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Shamanisme, paganisme og druidernes lære

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  • - Bliv guidet af shamanistisk visdom og den nyeste viden om sammenhængen mellem ernæring, tanker, følelser og dit helbred
    af Alberto Villodo
    258,95 kr.

    Budskabet i Sundhed indefra er, at vores krop er i stand til at helbrede sig selv under de rigtige omstændigheder. Vi har her i Vesten generelt meget travlt med at overlade autoriteten til en læge eller behandler og glemme, at kroppen besidder selvhelbredende evner, som vi alle har mulighed for at aktivere.Forfatteren Alberto Villoldo præsenterer her en syntese af ældgamle visdomstraditioner og moderne videnskab, der udfordrer vores nuværende sundhedsparadigmer og gør os i stand til at komme ud af en passiv offerrolle og blive herre over vores egen sundhed og skæbne.I Sundhed indefra giver han konkrete råd om alt fra udrensning, superfødevarer, vitaminer og kosttilskud til, hvordan vi styrker vores tarmflora og afstresser krop og sind. Hertil kommer vigtig indsigt i, hvordan vores følelser påvirker vores helbred, den nyeste neurovidenskab, og hvordan spiritualitet hænger sammen med sundhed.Med krop-sind-ånd-medicin får vi mulighed for at skabe et helt nyt liv med større sundhed, ny visdom, nye aktiviteter, nye menneskelige relationer og nye muligheder.Bogen er propfyldt med viden og visdom alle kan drage nytte af, hvad enten man er syg eller ønsker at forblive stærk og rask, og den er ikke mindst relevant for alle alternative behandlere.

  • - At blive sin kraft
    af Tanja Fievé Eskesen
    227,95 kr.

    Overgangsalderen fra en anden synsvinkel.Overgangsalderen er ikke en fejl, den er ikke en svaghed, der skal korrigeres. Den er derimod dét felt, hvor en kvinde får den fulde adgang til sit indre visdomslag, sin indre kælling, og en mand får adgang til sin indre magiker. For begge køn gælder det samme: I overgangsalderen har du ikke længere bare adgang til din kraft – du bliver din kraft. Den 3. alder – overgangsalderen – er det utæmmedes tid. Det er visdommens tid. Det er den buldrende livskrafts tid. Når du går i overgangsalderen, går den røde dør i dig op. Uanset om du vil det eller ej. Uanset om du finder det bekvemt eller ej. Du kommer i kontakt med, hvem du egentlig er. Bag maskerne. Bag pænheden. Bag opdragelsen. Hvis du er åben for at kigge bagom fortællingerne om alt det liv, der forsvinder, og i stedet kigger ’Bag den røde dør’, vil du opdage, at der er et væld af nye muligheder og kræfter gemt i overgangsalderen. Denne bog er skrevet som en vejviser, en fortælling om de (nye) kræfter, der vågner i dig i overgangsalderen. De kræfter, der vejrer morgenluft og bryder kaotisk igennem til din måske ellers velordnede og velorganiserede hverdag - og liv.

  • af Jean-Christophe Grangé
    43,94 - 132,95 kr.

    Den 30-årige Diane er tidligt blevet udsat for et overfald, der har mærket hende så dybt, at hun ikke udholder tanken om fysisk berøring. På den anden side er hun lidenskabeligt optaget af vilde dyrs jagtadfærd - og så dyrker hun en asiatisk kampsport. Diane adopterer en lille dreng, Lucien. Få uger efter ankomsten til Paris kommer Lucien ud for en bilulykke, der viser sig at være et mordforsøg. Hermed indleder Diane sin hallucinerende jagt på sandheden. Aldrig før har hun kæmpet med næb og kløer for et andet menneske. De dramatiske begivenheder åbner en sprække i Dianes mentale forsvarsværker. Hun finder ud af, at Lucien stammer fra et nomadefolk i Mongoliets mest ufremkommelige tajga. Diane rejser til Rusland og får færten af et verdensomspændende komplot, hvori Lucien, atomforskning og mongolsk shamanisme spiller en afgørende rolle. Ringen sluttes i ødemarken; her mødes shamanerne til en skæbnesvanger rådslagning: Stenkoncilet. Et møde, som kræver en hunløves styrke. Pressen skriver: ” Umanerligt spændende” - Bo Bjørnvig, Weekendavisen ”Der [er] action og mystik, fart og tempo, spænding og gys for alle pengene, hvad enten man tæller dem i kroner og øre, euro og cent.” - Bo Tao Michaëlis, Politiken

  • af Alberto Villoldo
    125,95 kr.

    Access the gifts of transformation, heal the self, and live in harmony with one another and with the Earth by journeying through the wisdom wheel‿a fresh take on the traditional medicine wheel‿its archetypes, and its four wisdom challenges.

  • af Amy Cesari
    352,95 kr.

    *Black & White Version* Everyone has a little magic in them, and this fully illustrated 2024 planner shows you how to get in touch with your own natural powers and create an extraordinary year.

  • af Nicolette Miele
    175,95 kr.

    A magickal guide to working with runes and plant allies for manifestation, healing, and spellwork

  • af Fay Johnstone
    165,95 kr.

    A complete guide to shamanic drumming for enhancing Reiki practice

  • af Nikk M. Harvey
    161,95 kr.

    This book is designed to teach pagan children ages 8+ about the basics of Wicca and Magik. It is designed so that the parent is involved, encouraging the children to ask questions and discuss it with their parents to help grow their understanding. It also includes short review questions at the end of the introductory chapters similar to a workbook. Though this book does teach basics of Wicca and simple child-friendly spells, it also emphasizes that magik is better when you make it right for you and that there is no "right" way to do it so that they are encouraged to keep learning and exploring with their parents' guidance and discussion as well.

  • af Lilith Silverwind
    199,95 kr.

    In "Modern Witchcraft's Call to Old World Magic: The Power of Ancient Practices in the 21st Century" by Lilith Silverwind, readers are invited on a transformative journey that bridges the mystical gap between the ancient traditions of witchcraft and their place in the modern world. This enlightening guide not only uncovers the historical roots and the evolution of witchcraft through the ages but also demonstrates how these time-honored practices can be adapted to empower our lives today. Silverwind masterfully weaves together the wisdom of the old with the realities of the 21st century, offering practical advice, rituals, and insights for those seeking spiritual growth, self-empowerment, and a deeper connection to the natural world. Whether you're a seasoned practitioner or new to the path of the witch, this book is a beacon of light, guiding readers to harness the power of ancient magic in our contemporary era.

  • af Vinicius Ribeiro
    94,95 kr.

    "Más Allá del Conocimiento Humano Descubrimientos sobre la Naturaleza de Dios". Escrito por expertos en teología, este libro fue cuidadosamente desarrollado para ayudarte a explorar y comprender la naturaleza de Dios. A lo largo de las páginas, profundizaremos en conceptos teológicos fundamentales, examinaremos diferentes visiones religiosas y compartiremos reflexiones que te ayudarán a profundizar en tu comprensión espiritual. Si estás en busca de respuestas sobre la divinidad.

  • af Snorri Sturluson
    157,95 - 217,95 kr.

    Discover the world of Viking mythology with Snorri Sturluson's 13th-century masterpiece, the Eddas. Unearth ancient narratives passed down through generations!

  • af Isaac Pendragon
    201,95 kr.

    Discover the hidden pillars of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO), a journey into the mystical paths of one of history's most fascinating esoteric societies. Isaac Pendragon unveils the profound mysteries and teachings defining the OTO in this groundbreaking work ¿ from its mysterious beginnings in the late 19th century to the revolutionary influences of Aleister Crowley and beyond.Dive into the history, rituals, and philosophy that made the OTO a cornerstone of esoteric practice. Pendragon takes you through the order's development, its core teachings of Thelema philosophy, and the significant role of sexual magic within its practices. He illuminates the complex hierarchies, the transformative power of initiation rituals, and how the OTO shapes modern esotericism.With exclusive insights and deep analysis, "The Secret Pillars of the OTO" not only highlights the order's historical significance but also its ongoing relevance in today's spiritual landscape. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in occultism, esoteric traditions, and the path of personal transformation.

  • af Stephen Pollington
    312,95 - 567,95 kr.

  • af Frederic M. Baker
    201,95 - 308,95 kr.

  • af Winifred Rose
    407,95 kr.

    Among our most meaningful challenges as Heathens and polytheists is to get to know all of our Gods and Goddesses to some degree, even if we are most devoted to just one or a few of them. Often, becoming more familiar with Heathen Deities and other spiritual beings whom we don't know well requires different perspectives and new ways of interacting with them. This is an anthology for Heathens who have gone beyond the basics and want to move on to deeper understanding and more varied spiritual relationships, perspectives, and practices. It does not cover all of the Heathen Deities, but it contains the distillation of thirty years of Heathen practice with many of them, including many who are less well-known. Though this book is divided into three parts, "Heathen Holy Ones," "Wights," and "Heathen Spiritual Practices," in truth everything written here is either about spiritual practice, or the result of spiritual practice. Heathen spiritual practices are embedded throughout the book. Thought-provoking essays, research articles, tales, poems, prayers, ideas and guidelines for enhancing Heathen spiritual practice, lively illustrations: many approaches are offered here for Heathen spiritual expansion. This anthology is a call toward spiritual adventure, an invitation to wander on Heathen ways of inspiration and discovery.

  • af Mari Silva
    297,95 kr.

    Delve into the unique world of Norse pagan practices, including Norse magic, the Elder Futhark runes, spells, Asatru, shamanic rituals, and divination.Do you want to learn more about the ancient Norse pagan gods and their influence over the world?Do you wish to explore how Norse Paganism can bring you closer to nature?Are you interested in mastering a particular Norse pagan practice?With this book, you'll gain all that knowledge and much more. In this book, you will:Explore the pagan roots of the Norse religionLearn about the deities, core beliefs, and spiritual practices of Norse pagansDelve into the world of Asatru, the fastest-growing pagan religion todayLearn about the importance of the soul and afterlife in Norse PaganismFind and connect with your guardian animal or nature spirit guideUncover the secrets behind Seidr, an ancient form of Norse shamanismMaster the art of Utesitta meditation to find answers from the SpiritUnderstand runic divination and learn how to cast runes yourselfLearn how to make your own bind runes and sigilsUnderstand runic yoga and how to perform itThis book will help you expand your knowledge of Norse Paganism by providing a comprehensive background and plenty of practical advice.

  • af William Jones
    152,95 kr.

    A Journey into Paganism: Rediscovering the Ancient Ways by William Jones is a captivating and insightful exploration of the ancient spiritual traditions that have captivated humanity for centuries. Delving deep into the roots of Paganism, this book takes readers on an illuminating expedition, uncovering the timeless wisdom and practices that continue to resonate with modern seekers.Drawing from historical research and personal experiences, William Jones unravels the rich tapestry of Pagan beliefs, rituals, and deities. From the sacred groves of the ancient Celts to the mythic pantheon of the Norse, the author provides a vivid and comprehensive understanding of the diverse Pagan traditions that have woven themselves into the fabric of human spirituality.Through engaging storytelling and in-depth analysis, readers are transported to a world where nature is revered as sacred, and the cycles of life are honored with profound rituals and celebrations. From the wheel of the year to the significance of solstices and equinoxes, this book reveals the significance of Pagan festivals and their enduring relevance in contemporary times.A Journey into Paganism is not just a historical account but also a guide for those seeking to embrace Pagan practices in their own lives. With a focus on personal growth, self-discovery, and connection with nature, the author offers practical insights and exercises to enrich one's spiritual journey and deepen their relationship with the divine.As readers immerse themselves in the pages of this book, they will encounter the transformative power of Pagan magic and spellwork. Through careful explanations and examples, William Jones demystifies the art of working with energies and harnessing the forces of the universe to manifest one's intentions.More than just a religious path, Paganism is presented as a way of life that encourages harmony, respect, and interconnectedness with all living beings. The author delves into the concept of ethics and the inherent responsibility that comes with walking the Pagan path, nurturing a deep sense of reverence and stewardship for the Earth.A Journey into Paganism: Rediscovering the Ancient Ways is an enlightening and immersive experience, embracing readers with the timeless wisdom and beauty of Pagan spirituality. Whether you are a seasoned Pagan practitioner or a curious soul seeking spiritual awakening, this book offers a profound understanding of the ancient ways and their continued relevance in the modern world. Embark on a transformative journey and rediscover the profound connection between humanity, nature, and the sacred within.

  • af Sebastian Berg
    112,95 kr.

    Invoke the powerful presence of Hecate and radically improve your life.Do ancient mythologies and mysteries enthrall you?Do you feel called to explore the spiritual and mystical?Are you curious to learn how to wield the transformative power of Hecate in your life?Of all the known ancient Greek goddesses, Hecate, the Goddess of the Crossroads and Witchcraft, is the most powerful, especially when it comes to living an empowered life. She is an ever-flowing fountain of wisdom, love, protection, and more, and with her magic in your life, you would become absolutely unstoppable.¿This is no ordinary book you hold in your hand. It's an emissary of the great Hecate herself, inviting you to a never-ending banquet of abundance, joy, freedom, growth, and all the good things that life has to offer. It's an invitation to learn all there is to know about the world and how you fit in it.

  • af T. Ingram
    167,95 kr.

    Begin by exploring the archaic, ancient, and modern ancestry of European people. With brief reviews of time periods that were influential to the diversification that resulted in the ethnic diversity of Europeans today.From there, explore general themes of paganism as seen throughout the various ethnic groups of Europe. A guide to various aspects of pagan worship and how they can be applied in the modern day. With an understanding of ancestry and paganism, one can explore further into the sacred. A section devoted to six of the major European ethnic groups. These include Slavic, Germanic, Italic, Celtic, Hellenic, and Uralic.

  • af Linda Star Wolf
    137,95 kr.

    A step-by-step guide to awakening to shamanic consciousness

  • af Jason Dodd
    162,95 - 267,95 kr.

  • af Mari Silva
    347,95 kr.

    Two manuscripts in one book:Maat: The Ultimate Guide to Maat Philosophy, Principles, and Magick along with Kemetic SpiritualityAncient Egyptian Magic: The Ultimate Guide to Gods, Goddesses, Divination, Amulets, Rituals, and Spells of Ancient EgyptMaat is an ancient Egyptian goddess who represents truth, justice, and balance. She is often associated with the concept of Maat, which is the principle of truth, order, justice, and balance in the Universe. Followers of Maat believe that it is our responsibility to uphold these principles in our own lives and the world around us.The practice of magic played an enormous role in ancient Egyptian civilization. By studying how magic was viewed by those who practiced it at that time, you can uncover the secrets to practicing their magic in modern times.In this book, you will:Learn about the history and mythology of MaatLearn Maat's role in Kemeticism, a modern-day religion based on ancient Egyptian beliefsExplore the Seven Principles of Maat and how they can be applied to your lifeLearn about the 42 Laws of Maat and how they can help us create a more just and balanced worldDiscover the many ways you can honor Maat in your own lifeMaster building a shrine and participating in magickal ceremonies and ritualsUnderstand how to incorporate Maat's teachings into your modern lifeLearn about the role of magic in ancient Egyptian culture.Gain insight into the ancient Egyptian worldview, including their creation myth and spiritual beliefs.Familiarize yourself with the Egyptian pantheon's most influential male and female deities.Discover how the ancient Egyptians viewed divination through the different divination methods.Learn which sacred plants and herbs may benefit your ancient Egyptian spell work.Uncover ways to enact spells or perform rituals found in an ancient Egyptian spell book. And much, much more!

  • af Mari Silva
    297,95 kr.

    Explore las vibrantes culturas mágicas populares y su historia, tradiciones y creencias.¿Alguna vez ha sentido curiosidad por los distintos rituales y tradiciones mágicas que se practican en diferentes partes del mundo?¿Alguna vez se ha sentido confundido acerca de la diferencia entre la magia Wicca y el paganismo nórdico? ¿Es su objetivo aprender rituales y prácticas mágicas tal y como se enseñaban en diversas culturas? La magia popular no se limita a los rituales mágicos wiccanos o a las tradiciones celtas. Hay mucho más, que se practica en todo el mundo de diferentes maneras. A pesar de la multitud de recursos para aprender sobre estas culturas, rara vez encontrará una fuente consolidada de información sobre todas las culturas de magia popular en un solo lugar. Además, si no está seguro de con qué cultura se identifica, este libro será la guía ideal para su viaje de descubrimiento de la magia. En este libro, usted podrá: Conocer la magia popular básica y obtener conceptos claros sobre el tema para disipar cualquier idea erróneaDescubrir qué prácticas mágicas se adaptan mejor a ustedComprender la historia de varias culturas mágicas y cómo se originaron Descubrir innumerables prácticas y rituales tradicionales de distintas magiasExplorar numerosos hechizos, hierbas y ritualesCrear su propio libro de hechizosEste perspicaz libro combina sabiduría informativa y hechos históricos como guía para buscar la mejor práctica mágica para usted. Como principiante y entusiasta de la magia espiritual, será su referencia obligada para aprender sobre el vasto y cautivador mundo de la magia popular.

  • af Günther Gold
    206,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Günther Gold
    207,95 - 243,95 kr.

  • af Ocha'ni Lele
    217,95 kr.

    SHAMANISM / INDIGENOUS CULTURES "There is no more magical way to feel close to the orishas than through the patakis. It is there that one is transported to one's imagination. ocha'ni Lele has a very spiritual manner in elevating my imagination through his writing, which reveals a special touch. Maferefun orichas! What is seen is not questioned! This is a special book for those of us who go forth from the heart, without malice. ocha'ni Lele, my dear, I congratulate you!" --Ivy Queen, vocalist, musician, and Queen of Reggaeton "This book is a page turner. ocha'ni Lele relates these sacred stories with the ease of a knowledgeable narrator while drawing clarity and meaning out of the religion's complex chorus of voices. This book moves the deep spirituality of the religion away from ethnography and connects the sacred to religious studies where it is well overdue." --Oba Ernesto Pichardo, Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye At the core of the diloggun--the sacred divination system of Santeria--are the sacred stories known as the patakis, narratives whose themes are as powerful and relevant today as they were in the minds of the ancient Yoruba who safeguarded them. Each pataki is connected to one or more of the 16 odu, the principal creative forces of Santeria. Some recount the lives of orishas on Earth, others the lives of individuals in Heaven, and some tell of the odu themselves, for even they once walked the earth as mortals. The first book to explore these ancient African stories in English, Teachings of the Santeria Gods recounts more than 100 of these sacred parables, including many stories reassembled from the oral tradition of the African diaspora. Ranging from creation myths to what happens when a love potion works far too well, these stories share the wisdom and spirituality of the Yoruba people of ancient Africa and form the living, oral bible of one of the world's fastest-growing faiths. oCHA'NI LELE has been immersed in the underground culture of orisha worship since 1989. He made Ocha in 2000 and was crowned a priest of Oya. His other books include The Secrets of Afro-Cuban Divination, Obi Oracle of Cuban Santeria, and The Diloggun: The Orishas, Proverbs, Sacrifices, and Prohibitions of Cuban Santeria. He lives in Winter Park, Florida.

  • af Daisy Jane Le Faye
    257,95 kr.

    In the serene embrace of Mountain Haven, an enchanting refuge in the Idaho mountains, Bryn, a seeker yearning for purpose, discovers the transformative power of the ancient forests where mystical meets the mundane, and Bryn's journey becomes a dance with nature, spirits, and the uncharted realms of her own soul."Awakening the Ancient Grove" is a tapestry of love, self discovery, and the profound connection between humans and the ancient energies that shape their destinies, all set against the backdrop of a timeless and magickal landscape where friends of all kinds exist, belonging is absolute, and finding love is always possible."I can't wait for this book to be in the hands of EVERYONE!""A beautiful, exciting self-discovery story to read over and over!"

  • af B-Joe
    172,95 kr.

    KORSVEJEN er en fortælling om musik og mørk magi – og om en mojo fra Misssissippi.Musikeren B-Joe er taget til blues-musikkens vugge i Mississippi, hvor han ved nattetide opsøger blues-legenden Robert Johnsons grav. Om Johnson sagde man, at han en nat ved en helt symbolsk crossroad (deraf bogens titel) som en anden Faust indgik en pagt med djævelen, der ’over night’ satte den før temmelig middelmådige musiker i stand til at spille overjordisk på sin guitar. Men prisen skulle betales, og kun 27 år gammel blev Robert Johnson kaldt hjem af mørkets hersker. Han blev dermed det første unge døde medlem af Club 27, der i dag tæller så prominente medlemmer som Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Kurt Cobain og senest Amy Winehouse.Af jord og rekvisitter fra Robert Johnsons grav fremstiller B-Joe en såkaldt mojo – en amulet, der siges at give magiske evner til ejeren. Og ganske rigtigt: efterfølgende oplever B-Joes hensygnende musikalske karriere et uforklarligt opsving. B-Joe beslutter derfor at rejse tilbage til Mississippi og fremstille flere mojos, men man skal ikke lege med mørkets kræfter. Don’t mess with magic! Langsomt begynder der at indtræffe ildevarslende hændelser i B-Joes liv: Er det Djævelen, der kalder, og er det for sent at bryde pagten og skille sig af med den magiske mojo?Om forfatteren: B-Joe, født 1966 i København, er en rutineret rockguitarist, der har indspillet adskillige albums og spillet sammen med flere anerkendte navne, bl.a. Dylan-guitaristen Billy Cross. I dag er han medlem af Shu-bi-dua 2.0. KORSVEJEN er hans debut som forfatter.

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