforderungen für alle Akteursgruppen.Die Beiträge des vorliegenden Open-Access-Sammelbandes beleuchten die Entstehung digitaler Kulturen in der Hochschullehre und stellen neue Konzepte, Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten sowie Evaluationsergebnisse digitaler Lehr-Lern-Wege vor. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden in den Ausführungen auch digitale Werkzeuge und deren Anwendung sowie Weiterentwicklung in den Blick genommen ¿ sowohl für reine Online-Formate als auch für Mischformen aus digitalen und klassischen Lehransätzen.

  • af Yves Jeanrenaud
    805,95 kr.

    Der Band widmet sich der Frage, ob und wie sich die Corona-Pandemie auf das Themenfeld Gender in der MINT-Hochschullehre spezifisch auswirkte und weiterhin auswirkt. Dabei werden Aspekte der digitalen Transformation der MINT-Hochschullehre während der Corona-Krise analysiert und Einblicke in die Voraussetzungen, Prozesse und Folgen der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Thema Gender in diesem Zusammenhang beleuchtet.

  • af Julian Ereth
    668,95 kr.

    Der steigende Stellenwert von Daten als Ressource und die zunehmende Ausweitung des Aufgabenspektrums der IT-basierten Entscheidungsunterstützung verändern die logischen Architekturen analytischer Informationssysteme. Insbesondere die Datenhaltungen entwickeln sich vermehrt von zentralen Konstrukten hin zu dezentralen Konglomeraten verschiedenster Speicheransätze. Die zunehmend heterogenen Technologien und die häufig unzureichenden Erfahrungen mit neuartigen Konzepten erhöhen die Komplexität in der Planung und dem Betrieb analytischer Systemlandschaften. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist daher die Konzeption eines IT-basierten Entscheidungsunterstützungssystems für die Gestaltung dezentraler Datenhaltungen in analytischen Informationssystemen. Es wird ein Fachkonzept für die Überführung von Architekturansätzen aus realen Umgebungen in abstrahierte Architekturmuster sowie für die fallspezifische Ableitung von Handlungsempfehlungen entwickelt, prototypisch als Software-Werkzeug implementiertund evaluiert. Das hierbei entwickelte Verständnis eines Architekturmusters ermöglicht durch die Kombination von fachlichen-orientierten analytischen Capabilitites und technischen Aspekten eine ganzheitliche und systematische Unterstützung von IT-Architekturentscheidungen.

  • af Jens Grundei
    535,95 kr.

    Dieses Fachbuch bietet einen fundierten Ansatz zur Lösung praktischer Organisationsprobleme, mit denen Manager und Berater häufig konfrontiert werden. Es wird zunächst gezeigt, wie Organisationsfragen als Management-Entscheidungsprobleme verstanden und einer konsequenten Steuerung zugänglich gemacht werden können. An die Eingrenzung des Gegenstands von Reorganisationen schließt sich eine eingehende Erläuterung geeigneter Beurteilungskriterien für Organisationsstrukturen an. Sodann werden die Kernalternativen der organisatorischen Gestaltung erläutert, bevor exemplarisch gezeigt wird, wie sich konkrete Organisationsformen anhand der Kriterien beurteilen lassen. Neue Organisationsformen werden dabei jeweils explizit berücksichtigt. Für die Auswahl einer zweckmäßigen Organisation wird abschließend auf die strategiebasierte Gewichtung von Organisationszielen sowie die Integration der sachlogischen und verhaltensorientierten Beurteilungsperspektive eingegangen. Zahlreiche Praxisbeispielesowie Definitionen wichtiger Begriffe, Merksätze und Hintergrundinformationen erleichtern die Umsetzung in die Unternehmenspraxis.

  • af Crazy Science
    538,95 kr.

    "Insights from the Algorithm: A Machine Learning Story" is an engaging and informative journey into the fascinating world of machine learning and artificial intelligence. This narrative weaves together a rich tapestry of concepts, techniques, and practical applications, offering a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly evolving field.This compelling narrative takes readers on a captivating exploration of the inner workings of algorithms, data analytics, and predictive modeling. It delves deep into the ever-expanding universe of machine learning, offering insights into its foundational principles, methodologies, and real-world applications.Throughout the pages of this book, you'll embark on a quest to unravel the secrets behind the algorithms that power recommendation systems, autonomous vehicles, and natural language processing. You'll discover how machine learning algorithms are designed to detect intricate patterns within data, enabling them to make predictions and take intelligent actions.With a keen focus on demystifying complex technical concepts, "Insights from the Algorithm" serves as a beacon for both beginners and seasoned data scientists. It elucidates key topics such as supervised and unsupervised learning, deep learning, neural networks, and the ethics of AI in an accessible and engaging manner.The narrative goes beyond mere technicalities and offers a thought-provoking exploration of the societal and ethical implications of machine learning. It discusses the responsible use of AI and the impact of algorithms on decision-making, privacy, and bias, providing a comprehensive understanding of the challenges and opportunities presented by this revolutionary technology.In "Insights from the Algorithm," you'll find a treasure trove of case studies and real-world examples that illustrate the transformative power of machine learning. From healthcare and finance to marketing and autonomous robotics, this narrative highlights how machine learning is reshaping industries and offering innovative solutions to complex problems.Join us on this captivating journey as we unveil the intricate world of machine learning and discover how algorithms are not just lines of code but powerful tools that unlock new dimensions of understanding and enable intelligent actions. This book is your gateway to the future, where data-driven insights and algorithmic intelligence redefine what's possible. Whether you're an enthusiast, a student, or a professional in the field, this narrative offers a comprehensive, accessible, and inspiring guide to the incredible world of machine learning.

  • af Annamma Joy
    563,95 kr.

    The art, fashion and wine industries are currently at various stages in their efforts to embrace and transition towards sustainability. While sustainability commitments are a necessary condition for progress, they are not sufficient. Instead, there is a need for sweeping transformative change that includes giving serious consideration to indigenous worldviews without recolonizing them. Sustainability in Art, Fashion and Wine includes findings from recent research and contributes to a new understanding of familiar concepts such as sustainability, (de)colonization and corporate responsibility in the art, fashion and wine industries by adopting critical lenses and incorporating them with innovative perspectives on circular business models and digitalization. It endeavors to present remedies for effectively combating climate change and promoting social good. While discussing specific issues such as sub-contracted labor, safe working conditions, living wages, environmental degradation, mismanaged waste, and more, the book argues that recognizing the significant role western colonization has played - and continues to play - in the developing world in our current conception of capitalism is itself unsustainable. To understand the true meaning of sustainability - to fully recognize the looming deadlines we face in combating the climate crisis and instituting sustainability as a new normal - the acceptance of a new conception of capitalism, one antithetical to colonization and exploitation, is required. Contributors to this book address these issues by applying a critical studies approach to their respective chapters, allowing the book to set out what real sustainability could and should look like in the art, fashion and wine industries.

  • af Julio C. Urenda
    1.109,95 - 1.118,95 kr.

    The book explores a new general approach to selecting-and designing-data processing techniques. Symmetry and invariance ideas behind this algebraic approach have been successful in physics, where many new theories are formulated in symmetry terms.The book explains this approach and expands it to new application areas ranging from engineering, medicine, education to social sciences. In many cases, this approach leads to optimal techniques and optimal solutions. That the same data processing techniques help us better analyze wooden structures, lung dysfunctions, and deep learning algorithms is a good indication that these techniques can be used in many other applications as well. The book is recommended to researchers and practitioners who need to select a data processing technique-or who want to design a new technique when the existing techniques do not work. It is also recommended to students who want to learn the state-of-the-art data processing.  

  • af Andreas Dombret
    778,95 kr.

    Where might the next systemic financial crisis come from? And how do we achieve financial stability in a poly crisis world? This book addresses macroeconomic factors, crypto assets, non-bank financial institutions and regulated financial service providers, keeping in mind that each sector can interact with the others to produce a cluster of risks with compounding effects.

  • af Zhixin Qi
    1.692,95 kr.

    In both the database and machine learning communities, data quality has become a serious issue which cannot be ignored. In this context, we refer to data with quality problems as ¿dirty data.¿ Clearly, for a given data mining or machine learning task, dirty data in both training and test datasets can affect the accuracy of results. Accordingly, this book analyzes the impacts of dirty data and explores effective methods for dirty data processing.Although existing data cleaning methods improve data quality dramatically, the cleaning costs are still high. If we knew how dirty data affected the accuracy of machine learning models, we could clean data selectively according to the accuracy requirements instead of cleaning all dirty data, which entails substantial costs. However, no book to date has studied the impacts of dirty data on machine learning models in terms of data quality. Filling precisely this gap, the book is intended for a broad audience ranging from researchers inthe database and machine learning communities to industry practitioners.Readers will find valuable takeaway suggestions on: model selection and data cleaning; incomplete data classification with view-based decision trees; density-based clustering for incomplete data; the feature selection method, which reduces the time costs and guarantees the accuracy of machine learning models; and cost-sensitive decision tree induction approaches under different scenarios. Further, the book opens many promising avenues for the further study of dirty data processing, such as data cleaning on demand, constructing a model to predict dirty-data impacts, and integrating data quality issues into other machine learning models. Readers will be introduced to state-of-the-art dirty data processing techniques, and the latest research advances, while also finding new inspirations in this field.

  • af Subramanian Senthilkannan Muthu
    612,95 - 621,95 kr.

    This book presents applications of blockchain technologies to foster sustainable development in the textile and clothing supply chain. The concept of Textiles and Fashion Sustainability has grown to a wider extent today. Among the list of items to achieve Sustainability in Textiles and Fashion, the key element is the traceability of supply chains in terms of mapping and tracing the entire supply chain to ensure sustainable supply chain management. Reliable and transparent, efficient data is one of the crucial requirements for Textiles and Fashion Sustainability in today's advanced industrial context and this is possible in this advanced era by various technological advancements such as Block chain technologies. These days one can see a widespread application of blockchain technology in the Textiles and Clothing sector.  The core competencies of blockchain technology namely transparency, data auditability, privacy, value transfer, and process efficiency and automation are very much essential for achieving the multifold objectives under the theme Textiles and Fashion Sustainability.

  • af Amit Kumar, Gheorghita Ghinea & Suresh Merugu
    2.803,95 - 3.802,95 kr.

  • af Anna Fensel
    673,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning, RuleML+RR 2023, held in Oslo, Norway, during September 18¿20, 2023. The 13 full papers and 3 short papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 46 submissions. They focus on all aspects of theoretical advances; novel technologies; innovative applications; knowledge representation; reasoning with rules; and research, development, applications of rule-based systems.

  • af Melissa Lukings
    578,95 - 587,95 kr.

    This book provides an overview of the topics of data, sovereignty, and governance with respect to data and online activities through a legal lens and from a cybersecurity perspective. This first chapter explores the concepts of data, ownerships, and privacy with respect to digital media and content, before defining the intersection of sovereignty in law with application to data and digital media content. The authors delve into the issue of digital governance, as well as theories and systems of governance on a state level, national level, and corporate/organizational level. Chapter three jumps into the complex area of jurisdictional conflict of laws and the related issues regarding digital activities in international law, both public and private. Additionally, the book discusses the many technical complexities which underlay the evolution and creation of new law and governance strategies and structures. This includes socio-political, legal, and industrial technical complexities which can apply in these areas. The fifth chapter is a comparative examination of the legal strategies currently being explored by a variety of nations. The book concludes with a discussion about emerging topics which either influence, or are influenced by, data sovereignty and digital governance, such as indigenous data sovereignty, digital human rights and self-determination, artificial intelligence, and global digital social responsibility. Cumulatively, this book provides the full spectrum of information, from foundational principles underlining the described topics, through to the larger, more complex, evolving issues which we can foresee ahead of us.

  • af Simon Sagmeister
    468,95 kr.

    Although culture is what gives companies the ability to survive, it is often addressed only after problems have emerged. While it is true that corporate culture cannot be put into numbers, it can be visualized and modeled using the author's Culture Map. The values underlying all corporate cultures are represented in seven colors which combine to form individual patterns. The Culture Map can be used as a basis for successful change and innovation processes, mergers, and integrations. When managers and employees see where they are trying to go, it enables them to take the appropriate decisions and actions."This is the perfect (work-)book for those who want to know what makes their organization tick and who want to actively sculpt its success." Carina Kontio, Handelsblatt"An extensive introduction to the topic of corporate culture with vivid case studies and graphics. Very attractive design and great visual transfer." acquisa

  • af Fiorella Foscarini
    1.102,95 - 1.111,95 kr.

  • af Sherine Tadros
    133,95 kr.

    What does it take to report from conflict zones? What good is neutrality in the face of suffering, and how much difference can one person make?From her first journalistic assignment in Gaza to covering the Arab Spring in Egypt, Sherine Tadros searched for ways to change people's lives for the better.It wasn't until her life fell apart that she found the courage to pursue her true purpose. With compassion and verve, Tadros now shares her remarkable journey, from witnessing injustice to fighting it in the corridors of power. In probing the line between journalism and activism, her memoir Taking Sides demonstrates why stories matter - and how we can all use our voices to inspire meaningful change.

  • af Antal Szerb
    108,95 kr.

    While visiting a Welsh castle, a young scholar finds himself at the center of occult rituals and a murder mystery in this "absolute treat" of a gothic detective story (The Guardian) At an end-of-the London season soiree, the young Hungarian scholar-dilettante Janos Batky is introduced to the Earl of Gwynedd, a reclusive eccentric who is the subject of strange rumors. Invited to the family seat, Pendragon Castle in North Wales, Batky receives a mysterious phone-call warning him not to go. But go he does, plunging him into a bizarre world of mysticism and romance, animal experimentation, and planned murder. His quest to solve the central mystery takes him down strange byways-old libraries and warehouse cellars, Welsh mountains and underground tombs. The Pendragon Legend is Antal Szerb's first novel and is a gently satirical blend of gothic and romantic genres, crossed with the murder mystery format to produce a fast-moving and often hilarious romp. But beneath the surface, the reader becomes aware of a steely intelligence probing moral, psychological, and religious questions.

  • af Narges Mohammadi
    116,95 kr.

    With a foreword by Shirin Ebadi, Nobel Peace Prize winner 'A must-read for anyone concerned with human rights in Iran. A gripping, moving and utterly shocking account.' Kylie Moore-Gilbert New introductions written by Shannon Woodcock and Nayereh Tohidi Extended solitary confinement has been condemned as a severe violation of human rights. Yet it is still widely used in Iranian prisons. In White Torture, thirteen women, including Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, share their experiences of imprisonment: harassment and beatings by guards, total blindfolding and denial of medical treatment. Angry interrogators threaten their families and lie about their whereabouts. One prisoner is even told she is dead. None of the women have committed crimes they are prisoners of conscience or held hostage as bargaining chips. Through psychological torture, the Iranian state hopes to remake their souls. These interviews, carried out while each woman was in prison or facing charges, are astounding documents of resistance and integrity. White Torture unveils the rot at the heart of the Iranian legal system and calls on us to act for change.

  • af George Dimitoglou
    2.328,95 kr.

    Through the application of cutting-edge techniques like Big Data, Data Mining, and Data Science, it is possible to extract insights from massive datasets. These methodologies are crucial in enabling informed decision-making and driving transformative advancements across many fields, industries, and domains. This book offers an overview of latest tools, methods and approaches while also highlighting their practical use through various applications and case studies.

  • af Marius Müller
    1.023,95 kr.

    The 2008 financial crisis brought the far-reaching influence of credit ratings on capital markets into focus and confirmed doubts about the quality of ratings published by rat-ing agencies. In the context of regulatory efforts to limit the influence of ratings, Marius Müller addresses the question to what extent investment funds are obliged to sell bonds that no longer comply with investment guidelines following a rating downgrade. Results of a statistical analysis of 200 European and U.S. fund prospectuses are evaluated in the light of regulatory objectives. Subsequently, a structural proposal for the formulation of investment guidelines is developed, accounting for the protection of investor interests and market functioning.

  • af Antonio Parziale
    672,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 21st International Conference of the International Graphonomics Society on Graphonomics in Human Body Movement, IGS 2023, held in Évora, Portugal, during October 16¿19, 2023.The 12 full papers presented in this book together with one short paper and two invited papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 23 submissions. The conference centers around graphonomics research aimed at comprehending the processes of handwriting acquisition and execution. Moreover, it delves deeper into the impact of the writer's neural, psychological, and biomechanical conditions on the various aspects of handwriting

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