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Udendørsarealer og rekreative områder: Design og vedligeholdelse

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  • af Jo Thompson
    477,95 kr.

  • af Juliet Roberts
    692,95 kr.

    Outdoor interiors-Tips, tricks, and inspiration for creating wonderful spaces in your garden where you can work, play, entertain, and dine-Includes over 200 prestigious projects worldwideOutdoor Interiors showcases the most beautiful garden designs in the world. Author Juliet Roberts highlights five styles - ?traditional',?contemporary', ?playful', ?everyday' and ?minimal' - and gives plenty of tips for achieving the same style in your garden across differentcategories (dining, sitting, lounge, cooking and swimming). The result is a stylish coffee table book full of inspiration.British Juliet Roberts writes for various media about all kinds of gardens and greenery. She is the author of The Organic Kitchen Garden.

  • - Om samskabelse og grøn trivsel i urbane miljøer
    af Boe Sallingboe
    147,95 - 187,95 kr.

    I dette andet bind i serien om naturen i vores nærmiljø tager industriel designer og forfatter Boe Sallingboe os med på en gennemgang af naturens effekt på det senmoderne menneske. Fra stress og sansehaver, over byens grønne områder, til indendørsplanterne i de private hjem. Der er bid og masser af plantelister at gå ombord i, både for novicen og den særligt kræsne entusiast. Med udgangspunkt i Boes egne erfaringer som bygartner, underbygget med litteraturliste, links og referencer til forskning fra ind- og udland, bliver det grønne eventyr til brugbare gør-det-selv-metoder, så det bliver nemt at inddrage det grønne liv på vores arbejdspladser, i vores byer og i privatsfæren. Bogen er en kærlighedserklæring til naturens under, brumbassernes summen og smilet på dine læber. Bind 1, Naturen ind i byen – Sådan skaber du oaser på altaner og tagterrasser, udkom på Gyldendal i 2016. Om forfatteren Boe Sallingboe, født 1968, er uddannet industriel designer. Han har arbejdet som produktudvikler i tøjbranchen, men forlod i 2006 modebranchen og valgte havearbejdet i stedet. I 2010 stiftede Boe Sallingboe anlægsgartnerfirmaet altan-alferne, der har ekspertise i urban begrønnelse af altaner og tagterrasser.

  • af Sebastian Électricien
    199,95 - 306,95 kr.

  • af Hilde Strobl
    332,95 kr.

    Verbessern Pflanzen das Stadtklima? Wie kann Grün in der Architektur die urbane Hitzebildung reduzieren, die Feinstaubbildung vermindern, den städtischen Lärmpegel senken und das Wohlbefinden der Menschen steigern? Das Handbuch zum Gebäudegrün richtet sich an die Bürgerschaft ebenso wie an Architekten und Bauherrn. Es liefert Antworten auf die am häufigsten gestellten Fragen - von der Bestandsbegrünung bis zur Neubaubegrünung, von Einsparungen durch Gebäudegrün bis zu finanziellen Förderungen und von praktischen Tipps zur Pflanzenwahl bis zu ökologischen Auswirkungen auf das Stadtklima. Es ist an der Zeit - und viele Beispiele in Deutschland und weltweit zeigen, dass Grünbauten möglich und wachsende Realität sind.

  • af John Redwood Anderson
    172,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af Joan Harrison
    225,95 kr.

    "MARVELOUS MOPHEADS provides a comprehensive list of mophead varieties and invaluable advice about the best mopheads, including the older tried-and-true mopheads and more-recent introductions"--Back cover.

  • af Steve Bisco
    267,95 kr.

    An ancient art you can learn. You may not have considered the ancient art of stone carving to be something that can be practised as a hobby but assume it is the territory of stone masons and sculptors undertaking intricate work on a grand scale. Stone Carving for the Home & Garden introduces the medium of stone to the hobby carver as an accessible and rewarding pastime without having to undertake a stone mason's apprenticeship or tackle heavy and unwieldy materials and equipment. Based mainly on the period styles of carving found in historic buildings and ancient ruins, the projects are a mix of decorative and sculptural objects on a practical and manageable scale that can be easily displayed in the home or garden.Each project is presented in a clear step-by-step format and includes some historical context for the style of the piece along with a handy pattern to trace and scale to size. An introductory section includes comprehensive information on stone-carving tools, different types of stone, how to handle stone, the basics of stone carving and information on periods and styles of carving.

  • af Lee Anne White
    217,95 kr.

    Water gardening is making a big splash in today's landscapes. Called the fastest-growing part of the landscape industry today, the installation of water features in the landscape is a multi-billion dollar market. It's easy to see why. Splashing fountains make hot days seem a bit cooler. Basins of water reflect the blue sky, puffy clouds, and colorful fall leaves. Naturalistic ponds and waterfalls attract birds and butterflies to backyards. And tiny tabletop fountains offer soothing sounds that drown out neighborhood noise. Water Garden Idea Book brings these ideas to life, providing more than 300 photos of all types of water features--with tips for design and placement so that they become striking focal points or soothing and subtle additions for any setting. From ponds and streams to pools and water stairs, fountains, containers, and bubbling urns, Water Garden Idea Book has it all. Special emphasis is given to siting all types of water features and how to install a water feature yourself. Extensive resource list is included.

  • af Conrad Meinecke
    242,95 - 357,95 kr.

  • af Alexander P M van den Bosch
    167,95 kr.

    Waarom Peter naar die skihut ging was hem zelf eigenlijk niet bekend.

  • af Barbara
    292,95 kr.

    This book is a memorial to C. W. Bynum. He was a passionate lifelong arrowhead hunter and collector. His plan was for himself and Barbara to write the book together during their retirement. This book documents three collections. First, a pictorial display of some of his collection, then a section of poetry mostly by Barbara, and finally a documentation of a collection of old-time herbal remedies. CW was a masonry instructor at Wallace College, and he would ask his students to get remedies from the old folks they knew he loved reading them and wanted them included in the book. So much knowledge about the arrowheads in this book was lost when CW died, but the points remain as a reminder of him to his family. This book was written so that the author and whoever else is interested can remember the feeling of walking in the Alabama fields after a rain with a beloved companion looking for treasure. It was a good journey.

  • af Summits Sand
    162,95 - 267,95 kr.

    Explore the great outdoors and make unforgettable memories with the "Summits and Sand" coloring book! Featuring a variety of fun-filled activities, from hiking in the mountains to stargazing while camping, this book is perfect for nature lovers of all ages. Enjoy fresh produce from a farmer's market, observe wildlife without disturbing their habitat, and take part in a beach clean up. With beautiful illustrations, this coloring book encourages you to explore the great outdoors while enjoying the company of others. Remember to recycle, plant a tree, and get a good night's rest to keep the environment thriving!

  • af José Antonio Sáinz Nieto
    167,95 kr.

    Quizá se han difuminado muchos de los hechos que nos cruzan en la vida para hacer una película que queda en un anecdotario. Pero cuando los recuerdos son nítidos y las experiencias en ellos están todavía latentes, parece importante dejarlas por escrito, cuando menos por un legítimo derecho a la memoria y compartir unas imágenes colectivas que abundan en vivencias más generales y un sentimiento más acogedor que no haberlo repasado nunca No quiere esto decir que el lector se identifique con el relato que se ofrece, pero sí que hay sensaciones y recuerdos que merecen la pena prioritaria en el transcurso personal de la evolución de los recuerdos. Se ofrece, en estas líneas, el testimonio bastante fiel de recuerdos que serán familiares para muchos lectores y, tal vez, la coincidencia de los mismos entornos conocidos o comentados en un periodo aproximado de treinta años (1.959-1.989), que encarna la narrativa en un niño que se va haciendo hombre y es tocado por las circunstancias más comunes de su generación. Los lugares que se citan de Bizkaia, huyendo de anacronismos, tienen la denominación histórica correspondiente y se citan, como botón de muestra Plentzia, Barrika, Berango, Górliz, Getxo, Sondika, Bilbao, Basauri, Galdakao,...y algunas personas no coinciden con los nombres propios, pero se puede decir que la fotografía de la generación es bastante correcta y precisa, a pesar del breve relato. En todo caso, queda el sentimiento íntimo de homenaje a la tierra que te vio nacer, crecer y madurar y que no puede evitar ser su embajador allá donde vayas.

  • af Chris Romer-Lee
    245,95 kr.

    Chris Romer- Lee selects 65 of the most beautiful and culturally significant sea pools from around the world, including the 25-metre cliffside Avalon Rock Pool in new South Wales, Australia, the sublime Pozo de las Calcosas in Spain that is shrouded in volcanic rock, and Ireland's historic Vico Baths to name but a few.

  • af Drew John Cunningham
    597,95 kr.

    - An ideal choice for those homeowners considering a new deck or for those simply looking for ideas on how to re-design their own backyard into a comfortable and functional outdoor living space. ENJOY LIFE...OUTDOORS!

  • af Gary Kirschke
    192,95 kr.

  • af Bevan Medina
    332,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Teresa Watkins
    267,95 kr.

    Cultivate a southern coastal home landscape with special considerations for the salty air and high winds. The 38 featured landscape designs are created by professionals from the coastal region and use more than 160 native plants that thrive in the demanding coastal environment. Detailed, step-by-step instructions for landscape projects for paths, patios, ponds, walls, fences, trellises, and arbors are included, as well as creative solutions for front entries, foundation plantings, steep slopes, and more. New to this updated second edition is guidance on native planting and which banned or invasive species to avoid, as well as information on permaculture, the impact of climate change for the southern coastal region, and more.

  • af Denise Schrieber Technical
    267,95 kr.

    Midwest Home Landscaping, 4th Edition Learn how to properly landscape according to your region's climate:46 designs created by landscape professionals specifically for the Midwest--featuring creative solutions for front entries, foundation plantings, patios, steep slopes, and much more!Detailed descriptions of more than 200 plants for your region, plus all you need to know to plant and maintain them.Step-by-step instructions for building structures, such as paths, patios, ponds, walls, fences, arbors, and trellises.Includes full-color photos and illustrations of plants, gardens, and finished products.Newly updated information on your garden in the changing climate, plus resources for invasive species specific to the Midwest.Updated terminology and current gardening practices throughout the book and in the glossary.

  • af Mark Wolfe Technical
    267,95 kr.

    BCC: Mid-Atlantic Home Landscaping: Forth Edition 46 designs created by landscape professionals specifically for the Mid-Atlantic region--featuring creative solutions for entries, foundation planting, patios, steep slopes and more! Descriptions of more than 200 plants picked for your region, plus all you need to know to plant and maintain them. Step-by-step instructions for building structures, such as paths, patios, ponds, walls, fences, arbors, and trellises Includes full-color photos and illustrations of plants, gardens, and finished products Newly updated information on your garden in the changing climate, plus resources for invasive species specific to the Mid-Atlantic region Updated terminology and current gardening practices throughout the book and in the glossary

  • af Editors of Creative Homeowner
    195,95 kr.

    "A complete DIY guide to enhance your home with walkways, garden walls, and patios, Ultimate Guide: Walks, Patios & Walls, 2nd Edition provides the homeowner with all the information needed to integrate popular hardscape designs into their overall home landscape. Included are dozens of design ideas with easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions for a variety of landscape projects, including brick, mortar, and concrete walks and patios, flagstone and tile patios, brick and mortared stone walls, and so much more. With hundreds of building tips and construction drawings for projects, also included in this updated edition is new content on hardscaping design and materials, choices to consider that combat climate change, pervious versus impervious surfaces, terracing, and other elements that influence stormwater runoff and site planning, and more." --

  • af Vincent Growspact
    175,95 - 252,95 kr.

  • af D. J. Young
    59,95 kr.

  • af Adam Frost
    247,95 kr.

    "Creating a garden doesn't need to be complicated." This is the promise from Adam Frost, BBC Gardeners' World presenter and winner of multiple Chelsea Flower Show gold medals. Regardless of your experience or budget, with Adam's help and know-how, you can design your dream garden, whether it's a small urban garden, a classic cottage garden, a suburban front garden, a low-maintenance space or a city roof terrace. His practical, no-nonsense approach strips away complex garden design concepts and focuses on your needs and preferred garden style to help you plan and build a garden that works for you. Starting right at the beginning, Adam takes you step-by-step through the whole process, inspiring you with simple garden design ideas to tackle a full garden makeover or a simple revamp of just one part of your garden, perhaps a tired herbaceous border, a neglected vegetable patch, the patio, or a water feature. Learn how to design a garden that reflects your practical needs, lifestyle, budget, personality, soil, and climate. Build it yourself following the clear, uncomplicated, easy-to-understand instructions that show you everything from laying turf to terraces, planting trees or building a raised bed or water feature. Enjoy gardening month by month with Adam's simple checklist of what to do when to keep your garden in shape at every point throughout the year. How to Create Your Garden is about designing an outside space that is real, achievable, and right for you.

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