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Persondata og datasikkerhed

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  • af Shoshana Zuboff
    220,95 - 310,95 kr.

    Enorm rigdom og magt er i dag koncentreret i nye markeder, hvor overvågning af og forudsigelser om vores adfærd bliver købt og solgt. Shoshana Zuboff betegner fænomenet overvågningskapitalisme og kalder det for en lige så stor omvæltning af den menneskelige tilværelse i dag, som den industrielle revolution var det i det 20. århundrede. Der er tale om en hidtil uset magtkonstellation karakteriseret ved ekstreme koncentrationer af viden uden demokratisk tilsyn – og prisen er vores frihed. Med begrænset modstand fra lovgivning og samfund truer overvågningskapitalismen vores nutid og vil dominere vores fremtid – hvis vi tillader det. Anmeldelser “Læs den – den er fremragende!” ★★★★★★ - Altinget ”Det hidtil mest ambitiøse forsøg på at tegne det store billede og forklare baggrunden for digitaliseringens følger, som vi oplever dem som individer og som samfundsborgere ... En fortsættelse af traditionen fra Adam Smith, Max Weber, Karl Polanyi og – tør man sige det – Karl Marx.” – The Observer ”En tilbundsgående researchet, fængende skrevet fortælling om overvågningskapitalismens opståen og dens skadelige virkninger for vores samfund... – New York Times Book Review ”... alle bør læse denne bog som et digitalt selvforsvar. Med stort klarsyn og moralsk mod demonstrerer Zuboff ikke alene, hvordan vores hjerner støvsuges for data, men også hvordan de ændres undervejs, hurtigt og radikalt.” – Naomi Klein, forfatter til Intet bliver som før og No Logo Om forfatteren Shoshana Zuboff er amerikansk socialpsykolog, filosof og professor emerita på Harvard Business School samt ekspert i den digitale revolution. Hun har udgivet en lang række bøger i spændingsfeltet mellem teknologi, psykologi, filosofi og økonomi, og i 1988 skrev hun The age of the Smart Machine: the Future of Work and Power, som blev et skelsættende hovedværk om computeriseringen af vores arbejde og liv.

  • - Med kommentarer
    af Kristian Korfits Nielsen & Anders Lotterup
    1.662,95 kr.

    Databeskyttelsesforordningen og databeskyttelsesloven med kommentarer beskriver reglerne og praksis vedrørende både forordningen og loven, som samlet set fremadrettet vil udgøre reguleringen af databeskyttelsesretten i Danmark.Lovkommentaren er et praktisk redskab for medarbejdere i den offentlige sektor, private virksomheder, foreninger m.v., som er beskæftiget med aktiviteter, der er omfattet af forordningen og loven, og for advokater, revisorer og andre rådgivere. Bogen indeholder relevant praksis fra Datatilsynet og relevante afgørelser fra bl.a. danske domstole, EU-Domstolen og det nye Europæiske Databeskyttelsesråd.

  • - Technology and the End of the Future
    af James Bridle
    117,95 - 164,95 kr.

    ';New Dark Ageis among the most unsettling and illuminating books I've read about the Internet, which is to say that it is among the most unsettling and illuminating books I've read about contemporary life.'New YorkerAs the world around us increases in technological complexity, our understanding of it diminishes. Underlying this trend is a single idea: the belief that our existence is understandable through computation, and more data is enough to help us build a better world. In reality, we are lost in a sea of information, increasingly divided by fundamentalism, simplistic narratives, conspiracy theories, and post-factual politics. Meanwhile, those in power use our lack of understanding to further their own interests. Despite the apparent accessibility of information, we're living in a new Dark Age. From rogue financial systems to shopping algorithms, from artificial intelligence to state secrecy, we no longer understand how our world is governed or presented to us. The media is filled with unverifiable speculation, much of it generated by anonymous software, while companies dominate their employees through surveillance and the threat of automation. In his brilliant new work, leading artist and writer James Bridle surveys the history of art, technology, and information systems, and reveals the dark clouds that gather over our dreams of the digital sublime.

  • - Teknoantropologiske perspektiver
    af Klavs Birkholm & Niels Frølich
    312,95 kr.

    Lige nu fejrer algoritmerne deres indtog i alle sektorer af samfundslivet: de sociale medier, sundhedsplatformen, hospitalernes diagnostiske systemer, bilindustrien, det omorganiserede skattevæsen, ældreforsorgen, database-marketing og ikke mindst nye managementprincipper i den offentlige sektor − principper, der markedsføres under betegnelsen “afbureaukratisering”.Men selv om opmærksomheden på algoritmernes autoritet er vokset, finder størsteparten af hele denne udvikling upåagtet sted og uden nogen form for eftertænksom debat om de etiske og samfundskulturelle perspektiver. Det vil denne antologi søge at råde bod på ved at rejse en række af de centrale spørgsmål. Hvordan får vi bedre indblik i algoritmernes udformning og rolle? På hvilken måde udgør de nye datastrømme en trussel mod demokratiet? Hvor flyder ansvaret hen, og kan individet bevare magten over egne data?Klavs Birkholm er direktør for tænketanken TeknoEtik.Niels Frølich er IT- og telekommunikationskonsulent.

  • af Laurent Richard & Sandrine Rigaud
    112,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Susie Alegre
    112,95 - 195,95 kr.

    Without a moment's pause, we share our most intimate thoughts with trillion-dollar tech companies. Their algorithms categorize us and jump to conclusions about who we are. They even shape our everyday thoughts and actions - from who we date to how we vote. But this is just the latest front in an age-old struggle.Part history and part manifesto, Freedom to Think charts the history and importance of our most basic human right: freedom of thought. From Galileo to Nudge Theory to Alexa, human rights lawyer Susie Alegre explores how the powerful have always sought to get inside our heads, influence how we think and shape what we buy. Providing a bold new framework to understand how our agency is being gradually undermined, Freedom to Think is a ground-breaking and vital charter for taking back our humanity and safeguarding our reason.

  • af Peer Schaumburg-Müller & Line Budtz Pedersen
    803,95 kr.

    Databeskyttelse i arbejdsretten – fra jura til praksis indeholder en samlet fremstilling af databeskyttelsesretten med fokus på arbejdsretten.Bogen indeholder både en analyse af de nye databeskyttelsesretlige regler og en lang række praktiske anvisninger på, hvordan reglerne kan håndteres i praksis – i form af paradigmer, vejledninger og forslag til forretningsgange.Bogen giver en præcis, konkret og brugbar gennemgang af de nye regler, uden at læseren skal kaste sig ud i nærmere studier af et meget kompliceret retsområde.Databeskyttelse i arbejdsretten – fra jura til praksis er et praktisk værktøj, der henvender sig til medarbejdere i virksomheder, arbejdsgiver- og lønmodtagerorganisationer, advokater, revisorer og andre rådgivere, der beskæftiger sig med persondataretten.Om forfatterneLine Budtz Pedersen er advokat og sektionschef i TDC Group. Hun har mange års erfaring med compliance og har i de seneste år indgående beskæftiget sig med inkorporeringen af databeskyttelsesforordningen.Peer Schaumburg-Müller er vicedirektør i TDC Group, ekstern lektor på CBS og adjungeret professor på Aalborg Universitet. Han er forfatter og medforfatter til en lang række bøger bl.a. inden for arbejdsret.

  • af Shobhit Mehta
    597,95 kr.

    Prepare to pass the ISACA CRISC exam with confidence, gain high-value skills, and propel yourself toward IT risk management masteryKey Features:Gain end-to-end coverage of all the topics assessed in the ISACA CRISC examApply and embed your learning with the help of practice quizzes and self-assessment questionsHave an in-depth guide handy as you progress in your enterprise IT risk management careerPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:For beginners and experienced IT risk professionals alike, acing the ISACA CRISC exam is no mean feat, and the application of this advanced skillset in your daily work poses a challenge. The ISACA Certified in Risk and Information Systems Control (CRISC®) Certification Guide is a comprehensive guide to CRISC certification and beyond that'll help you to approach these daunting challenges with its step-by-step coverage of all aspects of the exam content and develop a highly sought-after skillset in the process.This book is divided into six sections, with each section equipped with everything you need to get to grips with the domains covered in the exam. There'll be no surprises on exam day - from GRC to ethical risk management, third-party security concerns to the ins and outs of control design, and IDS/IPS to the SDLC, no stone is left unturned in this book's systematic design covering all the topics so that you can sit for the exam with confidence. What's more, there are chapter-end self-assessment questions for you to test all that you've learned, as well as two book-end practice quizzes to really give you a leg up.By the end of this CRISC exam study guide, you'll not just have what it takes to breeze through the certification process, but will also be equipped with an invaluable resource to accompany you on your career path.What You Will Learn:Adopt the ISACA mindset and learn to apply it when attempting the CRISC examGrasp the three lines of defense model and understand risk capacityExplore the threat landscape and figure out vulnerability managementFamiliarize yourself with the concepts of BIA, RPO, RTO, and moreGet to grips with the four stages of risk responseManage third-party security risks and secure your systems with easeUse a full arsenal of InfoSec tools to protect your organizationTest your knowledge with self-assessment questions and practice quizzesWho this book is for:If you are a GRC or a risk management professional with experience in the management of IT audits or in the design, implementation, monitoring, and maintenance of IS controls, or are gearing up to take the CRISC exam, then this CRISC book is for you. Security analysts, penetration testers, SOC analysts, PMs, and other security or management professionals and executives will also benefit from this book.

  • af Katharine Jarmul
    523,95 kr.

    Between major privacy regulations like the GDPR and CCPA and expensive and notorious data breaches, there has never been so much pressure to ensure data privacy. Unfortunately, integrating privacy into data systems is still complicated. This essential guide will give you a fundamental understanding of modern privacy building blocks, like differential privacy, federated learning, and encrypted computation. Based on hard-won lessons, this book provides solid advice and best practices for integrating breakthrough privacy-enhancing technologies into production systems. Practical Data Privacy answers important questions such as: What do privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA mean for my data workflows and data science use cases? What does "anonymized data" really mean? How do I actually anonymize data? How does federated learning and analysis work? Homomorphic encryption sounds great, but is it ready for use? How do I compare and choose the best privacy-preserving technologies and methods? Are there open-source libraries that can help? How do I ensure that my data science projects are secure by default and private by design? How do I work with governance and infosec teams to implement internal policies appropriately?

  • af Hanne Marie Motzfeldt
    568,94 kr.

    I 2016 blev EU's efterhånden så berømte databeskyttelsesforordning vedtaget. I 2018 fik forordningen virkning i dansk ret, og den regulerer i dag store dele af det digitale samfunds databehandling, suppleret af databeskyttelsesloven.Forordningens vagt og upræcist formulerede regler er i dag præciseret i en række retningslinjer, vejledninger, udtalelser og afgørelser fra Det Europæiske Databeskyttelsesråd og Datatilsynet, ligesom en række domme er afsagt siden 2018. Grundlæggende databeskyttelsesret gennemgår de væsentligste dele af den almindelige databeskyttelsesret under inddragelse af dette, nyere materiale.Gennemgangen er struktureret efter en række temaer: · Databeskyttelsesrettens nyere historik, formål og sigte · Databeskyttelsesrettens retskilder · Databeskyttelsesforordningens og –lovens anvendelsesområder · Databeskyttelsesrettens reguleringsmodel og aktører · De grundlæggende behandlingsprincipper · Kravene om behandlingsgrundlag og hjemmel · De registreredes rettigheder · De databeskyttelsesretlige ansvarlighedsregler · Reglerne om overførsler til tredjelande og internationale organisationer · Tilsyn, håndhævelse og sanktioner Bogen er blevet til på baggrund af et ønske om en opdatering af lærebogsmaterialet i databeskyttelsesret på Juridisk Fakultet, Københavns Universitet. Den er skrevet af lektor, ph.d. Hanne Marie Motzfeldt, der har undervist i faget siden 2019.

  • af Burcu Ayse Balci
    168,00 kr.

    Dette kompendium indeholder en overskuelig sammenfatning af Peter Blumes bog Databeskyttelsesret. Kompendiet behandler de eksakt samme emner som lærebogen, men inddrager og perspektiverer samtidig til den nye persondataforordning, som fremover vil danne grundlag for den danske persondataret samt for undervisningen i persondataret på Københavns Universitet og Copenhagen Business School. Kompendiet har primært fokus på det juridiske aspekt af persondataretten, som er det, den studerende vil blive eksamineret i, og fokuserer mindre på det retspolitiske aspekt, og den studerende vil således have let ved at følge op på lektien til dagens undervisning og samtidig være godt forberedt til eksamen. For virksomheder, der skal sørge for compliance med forordningen, kan kompendiet bruges som en håndbog til at skabe overblik over, hvilke krav der nu skal opfyldes, og hvilke krav der er blevet skærpet i forhold til tidligere, for at undgå de nye sanktioner, der følger med forordningen. Slutteligt kan kompendiet bruges af alle, der ønsker at kende til deres allerede eksisterende rettigheder, men også til de nye, spændende rettigheder, som følger med forordningen.

  • af Shui Yu
    1.390,95 kr.

    In this book, the authors highlight the latest research findings on the security and privacy of federated learning systems. The main attacks and counterattacks in this booming field are presented to readers in connection with inference, poisoning, generative adversarial networks, differential privacy, secure multi-party computation, homomorphic encryption, and shuffle, respectively. The book offers an essential overview for researchers who are new to the field, while also equipping them to explore this ¿uncharted territory.¿ For each topic, the authors first present the key concepts, followed by the most important issues and solutions, with appropriate references for further reading. The book is self-contained, and all chapters can be read independently. It offers a valuable resource for master¿s students, upper undergraduates, Ph.D. students, and practicing engineers alike.

  • af Ian Wild
    477,95 kr.

    Tackle advanced platform security challenges with this practical Moodle guide complete with expert tips and techniquesKey FeaturesDemonstrate the security of your Moodle architecture for compliance purposesAssess and strengthen the security of your Moodle platform proactivelyExplore Moodle's baked-in security framework and discover ways to enhance it with pluginsPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionOnline learning platforms have revolutionized the teaching landscape, but with this comes the imperative of securing your students' private data in the digital realm. Have you taken every measure to ensure their data's security? Are you aligned with your organization's cybersecurity standards? What about your insurer and your country's data protection regulations?This book offers practical insights through real-world examples to ensure compliance. Equipping you with tools, techniques, and approaches, Moodle 4 Security guides you in mitigating potential threats to your Moodle platform. Dedicated chapters on understanding vulnerabilities familiarize you with the threat landscape so that you can manage your server effectively, keeping bad actors at bay and configuring Moodle for optimal user and data protection.By the end of the book, you'll have gained a comprehensive understanding of Moodle's security issues and how to address them. You'll also be able to demonstrate the safety of your Moodle platform, assuring stakeholders that their data is measurably safer.What you will learnMeasure a tutoring company's security risk profile and build a threat modelExplore data regulation frameworks and apply them to your organization's needsImplement the CIS Critical Security Controls effectivelyCreate JMeter test scripts to simulate server load scenariosAnalyze and enhance web server logs to identify rogue agentsInvestigate real-time application DOS protection using ModEvasiveIncorporate ModSecurity and the OWASP Core Rule Set WAF rules into your server defensesBuild custom infrastructure monitoring dashboards with GrafanaWho this book is forIf you're already familiar with Moodle, have experience in Linux systems administration, and want to expand your knowledge of protecting Moodle against data loss and malicious attacks, this book is for you. A basic understanding of user management, software installation and maintenance, Linux security controls, and network configuration will help you get the most out of this book.Table of ContentsMoodle Security - First StepsMoodle Threat ModelingSecurity Industry StandardsBuilding a Secure Linux ServerEndpoint ProtectionDenial of Service ProtectionBackup And Disaster RecoveryMeeting Data Protection RequirementsMoodle Security AuditUnderstanding VulnerabilitiesInfrastructure Monitoring

  • af Lars aka Ghandy Sobiraj
    267,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Gorsky
    252,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey through the digital landscape with "Social Sector - Check What Awaits You," a compelling guide that unveils the hidden threats lurking in the vast realms of the internet. Authored with expertise and insight, this book is an essential companion for anyone navigating the online world. Explore the intricacies of cybersecurity, social engineering, and digital privacy, gaining a deeper understanding of the challenges that await you. With real-world examples and practical advice, "Social Sector" empowers readers to safeguard themselves against cyber threats, ensuring a more confident and secure online presence. The narrative is engaging, providing a riveting exploration of the evolving social sector and the potential dangers it holds. Whether you're a tech enthusiast, a concerned parent, or a digital novice, this book offers invaluable insights and tools to navigate the digital landscape with resilience and awareness. Don't miss the opportunity to equip yourself with the knowledge needed to thrive in the online realm - "Social Sector" is your indispensable guide to a safer and more informed digital future.

  • af Serap Kurbano¿lu
    623,95 - 665,95 kr.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    372,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey through the pages of "Infinite Possibilities," a guide that illuminates the extraordinary avenues of manifesting your deepest aspirations. This book is your compass in the boundless realm of potential, offering insights, strategies, and a roadmap to navigate the labyrinth of your dreams.Unveiling the Canvas of Imagination: Step into the world of boundless imagination and creative potential. "Infinite Possibilities" invites you to explore the vast landscapes of your dreams, encouraging you to dream bigger, bolder, and with unwavering belief in the limitless possibilities that await.Navigating the Online Universe: Delve into the digital frontier as the book unveils the tremendous possibilities of earning money online. From crafting a solid foundation to building automated income streams, each chapter is a beacon guiding you through the intricacies of the virtual realm, providing practical insights into leveraging technology and mastering digital marketing.From Hustle to Harmony: Discover the delicate balance between work and well-being. "Infinite Possibilities" unveils the art of transitioning from hustle to harmony, helping you navigate the challenges of the digital age while maintaining a sense of balance, purpose, and well-being.Legacy of Prosperity: Aspire to create a legacy that echoes through generations. This guide takes you on a journey into the heart of generational wealth, offering strategies for strategic financial planning, entrepreneurship, and the timeless art of leaving behind a legacy that transcends material wealth.Key Features:Holistic Guidance: "Infinite Possibilities" is not just a guide to financial success; it's a holistic companion on your journey to manifesting dreams. From nurturing creativity to fostering well-being, each chapter offers a comprehensive approach to personal and professional fulfilment.Practical Strategies: Dive into practical strategies that demystify the complexities of the online landscape. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just beginning your online ventures, this guide provides actionable insights to propel you toward success.Inspiration for Every Chapter of Life: No matter where you are on your journey-whether you're dreaming, building, or envisioning a legacy-each chapter is designed to resonate with your unique aspirations. "Infinite Possibilities" is a timeless guide that grows with you.Visionary Wisdom: Immerse yourself in the wisdom of visionaries who have navigated the path of dreams to achieve unprecedented success. Learn from their experiences, embrace their insights, and apply their wisdom to your own journey.Interactive Reflections: Throughout the book, find prompts and reflections that encourage self-discovery and introspection. Engage with these interactive elements to personalize the guidance and align it with your individual dreams and goals."Infinite Possibilities" is more than a book; it's a companion, a mentor, and a source of inspiration on your quest to manifesting your dreams. Whether you seek financial abundance, work-life harmony, or a legacy of prosperity, this guide is your gateway to the limitless possibilities that await you in the expansive universe of your dreams.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    357,95 kr.

    Embark on a transformative journey towards unparalleled success with "The Success Equation: Unlocking the Secrets of Achievement." This compelling and insightful book, written by acclaimed authors, guides readers through a comprehensive exploration of the multifaceted elements that culminate in true success.In this illuminating work, the authors delve into the intricacies of success, dissecting it into key components that form the elusive equation for achieving one's goals. From mindset mastery to financial wisdom, the book covers a spectrum of topics, offering a holistic approach to personal and professional triumph.Unveil the secrets of shaping a resilient mindset that withstands challenges, learn the art of strategic synergy to craft a blueprint for success, and discover the transformative power of leaving a lasting legacy. Each chapter is meticulously crafted to provide practical insights, actionable strategies, and real-world examples, making "The Success Equation" a valuable guide for individuals at any stage of their journey.As the authors unravel the complexities of success, they emphasize the interplay of various factors such as mindset, collaboration, financial mastery, and the pursuit of a meaningful legacy. The book doesn't just stop at uncovering these elements; it provides readers with the tools and knowledge needed to integrate them into their lives.Whether you are an aspiring professional, an entrepreneur, or someone seeking personal growth, this book offers a roadmap to navigate the challenges and triumphs on the path to success. Each chapter is a key to unlock a different facet of achievement, providing readers with a comprehensive guide to not just setting goals, but surpassing them."The Success Equation: Unlocking the Secrets of Achievement" is not just a book; it's a manual for mastering the art of success. It challenges conventional notions, encourages a paradigm shift in thinking, and empowers individuals to unlock their full potential. Embrace the wisdom within these pages, and embark on a journey that will redefine your understanding of success and equip you with the tools to achieve it.

  • af Jean-Christophe Gaillard
    217,95 kr.

    A must-read for top executives seeking to break patterns of frustration and breach around cybersecurity and a precious management summary to the "Cybersecurity Leadership Handbook for the CISO and the CEO"

  • af Philippa Mawking
    137,95 kr.

    One strategy to draw some attention to the website when launching an internet business at a low startup cost is through traffic. This is essentially a mechanism that makes sure each person's site is included in the viewing arrangement by having sites viewed during the exchange procedure. Learn everything you require right here.

  • af Max Smith-Creasey
    409,95 kr.

    This book offers an overview of the field of continuous biometric authentication systems, which capture and continuously authenticate biometrics from user devices. This book first covers the traditional methods of user authentication and discusses how such techniques have become cumbersome in the world of mobile devices and short usage sessions. The concept of continuous biometric authentication systems is introduced and their construction is discussed. The different biometrics that these systems may utilise (e.g.: touchscreen-gesture interactions) are described and relevant studies surveyed. It also surveys important considerations and challenges.This book brings together a wide variety of key motivations, components and advantages of continuous biometric authentication systems. The overview is kept high level, so as not to limit the scope to any single device, biometric trait, use-case, or scenario. Therefore, the contents of this book are applicable todevices ranging from smartphones to desktop computers, utilising biometrics ranging from face recognition to keystroke dynamics. It also provides metrics from a variety of existing systems such that users can identify the advantages and disadvantages of different approaches.This book targets researchers and lecturers working in authentication, as well as advanced-level students in computer science interested in this field. The book will also be of interest to technical professionals working in cyber security.

  • af Cong Wang
    1.207,95 - 1.219,95 kr.

  • af Xiuqin Pan
    452,95 kr.

    This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Cognitive Computing, ICCC 2023, held in Shenzhen, China, during December 17¿18, 2023.The 9 full papers in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 14 submissions. They are organized in topical sections as follows: Cognitive Computing Technologies and Infrastructure, Cognitive Computing Applications, Sensing Intelligence, Cognitive Analysis, Mobile Services, Cognitive Computing on Smart Home, and Cognitive Computing on Smart City.

  • af Sara Mannheimer
    358,95 kr.

    This book explores the connections between qualitative data reuse, big social research, and data curation. A review of existing literature identifies the key issues of context, data quality and trustworthiness, data comparability, informed consent, privacy and confidentiality, and intellectual property and data ownership. Through interviews of qualitative researchers, big social researchers, and data curators, the author further examines each key issue and produces new insights about how domain differences affect each community of practice¿s viewpoints, different strategies that researchers and curators use to ensure responsible practice, and different perspectives on data curation. The book suggests that encouraging connections between qualitative researchers, big social researchers, and data curators can support responsible scaling up of social research, thus enhancing discoveries in social and behavioral science.

  • af Aditya Kumar Sahu
    1.219,95 kr.

    Multimedia watermarking is a key ingredient for integrity verification, transaction tracking, copyright protection, authentication, copy control, and forgery detection. This book provides an extensive survey from the fundamentals to cutting-edge digital watermarking techniques. One of the crucial aspects of multimedia security is the ability to detect forged/tampered regions from the multimedia object. In this book, we emphasized how tampering detection, localization, and recovery of manipulated information not only limits but also eliminates the scope of unauthorized usage. Finally, this book provides the groundwork for understanding the role of intelligent machines and blockchain in achieving better security in multimedia watermarking.Readers will find it easy to comprehend the wide variety of applications, theoretical principles, and effective solutions for protecting intellectual rights soon after reading this book.

  • af Jaideep Vaidya
    520,95 - 725,95 kr.

  • af Alex Foster
    217,95 kr.

    The digital landscape is growing unprecedentedly in today's interconnected society, bringing incredible ease and evident threats. Technology has ingratiated itself into our lives, allowing us to interact, communicate, and transact in ways that were unthinkable just a few decades ago. Cyber threats, a fresh breed of threats brought on by the digital revolution, have the potential to compromise our personal data, financial security, and even the basic systems that keep our societies running.Welcome to " Cybersecurity: Cybersecurity EssentialsSafeguarding Your Digital World." This e-book has been written to guide you through the maze of cyber risks, arming you with the information and resources required to move about the online world securely and confidently. This e-book is meant to empower you, whether you're an individual looking to safeguard your personal information, a professional trying to strengthen the security measures in place at your company, or just someone who wants to know more about the digital threats we face. Understanding cybersecurity fundamentals is no longer optional in this digital age, where cyber attacks vary from sophisticated data breaches that target large companies to deceptive phishing emails that attempt to trick individuals. Our e-book will guide you through the key ideas, routines, and tactics that can protect you from the always-changing threats lurking in cyberspace.

  • af Tuomo Sipola
    1.390,95 - 1.538,95 kr.

    This book discusses artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity from multiple points of view. The diverse chapters reveal modern trends and challenges related to the use of artificial intelligence when considering privacy, cyber-attacks and defense as well as applications from malware detection to radio signal intelligence.The chapters are contributed by an international team of renown researchers and professionals in the field of AI and cybersecurity.During the last few decades the rise of modern AI solutions that surpass humans in specific tasks has occurred. Moreover, these new technologies provide new methods of automating cybersecurity tasks. In addition to the privacy, ethics and cybersecurity concerns, the readers learn several new cutting edge applications of AI technologies.Researchers working in AI and cybersecurity as well as advanced level students studying computer science and electrical engineering with a focus on AI and Cybersecurity will find this book useful as a reference. Professionals working within these related fields will also want to purchase this book as a reference. 

  • af Charles Johnson Jr
    247,95 kr.

    Il libro aggiornato su Dark Web & Dark Net.Devi leggere questo libro se vuoi conoscere o intraprendere il viaggio nel dark web. In questo breve libro, imparerai le storie agghiaccianti del dark web e della dark net. Conoscerai i fondamenti, i fatti e le cifre sul surface web, il deep web e il dark web.Il libro fornisce anche un'ampia panoramica delle minacce digitali attuali ed emergenti e dei crimini informatici. Sarai aggiornato con informazioni cruciali su frodi e furti di identità effettuati quotidianamente sul dark web.In particolare, imparerai: Cos'è esattamente il dark web?L'origine del deep web e del dark web.Attività che si svolgono sul dark web.Come il dark web ti influenza.Come vengono venduti i dati personali sul dark web.I dati più spesso scambiati sul dark web.Traffico di organi umani e servizi di pornografia infantile nel dark web.Il mercato del dark web.La rete Tor e come funziona il browser Tor.La storia di Ross William Ulbricht, l'uomo dietro la Via della Seta.La verità sul surface web: perché alcuni siti non possono essere considerati attendibili con le tue informazioni.Le cose più importanti che imparerai: cosa puoi fare per proteggerti da attività dannose nel dark web.Come mantenere la tua identità Internet al sicuro su base giornaliera.

  • af Yaochu Jin
    1.390,95 kr.

    This book introduces readers to the fundamentals of and recent advances in federated learning, focusing on reducing communication costs, improving computational efficiency, and enhancing the security level. Federated learning is a distributed machine learning paradigm which enables model training on a large body of decentralized data. Its goal is to make full use of data across organizations or devices while meeting regulatory, privacy, and security requirements. The book starts with a self-contained introduction to artificial neural networks, deep learning models, supervised learning algorithms, evolutionary algorithms, and evolutionary learning. Concise information is then presented on multi-party secure computation, differential privacy, and homomorphic encryption, followed by a detailed description of federated learning. In turn, the book addresses the latest advances in federate learning research, especially from the perspectives of communication efficiency, evolutionary learning, and privacy preservation.The book is particularly well suited for graduate students, academic researchers, and industrial practitioners in the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence. It can also be used as a self-learning resource for readers with a science or engineering background, or as a reference text for graduate courses.       

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