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Kunstig intelligens

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  • - En grundbog
    af Claus Nygaard
    216,95 - 327,95 kr.

    Dyk ned i fremtidens teknologiske samtalekunst med Prompt engineering – en grundbog, den første danske lærebog om at mestre dialogen med AI. Bogen er din ultimative guide til at navigere i og udnytte potentialet i de tre førende AI-sprogmodeller: ChatGPT, Copilot og Gemini.Gennem en dybdegående introduktion til 24 effektive promptingteknikker gør bogen dig i stand til at udforme målrettede prompts, som kan levere præcise, kreative og umiddelbart anvendelige resultater og gøre dig mere effektiv. Til hver af de 24 teknikker finder du masser af eksempler og praktiske øvelser, så du gradvist bliver bedre til at interagere med AI.Uanset om du allerede er dygtig og søger at finpudse dine evner, eller du er nybegynder og klar til at udforske generativ AI, tilbyder denne bog værdifuld indsigt og praktiske strategier for at opbygge og forfine dine prompts. Den er skræddersyet til enhver, der ønsker at mestre kunsten at kommunikere med AI, uanset om du bruger det i dine studier, din forskning, dit arbejde eller dine personlige, kreative projekter.Med sin pædagogiske struktur, klare progression og tilgængelige sprog er bogen også oplagt til brug i undervisningen på ungdomsuddannelser og videregående uddannelser.

  • af Olga Ravn
    72,95 - 151,95 kr.

    EN ARBEJDSPLADSROMAN FRA DET 22. ÅRHUNDREDE Besætningen på Det sekstusinde skib består af menneskelige og menneskelignende ansatte. Da skibet får en række genstande ombord fra planeten Nyopdagelsen, begynder de ansatte at udvikle dybe forbindelser til genstandene, men uden helt at kunne forstå hvorfor. Snart ser besætningen sig selv i et nyt lys, og enhver ansat må spørge sig selv om arbejdsgangen kan fortsætte som før. Opbygget som en protokol med vidneudsagn forsøger den litterære science-fiction roman De ansatte at undersøge, hvad forskellen er på et menneske og en ting, og hvad det vil sige at være i live.

  • af Eric Lamarre
    312,95 kr.

    How companies navigate the technology world to achieve competitive advantage is the defining business challenge of our time. It's not a simple journey. As one CEO said, "We can find digital everywhere in our company but the bottom line." For digital and AI to deliver on its potential, executives need to be ready and willing to undertake the organizational "surgery" required to become a digitally capable enterprise. The answer is in rewiring your business so hundreds, if not thousands, of teams can harness technology to continuously create great customer experiences, lower unit costs, and generate value. Rewiring a business is a journey--one that executives will be on for the rest of their careers. This book is your how-to guide through the most important changes: how to align your team on transforming your core business, reskill your talent bench, implement a new operating model, build a distributed technology and data environment to power teams, and scale the value. Written by the digital and AI leaders at McKinsey & Company, Rewired takes the lessons learned working with more than 200 large-scale B2C and B2B companies and translates them into step-by-step actions that have been proven to work. Tested, iterated, reworked, and tested again over the years, Rewired is the detailed playbook McKinsey's own consultants use. It contains diagnostic assessments, operating model designs, technology and data architecture diagrams, how-to checklists, best practices, and detailed implementation methods, all exemplified with case studies and illustrated with 100 exhibits. Rewired is a practitioner's guide for leaders who are ready to do the hard work needed to outcompete in the age of digital and AI.

  • - Hvordan skærmen kom imellem dig og mig - og hvordan vi tager kontrollen tilbage
    af Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær
    159,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Har du oplevet at tale med en, der pludselig afbryder jeres øjenkontakt for at tjekke sin mobil? Kan du sidde i et tog i dine egne tanker uden at tage telefonen frem? Kan du fordybe dig i en bog i bare en halv time ad gangen uden digitale distraktioner? Er du lige så nærværende i samtaler, og sover du lige så godt og stabilt, som du gjorde engang?Mennesket er blevet forandret af den digitale revolution, og mange af os føler, at telefonen slavebinder os. Undersøgende journalist Jakob Sorgenfri Kjær udforsker, hvordan teknologien har påvirket mennesket og samfundet: Vores forhold til hinanden, til vores børn, partner, os selv og vores sind. Undervejs præsenteres læseren for stribevis af tankevækkende studier og detaljer om mennesket og det digitale liv, vi fik. Personlige beretninger blandes med den nyeste viden fra hjerneforskere, psykologer, sociologer, dataloger, antropologer og historikere.På få år er vi blevet ført baglæns ind i et verdensomspændende socialt eksperiment, og vores autonomi er udfordret. Men heldigvis er det ikke for sent at kigge op og tage kontrollen tilbage over vores liv.

  • af Ethan Mollick
    165,95 kr.

    **A New York Times Bestseller**'Co-Intelligence is the very best book I know about the ins, outs, and ethics of generative AI. Drop everything and read it cover to cover NOW' Angela DuckworthConsumer AI has arrived. And with it, inescapable upheaval as we grapple with what it means for our jobs, lives and the future of humanity.Cutting through the noise of AI evangelists and AI doom-mongers, Wharton professor Ethan Mollick has become one of the most prominent and provocative explainers of AI, focusing on the practical aspects of how these new tools for thought can transform our world. In Co-Intelligence, he urges us to engage with AI as co-worker, co-teacher and coach. Wide ranging, hugely thought-provoking and optimistic, Co-Intelligence reveals the promise and power of this new era.

  • af James Bridle
    125,95 kr.

    What does it mean to be intelligent? Is it something unique to humans - or do we share it with other beings? Recent years have seen rapid advances in 'artificial' intelligence, which increasingly appears to be something stranger than we ever imagined. At the same time, we are becoming more aware of the other intelligences which have been with us all along, unrecognized. These other beings are the animals, plants, and natural systems that surround us, and are slowly revealing their complexity and knowledge - just as the new technologies we've built are threatening to cause their extinction, and ours. In Ways of Being, writer and artist James Bridle considers the fascinating, uncanny and multiple ways of existing on earth. What can we learn from these other forms of intelligence and personhood, and how can we change our societies to live more equitably with one another and the non-human world? From Greek oracles to octopuses, forests to satellites, Bridle tells a radical new story about ecology, technology and intelligence. We must, they argue, expand our definition of these terms to build a meaningful and free relationship with the non-human, one based on solidarity and cognitive diversity. We have so much to learn, and many worlds to gain.

  • - En bog om kunstig intelligens
    af Peter Svarre
    118,95 - 247,95 kr.

    I disse år opstår der en lang række nye problemer og etiske dilemmaer i forbindelse med kunstig intelligens: Kommer robotterne til at tage vores arbejde? Bliver de klogere end os? Kan man stole på en selvkørende bil? Og hvem skal bestemme, hvem den skal slå ihjel, hvis et uheld er uundgåeligt? I Hvad skal vi med mennesker? diskuterer Peter Svarre på medrivende vis disse etiske dilemmaer og klæder læseren på til at forstå, hvordan kunstig intelligens overhovedet fungerer. Kunstig intelligens er nemlig ikke så kompliceret, som mange tror. Alle kan deltage i denne vigtige diskussion om vores fremtid!

  • af Benjamín Labatut
    117,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • - Manifest for frihed og fællesskab midt i en tech-tid
    af Lisbeth Bech Poulsen & Peter Westermann
    72,95 - 206,95 kr.

    To unge venstrefløjspolitikere – et folketings- og et regionsrådsmedlem – giver deres bud på, hvordan vi i en fremtid med kunstig intelligens og stigende digitalisering får skabt de bedst mulige betingelser for alle. Det handler blandt andet om, hvordan der kan indføres basisindkomst, finanssektoren kan reguleres, og der kan skaffes mere fri tid og grøn omstilling. Vi ser ind i en fremtid med eksponentiel teknologisk vækst, hvor stort set alle brancher og uddannelsesniveauer bliver udviklet og udfordret af kunstig intelligens og robotter. Hvis politikerne handler klogt, vil disse forandringer komme alle til gode. Det handler om at sikre, at mennesker ikke bliver slaver af teknologien, og at vi ikke får en enorm underklasse – uden arbejde, uden indtægt og uden indflydelse – mens en lille elite sidder på kontrollen over teknologi, velstand og magt.De to SF’ere opridser muligheder og trusler. Fra klimaløsninger til moderne daglejere. Fra computerhandler på finansmarkedet til personlig medicin og overflødig arbejdskraft. De viser også, at vi til mange af fremtidens løsninger ikke behøver at genopfinde den dybe tallerken. Det handler om at nytænke nogle af fortidens succeser, fra andelstanke til folkeoplysning og fagbevægelse.

  • af Ian McEwan
    118,95 - 189,95 kr.

    Et elskende par bliver sat på en prøve, der går langt over deres forstand. Charlie driver gennem livet og holder sig langt væk fra et fuldtidsarbejde, men er forelsket i Miranda, en dygtig studerende der må leve med en frygtelig hemmelighed. Da Charlie en dag kommer til penge, køber han Adam, et af de første syntetiske mennesker, og designer – med Mirandas hjælp – hans personlighed. Det næsten fuldendte menneske, der kommer ud af dette eksperiment, er en smuk, stærk og klog mand. Det varer ikke længe, før de tre er viklet ind i et trekantsdrama, der kaster dem ud i store moralske problemer. Ian McEwans roman Maskiner som mig stiller spørgsmålet, om en maskine kan forstå menneskehjertet – eller om det er vores forståelse, der er mangelfuld.

  • - Teaching Machines to Paint, Write, Compose, and Play
    af David Foster
    607,95 kr.

    Generative modeling is one of the hottest topics in AI. Its now possible to teach a machine to excel at human endeavors such as painting, writing, and composing music. With this practical book, machine-learning engineers and data scientists will discover how to re-create some of the most impressive examples of generative deep learning models, such as variational autoencoders,generative adversarial networks (GANs), encoder-decoder models and world models.Author David Foster demonstrates the inner workings of each technique, starting with the basics of deep learning before advancing to some of the most cutting-edge algorithms in the field. Through tips and tricks, youll understand how to make your models learn more efficiently and become more creative.Discover how variational autoencoders can change facial expressions in photosBuild practical GAN examples from scratch, including CycleGAN for style transfer and MuseGAN for music generationCreate recurrent generative models for text generation and learn how to improve the models using attentionUnderstand how generative models can help agents to accomplish tasks within a reinforcement learning settingExplore the architecture of the Transformer (BERT, GPT-2) and image generation models such as ProGAN and StyleGAN

  • af Thomas Bolander
    32,95 - 57,95 kr.

    Robotter og kunstig intelligens har i dag overtaget en mængde funktioner, som mennesker før tog sig af. De står for lagerarbejdet hos Amazon, og de kan holde øje med, hvad du lægger ud på Instagram og Facebook. Men de er også i stigende grad flyttet ind på hospitaler og advokatkontorer, de bevæger sig rundt i trafikken og er så småt begyndt at flytte ind i vores private hjem. Her skal de kunne omgås og forholde sig til mennesker – de skal kort sagt have situationsfornemmelse. Det stiller særlige krav til deres sociale intelligens. Thomas Bolander undersøger, hvad der skal til for at give fremtidens systemer med kunstig intelligens sociale evner, så de kan indgå i et frugtbart samspil med mennesker. Det kræver et dybere kig ned i sociale aspekter af ikke bare den kunstige, men også den menneskelige intelligens. Anmeldelser: "Gribende page-turner (...) Thomas Bolander skriver godt og klart om, hvorfor forskningen i kunstig intelligens har brug for humaniora og samfundsvidenskab." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Altinget "En kort, men aldeles glimrende introduktion til kunstig intelligens." ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - Journalisten Thomas Bolander (f. 1972) er phd. og professor i logik og kunstig intelligens på DTU Compute, hvor han forsker i sociale aspekter af kunstig intelligens. Han er medlem af SIRI-kommissionen, som undersøger kunstig intelligens’ indvirkning på det danske samfund.

  • - Hvordan vi gav magten til stater, selskaber og kunstig intelligens
    af David Runciman
    173,95 - 237,95 kr.

    I Overdragelsen undersøger David Runciman historien om de tænkende maskiner, som vi skabte for at redde os fra vores alt for menneskelige begrænsninger – og demonstrerer, hvad dette radikale nye syn på vores nære fortid betyder for vores kollektive fremtid.

  • af Mustafa Suleyman
    129,95 - 222,95 kr.

  • af Christopher M. Bishop
    930,95 kr.

    This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the central ideas that underpin deep learning. It is intended both for newcomers to machine learning and for those already experienced in the field. Covering key concepts relating to contemporary architectures and techniques, this essential book equips readers with a robust foundation for potential future specialization. The field of deep learning is undergoing rapid evolution, and therefore this book focusses on ideas that are likely to endure the test of time.The book is organized into numerous bite-sized chapters, each exploring a distinct topic, and the narrative follows a linear progression, with each chapter building upon content from its predecessors. This structure is well-suited to teaching a two-semester undergraduate or postgraduate machine learning course, while remaining equally relevant to those engaged in active research or in self-study.A full understanding of machine learning requires some mathematical background and so the book includes a self-contained introduction to probability theory. However, the focus of the book is on conveying a clear understanding of ideas, with emphasis on the real-world practical value of techniques rather than on abstract theory. Complex concepts are therefore presented from multiple complementary perspectives including textual descriptions, diagrams, mathematical formulae, and pseudo-code.Chris Bishop is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and is the Director of Microsoft Research AI4Science. He is a Fellow of Darwin College Cambridge, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Hugh Bishop is an Applied Scientist at Wayve, a deep learning autonomous driving company in London, where he designs and trains deep neural networks. He completed his MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence at Cambridge University.¿Chris Bishop wrote a terrific textbook on neural networks in 1995 and has a deep knowledge of the field and its core ideas. His many years of experience in explaining neural networks have made him extremely skillful at presenting complicated ideas in the simplest possible way and it is a delight to see these skills applied to the revolutionary new developments in the field.¿ -- Geoffrey Hinton"With the recent explosion of deep learning and AI as a research topic, and the quickly growing importance of AI applications, a modern textbook on the topic was badly needed. The "New Bishop" masterfully fills the gap, covering algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning, modern deep learning architecture families, as well as how to apply all of this to various application areas." ¿ Yann LeCun¿This excellent and very educational book will bring the reader up to date with the main concepts and advances in deep learning with a solid anchoring in probability. These concepts are powering current industrial AI systems and are likely to form the basis of further advances towards artificial general intelligence.¿ -- Yoshua Bengio

  • af Viggo Bjerring
    204,95 kr.

    HJERTETS GEOMETRI er en fortsættelse af Viggo Bjerrings anmelderroste VERDENSHJERTET. Klokken er 11.07 den 10. marts, og Mads befinder sig i en tyst, postapokalyptisk verden. Mænd og kvinder, børn og voksne er størknet i vilkårlige positurer. Fastfrosne skyer på himlen og svaner stivnet i flugt over Søerne.I denne ultimative ensomhed kæmper Mads med sig selv og sine nye omgivelser. Hvordan overlever man i et størknet univers? Er livet overhovedet værd at leve uden andre mennesker? Hvor finder man håb i en verden i opløsning?Mens Mads forsøger at finde en vej ud af sin egen og verdens stilstand, bliver han spundet ind i et gådefuldt eventyr, som fører ham dybt ind i hjertets mørke.Hjertets geometri er en fængslende fremtidsroman om overlevelse, erindring og kunstig intelligens. Romanen er en fortsættelse af Viggo Bjerrings anmelderroste Verdenshjertet.SKREVET OM VERDENSHJERTET*Nomineret til Weekendavisens Litteraturpris 2022*"intelligent, mystificerende, politisk og fuld af gak og gøgl" – Weekendavisen"en velskrevet og gennemtænkt roman" ♥︎♥︎♥︎♥︎ – Politiken"effektiv samfundssatire” – Dagbladet Information"En fremragende romandebut. (…) Det er mindst lige så underholdende, som det er tankevækkende" – POV InternationalVIGGO BJERRING (f. 1981) debuterede i 2016 med novellesamlingen 'Balancekatten'. Samme år udkom kortromanen 'QWERTY', som blev nomineret til Danske Skønlitterære Forfatteres pris, Den Svære Toer. I 2021 udkom hans første roman, 'Verdenshjertet', og i 2022 modtog han Statens Kunstfonds treårige arbejdslegat.

  • af Eric Siegel
    277,95 kr.

    "A playbook for bridging business and data science worlds to effectively execute machine learning projects in business"--

  • af Stefan Buijsman
    195,95 - 242,95 kr.

    Kunstig intelligens – Hele tiden mere intelligent beskriver udviklingen fra den første mekaniske computer til de computerprogrammer, vi har i dag. Den hollandske filosof og matematiker Stefan Buijsman fortæller levende om, hvordan kunstig intelligens er skruet sammen ved at tage læserne med ind i maskinrummet bag programmeringen af både simple algoritmer og komplekse neurale netværker. Bogen bevæger sig mellem komplicerede matematiske forklaringer og jordnære hverdagseksempler på, hvordan kunstig intelligens indgår i alt fra skakturneringer og datingapps til sundhedsvæsnet og kriminalforsorgen.Kunstig intelligens kombinerer viden om digital teknologi med nogle af de filosofiske spørgsmål, som udviklingen medfører, samtidig med at præsentere de nyeste tendenser inden for området.Stefan Buijsmans første bog Tallene i vores liv – Matematikken og verden omkring os udkom på dansk i 2020 (Samfundslitteratur).

  • af Tom Mustill
    105,95 - 195,95 kr.

  • af Ronald T. Kneusel
    272,95 kr.

    "An accessible, straightforward guide that demystifies Artificial Intelligence for a general audience without the use of complex math or technical jargon. Covers the fundamentals, from classical models and neural networks to the large language models leading today's AI revolution"--

  • af Mustafa Suleyman
    332,95 kr.

    "We are approaching a critical threshold in the history of our species. Everything is about to change. Soon you will live surrounded by AIs. They will organise your life, operate your business, and run core government services. You will live in a world of DNA printers and quantum computers, engineered pathogens and autonomous weapons, robot assistants and abundant energy. None of us are prepared. As co-founder of the pioneering AI company DeepMind, part of Google, Mustafa Suleyman has been at the centre of this revolution. The coming decade, he argues, will be defined by this wave of powerful, fast-proliferating new technologies. In The Coming Wave, Suleyman shows how these forces will create immense prosperity but also threaten the nation-state, the foundation of global order. As our fragile governments sleepwalk into disaster, we face an existential dilemma: unprecedented harms on one side, the threat of overbearing surveillance on the other. Can we forge a narrow path between catastrophe and dystopia? This groundbreaking book from the ultimate AI insider establishes 'the containment problem'-the task of maintaining control over powerful technologies-as the essential challenge of our age"--

  • - Portræt af en verden, hvor ny teknologi forandrer livet for milliarder af mennesker
    af Johan Moe Fejerskov & Adam Moe Fejerskov
    117,95 - 207,95 kr.

    Vi står midt i et opgør om fremtiden. I løbet af kun to årtier har den digitale revolution revet voldsomt op i den verden, vi kender. Nye teknologier, der skulle frisætte mennesker fra undertrykkelse og fattigdom, har forårsaget store sociale, politiske og økonomiske opbrud. For mens alverdens virksomheder og organisationer kaster sig frådende over Silicon Valleys opfindelser, siger en voksende modstandsbevægelse af politikere, eksperter og aktivister stop.Vores digitale verden er fuld af besværlige dilemmaer og frustrerende paradokser. Sociale medier har givet undertrykte borgere en stemme i demokratiet, men også spredt propaganda og trusler i et formentlig hidtil uset omfang. Smartphones har åbnet en ny verden af viden og kultur for folk, men bliver kritiseret for at gøre brugerne ulykkelige. Droner hjælper nødhjælpsorganisationer med at skabe fremgang i skrøbelige lande, men er samtidig kilde til drab på civile i Afghanistan. De nye teknologier rummer mange muligheder, men har også vist sig at kunne skade samfundet og almindelige mennesker.Vi ser på de fremskridt, som også er en forbandelse, fordi det hele går så stærkt, fordi udviklingen påvirker alle sider af vores liv, og fordi mennesker sjældent forstår virkningerne af det, de har fundet på, før problemerne melder sig. Bogen tager læseren i hånden, gør udviklingen konkret og klæder læseren på til at tage del i de diskussioner om tech, apps og data, som berører os alle.

  • - Drejebog for digital intelligens
    af Jesper Bove-Nielsen
    272,95 - 344,95 kr.

    De digitale intelligenser har været undervejs i mange årtier. Men nu har de for alvor fået deres folkelige gennembrud. I 2023 var flere af dem i stand til at løse intelligens- og kreativitetstests væsentligt bedre end end de fleste mennesker. 2023 blev også året hvor de erhvervede en slags ytringsfrihed.Med AI Strategi - drejebog for digital intelligens, sætter Jesper Bove-Nielsen scenen for forretningsmæssig og strategisk anvendelse af digital intelligens i bred forstand. Det er ikke en bog om ChatGPT eller "prompt-engineering" - men en ledelses- og strategibog der sætter læseren i stand til at forstå, forklare og søsætte en strategi for digital intelligens for virksomheden.Bogen er både tankevækkende og dyb, provokerende og praktisk. Den er sprængfyldt med modeller der kan benyttes til at sætte strategiarbejdet i gang i såvel store som mindre virksomheder.

  • af Leon Furze
    267,95 kr.

    Divided into six parts, Practical AI Strategies guides readers through the construction and ethics of generative AI technologies, navigates policy landscapes and provides practical strategies for using these technologies in education

  • af Ben Auffarth
    537,95 kr.

    Get to grips with the LangChain framework from theory to deployment and develop production-ready applications.Code examples regularly updated on GitHub to keep you abreast of the latest LangChain developments.Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook.Key FeaturesLearn how to leverage LLMs' capabilities and work around their inherent weaknessesDelve into the realm of LLMs with LangChain and go on an in-depth exploration of their fundamentals, ethical dimensions, and application challengesGet better at using ChatGPT and GPT models, from heuristics and training to scalable deployment, empowering you to transform ideas into realityBook DescriptionChatGPT and the GPT models by OpenAI have brought about a revolution not only in how we write and research but also in how we can process information. This book discusses the functioning, capabilities, and limitations of LLMs underlying chat systems, including ChatGPT and Bard. It also demonstrates, in a series of practical examples, how to use the LangChain framework to build production-ready and responsive LLM applications for tasks ranging from customer support to software development assistance and data analysis - illustrating the expansive utility of LLMs in real-world applications.Unlock the full potential of LLMs within your projects as you navigate through guidance on fine-tuning, prompt engineering, and best practices for deployment and monitoring in production environments. Whether you're building creative writing tools, developing sophisticated chatbots, or crafting cutting-edge software development aids, this book will be your roadmap to mastering the transformative power of generative AI with confidence and creativity.What you will learnUnderstand LLMs, their strengths and limitationsGrasp generative AI fundamentals and industry trendsCreate LLM apps with LangChain like question-answering systems and chatbotsUnderstand transformer models and attention mechanismsAutomate data analysis and visualization using pandas and PythonGrasp prompt engineering to improve performanceFine-tune LLMs and get to know the tools to unleash their powerDeploy LLMs as a service with LangChain and apply evaluation strategiesPrivately interact with documents using open-source LLMs to prevent data leaksWho this book is forThe book is for developers, researchers, and anyone interested in learning more about LLMs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, this book will serve as a valuable resource if you want to get the most out of LLMs and are looking to stay ahead of the curve in the LLMs and LangChain arena.Basic knowledge of Python is a prerequisite, while some prior exposure to machine learning will help you follow along more easily.Table of ContentsWhat Is Generative AI?LangChain for LLM AppsGetting Started with LangChainBuilding Capable AssistantsBuilding a Chatbot like ChatGPTDeveloping Software with Generative AILLMs for Data ScienceCustomizing LLMs and Their OutputGenerative AI in ProductionThe Future of Generative Models

  • af Susie Alegre
    152,95 kr.

    Despite 75 years of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, many people around the world still do not enjoy their basic rights to life, liberty and fundamental freedoms of thought and expression. Yet we are already seeing a turn towards the possibility of rights for robots. Before we get distracted by corporate hype about the sentience of AI, we need to look at the multitudinous ways AI affects our rights and will continue to do so in the age of AI.From sex robots, to the algorithms that determine prison parole and custody issues, to the chilling ways in which ChatBots can influence our day to day decision-making, Human Rights, Robot Wrongs is a perceptive and vital exploration of the many ways in which artificial intelligence is coming into conflict with human rights - and most importantly how we protect them.

  • af Anil Ananthaswamy
    294,95 kr.

    'An invaluable companion for anyone who wants a deep understanding of what's under the hood of often inscrutable machines' Melanie Mitchell A rich, narrative explanation of the mathematics that has brought us machine learning and the ongoing explosion of artificial intelligenceMachine-learning systems are making life-altering decisions for us: approving mortgage loans, determining whether a tumour is cancerous, or deciding whether someone gets bail. They now influence discoveries in chemistry, biology and physics - the study of genomes, extra-solar planets, even the intricacies of quantum systems.We are living through a revolution in artificial intelligence that is not slowing down. This major shift is based on simple mathematics, some of which goes back centuries: linear algebra and calculus, the stuff of eighteenth-century mathematics. Indeed by the mid-1850s, a lot of the groundwork was all done. It took the development of computer science and the kindling of 1990s computer chips designed for video games to ignite the explosion of AI that we see all around us today. In this enlightening book, Anil Ananthaswamy explains the fundamental maths behind AI, which suggests that the basics of natural and artificial intelligence might follow the same mathematical rules.As Ananthaswamy resonantly concludes, to make the most of our most wondrous technologies we need to understand their profound limitations - the clues lie in the maths that makes AI possible.

  • af Akshay Kulkarni
    506,95 kr.

    This book provides a deep dive into the world of generative AI, covering everything from the basics of neural networks to the intricacies of large language models like ChatGPT and Google Bard. It serves as a one-stop resource for anyone interested in understanding and applying this transformative technology and is particularly aimed at those just getting started with generative AI.Applied Generative AI for Beginners is structured around detailed chapters that will guide you from foundational knowledge to practical implementation. It starts with an introduction to generative AI and its current landscape, followed by an exploration of how the evolution of neural networks led to the development of large language models. The book then delves into specific architectures like ChatGPT and Google Bard, offering hands-on demonstrations for implementation using tools like Sklearn. Yoüll also gain insight into the strategic aspects of implementing generative AI in an enterprise setting, with the authors covering crucial topics such as LLMOps, technology stack selection, and in-context learning. The latter part of the book explores generative AI for images and provides industry-specific use cases, making it a comprehensive guide for practical application in various domains.Whether you're a data scientist looking to implement advanced models, a business leader aiming to leverage AI for enterprise growth, or an academic interested in cutting-edge advancements, this book offers a concise yet thorough guide to mastering generative AI, balancing theoretical knowledge with practical insights.What You Will LearnGain a solid understanding of generative AI, starting from the basics of neural networks and progressing to complex architectures like ChatGPT and Google BardImplement large language models using Sklearn, complete with code examples and best practices for real-world applicationLearn how to integrate LLM¿s in enterprises, including aspects like LLMOps and technology stack selectionUnderstand how generative AI can be applied across various industries, from healthcare and marketing to legal compliance through detailed use cases and actionable insightsWho This Book Is ForData scientists, AI practitioners, Researchers and software engineers interested in generative AI and LLMs.

  • af Salman Khan
    277,95 kr.

    "From the founder of Khan Academy, the first book written for general audiences on the AI revolution in education, its implications for parenting, and how we can best harness its power for good"--

  • af Vijay Kanabar
    362,95 kr.

    In a world where technology is rapidly evolving, the fusion of project management and artificial intelligence stands at the forefront of innovation. The AI Revolution in Project Management delves deep into the transformative power of generative AI tools that promise to reshape industries, and revolutionize how we manage projects. Whether you're looking to build dynamic teams using AI, choose a project development approach, or monitor project performance, this book has got you covered. Each chapter provides insightful narratives and includes a supplemental Technical Guide that provides tips on using the AI technology. With case studies and prompts, the dialogues showcase AI in action, from stakeholder engagement to risk management. Dive in with experts whove spent countless hours using these AI tools in project scenarios to offer a transparent view into generative AI-driven project management. In this book you'll learn: How to create prompts that generate meaningful and actionable insights tailored for your projects When to use AI to enhance decision-making, super-charge productivity, and elevate overall project efficiency Which generative AI models and plug-ins to use for specific project scenarios, ensuring seamless integration and maximum efficiency "AI is not just a buzzword; its a tool reshaping how we manage projects and engage with stakeholders." - From the Foreward by Ricardo Viana Vargas, Ph.D. Ricardo is an experienced leader in global operations, project management, business transformation, and crisis management. As founder and managing director of Macrosolutions, a consulting firm with international operations in energy, infrastructure, IT, oil, and finance, he managed more than $20 billion in international projects in the past 25 years. UpdateAs AI products continue to evolve, information published in this book may change. Please note that as of February 2024, there is a name change for Bing Chat and Bard Chat.Microsoft Bing Chat is now Copilot: Google Bard is now Gemini:

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