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Håndtering af dysleksi og indlæringsvanskeligheder

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  • - læring, undervisning og vejledning
    af Michael Wahl Andersen & Peter Weng
    433,95 - 442,95 kr.

    Håndbog om matematik i grundskolen er tænkt som et redskab i det nødvendige arbejde med at udvikle og styrke undervisningen i faget matematik. Bogen henvender sig til alle, der beskæftiger sig med og er interesseret i læring og undervisning i matematik i grundskolen, dvs. studerende, pædagoger, matematiklærere, diplomstuderende og matematikvejledere. Et af bogens fokusområder er matematikvanskeligheder, og den vil derfor også være relevant for PPR-medarbejdere, psykologer og andre, der arbejder med elever i vanskeligheder i matematik.Håndbogen omfatter syv temaer, som hver især behandles fra flere forskellige vinkler i to eller flere kapitler.1. Matematik som fag - kapitel 1-42. Læring i matematik - kapitel 5-73. Undervisning i matematik - kapitel 8-154. Vejledning og rådgivning - kapitel 16-195. Elever med særlige behov - kapitel 20-246. Læremidler - kapitel 25-267. It og matematik - kapitel 27-29Kapitlerne er skrevet af en lang række forfattere med særlig interesse i og viden om netop deres område. Den nyeste forskning inddrages, og også relevant ny viden fra Sverige og Norge præsenteres, idet flere kapitler er skrevet af førende svenske og norske forskere.

  • af Trine & Trentemøller
    142,95 kr.

    Børn med dysleksi oplever ofte nederlag, når de møder den skriftsprogskultur skolen bygger på. Børnene oplever, at de ikke kan følge med deres kammerater fagligt, og den oplevelse kan have store psykiske konsekvenser for børnene, ligesom det kan få afgørende betydning for deres fremtidige uddannelsesvalg. Det er vigtigt, at både forældre og lærere kan motivere børnene, og det er vigtigt, at de voksne omkring børnene arbejder sammen om at styrke børnenes robusthed, så de kan overkomme de udfordringer de møder.Trine Trentemøller formidler viden om dysleksi, motivation og robusthed og giver bud på strategier til, hvordan man kan arbejde med børnene både i skolen og i hjemmet. Det er barnets perspektiv, der er i fokus, og børnenes stemmer kommer til udtryk gennem tegninger, der illustrere, hvordan det opleves at have dysleksi: Hvad bør der være mere af i skolen og hvad bør der være mindre af, hvis det skal være nemmere at gå i skole, når man har dysleksi. Bogen opfordrer til, at børnenes stemmer inddrages, og den peger på, hvor vigtigt et godt samarbejde mellem skole og hjem er, når et barn er udfordret i skolen.

  • af Ronald D. Davis
    287,95 kr.

    Dyslektiske indlæringsvanskeligheder bliver ofte fejl-agtigt tilskrevet problemer med begavelsen, fordi noget, der for de fleste er forholdsvist nemt at lære, bliver til næsten uoverstigelige problemer for dyslektikeren. Ronald D. Davis, der selv er dyslektiker, beskriver i sin bog den særlige begavelse og den specielle læringsstil, der kaldes dysleksi: en kombination af en kreativ, intuitiv opfattelsemåde og en deraf følgende desorientering.

  • af Kristine M. Jensen de López & Hanne B. Søndergaard Knudsen
    147,95 - 179,95 kr.

    Hvad er DLD? Hvordan viser sprogforstyrrelsen sig? Hvor mange har DLD, og hvordan opdager man det? Og hvordan kan man afhjælpe de vanskeligheder, den bringer med sig?Man kan ikke se, at en person har sprogforstyrrelsen DLD. Det står for Developmental Language Disorder, på dansk udviklingsmæssig sprogforstyrrelse. DLD er et skjult handikap, som ses i forskellige sværhedsgrader. Man kan forvente, at der sidder en-to elever i hver klasse med DLD.KORT & GODT OM SPROGFORSTYRRELSEN DLD giver grundlæggende viden og konkrete råd om DLD, herunder om udredning og støtte til børn med DLD. Bogen er den første om DLD på dansk. Bogen er til mennesker med DLD, forældre og andre pårørende. Den henvender sig også til lærere, pædagoger, audiologopæder, logopæder, psykologer og psykiatere, der møder børn med DLD i deres daglige arbejde.

  • - Kortlægning gennem samtale
    af Peter Weng & Lena Lindenskov
    532,95 kr.

    Bogen er et redskab til matematiklærere i arbejdet med at støtte elever i matematikvanskeligheder på mellemtrinnet.Når en elev er gået i stå i matematikundervisningen, kan læreren med dette redskab gennemføre en samtale med eleven og kortlægge elevens problemer. Kortlægningen kan inspirere læreren til handlinger, der styrker og udviklereleven positivt i matematikundervisningen. Målet er ogsåat modvirke elevens negative oplevelser og vanskelighederi faget. Materialet har fokus på de ændringer i forventninger, krav og mål, som eleverne møder i skiftet fra indskoling til mellemtrin. Samtidig er der fokus på, hvordan man som lærer opdager, kortlægger og afhjælper regnehuller i forhold til elevens færdigheder og viden.Svage præstationer i matematik kan få alvorlige personlige og sociale konsekvenser. Alle elever har derfor krav på at blive mødt med lærings- og undervisningsbetingelser, der forebygger og afhjælper matematikvanskeligheder. Materialets tilgang bygger på forfatternes begreb ’regnehuller’,der bl.a. indebærer, at matematikvanskeligheder kan imødegås med mange forskellige strategier, og at den bedste strategi ikke altid er at starte med ’at fylde hullet op’.Bogen er en del af serien Matematikvanskeligheder, der dækker grundlæggende matematik på alle alders- og klassetrin. De tre bøger har samme tilgang til undervisning af elever med matematikvanskeligheder. I denne bog er der særligt fokus på samtale i matematikundervisningen og på den direkte dialog mellem lærer og elev, når læreren skal undersøge, hvordan en elev er kommet i vanskeligheder med matematik. Erfaringer viser, at der er en stor spredning af elevers begrebsudvikling i matematik. Mange elever følger ikke den lineære progression, der er indbygget i klassetrin eller alder i den officielle beskrivelse af fagformål. Derfor kan bogen med fordel bruges i arbejdet med elever på andre klassetrin, selvom det fagfaglige udgangspunkt er mellemtrinnet.Bogen henvender sig til matematiklærere og matematikvejledere i grundskolen. Alle, der arbejder med elever i matematikvanskeligheder på ungdomsuddannelser, efterskoler, i støttecentre eller på specialskoler, vil også kunne finde inspiration i bogen.

  • af Andrea Campbell
    162,95 kr.

    Are you struggling to find the support your child with special needs deserves? Look no further; this book will show you how to tap into obscure benefits that can make a profound difference in your child's life.Uncover a brighter future for your family and empower yourself with knowledge and tools to access the assistance your child needs: Financial assistance: Discover little-known grants and subsidies that can alleviate the financial burden of caring for a child with special needs.When caring for a child with special needs, families often encounter challenges, including financial burdens and emotional stress. Yet, amidst these trials, a wealth of untapped support is waiting to be discovered and accessed. This book is more than just a guide; it's a beacon of hope, crafted with care and offering invaluable insights and signposts that empower families and caregivers to provide optimum care for their children. You will find information on:Therapies - Learn about specialized or alternative therapies that can improve your child's well-being.Inclusive recreational opportunities - Find out about inclusive leisure activities that promote inclusion for your child.Respite care - Access much-needed breaks for yourself by learning about respite care options.Community amenities - Uncover community resources that can enhance your child's development and support your family.167 obscure sources of support are listed, providing for you a succinct roadmap to uncovering additional assistance in the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada. Although the book focuses on these geographical regions, families living in other regions should know that some of the organizations mentioned operate in multiple countries.By accessing the support and resources in this book, you can greatly enhance your child's well-being and quality of life. The text highlights resources that promote inclusion and help your child feel more supported and included in society.If your child has additional needs, empower yourself by becoming knowledgeable and equipped to advocate for their needs and access the support they deserve. Order your copy today!

  • af Audra Mills
    142,95 kr.

    Quizás no sea un camino fácil, pero definitivamente merece la pena la lucha. Aquí te muestro cómo ayudar a tu hijo con autismo a sobrevivir y prosperar en la vida, al mismo tiempo que cuidas de tu salud mental. ¿Estás estresado y abrumado por las dificultades que conlleva criar a un hijo con autismo? ¿Te preocupa su futuro y te preguntas si llegará a tener éxito? ¿Se te ha pasado alguna vez por la cabeza la idea de tener un hijo neurotípico porque estás harto de lidiar con su comportamiento? No te sientas culpable: tus sentimientos son válidos. Miles de padres de niños con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) y Asperger tienen los mismos sentimientos. De hecho, criar a un niño neurotípico también es duro y una lucha diaria. Pero cuidar a un niño con autismo es un reto mayor, que puede empeorar si no se recibe el apoyo adecuado y no somos capaces de cubrir todas sus necesidades. Sin embargo, también hay un lado positivo: puedes criar a las personas más honestas del mundo. Y como cualquier otro niño, los niños con autismo también tienen un gran potencial: sólo tienes que ayudarles a descubrir y cultivar sus talentos para que puedan fijarse metas y alcanzarlas. Pero antes de empezar, hay que entender por qué se comportan así. Afortunadamente, esta guía ofrece un marco sencillo con ideas y estrategias para que puedas seguirlas y ayudar a tus hijos a prosperar en la vida. Esto es sólo una parte de lo que descubrirás en su interior: ¿ El enfoque de los 5 pilares para la crianza de un niño con necesidades especiales. ¿ La razón, en gran parte desconocida, detrás del comportamiento agresivo en el autismo y lo que puedes hacer para prevenirlo.¿ Cómo contarle a la gente el diagnóstico de tu hijo: descubre cómo establecer límites para protegerlo.¿ 5 formas prácticas de identificar el talento en un niño con autismo - y qué puedes hacer para ayudarle a cultivarlo.¿ Estrategias verbales, no verbales y visuales para superar las barreras de comunicación al interactuar con un niño con TEA.¿ Cómo lidiar con su comportamiento obsesivo y repetitivo sin ser duro con ellos.¿ Lo que debes hacer si te golpean: descubre cómo disciplinar a tu hijo sin hacerle daño.¿ 5 estrategias para fortalecer la relación con tu pareja mientras cuidas de un niño con autismo. Si haces uso de las estrategias que te proporciona este libro, podrás ayudar a tus hijos a transitar por los duros caminos de la vida y a encontrar el éxito en todo lo que se propongan. Y si alguna vez te sientes desesperanzado, puedes recurrir a las historias reales de personajes famosos incluidas en este libro, que fueron capaces de alcanzar sus metas a pesar de tener autismo. ¿Estás preparado para superar las dificultades de criar a un hijo con TEA sin perder la calma? Desplázate hacia arriba y haz clic en el botón "Añadir a la cesta" ahora mismo.

  • af Temple Grandin
    168,95 kr.

    Temple Grandin draws on her own experience to deliver an essential guidebook for guiding and nurturing autistic youth. She gets to the REAL issues of autistic adolescents--the ones parents, teachers, and individuals on the spectrum face every day.Topics include: Strategies for non-verbal teensAutism and drivingPreparing for collegeAcquiring social skillsDeveloping talentsAnd much more!In these helpful pages, Dr. Grandin offers do's and don'ts, practical strategies, and try-it-now tips, all based on her insider perspective and extensive research. Interestingly, she argues that adolescents on the autism spectrum must focus on their overlooked strengths to foster their unique contributions to the world. She has packed a wealth of knowledge into this book, which serves as an excellent reference resource for the parents, educators and caregivers of autistic adolescents.Rather than continuing to waste the singular gifts of autistics, driving a collective loss in productivity and innovation, Grandin proposes new approaches to educating, parenting, employing, and collaborating with them. In a highly competitive world, this important book helps us see, we need every mind on board.

  • af Peter Vermeulen
    383,95 kr.

    What Really Works for Children with Autism aims to be a guide for anyone who has a child with autism, as well as for educators and caregivers. Many difficulties for these children arise due to a lack of knowledge about exactly what autism is and what its consequences are. This book provides detailed information about: What autism is and what the 10 most important needs of these children are.How you can support them in their sometimes strange or difficult behavior.How to deal with this as a (grand)parent, teacher, therapist, or supervisor.When you get to know the specific characteristics, abilities, challenges and needs of a child with autism better, you will see their behavior in a different light. Knowing how their brain works and what their real needs are will give you a deeper understanding of why things can be difficult for them and you. What Really Works for Children with Autism also helps you to develop strategies that will create positive moments at home or in the classroom, so that autistic children can develop meaningful relationships with with the important people in their lives.As mentioned, the authors note that autistic children have ten major needs: 1. Being understood2. Clarity3. Predictability4. Getting direction5. Connection6. Good agreements and rules7. A positive self-esteem8. A feeling of general well-being9. Meaning10. Encouragement

  • af Roxanne Varzi
    212,95 kr.

    Alex is on the verge of dismissal from her anthropology doctoral program when her luck turns, and she lands a fellowship with a dioramist at the Museum of the Rockies. Only problem is, Alex hasn't a clue about dioramas or dinosaurs, and, as she will soon find out, she's not the only one faking it in this frozen landscape.From New York City to Yellowstone National Park, we follow Alex, a whip-smart graduate student with dyslexia and ADHD-- a Margaret Mead cum Ms. Marple, and her friends-a Nature photographer, a Ranger, a Polish guest worker, paleontologists, poets and Iranian elite dot-commers-as they explore friendship, identity, climate change, globalization and a murder against the stunning backdrop of the Rockies in winter. An engaging read for adventurous mystery lovers. In an era of fake news and science denial, a little anthropology goes a long way.

  • af Emilia Fensby
    222,95 kr.

    "Dyslexia: From Struggle to Success" is a comprehensive guide for parents seeking to empower their dyslexic child and help them thrive.This enlightening book delves into the challenges faced by dyslexic children, providing valuable insights into their unique learning needs.Drawing from the latest research and expert advice, it offers practical strategies and proven techniques to support your child's journey from struggle to success.You'll discover how to create a nurturing home environment that celebrates your child's strengths and encourages their confidence. You'll gain a deeper understanding of dyslexia and its impact on reading, writing, and language skills.And it will equip you with the knowledge to effectively advocate for your child's educational needs.You'll explore a range of powerful tools and techniques to enhance your child's learning. From multisensory teaching methods and personalized interventions to fostering self-advocacy and building resilience, this book provides you with actionable steps to implement at home and collaborate with your child's school.Written in an empathetic and accessible style, "Dyslexia: From Struggle to Success" addresses common concerns and provides guidance on navigating the educational system, collaborating with teachers, and accessing available resources.Real-life stories of dyslexic individuals who have achieved remarkable success serve as a testament to the transformative power of support and understanding.Whether your child is newly diagnosed or you're seeking to enhance existing support, this book will give you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to guide your dyslexic child towards a future filled with confidence and achievements.With the help of "Dyslexia: From Struggle to Success", you'll empower your child to overcome challenges, embrace their unique strengths, and unlock their full potential

  • - Særligt til neurodiverse hjerner: Få masser af viden og bedre styr på matematik
    af Judy Hornigold
    157,95 - 179,95 kr.

    Denne bog hjælper børn i matematikvanskeligheder til at udvikle deres talfærdigheder, opbygge selvtillid og få en dybere forståelse for matematik – på en sjov, legende og ubesværet måde.Får du sved på panden over matematik? Kan du blive forvirret, bange eller måske helt fortabt? Så er der hjælp på vej!Denne bog er fuld af sjove matematiske lege, som du kan overraske din familie og venner med. Du behøver ikke at læse kapitlerne i en bestemt rækkefølge. Du kan bruge bogen, som du har lyst til – uanset om du vil være kreativ, lege eller imponere dine venner med smarte tricks.SJOVE LEGE OG AKTIVITETER hjælper børn i matematikvanskeligheder til at udvikle deres talfærdigheder, opbygge selvtillid og få en dybere forståelse for matematik – på en sjov, legende og ubesværet måde.

  • af Wendy L. Hooton
    197,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Isabelle Palmer
    172,95 kr.

    Transform Your ADHD into a Superpower!Have you ever felt like your ADHD was holding you back, especially when it came to procrastination in your mid-twenties? Hyper Focus is not just another self-help book-it's a game-changer, offering a fresh perspective on ADHD and its often misunderstood power.Attention: Your ADHD is Not a Flaw!Step into a world where ADHD is not a limitation but a unique strength. Discover the intricate relationship between ADHD and procrastination, and why the mid-twenties are a critical period for understanding and harnessing this connection. Dive deep into the heart of ADHD, shedding light on misconceptions and embracing its true essence.But that's just the beginning. Ever heard of Hyper-focus? It's the golden key to transforming your ADHD from a hurdle into a tool for unparalleled focus and productivity. Hyper Focus takes you on a journey, unveiling the mysteries of this incredible state of mind, and teaching you how to access it at will.Real Strategies for Real Results!Move beyond mere understanding and step into action. This book doesn't stop at theory-it's packed with practical techniques and strategies to master hyper-focus. Learn to enter the zone swiftly, maintain your focus, and use it to obliterate procrastination. Read awe-inspiring real-life success stories of individuals who turned their ADHD into their greatest ally, propelling themselves from procrastinators to doers.Furthermore, explore holistic approaches to boost your mental well-being. Dive into the significance of nutrition and exercise in nurturing your mind, setting goals that resonate, and implementing strategies to take control of your life.Conclusion: A New Dawn Awaits!Whether you're personally affected by ADHD or know someone who is, Hyper Focus is more than a book-it's a movement. It challenges the traditional narrative, celebrates the ADHD mind, and provides a roadmap to harness its hidden powers. It's time to stop seeing ADHD as a barrier and start embracing it as a source of strength, creativity, and hyper-focus. Join the revolution, and redefine your mid-twenties!

  • af John E. Goralski
    357,95 kr.

    Do you feel like a bad parent because you are overwhelmed by the challenges of raising a special needs child? Are you struggling to handle your child's educational needs, behavioral challenges, meltdowns, and temper tantrums? Are you finding it difficult to control emotions like anger, resentment, fear, and self-pity? Do you feel trapped, lonely, and misunderstood?If so, you might be a parent in crisis.John E. Goralski, an award-winning journalist and photographer, explores his lifelong journey of self-discovery as a single father of an autistic child. His unique ability to combine his real-life experience and education with introspective thought-analysis, helps provide a smart and creative road map for special needs families.This book offers a first-hand look into what it feels like to be an overwhelmed parent, offering valuable insights into the unique insecurities, social problems, and obstacles that must be overcome by special needs families, and exploring the way his family navigated communication barriers, divorce and separation, public education, vacations, puberty, love, and even the death of close family and friends.Whether you have a special needs family member or are struggling to handle difficult life situations, this book will open your eyes to a new way of thinking. Inevitably, you will learn how to better deal with crisis, and find your peace and purpose.

  • af Gary Aubin
    192,95 kr.

    A handbook for parents of children with additional educational needs answering all of your most pertinent questions about supporting your child at home and at school, how to access additional support, and have your child's needs met effectively.

  • af K. Srilata
    212,95 kr.

    About the BookA SENSITIVE AND EYE-OPENING ACCOUNT OF THE LIVES OF PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES AND THOSE AROUND THEM'I am the mother of a child who did not fit the school system, a child who was disabled by it. She was a child who made "errors", "mistakes" that the school system was unforgiving of. We were told by the principal of an alternative school that they could not possibly admit "this kind of child". My daughter went from being a child to "this kind of child" in that one moment.'When she started working on the book, it was Srilata's daughter who was its protagonist. But soon, she realised that there was no way she could stop with her daughter's story. With each step ahead (or back), she became acutely aware of the larger story of the things we frame as 'disability'.'I have learnt that disability is profoundly political, that it is heartbreakingly social.'In This Kind of Child Srilata brings together first-person accounts, interviews and short fiction which open up for us the experiential worlds of persons with disabilities and those who love them. The book offers a multi-perspectival understanding of the disability experience its emotional as well as imagined truth, both to the disabled themselves as well as to those closely associated with them.'1 have learnt that stories are always bigger than they seem at first-bigger, wider and deeper.'At the heart of this book is inter-being and the question: What does it mean to love and accept yourself or someone else fully?About the AuthorK. Srilata is a poet, fiction writer, translator and academic. She was a writer in residence at Sangam House, India, Yeonhui Art Space, Seoul and the University of Stirling, Scotland.Srilata's novel Table for Four,(Penguin, India) was longlisted in 2009 for the Man Asian Literary Prize. Her books include five collections of poetry, the latest of which The Unmistakable Presence of Absent Humans was published by Poetrywala, Mumbai. Srilata has also edited the anthologies The Rapids of a Great River: The Penguin Book of Tamil Poetry, Short Fiction from South India (OUP), All the Worlds Between: All the Worlds Between: A Collaborative Poetry Project Between India and Ireland (Yoda) and Lifescapes: Interviews with Contemporary Women Writers from Tamilnadu (Women Unlimited).Formerly a professor of literature at 11T Madras, Srilata is now Director of the Centre for Creative Writing and Translation at Sai University, Chennai. Srilata was recently awarded an IFA Arts Practice grant to work on a manuscript of poems based on the Mahabharata canon.

  • af Erik D. Reichle & Lili Yu
    343,95 - 1.152,95 kr.

  • af Steve Chinn
    268,94 kr.

    Hvordan opstår matematikvanskeligheder? Hvordan oplever eleven det? Og hvad kan man konkret gøre som matematiklærer?Matematikvanskeligheder, dysleksi og dyskalkuli henvender sig til matematiklærere, der ønsker at få overblik over og viden om de mange faktorer, der er i spil, når elever har matematikvanskeligheder – og måske også dysleksi eller dyskalkuli. Bogen er fuld af gode redskaber til at afhjælpe problemerne. Bogen beskriver detaljeret vanskelighederne med matematiklæring og giver eksempler på typiske problemer med at lære tal – og peger på løsninger og konkrete interventioner.Til hvert matematikområde præsenteres forhold, som har betydning for læring:• Terminologi og sprog• Billeder, symboler og begreber• Betydning for at udvikle og videreudvikle matematikfærdigheder• Metakognition• Forslag til øvelser.

  • af Keith R Harris & Loughlin Patrick Shannon
    462,95 - 552,95 kr.

  • af Nate Sheets
    252,95 kr.

    People with FASDs Can Be Successful-with Support!The question is, how do we support them? Despite being one of the most common developmental disabilities in the world, there is little understanding (and even fewer services) for people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs) and their families. Family members spend years looking for help and resources, only to find that most professionals do not know enough about FASD or how to support those with it. Parents and supporters of children, teens, and adults with FASDs are often perplexed by their behaviors and daily struggles. Traditional responses and approaches often make things worse. We might know that they need different types of support, but struggle with knowing how to do so. That's where Essential FASD Supports comes in! This book offers a reinterpretation of "challenging behaviors" and other common struggles that people with FASDs experience while living in a world that does not understand them. It helps parents and professionals think about practical supports for everyday life and long-term progress. Additionally, readers will learn what we should avoid if we want to effectively support people with FASDs. Essential FASD Supports addresses: ¿ Daily learning and thinking ¿ Emotional dysregulation and "challenging behaviors" ¿ Opposition ¿ Safe and healthy interactions This book provides a proactive framework to support people with FASDs so they can use their strengths to make progress and thrive. It will benefit parents, caregivers, foster providers, therapists, teachers, and anyone else who supports someone with an FASD.

  • af Madi Miled
    107,95 kr.

    "Desbloqueando el Potencial: Una Guía Completa para el Éxito Universitario de los Estudiantes Autistas" es la respuesta para aquellos estudiantes autistas que buscan tener éxito en la universidad. Este libro proporciona información valiosa y estrategias comprobadas para ayudar a los estudiantes autistas a superar los desafíos y alcanzar sus metas. Con un enfoque en el autocuidado y la motivación, este libro es un recurso esencial para cualquier estudiante autista que quiera tener éxito en la universidad. ¡Descubre cómo desbloquear tu potencial y alcanzar el éxito universitario con esta guía completa!

  • - en praktisk guide til indsatsen for ordblinde elever
    af Mie Askjær Midtgaard & Mette Bach Laursen
    673,95 kr.

    Håndbogen til at arbejde med den følelsesmæssige side af det at være ordblind og hjælpe ordblinde elever med at forstå og acceptere deres ordblindhed – at få et stærkt mindset.Ordblindes vej til mestring henvender sig til læsevejledere, ordblindelærere og alle, der arbejder med ordblinde børn i grundskolen.Bogen indeholder værktøjet Mestringsmodellen til at arbejde med den følelsesmæssige side af det at være ordblind; forståelse, accept og mindset. Modellen kommer hele vejen rundt om den ordblinde elev og de aktører – læsevejledere, lærerteam, forældre, klassekammerater, ordblindenetværk og skolens ledelse – som har betydning for elevens muligheder for at lykkes i sin hverdag.Når alle aktører omkring den ordblinde elev arbejder i samme retning for og med den ordblinde, styrker det indsatsen omkring den ordblinde elev, så eleven kan få en forståelse for og accept af sin ordblindhed; et stærkt mindset.Med bogen får du:- En introduktion til Mestringsmodellen; et værktøj til et komplet forløb, som styrker ordblinde elevers mindset.- Praktiske redskaber som et årshjul; trin for trin-guides til konkrete øvelser med ordblinde elever; et oplæg til orientering om ordblindhed i klassen samt handleplaner, dagsordener, huskelister, en informationsfolder til forældre til ordblinde børn og meget andet.- En værktøjskasse med kopiark og materialer klar til at udskrive og tage i brug enten direkte fra bogen eller fra bogens digitale site.I arbejdet med Mestringsmodellen og et gennemgående arbejde med den ordblinde elevs motivation, positive forventninger og hyppige mestrings- og succesoplevelser er du som læsevejleder eller ordblindelærer koordinator og facilitator. Gennem bogen anvendes samtale og grafisk facilitering i et væld af øvelser og kopisider med illustrationer og skabeloner. Bogen rummer alt, du skal bruge i praksis til at arbejde med den følelsesmæssige side af det at være ordblind og ordblindes vej til mestring.

  • af Silvia Torralba
    282,95 kr.

  • af Benison O'Reilly
    367,95 kr.

    Inclusive, comprehensive and compassionate, The Australian Autism Handbook offers support and guidance to families on their journey, from early signs and symptoms of ASD to diagnosis, intervention programs, schooling, issues such as eating, sleeping and toilet training, and navigating the medical maze. In addition, it's integrated the many changes arising since its last publication, including changes in the language of autism, diagnoses, society, culture and agency. Benison O'Reilly and Seana Smith are professional writers who both have children with autism, and their first-hand experience and research provides an indispensable one-stop manual for all Australian and New Zealand parents on raising a child on the autism spectrum.

  • af Barry Barbera
    162,95 kr.

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