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Residential Design Using Autodesk Revit 2023 is designed for users completely new to Autodesk Revit. Each book also includes access to extensive video training designed to further help you master Autodesk Revit.
Ready to master Python? Learn to write effective code, whether you're a beginner or a professional programmer. Review core Python concepts, including functions, modularization, and object orientation and walk through the available data types. Then dive into more advanced topics, such as using Django and working with GUIs. With plenty of code examples throughout, this hands-on reference guide has everything you need to become proficient in Python!Highlights include:1) Functions2) Methods3) Attributes4) Data types5) GUIs6) Debugging7) Network communication8) Modularization9) Object orientation10) Iterators11) Generators12) Exception handling
Reinforcement learning is a learning paradigm concerned with learning to control a system so as to maximize a numerical performance measure that expresses a long-term objective. What distinguishes reinforcement learning from supervised learning is that only partial feedback is given to the learner about the learner's predictions. Further, the predictions may have long term effects through influencing the future state of the controlled system. Thus, time plays a special role. The goal in reinforcement learning is to develop efficient learning algorithms, as well as to understand the algorithms' merits and limitations. Reinforcement learning is of great interest because of the large number of practical applications that it can be used to address, ranging from problems in artificial intelligence to operations research or control engineering. In this book, we focus on those algorithms of reinforcement learning that build on the powerful theory of dynamic programming. We give a fairly comprehensive catalog of learning problems, describe the core ideas, note a large number of state of the art algorithms, followed by the discussion of their theoretical properties and limitations. Table of Contents: Markov Decision Processes / Value Prediction Problems / Control / For Further Exploration
Get up to speed on Git for tracking, branching, merging, and managing code revisions. Through a series of step-by-step tutorials, this practical guide takes you quickly from Git fundamentals to advanced techniques, and provides friendly yet rigorous advice for navigating the many functions of this open source version control system.This thoroughly revised edition also includes tips for manipulating trees, extended coverage of the reflog and stash, and a complete introduction to the GitHub repository. Git lets you manage code development in a virtually endless variety of ways, once you understand how to harness the systems flexibility. This book shows you how.Learn how to use Git for several real-world development scenariosGain insight into Gits common-use cases, initial tasks, and basic functionsUse the system for both centralized and distributed version controlLearn how to manage merges, conflicts, patches, and diffsApply advanced techniques such as rebasing, hooks, and ways to handle submodulesInteract with Subversion (SVN) repositoriesincluding SVN to Git conversionsNavigate, use, and contribute to open source projects though GitHub
Artificial Intelligence and Music Ecosystem highlights the opportunities and rewards associated with the application of AI in the creative arts.Featuring an array of voices, including interviews with Jacques Attali, Holly Herndon and Scott Cohen, this book offers interdisciplinary approaches to pressing ethical and technical questions associated with AI.Considering the perspectives of developers, students and artists, as well as the wider themes of law, ethics and philosophy, Artificial Intelligence and Music Ecosystem is an essential introduction for anyone interested in the impact of AI on music, including those studying and working in the creative arts.
Learn the latest version of ArcGIS Pro with the newest edition of this bestselling series. Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 introduces the tools and functions of ArcGIS Pro, the powerful desktop GIS application. Geographic information system (GIS) software is making a huge impact in businesses and organizations with mapping and analytic capabilities. Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 uses practical project workflows to teach best practices to readers of all skill levels. Readers will explore data visualizations, build a geodatabase, discover 3D GIS, create maps for web and physical presentations, and more. With more than 300 full-color images, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 clarifies complicated processes such as developing a geoprocessing model, using Python to write a script tool, and creating space-time cubes for analysis. Throughout the book, short sidebars about real-world GIS scenarios in specific industries help readers understand how ArcGIS Pro can be applied widely to solve problems. At the end of each chapter, a summary and glossary help reinforce the skills learned. This edition has been completely updated for use with ArcGIS Pro 2.8. Other updates include new chapters on ArcGIS Online and geocoding. The Getting to Know series has been teaching readers about GIS for more than 20 years. Ideal for students, self-learners, and professionals who want to learn the premier GIS desktop application, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 is a textbook and desk reference designed to show users how they can use ArcGIS Pro successfully on their own.
An introduction to the Python programming language and its most popular tools for scientists, engineers, students, and anyone who wants to use Python for research, simulations, and collaboration.Doing Science with Python introduces readers to the most popular coding tools for scientific research, such as Anaconda, Spyder, Jupyter Notebooks, and JupyterLab, as well as dozens of important Python libraries for working with data, including NumPy, matplotlib, and pandas. No prior programming experience is required! You'll be guided through setting up a professional coding environment, then get a crash course on programming with Python, and explore the many tools and libraries ideal for working with data, designing visualizations, simulating natural events, and more. In the book's applied projects, you'll use these tools to write programs that perform tasks like counting tree rings, creating an interactive science slideshow, and simulating the foraging patterns of animals.
Engineering Deep Learning Systems teaches you to design and implement an automated platform to support creating, training, and maintaining deep learning models. In it, you'll learn just enough about deep learning to understand the needs of the data scientists who will be using your system. You'll learn to gather requirements, translate them into system component design choices, and integrate those components into a cohesive whole. A complete example system and insightful exercises help you build an intuitive understanding of DL system design.
Hvordan sætter MobilePay, Airbnb, Amazon, Google og GoMore dagsordenen i den digitale økonomi?Hvorfor kan det forandre hele samfundet, at biler bliver selvkørende? Hvordan kan det lade sig gøre at sidde foran sin computer og grave digital valuta som bitcoins frem, og hvordan kan teknologien bag bitcoins sikre vores data langt bedre end hidtil? Hvordan vil det ændre vores hverdag, at vi får digitale tjenere som Amazon Echo og Google Home?Denne bog giver på en spændende og underholdende måde et indblik i digitaliseringen og dens gennemgribende betydning for vores liv. Denne opdaterede udgave opsummerer blandt andet de hovedtendenser i samfundsudviklingen, som digitaliseringen er afgørende for, lige som bogen med konkrete eksempler giver indblik i blandt andet cirkulær økonomi, Big Data, crowdsourcing, Internet of Things og blockchain-teknologien. Den digitale revolution er mindst lige så gennemgribende som den industrielle, og forandringerne viser sig med stigende synlighed. Traditionelle stensikre forretninger som banker og forsikringsselskaber er truede, og smartphonen har opslugt stribevis af lukrative brancher, gennemtygget dem og spyttet dem ud igen som gratis apps. Bogen forklarer på en let og forståelig måde teorierne og forskningen bag den digitale økonomi, og hvad den rummer af muligheder og udfordringer for erhvervslivet – og hvorfor det er på høje tid at tage begge dele alvorligt. Den digitale omstilling er udvalgt som en af de 10 bøger om innovation, forretningsudvikling eller ledelse i en moderne organisation, som du bør læse i 2018. Klummen er udgivet på Computerworld Online d. 24. januar 2018, og bøgerne er udvalgt af Jonathan Løw.9 konkrete udfordringer for erhvervslivet, som bogen giver svar på:• Hvordan undgår virksomheden at dø i digitaliseringen?• Hvordan vælger virksomheden den rigtige digitale løsning?• Hvordan kan virksomheden tjene penge, når digitale produkter er gratis?• Hvordan tiltrækker virksomheden brugere til sin platform og sørger for, at de bliver hængende?• Hvordan ændrer virksomheden sin kommunikation, så den passer til sociale medier?• Hvordan kan virksomheden udnytte deleøkonomien, blandt andet crowdfunding og crowdsourcing?• Hvordan ændrer virksomheden ledelseskultur, så den baserer sig på Big Data?• Hvordan kan virksomheden bruge Internet of Things (IoT) til at skabe værdi for kunderne?• Hvordan gør virksomheden sig klar til cloud computing?IndholdForord til 2. udgaveIntroduktion: Maskinerne kommerDigitaliseringens naturloveEn æra af kreativ destruktionDigitale forretningsmodellerDet digitale ægteskabNetværksøkonomi og principper for valg af digitale tjenesterEn, to – mangeDesign af profitable digitale platformeKampen om brugerneStrategier for digitale platformes udviklingKampen om sandhedenSociale medier i et erhvervsperspektivHvorfor eje, når man kan dele?Cirkulær økonomi og crowdsourcing200 mia. maskiner kan ikke tage fejlVærdiskabelse via Internet of ThingsMavefornemmelsen bliver udkonkurreretBig Data og fakta-baseret ledelseFarvel til it-afdelingenCloudcomputing som afsæt for digitaliseringEfterskrift: Høst fordelene, og tag højde for ulemperneAnonyme adfærdsprofiler sikrer privatlivets fredStikord
The Little MermaidRead and experience H. C. Andersen's original fairy tale about the little mermaid, who swaps her fishtail for human legs to be able to follow her heart.READ - EXPLORE - PLAY!Using The Little Mermaid app, children of all ages can explore the magical universe of the fairy tale and discover a rich and inspiring world of activities hidden in the classic story. Through the beautifully crafted illustrations in the physical book, the Augmented Reality technology facilitates interaction with the text through funny and challenging mobile games related to the plot. This ignites the imagination, inspires children to read and speaks directly to the heart of story-loving readers, because you can explore and engage with the literary universe - read, interact, play and learn!App features:Explore the fairy tale from any anglePlay gamesInteract with the universeRich detailed environments full of lifeAbout Books & MagicBooks & Magic is a young and ambitious company that intends to set the future standard for Augmented Reality books. Through interaction between pages and pixels, Books & Magic combines the traditional reading experience (paper, inc, spine) with new app technology in augmented reality games, which altogether creates the magical reading experience.Learn more: www.booksandmagic.com to learn more.Download the app here: www.booksandmagic.com/appFollow us on Facebook: www.booksandmagic.com/facebook
Kunstig intelligens – Brug af AI i den trykte og digitale produktion er en guide til brugen af kunstig intelligens i Adobe CC 2024. I bogen beskrives, hvordan du kan integrere de nyeste AI-baserede Adobe-funktioner og services i produktionen og dermed opnå store tidsmæssige og økonomiske besparelser, samt opnå resultater som aldrig før har været mulige.Bogen gennemgår også brugen af en af de mange tekst-til-billede generatorer der findes, nemlig Leonardo .ai, der bliver regnet for et af de bedste af sin slags. Med dette vil du kunne generere AI-billeder i en meget høj kvalitet klar til produktionen.Med bogen får du også en baggrundsviden om fordele og mulige faldgrupper i forhold til brugen af AI-generede billeder i produktionen.I bogen lærer du blandt andet om:Overvejelser om brugen af AI-generede billederBrug af Adobe Firefly til oprettelse af AI-generede billederBrug af AI-funktionerne i Adobe PhotoshopBrug af AI-funktionerne i Adobe InDesignBrug af AI-funktionerne i Adobe IllustratorBrug af Leonardo.ai til generering af AI-billederOprettelse af tekst-prompts til generering at billederEfterbearbejdning af billeder
Den kunstige intelligens udfordrer mennesker til at gøre det klart: Hvad er det særlige ved mennesket?De menneskelige potentialer, historien, kulturen, samfundet og fagligheden får en kæmpe betydning for forholdet mellem mennesker og samfund. Personliggørelse af viden er central, når vi skal samarbejde med den kunstige intelligens. Det er en forudsætning for, at den kunstige intelligens ikke skaber konformitet. Og derved forhindre mennesker i at være til stede i deres eget liv.Mennesker er uerstattelige. Vi har brug for hinanden i det analoge fællesskab. Bogens formål er at understøtte de professionelles primære opgave: at styrke menneskers evne til at skabe livskraft og udfolde deres menneskelige potentiale.Bogen er for alle faggrupper, der arbejder med mennesker.Livet streames ikke er endvidere relevant for studerende. Bogen er et vigtigt indlæg i den samfundsmæssige debat, og den kan læses af både alment interesserede, forældre og af professionelle.
Kunstig Kunst er Danmarks første rendyrkede AI-kunstbog, en samling af over 300 kunstværker skabt udelukkende med kunstig intelligens. Bogen udforsker spændingsfeltet mellem teknologi og kreativitet og udfordrer vores forståelse af, hvad kunst er, og hvad det kan blive i fremtiden.Med værker, der spænder fra surrealistiske oliemalerier til hyperrealistiske fotografier, demonstrerer Kunstig Kunst de utrolige muligheder, der opstår, når menneskelig idé og teknologisk kraft smelter sammen. Flere af værkerne rummer en kritisk refleksion over den teknologiske udvikling – en udvikling, der samtidig har muliggjort netop disse værker.Bogen er ikke blot en samling billeder; den er et manifest for de nye kreative potentialer i en tid, hvor teknologi bliver en stadig stærkere kunstnerisk kraft. Kunstig Kunst vækker både bekymring og begejstring og inviterer til refleksion over fremtidens kunst og teknologiens voksende indflydelse på alle aspekter af vores liv.
*Få romanerne Verdenshjertet og Hjertets geometri i én pakke* Verdenshjertet og Hjertets geometri er fremtids- og samtidsromaner om et velfærdssamfund og en verden i opløsning. Her er de arbejdsløse blevet De Unyttige, økokapitalismen har vundet frem, og algoritmer har overtaget meget af arbejdet. Med den anmelderroste serie har Viggo Bjerring skabt et univers, der på underholdende og reflekterende vis gør os klogere på vores nutidige samfund og den ensomhed, der kan overtage vores sind. Bøgerne er solgt til oversættelse i flere lande, og Verdenshjertet blev nomineret til Weekendavisens Litteraturpris. Viggo Bjerring (f. 1981) debuterede i 2016 med novellesamlingen Balancekatten. Samme år udkom han med kortromanen QWERTY, som blev nomineret til Danske Skønlitterære Forfatteres pris, Den Svære Toer. Verdenshjertet er hans første roman, og i februar 2024 udkom fortsættelsen, Hjertets geometri. Viggo Bjerring modtog i 2022 Statens Kunstfonds treårige arbejdslegat.
Podcast Produktion: En Guide til BegyndereOpdag hemmelighederne bag podcastproduktion og lær, hvordan du kan forvandle din passion til en professionel og populær podcast!Lad Podcast Produktion: En Guide til Begyndere være din vejviser gennem den spændende verden af podcasting. Forfatterne Jacob Marcell Thimgaard og Mikkel Kjerri har kombineret deres ekspertise og erfaringer for at give dig en altomfattende guide, der dækker hvert skridt i processen - fra de første overvejelser til publicering og markedsføring af din podcast.
¿¿¿¿ MICROSERVICES: NOVICE TO NINJA ¿¿¿¿Are you ready to level up your microservices game? Dive into the ultimate guide with our comprehensive book bundle, "Microservices: Novice to Ninja." ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ BOOK 1 - MICROSERVICES 101: ¿¿¿¿ Embark on your journey into the world of distributed systems with our beginner's guide. Learn the fundamentals of microservices architecture, from decoupling to scalability. Perfect for those new to the concept! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ BOOK 2 - ARCHITECTING MICROSERVICES: ¿¿¿¿¿ Take your skills to the next level with strategies for designing scalable and resilient systems. Discover essential design patterns and principles like bounded contexts and aggregates. Build systems that can adapt and evolve effortlessly! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ BOOK 3 - MASTERING MICROSERVICES: ¿¿¿¿ Ready for the big leagues? Learn advanced techniques for optimizing performance and security. Dive into performance tuning, security best practices, and more. Become a master of microservices optimization! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿ BOOK 4 - MICROSERVICES MASTERY: ¿¿¿¿ Unlock expert insights into deployment, monitoring, and maintenance. Automate deployment pipelines, monitor system health, and troubleshoot issues like a pro. Ensure your microservices are always running smoothly! ¿¿¿¿With "Microservices: Novice to Ninja," you'll have everything you need to build, design, and deploy distributed services like a true expert. Don't miss out on this essential book bundle for mastering microservices architecture! ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿
Maximize Figmäs arsenal of tools and plugins within a team-based collaborative environment and accelerate your company¿s decision making. This book will show you where Figma fits into the user experience (UX) design process from documentation to developer handoff.Since its release as a browser-based design tool in 2016, Figma has fast become the de facto UX Design tool for the industry mainly due to its accessibility and ease of use. As you move through the book you will learn where Figma fits in the UX process. For example, using FigJam (an online whiteboard) for brainstorming, and creating interactive prototypes for mobile devices, tablets, and web sites. Yoüll also see how Figma is used to create and integrate with design systems, and how variables, when applied to design system components, can accelerate the design and development workflow.With the help of step-by-step examples, and using Figmäs tools and templates, yoüll create artifacts such as Flow and Journey diagrams, Personas, and wireframes. From there you will explore other design and interactivity features, and how to prepare a Figma file for handoff to a development team.This book is your roadmap to utilizing Figma, the industry¿s fastest growing collaborative design tool for building meaningful products.What You Will Learn Create interactive prototypes Test and submit designs for team review Understand the collaborative workflow involved in an UX project Prepare common UX documentationWho This Book Is ForDesigners, developers, and UX specialists with little-to-no Figma experience who are looking to integrate it within their workflows, and intermediate Figma users who are just starting to become involved in the collaborative UX workflow.
Explore the capabilities of ChatGPT and gain insight on how to utilize this AI tool in your daily tasks, and marketing endeavors. This book introduces ChatGPT, covering its architecture, training process, and applications across various fields.Start by delving into the benefits of integrating ChatGPT into everyday routines, emphasizing its potential to streamline tasks, optimize time management, and provide valuable insights that can revolutionize individuals¿ work approaches. You'll then look more closely at ChatGPT¿s mechanics, its capabilities, limitations, and unique features. The book also outlines the best practices for utilizing ChatGPT, offering practical tips, techniques, and strategies to enhance output quality and reliability, while minimizing errors and maximizing results.Yoüll focus on ChatGPT¿s relevance in marketing tasks, such as generating product descriptions, creating email templates, automating social media posts, and addressing customer inquiries. The book concludes by exploring techniques for marketing with ChatGPT, including integration with other tools, data analysis, reporting, and customizing ChatGPT to meet specific marketing needs. In the end, yoüll have the knowledge and skills needed to leverage ChatGPT¿s AI marketing capabilities and to harness its power for success in the digital age.What Yoüll Learn Understand the concepts and workings of ChatGPT, its architecture, and the training process Apply the best practices for ChatGPT Create email templates and automate social media posts using ChatGPT Use ChatGPT for data analysis and reportingWho This Book Is ForMarketing professionals, business owners and entrepreneurs, content creators, and customer service representatives
Unlock the full potential of your data by mastering the art of cleaning, preparing, and transforming data with Power BI for smarter insights and data visualizationsKey Features:Implement best practices for connecting, preparing, cleaning, and analyzing multiple sources of data using Power BIConduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) using DAX, PowerQuery, and the M languageApply your newfound knowledge to tackle common data challenges for visualizations in Power BIPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Microsoft Power BI offers a range of powerful data cleaning and preparation options through tools such as DAX, Power Query, and the M language. However, despite its user-friendly interface, mastering it can be challenging. Whether you're a seasoned analyst or a novice exploring the potential of Power BI, this comprehensive guide equips you with techniques to transform raw data into a reliable foundation for insightful analysis and visualization.This book serves as a comprehensive guide to data cleaning, starting with data quality, common data challenges, and best practices for handling data. You'll learn how to import and clean data with Query Editor and transform data using the M query language. As you advance, you'll explore Power BI's data modeling capabilities for efficient cleaning and establishing relationships. Later chapters cover best practices for using Power Automate for data cleaning and task automation. Finally, you'll discover how OpenAI and ChatGPT can make data cleaning in Power BI easier.By the end of the book, you will have a comprehensive understanding of data cleaning concepts, techniques, and how to use Power BI and its tools for effective data preparation.What You Will Learn:Connect to data sources using both import and DirectQuery optionsUse the Query Editor to apply data transformationsTransform your data using the M query languageDesign clean and optimized data models by creating relationships and DAX calculationsPerform exploratory data analysis using Power BIAddress the most common data challenges with best practicesExplore the benefits of using OpenAI, ChatGPT, and Microsoft Copilot for simplifying data cleaningWho this book is for:If you're a data analyst, business intelligence professional, business analyst, data scientist, or anyone who works with data on a regular basis, this book is for you. It's a useful resource for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of data quality issues and best practices for data cleaning in Power BI. If you have a basic knowledge of BI tools and concepts, this book will help you advance your skills in Power BI.
Harness the power of Microsoft Fabric to develop data analytics solutions for various use cases guided by step-by-step instructionsKey FeaturesExplore Microsoft Fabric and its features through real-world examplesBuild data analytics solutions for lakehouses, data warehouses, real-time analytics, and data scienceMonitor, manage, and administer your Fabric platform and analytics system to ensure flexibility, performance, security, and controlPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionDiscover the capabilities of Microsoft Fabric, the premier unified solution designed for the AI era, seamlessly combining data integration, OneLake, transformation, visualization, universal security, and a unified business model. This book provides an overview of Microsoft Fabric, its components, and the wider analytics landscape.In this book, you'll explore workloads such as Data Factory, Synapse Data Engineering, data science, data warehouse, real-time analytics, and Power BI. You'll learn how to build end-to-end lakehouse and data warehouse solutions using the medallion architecture, unlock the real-time analytics, and implement machine learning and AI models. As you progress, you'll build expertise in monitoring workloads and administering Fabric across tenants, capacities, and workspaces. The book also guides you step by step through enhancing security and governance practices in Microsoft Fabric and implementing CI/CD workflows with Azure DevOps or GitHub. Finally, you'll discover the power of Copilot, an AI-driven assistant that accelerates your analytics journey.By the end of this book, you'll have unlocked the full potential of AI-driven data analytics, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the analytics landscape and mastery over the essential concepts and principles of Microsoft Fabric.What you will learnGet acquainted with the different services available in Microsoft FabricBuild end-to-end data analytics solution to scale and manage high performanceIntegrate data from different types of data sourcesApply transformation with Spark, Notebook, and T-SQLUnderstand and implement real-time stream processing and data science capabilitiesPerform end-to-end processes for building data analytics solutions in the AI eraDrive insights by leveraging Power BI for reporting and visualizationImprove productivity with AI assistance and Copilot integrationWho this book is forThis book is for data professionals, including data analysts, data engineers, data scientists, data warehouse developers, ETL developers, business analysts, AI/ML professionals, software developers, and Chief Data Officers who want to build a future-ready data analytics solution for long-term success in the AI era.For PySpark and SQL students entering the data analytics field, this book offers a broad foundation for developing the skills to build end-to-end analytics systems for various use cases. Basic knowledge of SQL and Spark is assumed.Table of ContentsOverview of Microsoft Fabric and Understanding Its Different ConceptsUnderstanding Different Workloads and Getting Started with Microsoft Fabric Building an End-to-End Analytics System - LakehouseBuilding an End-to-End Analytics System - Data WarehouseBuilding an End-to-End Analytics System - Real-Time AnalyticsBuilding an End-to-End Analytics System - Data ScienceMonitoring Overview and Monitoring Different WorkloadsAdministering FabricSecurity and Governance Overview(N.B. Please use the Look Inside option to see further chapters)
The definitive guide to LLMs, from architectures, pretraining, and fine-tuning to Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG), multimodal Generative AI, risks, and implementations with ChatGPT Plus with GPT-4, Hugging Face, and Vertex AIKey Features- Compare and contrast 20+ models (including GPT-4, BERT, and Llama 2) and multiple platforms and libraries to find the right solution for your project- Apply RAG with LLMs using customized texts and embeddings- Mitigate LLM risks, such as hallucinations, using moderation models and knowledge bases- Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free eBook in PDF formatBook DescriptionTransformers for Natural Language Processing and Computer Vision, Third Edition, explores Large Language Model (LLM) architectures, applications, and various platforms (Hugging Face, OpenAI, and Google Vertex AI) used for Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Computer Vision (CV).The book guides you through different transformer architectures to the latest Foundation Models and Generative AI. You'll pretrain and fine-tune LLMs and work through different use cases, from summarization to implementing question-answering systems with embedding-based search techniques. You will also learn the risks of LLMs, from hallucinations and memorization to privacy, and how to mitigate such risks using moderation models with rule and knowledge bases. You'll implement Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) with LLMs to improve the accuracy of your models and gain greater control over LLM outputs.Dive into generative vision transformers and multimodal model architectures and build applications, such as image and video-to-text classifiers. Go further by combining different models and platforms and learning about AI agent replication.This book provides you with an understanding of transformer architectures, pretraining, fine-tuning, LLM use cases, and best practices.What you will learn- Breakdown and understand the architectures of the Original Transformer, BERT, GPT models, T5, PaLM, ViT, CLIP, and DALL-E- Fine-tune BERT, GPT, and PaLM 2 models- Learn about different tokenizers and the best practices for preprocessing language data- Pretrain a RoBERTa model from scratch- Implement retrieval augmented generation and rules bases to mitigate hallucinations- Visualize transformer model activity for deeper insights using BertViz, LIME, and SHAP- Go in-depth into vision transformers with CLIP, DALL-E 2, DALL-E 3, and GPT-4VWho this book is forThis book is ideal for NLP and CV engineers, software developers, data scientists, machine learning engineers, and technical leaders looking to advance their LLMs and generative AI skills or explore the latest trends in the field.Knowledge of Python and machine learning concepts is required to fully understand the use cases and code examples. However, with examples using LLM user interfaces, prompt engineering, and no-code model building, this book is great for anyone curious about the AI revolution.Table of Contents- What are Transformers?- Getting Started with the Architecture of the Transformer Model- Emergent vs Downstream Tasks: The Unseen Depths of Transformers- Advancements in Translations with Google Trax, Google Translate, and Gemini- Diving into Fine-Tuning through BERT- Pretraining a Transformer from Scratch through RoBERTa- The Generative AI Revolution with ChatGPT- Fine-Tuning OpenAI GPT Models- Shattering the Black Box with Interpretable Tools- Investigating the Role of Tokenizers in Shaping Transformer Models(N.B. Please use the Read Sample option to see further chapters)
Trustworthy AI in Medical Imaging brings together scientific researchers, medical experts, and industry partners working in the field of trustworthiness, bridging the gap between AI research and concrete medical applications and making it a learning resource for undergraduates, masters students, and researchers in AI for medical imaging applications. The book will help readers acquire the basic notions of AI trustworthiness and understand its concrete application in medical imaging, identify pain points and solutions to enhance trustworthiness in medical imaging applications, understand current limitations and perspectives of trustworthy AI in medical imaging, and identify novel research directions. Although the problem of trustworthiness in AI is actively researched in different disciplines, the adoption and implementation of trustworthy AI principles in real-world scenarios is still at its infancy. This is particularly true in medical imaging where guidelines and standards for trustworthiness are critical for the successful deployment in clinical practice. After setting out the technical and clinical challenges of AI trustworthiness, the book gives a concise overview of the basic concepts before presenting state-of-the-art methods for solving these challenges.
Artificial Intelligence for a More Sustainable Oil and Gas Industry and the Energy Transition: Case Studies and Code Examples presents a package for academic researchers and industries working on water resources and carbon capture and storage. This book contains fundamental knowledge on artificial intelligence related to oil and gas sustainability and the industry’s pivot to support the energy transition and provides practical applications through case studies and coding flowcharts, addressing gaps and questions raised by academic and industrial partners, including energy engineers, geologists, and environmental scientists. This timely publication provides fundamental and extensive information on advanced AI applications geared to support sustainability and the energy transition for the oil and gas industry.
Decision-making is a key factor to achieve success in any discipline, especially in a field like civil engineering, which is based on calculations and requires large amounts of information being taken into account. Most processes and procedures are a compendium of many different tasks and requirements specific to each project under development, and making decisions in such environments can often be an arduous endeavor. That is why the need for analytical criteria capable of assisting with untangling complex scenarios has arisen preponderantly. As an all-encompassing resource, Multicriteria Decision-Making Analysis for Civil Engineering Applications facilitates civil engineers by outlining state-of-the-art techniques for quantitative decision-making to optimally select the appropriate approach when faced with operational issues or to prioritize among multiple options. Authored by recognized experts in the field, this book proves to be a balanced reference volume that is essential not just for civil engineers, but also for a wide variety of audiences in interconnected disciplines.
Computational Knowledge Vision: The First Footprints presents a novel, advanced framework which combines structuralized knowledge and visual models. In advanced image and visual perception studies, a visual model's understanding and reasoning ability often determines whether it works well in complex scenarios. This book presents state-of-the-art mainstream vision models for visual perception. As computer vision is one of the key gateways to artificial intelligence and a significant component of modern intelligent systems, this book delves into computer vision systems that are highly specialized and very limited in their ability to do visual reasoning and causal inference. Questions naturally arise in this arena, including (1) How can human knowledge be incorporated with visual models? (2) How does human knowledge promote the performance of visual models? To address these problems, this book proposes a new framework for computer vision-computational knowledge vision.
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