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  • - En bog om kunstig intelligens
    af Peter Svarre
    231,95 kr.

    I disse år opstår der en lang række nye problemer og etiske dilemmaer i forbindelse med kunstig intelligens: Kommer robotterne til at tage vores arbejde? Bliver de klogere end os? Kan man stole på en selvkørende bil? Og hvem skal bestemme, hvem den skal slå ihjel, hvis et uheld er uundgåeligt? I Hvad skal vi med mennesker? diskuterer Peter Svarre på medrivende vis disse etiske dilemmaer og klæder læseren på til at forstå, hvordan kunstig intelligens overhovedet fungerer. Kunstig intelligens er nemlig ikke så kompliceret, som mange tror. Alle kan deltage i denne vigtige diskussion om vores fremtid!

  • - Using Psychology to Design Better Products & Services
    af Jon Yablonski
    472,95 kr.

    An understanding of psychologyspecifically the psychology behind how users behave and interact with digital interfacesis perhaps the single most valuable nondesign skill a designer can have. The most elegant design can fail if it forces users to conform to the design rather than working within the blueprint of how humans perceive and process the world around them. This practical guide explains how you can apply key principles in psychology to build products and experiences that are more intuitive and human-centered. Author Jon Yablonski deconstructs familiar apps and experiences to provide clear examples of how UX designers can build experiences that adapt to how users perceive and process digital interfaces.Youll learn:How aesthetically pleasing design creates positive responsesThe principles from psychology most useful for designersHow these psychology principles relate to UX heuristicsPredictive models including Fittss law, Jakobs law, and Hicks lawEthical implications of using psychology in designA framework for applying these principles

  • - Hvordan visualisering kan styrke måden du tænker, kommunikerer og samarbejder på
    af Ole Qvist-Sørensen & Loa Baastrup
    399,95 kr.

    Hvorfor skal vi tegne mere sammen?Mange organisationer oplever et behov for nye arbejdsmetoder til at håndtere og navigere i den stigende kompleksitet, som de indgår i. Når vi arbejder visuelt, kan vi skabe fælles billeder og derigennem opnå fælles forståelse på tværs af faggrupper, afdelinger og kulturer. Derfor skal vi tegne mere, sammen. Når vi tegner, bliver vi konkrete og gør verden mere håndgribelig. Tegn mere sammen tilbyder ledere, forandringsagenter og iværksættere en effektiv tilgang til at tænke, kommunikere og samarbejde på.giver en praktisk, nem og overskuelig indføring i, hvordan vi alle kan tegne - det drejer sig blot om at mestre nogle simple grundformer.viser, hvordan du kan designe og facilitere værdifulde processer, møder, workshops og konferencer gennem FEM DESIGNLOOPS.På finder du bogens digitale univers. Her kan du downloade redskaber og hente endnu mere inspiration til at arbejde mere visuelt.

  • af John Paul Mueller, Luca Massaron & Zanab Hussain
    202,95 - 317,95 kr.

    Unleash the power of Python for your data analysis projects with For Dummies! Python is the preferred programming language for data scientists and combines the best features of Matlab, Mathematica, and R into libraries specific to data analysis and visualization.

  • af Irene Pereyra
    274,95 kr.

    Universal Principles of UX is a comprehensive, cross-disciplinary encyclopedia for user experience designers.

  • af Daniel Akenine, Jörgen Dahlberg, Eva Kammerfors, mfl.
    206,95 kr.

    The bestseller in IT architecture. If you want to understand IT architecture, this book is for you. It covers many different areas, from strategy to business, technology, and software architecture. Are you working as an IT architect, student, developer, CTO, project manager, or IT professional? If so, this book will help you understand how IT architecture can help address the complexity in a modern organization. It will give you a deeper understanding of the concepts, methods, tools, models, organizations, and frameworks involved. It also covers the social and human aspects of working as an IT architect. Enterprise Architecture, The EA function, Strategy, Organization... Business Architecture, Understanding the business, Modeling, Practical advice… Solution Architecture, Integration, Infrastructure, Security…Software Architecture, Quality attributes, Agility and Lean, DevOps, cloud, AI…… and a lot more. Daniel Akenine is a physicist, technologist, writer, and former neuroscientist. He works as a National Technology Officer for Microsoft, specializing in the impact technology has on society. In 2015 he was appointed to IASA Fellow and ranked as one of the top IT-architects worldwide. He is a member of ISO’s international expert group for cloud standards, co-founder of two technology companies and holds patent applications in Europe and the United States in applied cryptography. Daniel is one of ten advisors to the Swedish Minister of Digitalization and a fiction writer with the latest novel 11 grams of truth about privacy and power in our modern society.

  • - Portræt af en verden, hvor ny teknologi forandrer livet for milliarder af mennesker
    af Johan Moe Fejerskov & Adam Moe Fejerskov
    198,95 kr.

    Vores digitale verden er fuld af besværlige dilemmaer og frustrerende paradokser. Sociale medier har givet undertrykte borgere en stemme i demokratiet, men også spredt propaganda og trusler i et formentlig hidtil uset omfang. Smartphones har åbnet en ny verden af viden og kultur for folk, men bliver kritiseret for at gøre brugerne ulykkelige. Droner hjælper nødhjælpsorganisationer med at skabe fremgang i skrøbelige lande, men er samtidig kilde til drab på civile i Afghanistan. De nye teknologier rummer mange muligheder, men har også vist sig at kunne skade samfundet og almindelige mennesker.Vi ser på de fremskridt, som også er en forbandelse, fordi det hele går så stærkt, fordi udviklingen påvirker alle sider af vores liv, og fordi mennesker sjældent forstår virkningerne af det, de har fundet på, før problemerne melder sig. Bogen tager læseren i hånden, gør udviklingen konkret og klæder læseren på til at tage del i de diskussioner om tech, apps og data, som berører os alle.

  • af Michael Law
    851,95 kr.

    Learn the latest version of ArcGIS Pro with the newest edition of this bestselling series. Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 introduces the tools and functions of ArcGIS Pro, the powerful desktop GIS application. Geographic information system (GIS) software is making a huge impact in businesses and organizations with mapping and analytic capabilities.  Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 uses practical project workflows to teach best practices to readers of all skill levels. Readers will explore data visualizations, build a geodatabase, discover 3D GIS, create maps for web and physical presentations, and more. With more than 300 full-color images, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 clarifies complicated processes such as developing a geoprocessing model, using Python to write a script tool, and creating space-time cubes for analysis. Throughout the book, short sidebars about real-world GIS scenarios in specific industries help readers understand how ArcGIS Pro can be applied widely to solve problems. At the end of each chapter, a summary and glossary help reinforce the skills learned.  This edition has been completely updated for use with ArcGIS Pro 2.8. Other updates include new chapters on ArcGIS Online and geocoding. The Getting to Know series has been teaching readers about GIS for more than 20 years. Ideal for students, self-learners, and professionals who want to learn the premier GIS desktop application, Getting to Know ArcGIS Pro 2.8 is a textbook and desk reference designed to show users how they can use ArcGIS Pro successfully on their own.

  • af Bruce Silver
    567,95 kr.

  • af Christopher M. Bishop
    963,95 kr.

    This book offers a comprehensive introduction to the central ideas that underpin deep learning. It is intended both for newcomers to machine learning and for those already experienced in the field. Covering key concepts relating to contemporary architectures and techniques, this essential book equips readers with a robust foundation for potential future specialization. The field of deep learning is undergoing rapid evolution, and therefore this book focusses on ideas that are likely to endure the test of time.The book is organized into numerous bite-sized chapters, each exploring a distinct topic, and the narrative follows a linear progression, with each chapter building upon content from its predecessors. This structure is well-suited to teaching a two-semester undergraduate or postgraduate machine learning course, while remaining equally relevant to those engaged in active research or in self-study.A full understanding of machine learning requires some mathematical background and so the book includes a self-contained introduction to probability theory. However, the focus of the book is on conveying a clear understanding of ideas, with emphasis on the real-world practical value of techniques rather than on abstract theory. Complex concepts are therefore presented from multiple complementary perspectives including textual descriptions, diagrams, mathematical formulae, and pseudo-code.Chris Bishop is a Technical Fellow at Microsoft and is the Director of Microsoft Research AI4Science. He is a Fellow of Darwin College Cambridge, a Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering, and a Fellow of the Royal Society. Hugh Bishop is an Applied Scientist at Wayve, a deep learning autonomous driving company in London, where he designs and trains deep neural networks. He completed his MPhil in Machine Learning and Machine Intelligence at Cambridge University.¿Chris Bishop wrote a terrific textbook on neural networks in 1995 and has a deep knowledge of the field and its core ideas. His many years of experience in explaining neural networks have made him extremely skillful at presenting complicated ideas in the simplest possible way and it is a delight to see these skills applied to the revolutionary new developments in the field.¿ -- Geoffrey Hinton"With the recent explosion of deep learning and AI as a research topic, and the quickly growing importance of AI applications, a modern textbook on the topic was badly needed. The "New Bishop" masterfully fills the gap, covering algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning, modern deep learning architecture families, as well as how to apply all of this to various application areas." ¿ Yann LeCun¿This excellent and very educational book will bring the reader up to date with the main concepts and advances in deep learning with a solid anchoring in probability. These concepts are powering current industrial AI systems and are likely to form the basis of further advances towards artificial general intelligence.¿ -- Yoshua Bengio

  • - How to Observe Users, Influence Design, and Shape Business Strategy
    af London, Philip Hodgson, UK) Travis & mfl.
    596,95 - 1.685,95 kr.

  • af Sandra Rendgen
    493,95 kr.

    This expansive publication follows up on TASCHEN's Information Graphics with more than 280 contemporary and vintage visualizations to help us understand our world, including seven fold-out spreads. Spanning the present state, and historical shaping, of society, culture, technology, economics and the environment, this is at once a showcase of...

  • af Katharine Jarmul
    523,95 kr.

    Between major privacy regulations like the GDPR and CCPA and expensive and notorious data breaches, there has never been so much pressure to ensure data privacy. Unfortunately, integrating privacy into data systems is still complicated. This essential guide will give you a fundamental understanding of modern privacy building blocks, like differential privacy, federated learning, and encrypted computation. Based on hard-won lessons, this book provides solid advice and best practices for integrating breakthrough privacy-enhancing technologies into production systems. Practical Data Privacy answers important questions such as: What do privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA mean for my data workflows and data science use cases? What does "anonymized data" really mean? How do I actually anonymize data? How does federated learning and analysis work? Homomorphic encryption sounds great, but is it ready for use? How do I compare and choose the best privacy-preserving technologies and methods? Are there open-source libraries that can help? How do I ensure that my data science projects are secure by default and private by design? How do I work with governance and infosec teams to implement internal policies appropriately?

  • af Alexander Loth
    225,95 kr.

  • af Yvonne Rogers
    762,95 kr.

    A delightful, engaging, and comprehensive overview of interaction designEffective and engaging design is a critical component of any digital product, from virtual reality software to chatbots, smartphone apps, and more.In the newly updated sixth edition of Interaction Design: Beyond Human-Computer Interaction, a team of accomplished technology, design, and computing professors delivers an intuitive and instructive discussion of the principles underlying the design of effective interactive technologies. The authors discuss how to design and apply digital technologies in the real world, illustrated with numerous examples. The book explores the interdisciplinary foundations of interaction design, including skills from product design, computer science, human and social psychology, and others.The book builds on the highly successful fifth edition and draws on extensive new research and interviews with accomplished professionals and researchers in the field that reflect a rapidly-changing landscape. It is supported by a website hosting digital resources that add to and complement the material contained within.Readers will also find:* Explorations of the social and emotional components of interacting with apps, digital devices and computers* Descriptions about how to design, prototype, evaluate and construct technologies that support human-computer interaction* Discussions of the cognitive aspects of interaction design, as well as design and evaluation, including usability testing and expert reviews.An essential text for undergraduate and graduate students of human-computer interaction, interaction design, software engineering, web design, and information studies, Interaction Design will also prove to be indispensable for interaction design and user experience professionals.

  • - Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data
    af Hadley Wickham & Garrett Grolemund
    632,95 kr.

    Learn how to use R to turn raw data into insight, knowledge, and understanding. This book introduces you to R, RStudio, and the tidyverse, a collection of R packages designed to work together to make data science fast, fluent, and fun. Suitable for readers with no previous programming experience, R for Data Science is designed to get you doing data science as quickly as possible.Authors Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund guide you through the steps of importing, wrangling, exploring, and modeling your data and communicating the results. Youll get a complete, big-picture understanding of the data science cycle, along with basic tools you need to manage the details. Each section of the book is paired with exercises to help you practice what youve learned along the way.Youll learn how to:Wrangletransform your datasets into a form convenient for analysisProgramlearn powerful R tools for solving data problems with greater clarity and easeExploreexamine your data, generate hypotheses, and quickly test themModelprovide a low-dimensional summary that captures true "e;signals"e; in your datasetCommunicatelearn R Markdown for integrating prose, code, and results

  • - 9 radikale udfordringer erhvervslivet skal overleve
    af Jan Damsgaard
    312,95 kr.

    Hvordan sætter MobilePay, Airbnb, Amazon, Google og GoMore dagsordenen i den digitale økonomi?Hvorfor kan det forandre hele samfundet, at biler bliver selvkørende? Hvordan kan det lade sig gøre at sidde foran sin computer og grave digital valuta som bitcoins frem, og hvordan kan teknologien bag bitcoins sikre vores data langt bedre end hidtil? Hvordan vil det ændre vores hverdag, at vi får digitale tjenere som Amazon Echo og Google Home?Denne bog giver på en spændende og underholdende måde et indblik i digitaliseringen og dens gennemgribende betydning for vores liv. Denne opdaterede udgave opsummerer blandt andet de hovedtendenser i samfundsudviklingen, som digitaliseringen er afgørende for, lige som bogen med konkrete eksempler giver indblik i blandt andet cirkulær økonomi, Big Data, crowdsourcing, Internet of Things og blockchain-teknologien. Den digitale revolution er mindst lige så gennemgribende som den industrielle, og forandringerne viser sig med stigende synlighed. Traditionelle stensikre forretninger som banker og forsikringsselskaber er truede, og smartphonen har opslugt stribevis af lukrative brancher, gennemtygget dem og spyttet dem ud igen som gratis apps. Bogen forklarer på en let og forståelig måde teorierne og forskningen bag den digitale økonomi, og hvad den rummer af muligheder og udfordringer for erhvervslivet – og hvorfor det er på høje tid at tage begge dele alvorligt. Den digitale omstilling er udvalgt som en af de 10 bøger om innovation, forretningsudvikling eller ledelse i en moderne organisation, som du bør læse i 2018. Klummen er udgivet på Computerworld Online d. 24. januar 2018, og bøgerne er udvalgt af Jonathan Løw.9 konkrete udfordringer for erhvervslivet, som bogen giver svar på:• Hvordan undgår virksomheden at dø i digitaliseringen?• Hvordan vælger virksomheden den rigtige digitale løsning?• Hvordan kan virksomheden tjene penge, når digitale produkter er gratis?• Hvordan tiltrækker virksomheden brugere til sin platform og sørger for, at de bliver hængende?• Hvordan ændrer virksomheden sin kommunikation, så den passer til sociale medier?• Hvordan kan virksomheden udnytte deleøkonomien, blandt andet crowdfunding og crowdsourcing?• Hvordan ændrer virksomheden ledelseskultur, så den baserer sig på Big Data?• Hvordan kan virksomheden bruge Internet of Things (IoT) til at skabe værdi for kunderne?• Hvordan gør virksomheden sig klar til cloud computing?IndholdForord til 2. udgaveIntroduktion: Maskinerne kommerDigitaliseringens naturloveEn æra af kreativ destruktionDigitale forretningsmodellerDet digitale ægteskabNetværksøkonomi og principper for valg af digitale tjenesterEn, to – mangeDesign af profitable digitale platformeKampen om brugerneStrategier for digitale platformes udviklingKampen om sandhedenSociale medier i et erhvervsperspektivHvorfor eje, når man kan dele?Cirkulær økonomi og crowdsourcing200 mia. maskiner kan ikke tage fejlVærdiskabelse via Internet of ThingsMavefornemmelsen bliver udkonkurreretBig Data og fakta-baseret ledelseFarvel til it-afdelingenCloudcomputing som afsæt for digitaliseringEfterskrift: Høst fordelene, og tag højde for ulemperneAnonyme adfærdsprofiler sikrer privatlivets fredStikord

  • af Morgan Lee
    318,95 kr.

    In "NUI: Exploring the World of Natural User Interfaces," journey into the forefront of technological innovation where human-computer interaction transcends the traditional confines of screens and keyboards. From intuitive gestures to conversational voice commands, this groundbreaking book delves deep into the realm of Natural User Interfaces (NUI), where seamless interactions between humans and technology promise to revolutionize how we interact with our digital world.Discover the evolution of NUI technology, from its humble beginnings to its current state-of-the-art applications across diverse industries. Explore the transformative impact of NUI on healthcare, education, entertainment, business productivity, and beyond, as it empowers users with intuitive, immersive, and personalized experiences.Through captivating case studies, insightful analyses, and expert perspectives, "NUI: Exploring the World of Natural User Interfaces" illuminates the intersection of cutting-edge technology and human-centric design. Learn about the latest advancements in gesture recognition, voice processing, biometric authentication, and more, as we navigate the exciting frontier of NUI innovation.Whether you're a technology enthusiast, a seasoned professional, or simply curious about the future of human-computer interaction, this book offers a captivating exploration of the possibilities unleashed by Natural User Interfaces. Join us on this exhilarating journey as we delve into the limitless potential of NUI to shape the way we interact with technology and transform our digital experiences forever.

  • af Gus Frazer
    377,95 kr.

    Unlock the full potential of your data by mastering the art of cleaning, preparing, and transforming data with Power BI for smarter insights and data visualizationsKey Features:Implement best practices for connecting, preparing, cleaning, and analyzing multiple sources of data using Power BIConduct exploratory data analysis (EDA) using DAX, PowerQuery, and the M languageApply your newfound knowledge to tackle common data challenges for visualizations in Power BIPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Microsoft Power BI offers a range of powerful data cleaning and preparation options through tools such as DAX, Power Query, and the M language. However, despite its user-friendly interface, mastering it can be challenging. Whether you're a seasoned analyst or a novice exploring the potential of Power BI, this comprehensive guide equips you with techniques to transform raw data into a reliable foundation for insightful analysis and visualization.This book serves as a comprehensive guide to data cleaning, starting with data quality, common data challenges, and best practices for handling data. You'll learn how to import and clean data with Query Editor and transform data using the M query language. As you advance, you'll explore Power BI's data modeling capabilities for efficient cleaning and establishing relationships. Later chapters cover best practices for using Power Automate for data cleaning and task automation. Finally, you'll discover how OpenAI and ChatGPT can make data cleaning in Power BI easier.By the end of the book, you will have a comprehensive understanding of data cleaning concepts, techniques, and how to use Power BI and its tools for effective data preparation.What You Will Learn:Connect to data sources using both import and DirectQuery optionsUse the Query Editor to apply data transformationsTransform your data using the M query languageDesign clean and optimized data models by creating relationships and DAX calculationsPerform exploratory data analysis using Power BIAddress the most common data challenges with best practicesExplore the benefits of using OpenAI, ChatGPT, and Microsoft Copilot for simplifying data cleaningWho this book is for:If you're a data analyst, business intelligence professional, business analyst, data scientist, or anyone who works with data on a regular basis, this book is for you. It's a useful resource for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of data quality issues and best practices for data cleaning in Power BI. If you have a basic knowledge of BI tools and concepts, this book will help you advance your skills in Power BI.

  • af Arshad Ali
    395,95 kr.

    Harness the power of Microsoft Fabric to develop data analytics solutions for various use cases guided by step-by-step instructionsKey Features:Explore Microsoft Fabric and its features through real-world examplesBuild data analytics solutions for lakehouses, data warehouses, real-time analytics, and data scienceMonitor, manage, and administer your Fabric platform and analytics system to ensure flexibility, performance, security, and controlPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook Description:Discover the capabilities of Microsoft Fabric, the premier unified solution designed for the AI era, seamlessly combining data integration, OneLake, transformation, visualization, universal security, and a unified business model. This book provides an overview of Microsoft Fabric, its components, and the wider analytics landscape.In this book, you'll explore workloads such as Data Factory, Synapse Data Engineering, data science, data warehouse, real-time analytics, and Power BI. You'll learn how to build end-to-end lakehouse and data warehouse solutions using the medallion architecture, unlock the real-time analytics, and implement machine learning and AI models. As you progress, you'll build expertise in monitoring workloads and administering Fabric across tenants, capacities, and workspaces. The book also guides you step by step through enhancing security and governance practices in Microsoft Fabric and implementing CI/CD workflows with Azure DevOps or GitHub. Finally, you'll discover the power of Copilot, an AI-driven assistant that accelerates your analytics journey.By the end of this book, you'll have unlocked the full potential of AI-driven data analytics, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the analytics landscape and mastery over the essential concepts and principles of Microsoft Fabric.What You Will Learn:Get acquainted with the different services available in Microsoft FabricBuild end-to-end data analytics solution to scale and manage high performanceIntegrate data from different types of data sourcesApply transformation with Spark, Notebook, and T-SQLUnderstand and implement real-time stream processing and data science capabilitiesPerform end-to-end processes for building data analytics solutions in the AI eraDrive insights by leveraging Power BI for reporting and visualizationImprove productivity with AI assistance and Copilot integrationWho this book is for:This book is for data professionals, including data analysts, data engineers, data scientists, data warehouse developers, ETL developers, business analysts, AI/ML professionals, software developers, and Chief Data Officers who want to build a future-ready data analytics solution for long-term success in the AI era.For PySpark and SQL students entering the data analytics field, this book offers a broad foundation for developing the skills to build end-to-end analytics systems for various use cases. Basic knowledge of SQL and Spark is assumed.

  • af Shashikumar G S
    279,95 kr.

    Critical issues in human behaviour are emotions. In daily interactions with others and in the making of decisions, emotion is significant. According to physiological concepts, emotion is a short-lived event. There is a close relation between emotion recognition and human wellness. The environment presented the constant demands, so that phenomenon of emotion represents efficient modes of adaptation. Human interaction has been categorised into two interaction channels: one transmits very clear messages, which is about anything or nothing and other one transmits embedded messages about the speakers themselves. In order to understand the channel which does not transmit clear messages, huge efforts were made towards the linguistic analysis. But the second is not as well understood. Understanding the other person's emotion is one of the key challenging tasks associated with the embedded message. Emotion can express through actions, such as words, sounds, facial expression, and body language, However, emotion expressed in such actions are sometimes manipulated by people and real feelings cannot be conveyed clearly. The emotion is referred by researchers as a mental state that is influenced by strong or deep brain impulses. This neural impulse arises subjectively but not through conscious effort. To move an organism into action, emotion induces either positive or negative psychological response. A cutting-edge area of computing called affective computing has been working to enhance human-computer interaction (HCI). Due to a lack of emotional intelligence, today's HCI systems are defective and unable to distinguish different emotional states in people. By recognizing emotional cues that emerge during HCI and evoking emotional reactions, affective computing seeks to close this gap. If computers can identify emotions, this will improve the design and development of systems that can do the same. The healthcare industry would benefit greatly from wearable technology that can distinguish different human emotions in real time and respond accordingly.

  • af Bruce M. McLaren
    538,95 kr.

    This book constitutes revised selected papers from the 15th International Conference on Computer Supported Education, CSEDU 2023, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, during April 21¿23, 2023.CSEDU 2023 accepted 34 full and 54 papers out of 162 papers submissions. Out of these, 8 contributions have been selected for inclusion in this book. The papers included in this book contribute to the understanding of relevant trends in the current research on Computer Supported Education, with a particular focus on: eLearning Platforms, Portals, Feedback and Learning Support, Game-Based and Simulation-Based Learning, Active Learning, Tools to Assess Learning, Learning with AI Systems, Higher Order Thinking Skills, Flipped Classroom, Faculty Development and Constructivism and Social Constructivism.

  • af Roberto Bandiera
    362,95 kr.

    Il lettore viene guidato nelle diverse fasi della progettazione e realizzazione di un database relazionale.Nelle numerose esemplificazioni pratiche viene utilizzato MySQL come software di gestione database.Viene poi trattato il linguaggio SQL per interrogare ed aggiornare il database. Infine vengono presentate le tecniche e gli strumenti per realizzare una applicazione gestionale con il linguaggio C#.Vengono trattati sia l'approccio tradizionale con ADO.NET e anche un approccio moderno con Entity Framework che è un software ORM (Object Relational Mapping).Il lettore è invitato a svolgere degli esercizi per verificare la comprensione dei concetti e poi confrontare la soluzione proposta con la propria.L'autore è stato tutor di Basi di Dati per 5 anni nei corsi di Ingegneria Informatica dell'Università di Padova e da 20 anni insegna Informatica all'ITT "Barsanti" di Castelfranco Veneto.Il suo curriculum dettagliato è visibile nel sito

  • af Yuri Spirochkin
    940,95 - 1.317,95 kr.

  • af Mohammed Usman
    1.102,95 kr.

    This book sheds light on systems that learn extensively, with purpose and naturally interact with humans. Improving operations and increasing competitive differentiation among manufacturing organizations by harnessing the power of cognitive abilities, IoT can help build and influence the flow of information¿making the shop floor more cognitive through effective processing, analysis, and operational optimization. Now we are seeing the first-hand potential of cognitive computing¿its ability to transform businesses, governments, and society. The real potential of the cognitive age can be realized by combining data analysis and statistical reasoning of machines with uniquely human qualities, such as self-directed goals, common sense, and moral values, improving operations and increasing competitive differentiation among manufacturing organizations. By harnessing the power of cognitive abilities, IoT can help build and influence the flow of information¿making the shop floor more cognitive through effective processing, analysis, and operational optimization. Cognitive initiatives come in all shapes and sizes, from change to strategy and everything in between. What most successful projects have in common, no matter how ambitious, is they start with a clear view of what technology can do. Therefore, the first job of a cognitive scientists is to gain a firm understanding of cognitive abilities, as presented in this book.

  • af Michael Olafusi
    477,95 kr.

    Unleash the full potential of Microsoft Excel's latest version and elevate your data-driven prowess with this comprehensive resourceKey FeaturesCreate robust and automated dashboards in Excel for M365Apply data visualization principles and employ dynamic charts and tables to create constantly updated and informative dashboards for your organizationUncover the best practices for effective dashboard creationPurchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBookBook DescriptionM365 Excel is a modern Excel version that is constantly updated with features that make creating and automating analyses, reports, and dashboards very easy compared with older Excel versions. This book will help you leverage its full capabilities, beginning with a quick overview of what dashboards are and how they are different from other types of reports. Then, you'll familiarize yourself with the different standard dashboards currently available and what they are meant to accomplish for organizations. As you progress, you'll get to grips with the use of new powerful tools such as Power Query and dynamic array formulae in the automation of analysis, gaining insights into the right approach to take in building effective dashboards. You'll equip yourself with not only all the essential formulae, charts, and non-chart visuals but also learn how to set up your dashboard perfectly. Along the way, you'll build a couple of awesome dashboards from scratch to utilize your newfound knowledge.By the end of this book, you will be able to carry out an impressive and robust level of analysis on business data that may come from multiple sources or files, using better processes, formulae, and best practices in M365 to create insightful dashboards faster.What you will learnUnderstand the importance of dashboards in today's business analytics environmentDelve into the various essential formulae in ExcelUtilize Power Query to shape and transform data to extract insights easilyExplore the power of the new dynamic array functions in M365Employ PivotTable and Power Pivot to automate your dashboardsMaster the setup and optimization of your dashboard canvasDiscover best practices for visualization, charts, and effective dashboard creationConsolidate your knowledge through a hands-on concluding projectWho this book is forThis book is for Microsoft Excel users, especially those tasked with creating dynamic reports and dashboards that require data and help support to decision-makers within an organization with visually engaging and actionable insights. Financial analysts, data analysts, business analysts, and BI professionals will also greatly benefit from this book. Some familiarity with the Microsoft Excel interface is a prerequisite. Table of ContentsDashboards, Reports, and M365 ExcelCommon Dashboards in Large CompaniesThe Importance of Connecting Directly to the Primary Data SourcesPower Query: the Ultimate Data Transformation ToolPivotTable and Power PivotMust-Know Legacy Excel FunctionsDynamic Array Functions and Lambda FunctionsGetting Comfortable with the 19 Excel ChartsNon-Chart VisualsSetting Up the Dashboard's Data ModelPerfecting the DashboardBest Practices for Real-World Dashboard Building

  • af Clark Barrett
    692,95 kr.

    This monograph reports the findings of a workshop held at Google (co-organized by Stanford University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison) on the dual-use dilemma posed by GenAI.

  • af Pinde Fu
    516,95 kr.

    Getting to Know Mobile GIS empowers readers to creatively use mobile GIS and drive innovation in this fast-advancing field."Mobile-first" and the "post-PC era" aren't just buzzwords; they represent today's reality. Within the GIS industry, the mobile internet and mobile GIS have profoundly transformed how we acquire, visualize, analyze, and disseminate geospatial information. With its ubiquitous use and location-aware capabilities, the mobile platform is an essential part of enterprise GIS across industries, making mobile GIS crucial to the business operations and future success of wide-ranging organizations.Getting to Know Mobile GIS helps GIS professionals and GIS students grasp the opportunities presented by mobile GIS. It provides principles and detailed tutorials to teach today's cutting-edge mobile GIS technologies. Using a no-code, low-code approach, it makes mobile GIS easy and fun to learn. Readers can immediately become productive in creating enterprise GIS solutions, ranging from online and offline spatial data visualization, data collection, location sharing, and workforce coordination to integration with enterprise workflows.Pinde Fu leads the ArcGIS Platform Engineering team at Esri Professional Services and teaches at universities, including Harvard University Extension School. His specialties include web and mobile GIS technologies and applications in various industries. Several of his projects have won special achievement awards. Fu is the author of Getting to Know Web GIS (Esri Press, 2022) and lead author of Web GIS: Principles and Applications (Esri Press, 2010).

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