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Tov, knuder og makramé

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  • af Nils Trautner
    108,94 kr.

    Der er mange situationer, hvor det kan være enormt godt at kunne sine knob og stik. Hvis du er sejler, spejder eller lignende, skal du kunne binde det rigtige knob, og det er der heldigvis råd for. Knob & Stik samler den nødvendige viden om knob, stik, splejsninger, taklinger og tovværk for sejlere, spejdere og andre friluftsfolk, som skal kunne slå det rette knob i en given situation.Nils Trautner står bag bogen, hvor det trin for trin vises, hvordan man skal gå frem for at opnå det korrekte resultat, ligesom bogen fortæller, hvilke forholdsregler man skal tage, når man vælger tovværk. En klassiker – udkom første gang i 1964.Ny udgave med nyt omslag og produceret i stenpapir. Stenpapir er et bæredygtigt alternativ til almindeligt papir. Stenpapir er lavet af kalk og HDPE, hvilket gør papiret naturligt hvidt, slidstærkt og vandafvisende og oplagt af tage med ud at sejle eller med ud i naturen.

  • - Sådan kommer du i gang med knytteteknikken macramé
    af Stine Drøgemüller
    207,95 kr.

    MAKRAM indeholder 24 unikke opskrifter med knytteteknikken macramé og knytter alle snore sammen i denne grundbog, der giver svar på alt, hvad du som begynder eller let øvet har brug for at vide. Fra gennemgang af materialer og redskaber til diverse knytteteknikker og udregning af længde på snore, så du nemt og overskueligt kan gå i gang med dine egne macramé-projekter.Boliginteriør, møbler, tøj, smykker og meget mere. Du kan lave det meste med macramé! Så snart du har åbnet op for de kreative knuder, bliver du viklet ind i et fantastisk univers, som er både vanedannende og meditativt.Bogen henvender sig til alle skaberlystne, der er nysgerrige på macramé og ønsker at stifte bekendtskab med en ny, afstressende hobby, hvor der hurtigt opnås resultater. Du vil blandt andet lære at lave ophæng til planter, drømmefangere, vægtæpper, lysestager, pandebånd, lamper og halsbånd til kæledyret. Alt sammen både funktionelt og smukt at se på.Om forfatterStine Drøgemüller er selvlært inden for macramé- håndarbejdsfaget. Hendes vej til macramé begyndte, da hun i 2019 pludseligt mistede sin far. Hun stødte tilfældigvis på håndværket gennem en YouTubevideo. Macramé blev hendes terapiform og frirum, når sorgen fyldte for meget.I dag driver hun virksomheden MAKRAM med missionen om at udbrede macramé – både som kreativ og sundhedsfremmende aktivitet og som en måde at fremstille boliginteriør. Hun bor det meste af året i sit kolonihavehus, hvor hun har sit MAKRAM-showroom, driver sin webshop med genbrugsgarn og afholder forskellige workshops.E-bogen er lavet i fixed format

  • af Anne Birgitte Beyer
    137,95 kr.

    Løbbinding er en gammel teknik, der kendes under forskellige former rundt om på kloden. Forfatteren har gennem omfattende studier af teknikken, der i Danmark også kendes som halmbinding, afdækket tre hovedformer. Det gælder lukket løb, åbent løb og Tybrind-bindingen. I denne bog fortælles historien og de enkelte teknikker gennemgås, så alle kan lære at løbbinde deres egne projekter. Bogens modeller omfatter bl.a. kurve, net, skåle og krukker.

  • af J. D. Lenzen
    257,95 kr.

    J.D. Lenzen is the creator of the highly acclaimed YouTube channel "Tying It All Together," and the producer of over 200 instructional videos. He's been formally recognized by the International Guild of Knot Tyers (IGKT) for his contributions to knotting, and is the originator of fusion knotting innovative knots created through the merging of different knot elements or knotting techniques. "Paracord Fusion Ties - Volume 1" is the first of a multiple volume set of books exclusively utilizing paracord for his fusion knotting techniques. Originally used as parachute suspension lines during World War II, paracord has since become a means to create an immeasurable variety of useful items, survival tools, and decorative ties. ...Lenzen guides readers through 35 different paracord fusion ties, all of which have never been presented in book form before. By way of over 800 crisp, clear, full-color photographs, coupled with succinctly written, easy to follow step-by-step instructions...

  • af Geoffrey Budworth
    177,95 kr.

    Collins Discover: Knots is your one-stop guide to making, tying, and using knotsThis user-friendly, authoritative resource by the cofounder of the International Guild of Knot Tyers includes easy-to-follow guidance and full-color illustrations showing you everything you need to know about the most common and useful knots. Topics include knotting history, knotting terms, and knot uses and their names.Inside you will find:Boating knots, knots for home and hobbies, life-support knotsDetails on cordage, tools, and accessoriesStep-by-step instructionsGlossary and resources for further reading

  • af Mireia Janeth
    197,95 kr.

    Da rienda suelta a tu creatividad con el macramé: ¡Transforma tu espacio con hermosos colgadores para plantas y decoración para el hogar hechos a mano!¿Quieres añadir un toque de elegancia y encanto bohemio a tu hogar?¿Buscas una forma económica de crear impresionantes piezas de decoración que reflejen tu estilo personal?Con nuestra completa guía, descubrirá el arte de crear elegantes y llamativos colgadores para plantas y piezas de decoración para el hogar que impresionarán a sus amigos y familiares. Con instrucciones claras paso a paso y patrones de moda, este libro es perfecto para cualquiera que desee dar rienda suelta a su creatividad y embellecer su espacio vital. No se necesita experiencia previa ni materiales caros. Tanto si es usted un principiante como un experimentado aficionado al bricolaje, esta guía le llevará por todas las etapas, desde el dominio de los nudos básicos hasta la creación de intrincados diseños. En este libro encontrarás:Aprender los fundamentos del macramé, incluidos los nudos y las técnicas esenciales.Crear impresionantes colgadores para plantas, adornos de pared y mucho más para adornar su hogarDescubrir trucos y consejos económicos para crear hermosas piezas sin arruinarseExplora patrones de moda y variaciones de diseño para personalizar tus proyectos de macraméExperimenta la alegría de la decoración hecha a mano mientras desarrollas una nueva habilidad que impresionará a los demás Descubre la satisfacción de crear tus propias hermosas piezas de macramé y transformar tu espacio vital con un toque de elegancia bohemia. Tanto si eres una completa principiante como si ya te has adentrado en proyectos de bricolaje, "Macramé Made Simple" es tu guía definitiva para desvelar los secretos de esta forma de arte atemporal. Prepárate para impresionar a tus amigos y disfruta del orgullo de crear impresionantes colgadores para plantas y piezas de decoración para el hogar que reflejen tu estilo personal.

  • af Meghan Beardsley
    212,95 kr.

    Unleash Your Creativity with Macramé: Transform Your Space with Beautiful Handcrafted Plant Hangers and Home Decor! Want to add a touch of elegance and bohemian charm to your living space?Looking for a budget-friendly way to create stunning DIY decor pieces that reflect your personal style? In "Macramé Made Simple," we invite beginners and craft enthusiasts alike to embark on an exciting journey into the world of macramé. With our comprehensive guide, you'll unlock the art of creating stylish and eye-catching plant hangers and home decor that will impress your friends and family. With clear, step-by-step instructions and trendy patterns, this book is perfect for anyone eager to unleash their creativity and beautify their living space. No prior experience or expensive materials are required! Whether you're a novice or seasoned DIY enthusiast, this guide will take you through every stage, from mastering basic knots to creating intricate designs. In this book, you'll find:Learn the fundamentals of macramé, including essential knots and techniquesCreate stunning plant hangers, wall hangings, and more to adorn your homeDiscover budget-friendly tips and tricks to craft beautiful pieces without breaking the bankExplore trendy patterns and design variations to customize your macramé projectsExperience the joy of handmade decor while developing a new skill that will impress others Discover the satisfaction of creating your own beautiful macramé pieces and transforming your living space with a touch of bohemian elegance. Whether you're a complete beginner or have dabbled in DIY projects before, "Macramé Made Simple" is your ultimate guide to unlock the secrets of this timeless art form. Get ready to impress your friends and enjoy the pride of crafting stunning plant hangers and home decor pieces that reflect your personal style. Unlock the art of macramé today and bring your creative visions to life!

  • af Orquídea Gisele
    197,95 kr.

    Liberte a sua criatividade com Macramé: Transforme o seu espaço com bonitos cabides de plantas artesanais e decoração de casa!Quer dar um toque de elegância e charme boémio ao seu espaço?Procura uma forma económica de criar peças de decoração DIY deslumbrantes que reflictam o seu estilo pessoal?Com o nosso guia completo, irá desvendar a arte de criar cabides para plantas e peças de decoração elegantes e apelativas que irão impressionar os seus amigos e familiares.Com instruções claras, passo a passo e padrões modernos, este livro é perfeito para qualquer pessoa ansiosa por libertar a sua criatividade e embelezar o seu espaço de vida. Não é necessária qualquer experiência prévia ou materiais dispendiosos! Quer seja um principiante ou um entusiasta experiente da bricolage, este guia guiá-lo-á em todas as fases, desde o domínio dos nós básicos até à criação de designs complexos. Neste livro, encontrará:Aprender os fundamentos do macramé, incluindo os nós e técnicas essenciaisCrie cabides para plantas, penduricalhos de parede e muito mais para decorar a sua casaDescubra dicas e truques económicos para criar peças bonitas sem gastar muitoExplore padrões modernos e variações de design para personalizar os seus projectos de macraméExperimente a alegria da decoração feita à mão enquanto desenvolve uma nova habilidade que impressionará os outrosDescubra a satisfação de criar as suas próprias peças de macramé e de transformar o seu espaço com um toque de elegância boémia. Quer seja um completo principiante ou já tenha experimentado projectos de bricolage antes, "Macramé Made Simple" é o seu guia definitivo para desvendar os segredos desta forma de arte intemporal. Prepare-se para impressionar os seus amigos e desfrute do orgulho de criar cabides para plantas e peças de decoração deslumbrantes que reflectem o seu estilo pessoal.

  • af Maria Boccia
    197,95 kr.

    Liberate la vostra creatività con il macramè: Trasformate il vostro spazio con bellissimi appendini per piante e decorazioni per la casa realizzati a mano!Volete aggiungere un tocco di eleganza e fascino bohémien al vostro spazio vitale?Cercate un modo economico per creare splendide decorazioni fai-da-te che riflettano il vostro stile personale?Con la nostra guida completa, scoprirete l'arte di creare appendini per piante e decorazioni per la casa eleganti e accattivanti che stupiranno amici e parenti. Con istruzioni chiare, passo dopo passo e modelli di tendenza, questo libro è perfetto per chiunque voglia liberare la propria creatività e abbellire il proprio spazio vitale. Non sono necessarie esperienze precedenti o materiali costosi! Che siate principianti o esperti del fai-da-te, questa guida vi accompagnerà in ogni fase, dalla padronanza dei nodi di base alla creazione di disegni intricati. In questo libro troverete:¿ Imparare i fondamenti del macramè, compresi i nodi e le tecniche essenzialiCreare splendidi appendini per piante, appendini da parete e molto altro per abbellire la vostra casa.Scoprire i trucchi e i suggerimenti più economici per creare bellissimi pezzi senza spendere troppo.Esplorate i modelli di tendenza e le variazioni di design per personalizzare i vostri progetti di macramè.Sperimentate la gioia dell'arredamento fatto a mano e sviluppate una nuova abilità che farà colpo sugli altri.Scoprite la soddisfazione di creare i vostri bellissimi pezzi in macramé e di trasformare il vostro spazio vitale con un tocco di eleganza bohémien. Che siate principianti o che vi siate già cimentati in progetti di bricolage, "Macramé Made Simple" è la guida definitiva per svelare i segreti di questa forma d'arte senza tempo. Preparatevi a stupire i vostri amici e a godere dell'orgoglio di creare splendidi appendini per piante e oggetti d'arredamento che riflettono il vostro stile personale.

  • af Annette Paulette
    197,95 kr.

    Libérez votre créativité avec le macramé : Transformez votre espace avec de magnifiques suspensions de plantes et de la décoration d'intérieur faites à la main !Vous souhaitez ajouter une touche d'élégance et de charme bohème à votre espace de vie ?Vous cherchez un moyen économique de créer de superbes objets de décoration DIY qui reflètent votre style personnel ?Dans "Le macramé en toute simplicité", nous invitons les débutants et les passionnés d'artisanat à embarquer pour un voyage passionnant dans le monde du macramé. Grâce à notre guide complet, vous découvrirez l'art de créer des suspensions de plantes et des objets de décoration intérieure élégants et accrocheurs qui impressionneront vos amis et votre famille. Avec des instructions claires, étape par étape, et des motifs tendance, ce livre est parfait pour toute personne désireuse de libérer sa créativité et d'embellir son espace de vie. Aucune expérience préalable ni matériel coûteux n'est nécessaire ! Que vous soyez novice ou bricoleur chevronné, ce guide vous accompagnera à chaque étape, de la maîtrise des nœuds de base à la création de motifs complexes. Dans ce livre, vous trouverez :Apprendre les principes fondamentaux du macramé, notamment les nœuds et les techniques essentiels.Créer de superbes suspensions pour plantes, des accroches murales et bien d'autres choses encore pour orner votre maison.Découvrez des conseils et astuces adaptés à votre budget pour créer de belles pièces sans vous ruiner.Explorez des motifs tendance et des variations de design pour personnaliser vos projets de macraméDécouvrez la joie d'une décoration faite à la main tout en développant une nouvelle compétence qui impressionnera les autres. Découvrez la satisfaction de créer vos propres belles pièces en macramé et de transformer votre espace de vie avec une touche d'élégance bohème. Que vous soyez un débutant complet ou que vous ayez déjà tâté des projets de bricolage, "Macramé Made Simple" est votre guide ultime pour percer les secrets de cette forme d'art intemporelle. Préparez-vous à impressionner vos amis et à être fier de créer de superbes suspensions pour plantes et des objets de décoration intérieure qui reflètent votre style personnel.

  • af Paul Nooncree Hasluck
    237,95 - 370,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Claire Gelder
    117,95 kr.

    "From best-selling author and crafting queen Claire Gelder, this gorgeous mini guide is packed full of macraém know-how, practical illustrations and comes with five simple-but-stunning projects. Perfect for complete beginners, Claire clearly explains everything you need to know about macraém: how to choose a support, how to keep an even tension and how to introduce extra embellishments such as beads, shells and charms. It is structured as a simple 3-step course that will help you progress from bronze to gold as your skills and confidence grow. Before you know it you'll be knotting a trendy plant pot holder, a charming dreamcatcher, a stunning wall hanging, a statement table runner, plus the bonus macraém project: friendship bracelets! Filled with positive affirmations and beautifully illustrated, this wonderful book is the ideal introduction to macraém for a complete beginner. Treat yourself or a loved one to a little self-care with some mindful crafting, and create something beautiful today!"

  • af Edelle Watson
    497,95 kr.

    Introducing "Macramé for Beginners" - Unlock the Artistic Power of Knots and Create Stunning Handcrafted Designs!Have you ever been captivated by the intricate beauty of macramé and wished you could bring that same magic into your own life? Look no further! "Macramé for Beginners" is your gateway to the enchanting world of knotting, where you'll learn to weave your creativity into tangible works of art.Whether you're a complete novice or have dabbled in crafts before, this book is your essential companion on your macramé journey. With its comprehensive guidance and easy-to-follow instructions, you'll soon master the art of macramé and be amazed at the exquisite pieces you can create.Inside "Macramé for Beginners," you'll find:1. A Gentle Introduction: This book welcomes you with open arms, catering to beginners with no prior experience. With simple explanations and clear diagrams, you'll quickly grasp the basics of macramé, from understanding different types of cords to mastering essential knots. Feel empowered as you gain confidence in your newly acquired skills.2. Step-by-Step Tutorials: Dive into a treasure trove of step-by-step tutorials that guide you through various macramé projects. From stylish wall hangings to elegant plant hangers and trendy accessories, each project is carefully chosen to enhance your learning journey. As you follow along, you'll witness your creations take shape, one knot at a time.3. Inspiring Design Ideas: Immerse yourself in a world of macramé inspiration with stunning visuals that accompany each project. Full-color photographs showcase the intricate details and artistic possibilities of macramé, fueling your imagination and encouraging you to explore new ideas. Let your creativity flourish as you adapt and personalize these designs to make them your own.4. Tips from Seasoned Crafters: Benefit from the wisdom of experienced macramé artisans who share their insider tips and tricks. From selecting the right materials to troubleshooting common challenges, their guidance will help you navigate potential pitfalls and elevate your skills. With their advice, you'll have the confidence to tackle any project and achieve outstanding results.5. Craft with Confidence: "Macramé for Beginners" empowers you to create beautiful macramé pieces with ease and confidence. With each completed project, you'll gain a sense of accomplishment and pride, knowing that you have transformed ordinary materials into unique and stunning creations. Share your handmade treasures with loved ones or adorn your living space with your very own macramé masterpieces.Unleash your creative spirit and embark on a journey of self-expression with "Macramé for Beginners." Discover the joy of knotting, the meditative rhythm of the cords, and the sheer satisfaction of bringing your imagination to life. This book is not just a guide; it's an invitation to explore your artistic side and immerse yourself in the beauty of macramé. Get your copy today and embark on a transformative journey of creativity!

  • af Sunny Sanders
    357,95 kr.

    Introducing "Macramé for Adult Beginners" - a captivating and comprehensive guide that unlocks the enchanting art of macramé, empowering you to embark on a creative journey like no other. Whether you're a curious beginner or someone with a passion for handmade crafts, this book is your passport to mastering the intricate knots and creating stunning macramé masterpieces.Step into a world where cords transform into exquisite designs, where your imagination takes center stage, and where the rhythmic knotting becomes a source of relaxation and fulfillment. With "Macramé for Adult Beginners" in your hands, you'll learn the fundamental techniques, unravel the secrets of beautiful patterns, and gain the confidence to bring your artistic visions to life.This book is designed with the novice in mind, providing clear, easy-to-follow instructions that guide you through each step of the macramé process. From mastering basic knots to creating intricate designs, you'll progress at your own pace, building a solid foundation of skills along the way. With detailed illustrations and helpful tips, you'll quickly find yourself creating stunning macramé pieces that will impress friends, family, and even yourself.But "Macramé for Adult Beginners" offers much more than just technique. Immerse yourself in the rich history and cultural significance of macramé as you explore the origins of this ancient craft. Delve into the modern trends and innovative approaches that have shaped macramé into a thriving art form today. Discover the versatility of macramé as you learn how to craft exquisite wall hangings, plant hangers, fashion accessories, and even intricate jewelry.What sets this book apart is its commitment to your artistic growth and creative exploration. It encourages you to personalize your macramé projects, providing inspiration and guidance to develop your unique style. As you progress through the book, you'll be empowered to experiment with color, texture, and design, making each piece a true reflection of your creativity.Unlock the hidden artist within you and embrace the joy of macramé. "Macramé for Adult Beginners" is your trusted companion, supporting and inspiring you every step of the way. Let the therapeutic process of knotting calm your mind, ignite your imagination, and create beautiful works of art that will adorn your home and fill your life with beauty.Don't miss the opportunity to embark on this creative journey. Grab your copy of "Macramé for Adult Beginners" today and join the thriving community of macramé enthusiasts who have discovered the magic and fulfillment that macramé brings. Unleash your creativity, connect with your craft, and let the knots weave their enchantment in your hands.

  • af Farrah Brooks
    287,95 kr.

    Introducing "Macramé for Absolute Beginners" - Your Gateway to the Mesmerizing World of Macramé Art!Are you a complete novice when it comes to macramé, but have an irresistible desire to create stunning and intricate designs? Look no further! "Macramé for Absolute Beginners" is the perfect guide to kick-start your macramé journey and unlock your hidden artistic potential.This comprehensive book is designed specifically for those who are new to the art of macramé. With its user-friendly approach and easy-to-follow instructions, you'll quickly grasp the fundamentals and be well on your way to crafting beautiful macramé pieces that will leave everyone in awe.Inside "Macramé for Absolute Beginners," you'll discover:1. A Gentle Introduction to Macramé: No prior experience or special skills are required. This book starts from square one, guiding you through each step in a clear and concise manner. You'll learn the basic knots, understand the different types of cords, and gain a solid foundation in macramé techniques, all at your own pace.2. Engaging Projects to Practice and Master: Dive into a collection of beginner-friendly projects specially curated to help you practice and refine your skills. From simple keychains and bracelets to delightful wall hangings and plant hangers, each project is designed with your learning curve in mind. With each completed project, you'll gain confidence and grow your expertise.3. Beautiful Visuals to Inspire and Guide: Accompanying each project are vibrant, full-color photographs that serve as visual inspiration. These images not only showcase the finished pieces in all their glory but also provide detailed close-ups of each knot, ensuring you can replicate them with ease. Get ready to be inspired and motivated to create your own macramé wonders!4. Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks: As a beginner, it's natural to encounter hurdles along the way. Fear not! "Macramé for Absolute Beginners" offers valuable tips and tricks to troubleshoot common challenges that newbies may face. These expert insights will help you overcome obstacles with confidence, allowing you to progress smoothly in your macramé journey.5. Unleash Your Creativity: Once you've mastered the foundational techniques, this book encourages you to unleash your creativity and make each macramé project your own. Experiment with different colors, patterns, and embellishments to create unique pieces that reflect your individual style. The possibilities are endless!Embark on a fascinating macramé adventure today with "Macramé for Absolute Beginners" as your trusted guide. Experience the joy of transforming simple cords into intricate and visually stunning creations. Whether you're seeking a new hobby, a creative outlet, or a way to enhance your home decor, this book is your gateway to a world of limitless artistic possibilities. Don't miss out on the opportunity to start your macramé journey on the right foot - grab your copy now and let the magic of macramé unfold before your eyes!

  • - Løbbinding for alle
    af Brynhild Tophøj
    257,95 kr.

    Tovligheder – Løbbinding for alle er en praktisk håndbog for alle, der interesserer sig for løbbinding. Bogen giver en enkel og grundig indføring i løbbindingens fantastiske univers og henvender sig til både begyndere og øvede. Med udgangspunkt i teknikken ’tybrindbinding’ gennemgås den grundlæggende teknik, og der gives et utal af ideer til former, farver, materialer og tekniske løsninger, så du selv kan komme i gang medløbbinding og skabe dine egne flotte projekter.I denne bog vises den grundlæggende teknik skridt for skridt, sammen med et væld af ideer til hvordan man kan bruge teknikken i et nutidigt formsprog. Der gives masser af tekniske fif og gode råd vedrørende både teknik, materialer og farvesammensætning. Med en god basisviden som udgangspunkt kan man lave sine egne eksperimenter og slippe fantasien løs.

  • af Stacy Malimban
    165,95 kr.

    "Learn how to use natural macramâe cord to create 20 projects ranging from jewelry and home dâecor to ornaments, plant hangers, pouches, coasters, and more"--

  • af Beth Kemp
    237,95 kr.

    Find 50 flat braiding projects, including friendship bracelets, shoelaces, bag handles, jewelry, watch straps and more, and an enclosed kumihimo square loom. Clear instructions and step-by-step photographs make this a must-have guide for tweens, teens, and adults.

  • af Beth Kemp
    227,95 kr.

    The traditional Japanese art of cord braiding--known as kumihimo--is primarily used to make beautiful, color-drenched cords for jewelry and other decorative items. This book provides readers with everything they need to get started, including a mini braiding loom! 400 full-color photographs.

  • af Yuliver del Valle Flores Ramos
    237,95 kr.

  • af J. D. Lenzen
    177,95 kr.

    Presents full-color step-by-step instructions for twelve animal shaped knots and ties, made with paracord. Each creation is represented as a useful item (pin, keyfob, necklace) or figurine.

  • af Fanny Zedenius
    165,95 kr.

    Starting with the knots, Fanny will introduce you to all the knots that are featured throughout the book - making this accessible to all. She will explore the different materials you can use beyond rope to help expand your knotting experience. Through a combination of step-by-step illustrations, charts and easy-to-follow instructions, this will be an indispensable source for anyone looking to take their craft further. It offers a selection of simpler projects to make in Fanny's signature style. It is for both beginners and those looking for new knotting challenge to tackle.

  • af Barry Mault
    157,95 kr.

    This stylish hardback guide is a fantastic reference source for those looking to expand their repertoire of knots, bends and hitches, or seeking to learn the basics. Over 50 knots are covered, complete with clear full-color photographs and step-by-step instructions to make the steps easy to follow. Each entry includes an overview of the knot's history, its difficulty rating, plus a look at its different applications. It's hardback binding allows the book to lie flat, meaning that you can easily follow the instructions as you practice your knots. It also includes a full glossary of all knot-related words and phrases. - Useful knots for sailing - Clever knots for camping - Handy knots for the home>This attractively presented volume makes the perfect gift or keepsake for anyone wanting to master knot making. ABOUT THE SERIES: Sirius Hobby Editions bring together beautiful hardback guides introducing a variety of hobbies and leisure activities, featuring full-color images.

  • af Philo Calhoun
    672,95 kr.

    This book covers the most common tying techniques needed by a general surgical resident. It includes advanced intracorporeal and extracorporeal knots useful in laparoscopic and arthroscopic surgery.

  • af Hervey Garrett Smith
    137,95 kr.

    In print continuously since it was first published in 1953, "The Arts of the Sailor" by marine expert Hervey Garrett Smith is one of the finest compendium on the art and skill of rigging ever written. Smith, born in 1896 in Long Island, New York was a graduate of the Pratt Institute and was an artist and illustrator who provided illustrations for such publications as National Geographic and boating magazines. He also wrote several books on the traditional arts of the sailor, such as "Boat Carpentry" and "The Small Boat Sailor's Bible". In "The Arts of the Sailor", Smith turns his significant sailing experience and artistic talent to the practical skills and knowledge one needs to be a competent sailor. In conversational and charming prose, Smith explains how to tie all manner of knots, explains rope work, rigging, reefing, towing, maintaining a ship, and describes all the gear and features of the boat that the sailor must be familiar with. This indispensable manual is a must-own for all serious and casual sailors and is a fascinating addition to the library of anyone who enjoys the water and is curious about how to sail a boat. This edition is printed on premium acid-free paper.

  • af River Breeze Press
    97,95 kr.

    A mix of funny and touching quotes along with relaxing coloring pages will show your BFF just how much you love her!It's filled with stress relieving mandalas, animals and nature patterns to color. While coloring, she can enjoy the quotes. Some are funny and some are sentimental, but all are about having an amazing friend to share life with.Quotes include: I love you more than wine, and that's a lot.I hope we grow old together, but I hope your boobs sag first.Best friends hear you even when you're quietWhen I say I won't tell anyone, my best friend doesn't count.They say you can't pick your family, but you do get to pick your best friend. This is a great best friend gift idea for birthdays, holidays, get well gifts, Christmas, or just to show her that you are thinking of her! This is also great present for a relative who is more than your best friend, who is also your sister, mom, mother-in-law, aunt or grandmother. Give her the gift of relaxation and show you care with a gift of laughter, stress relief, and love.

  • af Diana Crialesi
    187,95 kr.

    Learn everything you need to know to make striking pieces of macramé jewelry with this easy-to-follow guide. Step-by-step instructions for 12 necklaces, bracelets, and earrings feature color photos of each loop, knot, and finishing touch.

  • af Berndt Sundsten
    107,95 kr.

    Knot tying might be an unusual, humble craft, but it is also one of the most useful and practical skills that continues to instruct and entertain people of all ages. Specifically catering to the young at heart, this charming picture guidebook can school anyone in the valuable art of knot tying. Full color.

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