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Teenagere: råd til forældre

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  • - Forældre er vigtigere end jævnaldrende
    af Gabor Maté & Gordon Neufeld
    334,95 kr.

    Gordon Neufeld og Gabor Matés moderne klassiker og internationale bestseller fra 2004 (Hold on to Your Kids. Why Parents Need to Matter more than Peers) er en åben invitation til alle forældre, der ønsker at opdrage deres barn på en måde, så den vigtige RELATION – nemlig den til forældre og andre vigtige voksne i barnets liv – altid er i fokus. Men bogen er ikke kun skrevet med henblik på forældreopgaven. Alle med interesse for børn og unge, ja, alle der arbejder professionelt i feltet, kan høste uvurderlige erkendelser gennem bogen. Og i særlig grad alle unge studerende inden for felter, der beskæftiger sig med dette arbejde – pædagoger, lærere, psykologer, sagsbehandlere, socialrådgivere, sygeplejersker, læger etc. Bogen er banebrydende inden for pædagogisk forståelse og handling og oplagt som fast pensum på en lang række studier. Gordon Neufelds sigte med bogen er at hjælpe os til at genskabe den intuitive viden om de vigtige relationer, som danner grundlag for barnets mulighed for at blomstre og udfolde sit potentiale som menneske. Udgangspunktet for Neufelds paradigme er hans helt særlige tilknytningsmodel. Tilknytningsmodellen beskriver 6 trin, som ideelt set skulle udfolde sig i barnets første 6 til 9 leveår. Den dybeste tilknytning er til eksempel den, der ligger til grund for, at det kan lykkes for et menneske at bryde den sociale arv. Tilknytningsmodellen åbner døre til en dyb indsigt i menneskenaturen, og med den som baggrund bliver barnets modningsprocesser forståelige, og dermed alt det, der befordrer disse, og alt det, der kan komme i vejen. Når vi ved, hvad der kunne være, har vi mulighed for at se, hvad der mangler, og finde vejen tilbage.Gordon Neufeld tager i bogen armtag med mange aspekter af vores samfund, som ikke er befordrende for vores børn. Han er på børnenes side, og han er på forældrenes side, og de voksne med ansvar for børns udvikling. Bogen har siden dens udgivelse i 2004 været en øjenåbner for forældre og folk i hele verden, der på den ene eller anden måde arbejder professionelt med børn, og den er p.t. oversat til 25 sprog. I genudgivelsen fra 2013 har Gordon Neufeld tilføjet 2 kapitler (som også er med i den danske udgivelse) om opdragelse i den digitale tidsalder. Han kommer her ind på, hvad det er for stærke kræfter, vi har med at gøre i de digitale medier, og hvordan vi kan gennemskue deres påvirkning på vores børns udvikling, så vi kan navigere i dette helt nye felt og styre det, der skal styres, som ansvarlige voksne, i stedet for at børn og unge bliver kørt over af det.Bogen er skrevet i et klart, tilgængeligt og fortællende sprog, hvor forfatteren tager os med ind i hverdagssituationer med børn og forældre, som de fleste af os sikkert kan genkende. Bogens indhold er relevant for forældre til børn i alle aldre, fra småbørn og helt frem til voksne børn. Oversættelsen fra canadisk til dansk varetages af Grete Lyngdorf, der gennem tretten år har formidlet Gordon Neufelds materiale til danske forældre og professionelle gennem NEUFELD KURSER I DANMARK.

  • - Tør du kigge i det?
    af Lotte Palsteen
    192,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Psykoterapeut og teenageekspert Lotte Palsteen lærer dig at skabe en bedre relation til din teenager. Du får bedre forståelse for alt det, der ligger bag din teenagers reaktioner – og ikke mindst, hvad der ligger bag dine egne.Lotte Palsteen vejleder i, hvad der skal til, for at din teenager føler sig set, hørt og forstået, og giver dig som forælder mod på at se dig selv i et klart og kærligt lys. Hun kommer rundt om nutidens performance-kultur, der skaber 12-tals-”narkomaner”, og giver råd til, hvordan vi som forældre kan støtte den sunde selvmotivation og selvledelse og undgå den høje rate af unge med stress og depression. Måske tænker du, at teenagetiden er en anstrengende periode, der bare skal overstås? Men du kan bruge den turbulente tid til at lave et grundigt tjek af dig selv og dit liv.Lotte Palsteen er psykoterapeut MPF med mange års erfaring som underviser for børn og unge med følelsesmæssige og sociale problemer og er den mest populære foredragsholder i Danmark på teeageområdet.

  • - Guide til familiens onlineliv
    af Ulla Dyrløv
    212,95 kr.

    Hvor meget bør mit barn egentlig spille hver dag? Er det problematisk at se youtube i timevis? Og hvordan skal man egentlig opføre sig på de sociale medier?Mange forældre (og bedsteforældre) er bekymrede for deres barns digitale liv og ved ikke helt, hvordan de skal håndtere det - eller for den sags skyld forstå det.Det gør FÅ STYR PÅ DIT BARNS DIGITALE LIV noget ved. I en praktisk og letlæselig bog guider psykolog Ulla Dyrløv forældrene igennem de mange bekymringer og faldgruber, der er, når ens barn har et digitalt liv - hvadenten barnet er fem år gammel eller en ung, selvstændig teenager.Bogen er delt sådan op, at det er nemt at bladre frem til det eller de emner eller aldersgrupper, der optager én lige nu, og hele vejen igennem er den fyldt med lister, opsamlinger og konkrete råd til aftaler og huskeregler.Ulla Dyrløv, der bl.a. er kendt fra DR-programmet "Aldrig for sent", har stor erfaring med børns digitale liv gennem forløb i sin psykologpraksis. Ulla Dyrløv er uddannet psykolog og en populær foredragsholder. Hun har skrevet bøgerne "Pilot for dit barn", "Det professionelle kram" og "Flyvefærdig".

  • af Per Frederiksen
    207,95 - 252,95 kr.

    Bag den lukkede teenagedør er der et FANTASTISK projekt i gang!Unge er hverken dumme eller dovne, og deres hjerner er ikke ude af drift. De er i gang med et kæmpe udviklingsprojekt, med at bygge deres personlighed og med at folde sig ud fra barn til voksen.Den fantastiske teenagehjerne fortæller om alt det, der sker i ungdommen. Om risikoadfærd og konsekvensberegning, om sex og relationer, om selvskade og digitale krænkelser, om at opleve alting stærkere og mere intenst end på noget andet tidspunkt i livet, om mod og tvivl og om fuldt fokus på de andre unge – på godt og ondt.Bogen shamer hverken de unge eller forældrene. Den er fuld af gode råd til forældre – og bygger på spændende forskning og statistik om unge og ungdomskultur. Statistikkerne om unge er soleklar: De unge har aldrig opført sig bedre, end de gør i dag. De drikker mindre, tager færre stoffer og begår mindre kriminalitet. De tænker globalt, bekymrer sig om miljøet og er mere tolerante end tidligere generationer.Samtidig har de aldrig haft det værre. Deres mentale trivsel er dårligere, de har mere ondt i maven, de føler sig forkerte, angste, deprimerede og mere ensomme end nogensinde før.Ungdommen er på samme tid en kæmpe optur og et mentalt lavpunkt. Tag med en tur i den store udviklingskarrusel!En livsnødvendig og livsbekræftende bog til alle teenageforældre og til dem, der har med unge at gøre i deres arbejde: lærere, pædagoger og andre fagfolk.

  • - En guide til forældre og professionelle
    af Anine Boisen
    222,95 - 253,95 kr.

    Hvordan tager man som forældre eller professionel fat på samtaler med unge, der ryger hash? Hvad gør man, når den unges forbrug står i vejen for det gode ungdomsliv? Hvordan skaber man dialog i stedet for konflikt? Det giver denne bog konkrete og vedkommende bud på. På baggrund af sit mangeårige arbejde i Stofrådgivningen giver bogens forfatter, familieterapeut Anine Boisen, et væld af gode råd og konkret viden om unge og hash. Bogen rummer også casehistorier med brugbare ideer til, hvordan man – som forældre eller professionel – kan forstå og håndtere de problemer, der følger med, når unge har et forbrug af hash. Med udgangspunkt i fakta om hash og en nuanceret forståelse af, hvad det vil sige at være teenager, beskriver bogen en række centrale temaer: de første samtaler om hash, når unge lyver og stjæler, forældres afmagt og samarbejde omkring konflikter og forandringer. Bogen henvender sig til forældre, lærere, ungerådgivere, socialrådgivere og andre, der er tæt på unge, der har et forbrug af hash. "Nyt skal læres, gammelt skal kasseres, der skal tages hensyn til rusmidlernes virkning på den unge og til, hvem den unge er. I den situation er der brug for støtte, råd og vejledning. Det er her, denne bog kommer med viden og en række vigtige råd og ideer til handlemuligheder." - Henrik Rindom, misbrugsekspert og speciallæge i psykiatri

  • - Sådan styrker du nærværet og tilliden
    af Arne Nielsson, Cathrine Errboe & Stina Grøn
    122,95 - 235,95 kr.

    Det står ikke godt til med den mentale trivsel hos de unge. Mange kæmper med stress, angst, ensomhed og følelsen af at være utilstrækkelig, og selv de mere robuste kan blive udfordret. Derfor har børn brug og unge for støttende forældre, der formår at rumme og guide dem.Desværre er mange voksne forvirrede, når det kommer til deres teenagere. De har brug for helt konkrete råd til, hvordan de kan støtte op om bedre samtaler og samvær.I LYT TIL DIN TEENAGER giver bestsellerforfatteren og den tidligere OL-vinder Arne Nielsson sammen med CEO for organisationen MOT Danmark, Stina Grøn, konkrete redskaber til forældre med teenagebørn. Deres indsigter bygger på den nyeste forskning, viden og dokumentation.Bogen præsenterer fire forskellige forældretyper og de dynamikker, fordele og faldgruber, der gør sig gældende for dem hver især. Desuden er der en række eksempler, der illustrerer hvordan, hvornår og hvorfor vi går galt af de unge.

  • af John Bradshaw
    182,95 - 532,95 kr.

  • af Signe Westi Løvland
    227,95 kr.

    Vi står over for at skulle betragte forældrerollen med et fornyet og opdateret syn. Det er ikke bare et spørgsmål om at få nogle nye værktøjer eller en ny praksis. Det er at vågne op fra vores mindset og etablerede forestilling om: ”Hvad er en mor? Hvad er en far?”Det sker ikke ved primært at observere, mestre og håndtere vores børn, men ved at observere og håndtere os selv og kigge mere indad. Vores største håb og ønske er at give vores børn al den kærlighed, vi har til dem, og det er ikke altid lige nemt! At give kærlighed er også at give nærvær, og det sker ved, at vi forbinder os med vores børn. Men for at kunne forbinde os autentisk, er vi nødt til at kunne forbinde os med os selv.Denne bog er til dig, der ønsker at blive en endnu mere bevidstgjort forælder med en tidssvarende og forstærket bevidsthed i dit forældreskab. Om forfatterenSigne Westi Løvland (f. 1975) beskriver sit syn på, hvilke udfordringer, der præger forældre i vor tid, og hvordan vi bedst møder dem. Hun skriver ud fra professionel og personlig erfaring som mor til fire børn, psykoterapeut MPF, lærer, konsulent og foredragsholder.Den bevidste forælder handler om at skabe en bedre og tættere forbindelse og kontakt til vores børn, blandt andet ved at blive mere opmærksom og bevidst om vore egne overbevisninger, mønstre og tillærte vaner.

  • - En guide til piger om at få den første menstruation
    af Laura Grubb
    167,95 kr.

    Er du en ung pige, som netop har fået din første menstruation - eller er den lige på trapperne? Så vil jeg sige til dig: Tillykke! Ja, jeg mener det. Din menstruationscyklus er din indgang til livet som kvinde, og den kan hjælpe og støtte dig igennem livet. Hvis du altså forstår den. Det vil den her guide hjælpe dig med. Du vil efter at have læst bogen opleve et sundere og mere naturligt perspektiv på din menstruationscyklus. Du vil sandsynligvis blive fascineret over, hvor meget potentiale der ligger i din cyklus, og hvilken styrke den giver dig som kvinde. Det kan styrke dig resten af livet, hvor du kan leve uden skam og bekymringer omkring din menstruationscyklus. Din menstruationscyklus er dit femte vitale sundhedstegn og lige så vigtigt at holde øje med som dit blodtryk og din temperatur. Den her bog vil vise dig, hvordan du gør det, så du kan få et styrket forhold til din nye kvindekrop. I bogen vil du bl.a. lære om: • Hvad menstruation er, og hvorfor man får det • De fire faser i cyklussen og hvad du kan bruge det til • Hvad der sker i puberteten for piger og drenge • Råd til hvad du kan gøre ved problemer med cyklussen som fx menstruationssmerter og PMS • Hvordan du laver dit første menstruationsritual Guiden henvender sig til piger, forældre og undervisere af piger og drenge. Laura Grubb, cand.soc, har undervist i kvindens menstruationscyklus siden 2015. Hun er passioneret for at bryde tabuet om menstruationscyklussen og vise unge piger og kvinder, hvordan de kan gøre cyklussen til en fordel og styrke fremfor en hæmsko med smerter, ubehag og psykiske gener. Laura Grubb har medvirket i artikler og indslag om menstruationscyklussen og hormoner hos DR, Politiken, Femina, Alt For Damerne, Psykologi, Tv2 Lorry.

  • - Scener fra et hjem med teenager
    af Julia Lahme
    200,95 kr.

    Hvilken hylde sætter du dig på i dit moderskab, når din fregnekindede solskinsknægt smækker døren i og går i puberteten?Mød en mor, der går i spåner, da hendes ældste går i puppe, og følg med i scener fra familiens spisekøkkendramaer, erindringsglimt fra årene med hvalpede drenge og forvirringen over hendes egen nye rolle, nu hvor den ældste søn giver slip på sin mor.Det konkrete kaos i en kernefamilie i forandring bliver vævet sammen med betragtninger om ægteskab, forældreskab og venskab i en verden, hvor vi mere end nogensinde har brug for hinanden.Med blik for de normer, alle forældre må kæmpe sig fri af for at skabe deres egne, beretter Julia Lahme vittigt og eftertænksomt om den forvandling, hun selv måtte gå igennem, da hendes ældste gik fra ’altid åben’ til ’lukket pga. ombygning’.Det er genkendelige historier om lange nætter og alt for korte dage, om morfar i Afrika, jagten på Danmarks svar på enhjørningen: den umulige bæver, projektledelse som copingstrategi og om at være moren i midten, også når de små vokser én over hovedet.En selvstændig efterfølger til bestselleren Hvor lagde jeg babyen?

  • af Kevin James Joseph McNamara
    91,95 kr.

    In the tapestry of humanity, there exists a multitude of experiences, each thread weaving a unique narrative of resilience, identity, and advocacy. The stories you are about to encounter are a celebration of these threads, a collection of voices that rise above the ordinary, each one echoing with the resonance of inspiration.These are the stories of young individuals, navigating the complexities of life in diverse corners of the world. From the bustling streets of New York City to the serene landscapes of the Arctic, from the vibrant cultures of Africa to the ancient traditions of Asia, their journeys are as diverse as the human experience itself.Each protagonist is a reflection of the rich tapestry of our world, representing a spectrum of backgrounds, identities, and challenges. They are biracial and multiethnic, indigenous and immigrant, LGBTQ+ and genderqueer, and they carry the weight of their cultural heritage, the burdens of societal expectations, and the joys of self-discovery.Yet, amidst the struggles and triumphs, these young voices share a common thread-a deep commitment to creating change, fostering understanding, and inspiring others. They stand as beacons of hope, champions of inclusivity, and advocates for justice, both within their own communities and on the global stage.As you embark on this journey through their lives, you will witness the power of resilience in the face of adversity, the beauty of diversity in a world that often seeks uniformity, and the unwavering determination to overcome obstacles and make a positive impact.These stories are a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit and the potential for change that lies within each of us. They serve as a reminder that, no matter where we come from or who we are, we have the capacity to shape our own narratives and inspire those around us.So, step into the world of these remarkable young individuals, and allow their voices to resonate within you. For in their stories, you may find echoes of your own journey, sparks of inspiration, and a renewed belief in the power of compassion, understanding, and the indomitable human will.

  • af Doris A Fuller
    196,95 kr.

    In this honest and insightful she said/she said guide, sixteen-year-old Natalie Fuller tells all about her adventures and misadventures from ages thirteen through sixteen. Her brother, Greg, fills in on the later teen years. And Doris, the questioning, caring (and occasionally shell-shocked) mom offers her take on such mildly eye-opening and downright life-threatening topics as...alcohol and other drugs * sex and dating * school * appearances * partying * stealing * obsessions * secrets * lyingPromise You Won't Freak Out gives parents a complete picture of how teens really think, feel, and act. And it gives kids a better understanding of why this picture freaks their parents out. For both, it offers some very helpful information-and an inspiring example of successful parent/teen communication.

  • af Melinda Wenner Moyer
    217,95 kr.

  • af Nancy Gruver
    257,95 kr.

    The expert guide to girl talk. How to Say It(r) to Girls provides a wellspring of practical advice for parents on how to broach uncomfortable subjects with girls of all ages, or how to simply open the lines of communication. This book offers concrete words, phrases, and sample dialogues to help parents figure out what to say and how best to say it.

  • af Holger Markgraf
    395,95 kr.

  • af Holly Cotton
    97,95 kr.

    Welcome to a world where the magic lies in your thoughts and the power is all in your mind.Unlock the secrets to reshaping your mindset, empowering you to take control of your thoughts, and master the art of mental resilience. With affirmations that resonate and are tailored for the vibrant energy of adolescence, this book serves as your compass in navigating the challenges and triumphs of teenhood.Discover the blueprint to own your thoughts, reset your mind, and unleash the superpower that is your unique mindset. Each page is a roadmap to transform your thinking patterns, offering a fresh perspective on how to navigate the exciting journey of self-discovery during the teen years.

  • af Grace Lebow
    197,95 kr.

    Do You Have An Aging Parent Who --Blames you for everything that goes wrong?Cannot tolerate being alone, wants you all the time?Is obsessed with health problems, real, or imagined?Make unreasonable and/or irrational demands of you?Is hostile, negative and critical? Coping with these traits in parents is an endless high-stress battle for their children. Though there's no medical defination for "difficult" parents, you know when you have one. While it's rare for adults to change their ways late in life, you can stop the vicious merry-go-round of anger, blame, guilt and frustration.For the first time, here's a common-sense guide from professionals, with more than two decades in the field, on how to smooth communications with a challenging parent. Filled with practical tips for handling contentious behaviors and sample dialogues for some of the most troubling situations, this book addresses many hard issues, including: How to tell your parent he or she cannot live with you. How to avoid the cycle of nagging and recriminations How to prevent your parent's negativity from overwhelming you. How to deal with an impaired parent who refuses to stop driving. How to asses the risk factors in deciding whether a parent is still able to live alone.

  • af Eva Lovett
    339,95 - 382,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Damour
    207,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • An urgently needed guide to help parents understand their teenagers’ intense and often fraught emotional lives—and how to support teens through this critical developmental stage—from the author of Untangled and Under Pressure“How are we supposed to get our kids through these daunting years? There are countless books on the subject, but The Emotional Lives of Teenagers is the nuanced, empathetic one I wish I’d had when I was in the trenches.”—Judith Newman, The New York Times Book ReviewIn teenagers, powerful emotions come with the territory. And as teens contend with with academic pressure, social media stress, worries about the future, and concerns about their own mental health, it’s easy for them—and their parents—to feel anxious and overwhelmed. But it doesn’t have to be that way.Parents who read this book will learn:• what to expect in the normal course of adolescent emotional development and when it’s time to worry• why teens (and adults) need to understand that mental health isn’t about “feeling good” but about having feelings that fit the moment, even if those feelings are unwanted or painful• strategies for supporting teens who feel at the mercy of their emotions, so they can become psychologically aware and skilled at managing their feelings• how to approach common challenges that come with adolescence, such as friction at home, spiking anxiety, risky behavior, navigating friendships and romances, the pull of social media, and many more• the best ways to stay connected to their teens and how to provide the kind of relationship that adolescents need and wantWith clear, research-informed explanations alongside illuminating, real-life examples, The Emotional Lives of Teenagers gives parents the concrete, practical information they need to steady their teens through the bumpy yet transformational journey into adulthood.

  • af David Crabb
    197,95 kr.

    Discovering George Michael's Faith confirmed for David Crabb what every bully already knew: he was gay. What saved him from high school was finding a group of outlandish friends who reveled in being outsiders. David found himself enmeshed with misfits: wearing black, cutting class, staying out all night, drinking, tripping, chain-smoking, idolizing the Pet Shop Boys?and learning lessons about life and love along the way.Richly detailed with nineties pop-culture, and including black-and-white photos throughout, Bad Kid is as laugh-out-loud funny as it is poignant. David Crabb's journey through adolescence captures the essence of every person's struggle to understand his or her true self.

  • af Lucy Foulkes
    192,95 kr.

    Adolescence is the most dramatic and formative period of our lives. It is when we become who we are, when the smallest things can have life-long effects. But it is also full of contradictions, making it bewildering to live through and widely misunderstood. We may struggle to understand the adolescents in our lives, but most of us have yet to come to terms with our own adolescence.In this expert, empowering book, Lucy Foulkes draws on the latest research and in-depth interviews to demystify adolescent behaviours - friendship, risk-taking, sex, love, bullying and more - and expose the surprising and often moving reality beneath them. We see that teenagers are far more conservative than rebellious; that apparent recklessness is often calculated and risk-averse; that popularity is a mixed blessing even as friendships can be a life-changing good. We understand why social hierarchies are so fiercely policed, even while adolescents have an extraordinary capacity for empathy and mutual support; why appearances are overly important, and why rejection at this age hurts so much. We see that even the most difficult experiences are part of this essential and life-shaping process of self-discovery.If our identities are a story, then the crucial first draft is written in adolescence. Coming of Age helps us read that story with clarity and compassion so that we can appreciate the adolescents we know but also those we once were - those wild and fragile people who helped us become who we are.

  • - start of the school code
    af Tonia Inturrisi
    382,95 kr.

    School code kids year 7 is start of the school code and the stars and unicorns. it follows Stacey Green and her friends as they navigate high school and the start of the school code and the trouble to follow in later years. The stars are the wealthy public school girls and the unicorns are the middle class public school kids. It tackles bullying, school rivalries and has some fun with first crushes and lots of sport and dancing. Stacey starts to get close to all her friends and has to decide whether she wants to join the school code.

  • af Molly Barker
    192,95 kr.

  • af Julina Ogilvie
    172,95 - 277,95 kr.

  • af Hunter Carter
    162,95 kr.

    Life can be fun and sometimes scary, but no matter who you are, there will come a time when it hits you hard and will bring you down with everything it has! Ever since he was a kid, Hunter Carter had always been outgoing. He was, and is, the kid that is always laughing. No one would have thought that he'd dealt with anxiety and depression from an early age. The Midlife Crisis of a Nineteen-Year-Old is a story about those big moments in life, the ones that make us feel like we're on top of the world-and the ones where we feel like giving up because there isn't a happy bone in our body and we don't see the point in trying anymore. At times like that, we can get up and keep going or have a mid-life crisis at nineteen like Hunter did. ¿But guess what? Hunter is still here, chugging along, and there's only one reason for that-LIFE! Life keeps going and, although it's hard, it is such a beautiful thing with so many new opportunities. It's worth it to keep going. Hunter wrote this for you, and you know who you are. He wants you to know he's rooting for you!

  • af Gail Harlow
    312,95 kr.

    A Journey of Life and Motivation," Gail Harlow takes readers on a profound exploration of the human experience, weaving together personal anecdotes and motivational insights. Through her eloquent prose, Harlow reflects on the twists and turns of life's journey, drawing inspiration from her own challenges and triumphs. With a keen eye for the intricacies of the human spirit, she shares invaluable lessons on resilience, self-discovery, and the relentless pursuit of one's dreams.Harlow's narrative is both a mirror and a compass, inviting readers to reflect on their own paths while providing guidance for navigating the complexities of life. Her words resonate with authenticity, offering a source of empowerment for those seeking motivation in the face of adversity. Through the tapestry of anecdotes and motivational wisdom, Harlow imparts a sense of hope and determination that transcends the pages."A Journey of Life and Motivation" is more than a book; it's a companion for those traversing the unpredictable terrain of existence. Gail Harlow's narrative is a testament to the transformative power of perseverance and the unwavering belief that, regardless of the challenges encountered, the journey itself is a source of profound growth and inspiration.

  • af Charles E Schaefer
    273,95 kr.

    From early childhood through adolescence-a uniquely practical, reassuring, and effective parenting guide. Even normal, well-adjusted children manifest difficult behavior. At times they can be disruptive, messy, shy, dawdling, aggressive, depressed, hot-tempered, nervous, withdrawn, compulsive, cruel, babyish, sexually precocious, rebellious, lazy, fearful, hostile, and underachieving, to name but a few frequent and justifiable causes for parental concern. Covering early childhood through adolescence, this guide by two leading child psychologists takes the perplexity and panic out of minor and major crises and outlines practical steps parents can take to help their child. In this book you will get a clear understanding of all that is known about immature and insecure behaviors, habit disorders, and peer problems, as well as antisocial behaviors, drug abuse, sexual misbehaviors, and other difficulties. You will not only see why your child is having trouble, you will be given the widest possible choice of different strategies to deal with each situation. Sections on preventative parenting spotlight child-rearing techniques that avert or minimize behavior problems. Detailed bibliographies list professional references and suggested reading materials. And the authors fully discuss how to recognize when a child's problem warrants professional help. When the very latest knowledge translated into words that every lay person can comprehend, and with a wealth of illuminating and heartening case histories, this sound guide will help you become the effective and loving parent that both you and your child want you to be.

  • af Jeffrey C. Chapman
    157,95 kr.

    Are you a teen standing on the edge of adulthood, thinking, "Now what?"Welcome to the definitive manual for any teenager ready to tackle the real world head-on.This isn't just another dry guide; it's a lively, straight-talking compass for navigating the tricky waters of growing up without capsizing your boat.Inside "Adulting Hard: Life Skills for Teens," you'll embark on a journey of discovery and mastery: Domestic Dynamics: From turning your first pad into a cozy den to balancing chores and fun, find out how to make your space a reflection of the awesome person you are.Culinary Conquests: Conquer the kitchen with easy, mouth-watering recipes and tips that will transform you into the host with the most.Financial Fitness: Get savvy with money matters that go beyond piggy banks and allowances-learn investing, budgeting, and how to weather financial storms.Emotional Intelligence: Navigate the rollercoaster of teen emotions with style, and come out feeling stronger and more in tune with yourself.Goals and Growth: Set your sights high with goal setting techniques and self-care strategies that will have you aiming for the stars and reaching them.Real-World Readiness: Equip yourself with essential know-how for real-life scenarios, from nailing job internships to navigating social obligations with ease.Decision-Making Decoded: Gain confidence in your decision-making with strategies that will help you weigh options and make choices that align with your goals.Digital World Wisdom: Find your footing in a digital world with tips on managing your online presence and using technology to your advantage.Relationship and Networking Nuances: Learn the art of building and maintaining relationships, both personally and professionally, that will support and enrich your journey.Stress-Busting Playbook: Develop your personal playbook for managing stress with techniques that promote relaxation and resilience. "Adulting Hard: Life Skills for Teens"is more than a book-it's a launchpad for the future you've been dreaming of. With wit, wisdom, and a treasure trove of practical advice, you'll turn the daunting into the doable. You're not just growing up; you're gearing up for greatness.

  • af Joss Reed
    362,95 kr.

    The ultimate guide to help teens overcome anxiety, control their stress, and take care of their mental health with effective and fun exercises.Do you want to understand the relationship between thoughts, emotions, and behavior?Do you want to understand and confront anxiety?Are you struggling to control your fears?Anxiety and stress can significantly impact a teenager's mental and physical health and affect their quality of life. You may suffer in silence because teens often struggle to open up to their parents. However, parents are intuitive to their child's needs. You can feel that something isn't right. Provide them with the help they need to get through their issues and heal from the negativity.In this book, your child will:Understand the concept of CBTLearn to recognize their anxiety and overcome itUnderstand what fear is and how it triggers anxietyLearn to focus on positive thoughtsDiscover the causes and symptoms of depressionLearn to express their anger in a healthy wayFind out how to boost their self-esteemLearn how to be their true selvesDiscover how to achieve emotional balance and inner peaceFind many activities to boost their mental healthThis book includes helpful information about several mental health issues with exercises that will keep your child entertained and teach them how to let go of their negative emotions.

  • af Dakota Remy
    297,95 kr.

    The Subconscious Mind: An IntroductionWelcome to a fascinating journey into the depths of your mind - a realm that holds immense power and potential to transform your life. In this subchapter, we will delve into the mysteries of the subconscious mind, exploring its significance and unveiling the incredible ways it can shape your reality. Prepare to embark on a remarkable exploration of the power of thoughts and how they can reprogram your destiny.The subconscious mind is a reservoir of thoughts, beliefs, memories, and emotions that exist beneath the surface of our conscious awareness. It is like the unseen force that influences every aspect of our lives, from our actions and decisions to our relationships and overall well-being. While the conscious mind is responsible for logic and reasoning, the subconscious mind operates on a different level - one that is deeply connected to our emotions, instincts, and intuition.It is essential to understand that the subconscious mind does not differentiate between positive and negative thoughts. It merely accepts what is impressed upon it, regardless of its nature. Therefore, if we consistently feed our subconscious mind with negative thoughts, doubts, and fears, it will manifest these negative patterns in our lives. On the other hand, if we consciously choose to fill our minds with positive thoughts, empowering beliefs, and a strong sense of purpose, our subconscious mind will work relentlessly to bring these dreams into reality.Harnessing the power of thoughts begins with awareness. By becoming aware of our thought patterns, we can identify any self-limiting beliefs or negative programming that may be holding us back. Once we recognize these patterns, we can start reprogramming our subconscious mind by replacing negative thoughts with positive affirmations and visualizations. This process requires patience, persistence, and consistent practice, but the rewards are immense.As you embark on this journey of reprogramming your destiny, it is important to remember that the power lies within you. By recognizing the incredible potential of your subconscious mind and learning to harness it effectively, you can transform your life in ways you never thought possible. By actively choosing empowering thoughts, cultivating a positive mindset, and aligning your actions with your deepest desires, you can create a life filled with purpose, joy, and fulfillment.

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