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Stjernetegn og horoskop

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  • af Barbara Hand Clow
    217,95 kr.

    Chiron is a peculiar planetoid that orbits the Sun from between Saturn and Uranus. Its discovery in 1977 was concurrent with the explosion of divination, alternative healing techniques, and a new hope for a spiritual regeneration. Chiron explores this planet's mythological background and history as well as its effect on astrology. This comprehensive book includes: * The meaning of Chiron when it appears in each house * The meaning of Chiron in aspect to each planet * The meaning of Chiron through each sign * The mythological legacy of Chiron * A Chiron ephemeris * Chiron in transit * Chiron as a bridge between the inner and outer planets

  • af Annasophia Petri Holm
    167,95 - 235,95 kr.

    At være spirituel er at tro på, at der findes mere end det, vi kan se. Det er fornemmelsen af, at der er en mening med livet, og at vi alle er forbundet til universet, naturen og andre mennesker på et dybere plan. Men hvordan kan man helt konkret bruge det spirituelle i sit eget liv?I "Alt det, vi ikke ser" introducerer Annasophia Petri Holm dig til spiritualitetens verden og til, hvordan du kommer i kontakt med din spirituelle side. Den giver dig spirituelle perspektiver på livet og et overblik over forskellige spirituelle retninger og metoder til, hvordan du kan opleve mere glæde, kærlighed og forbindelse i dit liv.Gennem bogen får du også praktiske tilgange til at bruge astrologi, tarotkort, amuletter, manifestation og meditationsteknikker – alt sammen uddybet med baggrundsviden og eksempler.Annasophia Petri Holm er uddannet TV- og medietilrettelægger fra Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole, DMJX. Derudover er hun uddannet yogalærer og astrolog. Annasophia står bag de to podcasts "Det spirituelle hjørne" og "Det astrologiske hjørne".

  • - Astrologi for børn
    af Liz Greene
    147,95 kr.

  • - Astrologi for sjælen
    af Debbie Frank
    198,95 kr.

    Det er nærliggende for de fleste af os på et eller andet tidspunkt at tænke: ”Hvem er jeg egentlig?”, og ”hvorfor er jeg her?”. Ifølge den kendte britiske astrolog Debbie Frank kan svarene findes i vores horoskop: ikke kun på, hvem vi er i forhold til fx kærlighed, følelser, arbejde og den måde vi kommunikerer på, men også svaret på, hvad der er selve vores livsformål og vores udviklingspotentiale i dette liv. Debbie Frank er er overbevist om, at vi er sjæle inkarneret på Jorden med det formål i hvert liv at lære og udvikle os inden for alle aspekter af vores tilværelse, og netop det kan horoskopet hjælpe os med. Dit liv står skrevet i stjernerne er en spirituel astrologibog, skrevet, så alle kan være med. Den kan læses fra ende til anden, eller man kan slå op på de relevante planeter og aspekter i ens eget eller andres horoskop, for enten at reflektere over meningen med ens liv - eller blot for at lade sig underholde.

  • af Bretman Rock
    155,95 - 215,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Polansky
    125,95 kr.

    Your complete one-volume guide to the year 2024. This fantastic and in-depth book includes month-by-month forecasts for every sign and all you need to know to find out what is in store for you in the year ahead.The only one-volume horoscope you'll ever need.

  • af Minnie Darke
    118,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Justine arbejder som redaktionsassistent på Alexandria Park Star, et respekteret månedsblad, og venter desperat på at nogen skal sige op – eller dø – så hun kan blive journalist. Da debat- og klummeredaktøren flytter, er hun endelig et skridt tættere på drømmen. En af Justines nye opgaver er at indtaste horoskoperne. Men da hendes barndomsven og hemmelige forelskelse, Nick (som er Vandmand og ivrig horoskoplæser) dukker op i billedet igen, beslutter Justine sig for at ændre på hans horoskop og give stjernerne et skub i den rigtige retning. Det får uventede konsekvenser for Justine og Nick – og for en række sjove og charmerende karakterer, hvis skæbner mødes på kryds og tværs.

  • af Ichinghun Fengshuisu
    117,95 kr.

    Snake Chinese Horoscope 2024The character of people born in the year of the SNAKEPeople born in this year speak less and have cute faces. Anyone who sees it is likely to be persistent and charming. Loved by others, speaks little, avoids gossip, and has good manners. People this year have never been in debt, and know how to save, but are sluggish. But being a thinker is beneficial. A wise and determined individual who does not abandon anything in the middle of the road. People born in the Year of the Snake trust first impressions, feelings, sympathy, advice, and other people's opinions. incorporating the sixth sense into decision-making.This year's Snake Zodiac Personal life guideline is :OverviewCareer and BusinessFinancialFamilyLoveHealthFeng ShuiPredict 12 Zodiac Animal Series 2024 ; Rat, OX, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon , Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig

  • af Ichinghun Fengshuisu
    117,95 kr.

    Dragon Chinese Horoscope 2024The character of people born in the year of the DRAGONPeople born this year are sexy, cute, agile, and charming, and whoever sees them loves them. Popular perfection is also available. People born in the Year of the Dragon are self-assured. You are dynamic, influential, and quick. You have a strong and steadfast personality as well. People born in the Year of the Dragon enjoy talking, often have strong opinions, enjoy advising others, and produce excellent work. They are, however, angry and self-satisfied. Self-assurance is so strong that it is easily irritated, stubborn, authoritarian, and snobbish. Obsessed with position and money. People born in this year only have lovers. Always have faith in love. If he were a woman, young men would come almost every day to flirt with himThis year's Dragon Zodiac Personal life guideline is :OverviewCareer and BusinessFinancialFamilyLoveHealthFeng ShuiPredict 12 Zodiac Animal Series 2024 ; Rat, OX, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon , Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig

  • af Ichinghun Fengshuisu
    117,95 kr.

    Tiger Chinese Horoscope 2024Forecast Your Own Future The individual Tiger Chinese Astrology Horoscopes Your Zodiac Guides for 2024The character of people born in the year of the TIGERYou are a brave, fearless, competitive individual who is willing to go through both your brains and the force. Because you are optimistic, a leader, and intelligent, people are drawn to you. Tigers are generous, but if they are bullied, they will become scolded and violent. In terms of work and finances, the tiger was born to be the lord of the jungle, with its kingdom deep within, so you don't like being a subordinate, money isn't a big deal, and prestige is more important, even if it's difficult to achieve. You will not submit to someone you do not respect. If you work and your boss does not respect you, you will resign and look for another job immediately.Your Tiger Horoscope in this year 2024 will be one of activity and bold movement. The theme for this year will be change. All signs will feel the Ribbits' restlessness, prompting changes in many aspects of one's life. Many people may decide to relocate their homes, jobs, marry, or all. This believes, will provide more accurate results. I hope to be a guide for all of my destiny throughout the year 2024.This year's Tiger Zodiac Personal life guideline is :OverviewCareer and BusinessFinancialFamilyLoveHealthFeng ShuiPredict 12 Zodiac Animal Series 2024 ; Rat, OX, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon , Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig

  • af Michele Knight-Waite
    172,95 kr.

    A Tarot guide inspired by the Knight-Waite Tarot, featuring all the beautiful, inclusive artwork, insights into what the cards mean, suggestions for conducting readings and journaling space for recording your thoughts. REMEMBER TO SEARCH FOR THE ACCOMPANYING CARD DECK: The Knight-Waite Tarot Deck Cards and Quick Start Guide

  • af Carmen Turner-Schott LISW
    175,95 kr.

  • af Theodora Lau
    174,95 kr.

  • af Rubi Astrólogas
    223,95 kr.

    Dans un monde de plus en plus chaotique, il est bon de savoir avec qui nous faisons des affaires, de qui nous tombons amoureux ou avec qui nous avons une amitié. Ce livre révèle toutes les caractéristiques du signe du zodiaque Gémeaux, révélant les significations de leurs comportements en amour, en sexe, tout ce qui concerne leur santé, leurs cadeaux, leurs animaux de compagnie, leurs rituels, les comportements de la Lune et de l'Ascendant en Gémeaux et bien plus encore.

  • af Jhhilmil M Shah
    164,95 kr.

    "Numbers Do Wonders" is a comprehensive guide to the profound world of numerology, offering a transformative journey through the intricate tapestry of numerology. This book serves as a roadmap to decoding the intricate patterns of life, providing step-by-step guidance on gaining profound insights into life's purpose and the path to fulfillment. The book delves into the meaning and significance of each of the nine core numbers in numerology: 1 through 9. Through detailed explanations, real-life examples, and insightful interpretations, readers gain a profound understanding of how these numbers can shape personality, relationships, and destiny. "Numbers Do Wonders" also explores how the compatibility of numbers can influence personal and professional connections, providing tools to enhance interactions with others. Whether seeking an ideal partner, navigating a rocky relationship, or improving family dynamics, this book offers practical guidance. What sets "Numbers Do Wonders" apart is its clarity and accessibility, making complex concepts simple and understandable for beginners while providing in-depth insights for those with prior numerology knowledge. The book empowers readers to integrate numerology into daily life, offering practical exercises, illuminating case studies, and interactive worksheets to apply numerology to personal experiences.Authored by a seasoned numerologist and co-authored by 15 certified numerologists with decades of collective experience, this book stands as a trusted resource for all numerology enthusiasts. It covers the fundamentals and delves into advanced topics, ensuring that it remains a go-to reference as readers progress in their numerology journey. "Numbers Do Wonders" unlocks the hidden potential of numbers and provides a profound understanding of both the self and the world around. Whether seeking self-awareness, aspiring to become a numerologist, or simply having a curiosity about the influence of numbers, this book offers a captivating voyage of self-discovery.Don't miss the opportunity to own this indispensable guide to numerology. "Numbers Do Wonders" offers a transformative adventure of self-discovery that will forever reshape the perception of the world. Numbers truly do wonders; now, their wondrous magic is within reach.

  • af William Lilly
    177,95 kr.

    The Astrologer's Guide was edited and compiled in 1675 by noted astrologer William Lilly. It includes the 146 Considerations of astrologer Guido Bonatus and the choicest aphorisms of the Seven Segments of astrologer Jerome Cardan. Translated from the Latin by Henry Coley, The Astrologer's Guide was first published in English in 1886. It includes an introduction by Henry Coley. The information in this classic astrology book is as valuable as it was when compiled in 1675, and includes references to natal, predictive and horary astrology.

  • af Alina a Rubi
    562,95 kr.

    Las velas, como instrumentos de iluminación con significado esotérico y ritual, han regresado en los últimos años para recuperar el significado que alguna vez tuvieron. El encendido de una vela es un ritual en el que se combinan tradiciones que hablan de hechizos desde la ternura de una noche a la luz de las velas, hasta un simple baño bajo el efecto relajante de la luz especial de las velas. La Astrología es el complemento a cualquier técnica de crecimiento personal, te ofrece la oportunidad de conocer cuál es tu misión vital, saber a qué has venido en esta reencarnación y cuáles son tus desafíos en esta vida, es decir a conocer tu mapa natal.

  • af Alina a Rubi
    562,95 kr.

    L'astrologia è il complemento a qualsiasi tecnica di crescita personale, ti offre l'opportunità di sapere qual è la tua missione di vita, di sapere a cosa sei arrivato in questa reincarnazione e quali sono le tue sfide in questa vita, cioè di conoscere il tuo tema natale.Le candele, in quanto strumenti di illuminazione dal significato esoterico e rituale, sono tornate in auge negli ultimi anni per riacquistare il significato che avevano un tempo. L'accensione di una candela è un rituale che unisce tradizioni che parlano di incantesimi dalla tenerezza di una notte a lume di candela, ad un semplice bagno sotto l'effetto rilassante della speciale luce delle candele.

  • af Alina a Rubi
    562,95 kr.

    Les bougies, en tant qu'instruments d'illumination à la signification ésotérique et rituelle, ont fait leur retour ces dernières années pour retrouver le sens qu'elles avaient autrefois. L'allumage d'une bougie est un rituel qui combine des traditions qui parlent de sortilèges, de la tendresse d'une nuit à la lueur des bougies, à un simple bain sous l'effet relaxant de la lumière spéciale des bougies. L'astrologie est le complément de toute technique de croissance personnelle, elle vous offre la possibilité de savoir quelle est votre mission de vie, de savoir ce que vous avez accompli dans cette réincarnation et quels sont vos défis dans cette vie, c'est-à-dire de connaître votre thème natal.

  • af Carolyne Faulkner
    172,95 kr.

    Astrology is the most powerful language on Earth. It helps us to translate universal energy, energy that exists within us all and is star sent. When translated effectively, it has the capability to unite us and to illuminate deeper paths and nourish our spiritually thirsty souls. The movement of the stars and changing positions of the zodiac make an impact, both on a personal and a collective level. They affect how we deal with family, friends and colleagues, as well as how we manage our thoughts, feelings and behaviors.This first-of-its kind astro-journal will offer simple yet powerful daily, weekly and monthly exercises and tips to navigate the changing tides of daily life. The journal covers the year 2020 and will look ahead to the movements of the planets for the whole year, including monthly and weekly forecasts plus 'homework' exercises. The journal will teach how to understand the meaning of the forecasts in clear bite-sized tutorials and will recommend appropriate activities and tasks according to what is happening that week with the planets and the moons.The purpose of the journal is to teach how dynamic astrology and a deeper connection to the world can help to practice self-reflection and positive change.

  • af Joanna Martine Woolfolk
    142,95 kr.

    Your Sun sign is the zodiac sign the Sun was traveling through at the time of your birth. It is the most important influence in your horoscope and in many ways determines how others see you. It governs your individuality, distinctive style, and drive to fulfill your goals. This elegant little volume is packed with what your Sun sign tells you about you.

  • af Joanna Martine Woolfolk
    142,95 kr.

    Your Sun sign is the zodiac sign the Sun was traveling through at the time of your birth. It is the most important influence in your horoscope and in many ways determines how others see you. It governs your individuality, distinctive style, and drive to fulfill your goals. This elegant little volume is packed with what your Sun sign tells you about you.

  • af Joanna Martine Woolfolk
    142,95 kr.

    Your Sun sign is the zodiac sign the Sun was traveling through at the time of your birth. It is the most important influence in your horoscope and in many ways determines how others see you. It governs your individuality, distinctive style, and drive to fulfill your goals. This elegant little volume is packed with what your Sun sign tells you about you.

  • af Joanna Martine Woolfolk
    142,95 kr.

    Your Sun sign is the zodiac sign the Sun was traveling through at the time of your birth. It is the most important influence in your horoscope and in many ways determines how others see you. It governs your individuality, distinctive style, and drive to fulfill your goals. This elegant little volume is packed with what your Sun sign tells you about you.

  • af Ella Wolf
    177,95 kr.

    Tauchen Sie ein in die faszinierende Welt des Wassermanns. Mit diesem Buch, das eine sorgfältige Analyse der Charaktereigenschaften dieses einzigartigen Sternzeichens präsentiert. Entdecken Sie die Tiefen der Wassermann-Persönlichkeit, geprägt von Individualität, Innovationsgeist und einer unersättlichen Liebe zur Freiheit.In diesem literarischen Werk entfaltet sich vor Ihnen ein Panorama der kosmischen Einflüsse, die den Wassermann gestalten. Erfahren Sie, wie die Sterne und Planeten harmonisch zusammenspielen, um diese einzigartige Persönlichkeit zu formen, und lassen Sie sich von den Nuancen und Facetten der Wassermann-Energie mitreißen.Die Analyse reicht von den strahlenden Stärken bis zu den vielleicht herausfordernden Aspekten, während der Leser in eine Welt eintaucht, die von kreativer Exzentrik und dem unerschütterlichen Glauben an den Fortschritt geprägt ist. Begleiten Sie uns auf dieser literarischen Reise, die nicht nur die Sterne enthüllt, sondern auch die tiefgreifenden Emotionen und fesselnden Geschichten hinter dem Wassermann-Sternzeichen offenbart.Geschrieben in einer Mischung aus Fachkenntnissen und poetischer Sensibilität bietet dieses Buch nicht nur eine nüchterne Analyse der Charaktereigenschaften, sondern auch eine Reise durch die reiche Symbolik und tiefen Sehnsüchte, die den Wassermann ausmachen. Tauchen Sie ein in die Magie der Sterne und erleben Sie den Wassermann auf eine Weise, die Ihre Neugier weckt und Ihre Sinne fesselt.

  • af Denise Maillet
    107,95 kr.

    According to Kabalarian Philosophy, our birthday success that can be attained to form your fundamental purpose there are 366 days worth of entries in this original book to symbolize each birthdate. It extends an invitation to every temperament, attitude, and character in addition to age. Everybody can participate, even those who were born on a leap year or on the birthstones and their symbolic meanings for each month...

  • af Susan Nicholas
    237,95 kr.

    Are you in search of insights for the upcoming year? Curious about what 2024 has in store for your personal health, romantic endeavors, and fate? Delve into the celestial knowledge of 'Horoscope 2024: Astrological Guide for a Successful Year' by Susan Nicholas and reveal the starry secrets designed specifically for you.Picture possessing a navigational guide for the highs and lows of the next year. This book of horoscopes is a treasure trove of wisdom, providing deep insights and actionable advice to fully realize your potential in 2024. Whether you are a firm believer or an inquiring skeptic, this guide offers invaluable direction for the year ahead.In 'Horoscope 2024', Susan Nicholas guides you through a comprehensive journey, offering forecasts for each astrological sign. Prepare to uncover:Tailored health recommendations that correspond to your zodiac sign.Insights into romantic relationships, aiding you in achieving harmony and ardor.Professional and financial counsel to guide you on the path to success and prosperity.Susan extends beyond just forecasts. She provides you with effective tools and positive affirmations to take an active role in crafting your future. This book stands as your partner in transforming 2024 into your most triumphant year.Don't leave your fate to the wind. Embrace the astral wisdom with 'Horoscope 2024'. Reinvent your life with the essential knowledge and direction needed to flourish.Embark on the journey towards an extraordinary year. Let 'Horoscope 2024' unlock the door to your most outstanding year yet!

  • af Connor Bran
    192,95 kr.

    Das Orakel ist eine mysteriöse und faszinierende Möglichkeit, in die Zukunft zu blicken. Nicht nur auserwählte Seherinnen und Seher haben Zugang zu dieser uralten Kunst und sind in der Lage, mit den Göttern zu kommunizieren, um wertvolle Erkenntnisse und Prophezeiungen zu erhalten. Mit diesem Orakel hast auch du diese Macht. Doch das Orakel ist nicht nur ein Werkzeug, um die Zukunft vorherzusagen - es bietet auch Rat und Anleitung für den persönlichen Lebensweg. Tauche ein in die Welt des Orakels und lass dich von ihm und den Göttern führen.

  • af Daniel Sanjurjo
    152,95 kr.

    Dive into the cosmic tapestry of 'The Secret Language of Birthdays: Navigating the Soul of February.' This enlightening book unveils the intricate connections between astrology, numerology, and personal destiny, offering profound insights into the personalities born under the signs of Aquarius and Pisces.Explore the celestial dance of stars and constellations, delving into the fiery spirit of Aquarius and the grounded wisdom of Pisces. With vibrant descriptions and engaging narratives, readers will discover the unique blend of fire and earth energies that shape the individuals born in February. Why delve into "The Secret Language of Birthdays: Navigating the Soul of February"?:Unravel your cosmic blueprint: Discover the unique blend of Aquarius' fiery spirit and Pisces' grounded wisdom that shapes your personality and life path.Decode your birth chart: Seamlessly integrate celestial elements, numerology symbols, and tarot imagery to understand the forces influencing your journey.Gain holistic self-awareness: Uncover your true self and explore how cosmic energies intertwine with your individuality.Embark on a captivating adventure: Experience a playful and engaging exploration of February's cosmic symphony through captivating storytelling.Unlock a deeper connection to the universe: Understand the profound link between the cosmos and human existence, resonating with the universe's vibrant dance.Find your place in the celestial tapestry: Discover valuable insights for astrology enthusiasts, spiritual seekers, and anyone curious about cosmic connections.Transform your life through self-discovery: Embark on a transformative journey of self-awareness and exploration, guided by cosmic wisdom."The Secret Language of Birthdays" opens the door to a deeper understanding of yourself and your place in the universe. Dive in and unlock the captivating secrets February holds!The book serves as a valuable resource for astrology enthusiasts, spiritual seekers, and those curious about the profound connections between the cosmos and human existence. Embark on a Journey: Join us on this transformative cosmic journey within the pages of 'The Secret Language of Birthdays.for February

  • af Alina a Rubi
    317,95 kr.

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