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Renovering og tilbygning

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  • af Søren Vadstrup
    156,95 - 457,95 kr.

    BYHUSET er en omfattende bog om, hvordan man istandsætter og ombygger byhuse og lejligheder på en måde, som er i overensstemmelse med husets oprindelige arkitektur og brug af materialer – skrevet af landets vel nok mest vidende mand på området. Bogen er relevant for alle, der bor i etagehus, rækkehus, villa eller parcelhus i en af de danske storbyer, forstæder eller provinsbyer.Befolkningstallet i byerne vokser eksplosivt, og det er især de historiske bykerner, der tiltrækker danskerne. Vi får her en interessant gennemgang af både byens og byhusets udvikling fra de ældste tider til i dag, herunder de arkitektoniske stilarter og materialer. Der er kapitler om de forskellige typer af boliger, deres baggrund, karakteristika og indretning.Endelig giver bogen ikke mindst konkret rådgivning og vejledning om istandsættelse, ombygning, bygningsbevaring og reetablering, hvor de forskellige bygningsdele såsom gennemgås systematisk.SØREN VADSTRUP er uddannet restaureringsarkitekt i 1978. Leder af Raadvad-Centeret 1989-2002 og siden 2006 forsker, underviser og formidler på Center for Bygningsbevaring i Raadvad.Siden 2011 desuden forskningslektor på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København. Udgav i 2004 bogen "Huse med sjæl".I 2001 købte og restaurerede Søren Vadstrup med familie en fredet firelænget bindingsværksgård i Viby på Fyn. Sideløbende har han bl.a. i en årrække beskæftiget sig med registrering og restaurering af ældre bygninger i Grønland, Island og på Færøerne.

  • af Søren Vadstrup
    447,95 kr.

    En flot illustreret bog om landhuset, skrevet af landets vel nok mest vidende mand på området. Om hvordan man istandsætter og ombygger landhuse på en måde, som er i overensstemmelse med husets oprindelige arkitektur og brug af materialer. Bogen er relevant for alle, der bor på landet, eller bare drømmer om at flytte ud. Vi får her en spændende gennemgang af både landsbyens og landhusenes udvikling fra de ældste tider til i dag, herunder de ændrede funktioner, de arkitektoniske stilarter og materialer. Der er kapitler om de forskellige typer af boliger, deres baggrund, karakteristika og indretning. Endelig giver bogen konkret rådgivning og vejledning om istandsættelse, ombygning, bygningsbevaring og reetablering, hvor de forskellige bygningsdele gennemgås systematisk, lige fra bindingsværkshuse med stråtag til murede huse, træhuse, sommerhuse osv.Søren Vadstrup er restaureringsarkitekt, tidl. leder af Raadvad-Centeret og forskningslektor på Kunstakademiets Arkitektskole i København. Udgav i 2004 bogen Huse med sjæl og i 2014 Byhuset.

  • af Chris Mitchell
    290,95 kr.

  • af Clea Shearer
    264,95 kr.

    Just as The Home Edit Life reassuringly told us that it's OK to own things, Stay Organized promises that it's OK to create a mess. When your systems are working, you'll be able to clean them up within 15 minutes. And as we've all learned over the last few years, maintenance is self-care. Our homes are critical to our mental health. When your systems work, you have more bandwidth. You don't have to start from a maxed-out place. Above all else, move forward feeling calm, collected, and confidently organized -with humor, relatability, and beautiful imagery.Stay Organized covers all kinds of topics related to maintenance, showing readers actionable ways to create systems in their own homes that will be easy to maintain for long-term success. Topics include: - How to get your household on board- Sharing spaces effectively- Household schedules- Maintenance as self-care- Inventory checklists- Checking in with your systems- Staying on top of incoming and outgoing items- Low-bar lifestyle goals for each space

  • af Alexandra Gater
    245,95 kr.

  • af Fifi O'Neill
    282,95 kr.

    Who doesn't long for a little more romance in their home? The kind that makes your heart feel at ease when you walk inside and close the door on our fast-paced world.

  • af Anna Malmberg
    377,95 kr.

    A fascinating glimpse into the evocative, eclectic and carefully curated homes of artists, designers and other creatives.

  • af Amber Lewis
    427,95 kr.

    "Author of Made for Living Amber Lewis reveals her approach to renovating a home and building one from scratch, with gorgeous images and plenty of detail shots so you can be sure to get stunning results. The details of a room make a difference. The bullnose edge of a marble countertop. The wood grain and color of the flooring. The particular pleat of the drape. Amber Lewis, the esteemed designer known for her signature Cali-inspired style, obsesses over the tiniest of features, which she knows are deceptively big decisions that have a great effect on a room. In Call It Home she shares her secrets to applying stone, fabric, paint, flooring, and more that ensure a beautifully designed home, shortcutting the often overwhelming process for you. This book walks you through eight new homes designed by Amber--including her own home--and the thought processes that went into the major choices she made. Whether you're decorating one room, renovating your entire house, or planning new construction, she shares how to approach a project from start to finish and guides you from mood boards to floor plans to finished results. With more than 200 gorgeous images of livings rooms, kitchens, dining rooms, entryways, bedrooms and baths, you'll have photographs of Amber's details on hand when you're ready to create your home"--

  • - Linolie, naturvin og landsbyliv
    af Jette Haugaard
    207,95 kr.

    Gården er en fortælling om at udskifte parcelhuslivet med en tilværelse på landet – en tilværelse, der kom til at indebære store mængder af linolie, renoveringsarbejde og produktionen af naturvin. Forfatteren skildrer i denne erindringsbog, hvordan hun i 1990’erne forelskede sig i en gammel gård i Nordsjælland. Hun faldt så meget for stedet, at hun udskiftede det trygge parcelhus tæt på jobbet i København med livet i landsbyen. I bogen beretter hun om, hvordan gården blev sat i stand ved hjælp traditionelle metoder og materialer, der respekterede gårdens oprindelse, og de mange op- og nedture, der kan være i en sådan proces. Hun fortæller også om, hvordan hun kom i gang med at producere naturvin som en af de første i Danmark.Det er en beretning om at vælge et langsommere liv i tæt kontakt med naturen. Fortælleren drives af nostalgi og en romantisk tilgang til landsbylivet, hvilket smitter af på sproget. Tempoet er langsomt, og vi dykker ned i detaljer med renovering, linoliemaling og lampeskærme fra 50’erne. Fortællingen har en rustik charme, og langsommeligheden afspejler den livsstil, der skildres i bogen.Bogen henvender sig til samme publikum, der ser ”Bonderøven”, bager med egen surdej og fifler lidt med hjemmebryg. Forfatteren er meget vidende om de emner, hun beskæftiger med, og man bliver som læser klogere – og nysgerrig – på både nænsom restaurering, landbrugshistorie og dansk vinavl. Det er en fortælling, der henvender sig til alle, der nogle gange synes, at det moderne liv er for stresset, og som værdsætter bondegårdsferierne, hvor man lærer, hvor vores fødevarer virkelig kommer fra.

  • af Marco Hahn
    201,95 kr.

    Deine neue Solaranlage ist Vertrauenssache.Willkommen in unserem Universalratgeber Photo- voltaik, einem umfassenden Buch rund um das Thema Solarenergie ¿ von der Theorie bis zur Praxis. In eine Solaranlage zu investieren, ist wohl die beste Entscheidung die du als Hausbesitzer im Moment treffen kannst. Lass mich kurz erklären, weshalb ich dieser Überzeugung bin. Zum Einen sind die Energiepreise unbe- rechenbar geworden. Etwas unabhängiger von Strom- oder Gasversorgern zu werden und gleichzeitig auch noch Kosten zu sparen, ist ein wich- tiger Aspekt. Andere wollen so autark wie möglich sein, um sich zum Beispiel bei einem Stromausfall selbst versorgen zu können. Darüber hinaus ist auch der Umweltgedanke wichtig: CO2-Emissionen einsparen durch selbst auf dem Dach produzierten, grünen Sonnenstrom. Und damit nicht nur dir selbst, sondern auch dem Klima etwas Gutes tun. Eine Solaranlage ist heute so preisgünstig und so einfach zu erwerben wie noch nie zuvor. Dieses Buch soll aufzeigen, worauf du achten solltest, wenn du mit einem Anbieter sprichst, damit du viele Jahre Freude an deiner neuen Anlage hast, unabhängiger bist und natürlich auch jede Menge CO2 einsparst. Für Dich, für deine Kinder und für deren Kinder.

  • af Angela Drakeford
    272,95 kr.

    Flip and Fly is a comprehensive guide to the process of successful and sustainable property flipping.

  • af Jo Berryman
    285,95 kr.

    A certain kind of alchemy takes place when you decorate from the heart and style with conviction.

  • af Sara Bird
    211,95 kr.

    From colour-drenched spaces to micro colour-pops, the hues we choose to live with have a huge impact on our wellbeing. Step inside 12 homes that use colour as a backdrop for everyday life.

  • af Larry Sobon
    257,95 kr.

    Are you gearing up for a building project but feeling overwhelmed by the complexities of residential framing? Do you desire a thorough guide to simplify the intricacies of framing, equipping you with vital tips and techniques to construct a sturdy frame with confidence?Ask yourself:¿ How can I build a strong and reliable frame for my construction projects? ¿ What are the essential tips and techniques that can simplify the complex process of residential framing? ¿ Is there a step-by-step guide that takes the guesswork of building a sturdy frame?Meet the Author: The Framing MaestroThe author, a seasoned builder with a wealth of experience in residential framing, empathizes deeply with the hurdles builders and DIY enthusiasts encounter. They've personally navigated the maze of confusion and frustration inherent in understanding framing intricacies. Driven by a passion for simplification, the author is your trusted companion on the journey to demystifying framing, turning it from a daunting challenge into a masterable art form.What to Expect:¿ Unlock the secrets of building a strong and resilient frame for your construction projects. ¿ Demystify the complexities of residential framing with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions. ¿ Gain essential tips and techniques that save time and resources in your building endeavors. ¿ Explore the art of framing from the ground up, ensuring a solid foundation for your projects. ¿ Learn insider tricks that professionals use to achieve precision and efficiency in framing. ¿ Understand the principles of frame construction, empowering you with the knowledge to tackle any project. ¿ Access expert advice that addresses common challenges faced by builders and DIY enthusiasts. ¿ Embark on your building journey with confidence, equipped with the skills to create a robust frame.

  • af Sebastian Électricien
    199,95 - 306,95 kr.

  • af Anderson Teixeira Do Nascimento
    557,95 kr.

    Site planning has been one of the most neglected aspects in the construction industry, with decisions being made as problems arise during execution. As a result, construction sites often fall short in terms of organisation and safety, creating a negative image for companies in the market and a distance from clients. Considering the need for construction site planning to follow structured procedures, this paper presents an explanation of the parameters considered when drawing up a construction site project and their importance for the course of the work; a construction site in the city of Natal/RN was analysed, seeking to assess the current situation of the site and how it would be if it had been built considering all the parameters that will be studied, in order to enable men and machines to work safely and efficiently, mainly by minimising the movement of materials, components and labour.

  • af Diego Lima Dantas
    532,95 kr.

    Les processus d'élimination et de réutilisation des déchets ont été des points forts dans les discussions et les études liées à la conservation de l'environnement depuis que l'homme en a compris la nécessité. Parallèlement, et ce n'est pas moins important, des études ont été menées pour découvrir de nouvelles matières premières et technologies pour les segments d'activité les plus divers, afin d'éviter la pénurie de divers produits. Le polyéthylène téréphtalate (PET) est un thermoplastique largement utilisé dans le monde entier pour fabriquer des emballages, en particulier des bouteilles de boissons gazeuses. Ses caractéristiques sont les suivantes : faible densité, transparence, brillance, bonnes performances dans différents designs, sécurité et facilité de moulage, ainsi qu'une grande résistance mécanique et chimique. Son utilisation génère un volume important de déchets qui sont éliminés de manière inappropriée dans l'environnement, ce qui a de graves répercussions sur l'environnement. L'objectif de cette étude était d'évaluer la microstructure des mortiers incorporant du PET micronisé comme substitut partiel de l'agrégat fin à 20 % et 30 %. Des échantillons de 5 cm x 10 cm ont été moulés et leurs propriétés physiques ont été évaluées.

  • af Diego Lima Dantas
    267,95 kr.

    Processy utilizacii i powtornogo ispol'zowaniq othodow zanimaüt wazhnoe mesto w diskussiqh i issledowaniqh, swqzannyh s sohraneniem okruzhaüschej sredy, s teh por kak chelowek osoznal ih neobhodimost'. Odnowremenno s ätim, chto ne menee wazhno, wedutsq issledowaniq, naprawlennye na poisk nowyh widow syr'q i tehnologij dlq samyh raznyh sfer deqtel'nosti, chtoby izbezhat' deficita razlichnyh produktow. Poliätilentereftalat (PJeTF) - termoplast, shiroko ispol'zuemyj wo wsem mire dlq proizwodstwa upakowki, w chastnosti butylok dlq gazirowannyh napitkow. K ego harakteristikam otnosqtsq nizkaq plotnost', prozrachnost', blesk, horoshie äxpluatacionnye harakteristiki w razlichnyh konstrukciqh, bezopasnost' i prostota formowki, a takzhe wysokaq mehanicheskaq i himicheskaq stojkost'. Pri ee ispol'zowanii obrazuetsq bol'shoe kolichestwo othodow, kotorye neprawil'no utiliziruütsq w okruzhaüschej srede, chto priwodit k ser'eznym äkologicheskim posledstwiqm. Cel'ü dannogo issledowaniq qwlqlas' ocenka mikrostruktury stroitel'nyh rastworow s dobawleniem mikronizirowannogo PJeTF w kachestwe chastichnogo zamenitelq melkogo zapolnitelq w kolichestwe 20% i 30%. Byli otformowany obrazcy razmerom 5 h 10 sm i oceneny ih fizicheskie swojstwa.

  • af Gernot W. Hackl
    393,95 kr.

  • af Henry Edward Warner
    197,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Andy Bettany
    1.557,95 kr.

    Roofing is the practice of roof construction. The person entrusted with this responsibility is a roofer. Roofers install, replace and repair the roofs of buildings using materials such as shingles, metal and bitumen. It is a physically demanding job involving heavy lifting, climbing, kneeling, etc. Flooring refers to the practice of floor covering. Flooring can be in the form of wood flooring, laminate flooring, resilient flooring, hard flooring or seamless polymer flooring. Subfloors also provide support to the flooring. Special purpose subfloors include raised floors, floating floors or sprung floors. This book unfolds the innovative aspects of roofing and flooring which will be crucial for a holistic understanding. Also included is a detailed explanation of the various techniques and methodologies intrinsic to these practices. In this book, constant effort has been made to make the understanding of the difficult concepts of roofing and flooring as easy and informative as possible, for the readers.

  • af Mary Pierce Stone
    182,95 kr.

    This simple, modern, handy and easy to use Home Maintenance Tracker Logbook is professionally designed with premium cover design to help you keep detailed record of:· Maintenance For· Date· Phone· Sketch Detail· System Appliance· Problem· Preparation· How It Was Resolved Get your Copy Today! Features Home Maintenance Tracker Logbook:¿ Book with 120 pages ¿ Glossy Cover with Premium, Modern and Elegant Cover Design ¿ Interior: Good Quality White Paper ¿ Size 6 x 9 inches

  • af Robert Miller
    322,95 kr.

    "From Clutter to Calm": Dive into the Definitive Guide to Organized LivingFind yourself constantly struggling amidst a whirlwind of clutter? Yearning for a serene, more harmonious space? Dive into a transformative journey from chaos to clarity with "From Clutter to Calm".¿¿¿¿ Key Highlights: ¿¿¿¿Defining Clutter: Understand clutter at its core and recognize its impact on your life.The Science of Clutter: Delve into the psychological and emotional effects clutter imposes.Recognizing Your Clutter Type: Identify the distinct forms of clutter that entangle your life, be it physical or emotional.Embracing Minimalism: Understand minimalism not just as a trend, but a philosophy reshaping the art of living.Practical Steps to Decluttering: Concrete steps to initiate and see through the decluttering process.Digital Decluttering: Master techniques to sift through the digital chaos and optimize your online presence.Time Clutter Management: Harness strategies to control your schedule, ensuring time is a tool, not a tyrant.Emotional Clutter Detox: Reinvigorate mental well-being by addressing and clearing emotional baggage.Sustainable Decluttering Habits: Cultivate practices ensuring your spaces remain decluttered long-term.The Art of Letting Go: Overcome emotional attachments to belongings, easing the decluttering process.Designing Spaces for Clarity: Tips and tricks to design your living and working spaces to promote serenity and productivity.Navigating Challenges: Tactics to counteract obstacles, ensuring you maintain decluttering progress.Sustaining the Benefits: Celebrate a life of purpose, clarity, and calm, ensuring the serenity achieved remains sustained.Personal Decluttering Guide: A concise, step-by-step overview to ensure you always have a decluttering roadmap at your fingertips.¿¿¿¿ The Conclusion reiterates the imperative of embarking on this clutter-free journey, plus valuable additional resources to bolster your decluttering knowledge.Embark on the transformative path to a more serene, clutter-free life. Grab your copy of "From Clutter to Calm" today and welcome a future of clarity, calm, and unbridled contentment. ¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿

  • af Judith Leary-Joyce
    117,95 kr.

    Beginners guide to eco friendly sustainable renovation and retrofit, creating an energy efficient home with high levels of insulation, making it cheaper to run. Glossary of terms to help you talk with your builder and other professionals

  • af Rachel Ashwell
    377,95 kr.

    Rachel Ashwell is the creator of Shabby Chic: a peaceful yet practical way of living that embraces a respect for the things we hold dear and puts them at the heart of our homes.Romantic florals against pure white linen, ruffled muslin skirting a bed base and brushing bleached floorboards, the deep comfort of a nest of fluffy towels: this is Rachel Ashwell’s signature style. Shabby Chic Interiors, an eclectic book of quirky inspiration, is divided into chapters according to location, beginning with Rachel’s Los Angeles home. We then wander into a photographer’s minimalist mountain-top residence in the Hollywood Hills before heading to the coast to visit a Malibu beach cottage. A bohemian hideout in southern California is next on our journey, followed by a peek at fashion designer Betsey Johnson's one-time New York apartment and a house that once belonged to Marilyn Monroe. With rooms combining flea-market finds and objects of pure functionality—an elegant French mirror reflecting a vintage oil painting, a bejewelled metal candle holder beside a cluster of Willow pattern china, and a single velvet cushion lounging under the twinkle of a crystal chandelier —this book celebrates all that is wonderfully Shabby Chic.

  • af Sherban Cantacuzino
    562,95 kr.

  • af Kate Marshall
    172,95 kr.

    'This book is quite literally a life-changer.' GREGG WALLACE'Making the most of your freezer is the best way to save money and waste less food.' CHRIS BAVIN------------Want to save thousands of pounds on your food bill? Eat a healthy varied diet? Cut down on food waste?The secret to all of this is in your freezer. This simple, five-step organisation guide will change the way you shop, cook and live - saving you money, time and wasted food. Kate Hall has already helped countless people transform their freezers from unloved graveyards of good intentions to organised treasure troves of ingredients ready to make a meal you actually want to eat, without having to pop to the shops or scrimp on quality. With handy illustrations and money-saving tips, The Full Freezer Method will empower you to make lasting change, save you money and actually enjoy the process.

  • af Annie (ANNIE SLOAN INTERIORS) Sloan
    344,95 kr.

    Find the right interiors recipe to personalize your home with colour expert and best-selling author Annie Sloan, the creator of Chalk Paint(TM).

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