Udvidet returret til d. 31. januar 2025

Vilde dyr: fugle og ornitologi: for alment interesserede læsere

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  • af Michael Fogden, Marianne Taylor & Sheri L. Williamson
    362,95 kr.

  • af Lars Jonsson
    227,95 kr.

    Om vinteren bliver fuglene mere synlige – bl.a. fordi der ikke er blade på træerne – og de kommer tættere på os for at lede efter mad i haverne, så man kan iagttage dem fra vinduet. Kunstneren og ornitologen Lars Jonsson har skabt en smuk og meget personlig fuglebog, der både rummer kulturhistorie og personlige iagttagelser samt overvejelser om at male og tegne fugle, om deres farver og deres adfærd. I bogen skildres 60 almindelige arter i tekst og billeder – både hurtige skitser, akvareller og detaljerede malerier. Lars Jonsson (f.1952) er en af verdens mest betydningsfulde fuglemalere og fuglekendere. Han har skrevet og illustreret en lang række bøger og har udstillet i både USA og Europa. Hans separatudstilling "Mellem Himmel og Jord" (2008) med oliemalerier og akvareller blev vist flere steder i Danmark – bl.a. på Kastrupgård.

  • - vilde fugle i naturlig størrelse
    af Daniella Strauss
    88,94 kr.

    Bliv klogere på havens fugle – og mange andre fugle – med denne bog.Hvor stor er rødhalsen? Er den større end gærdesmutten? Det kan du finde ud, af, hvis du læser bogen: ”Hvilken fugl er størst?” Og bogen fortæller meget mere om fuglene end blot deres størrelse. Hvor lever de og hvad mon de spiser? Og hvordan ser de ud?Bogen indeholder også fold-ud-sider med blandt andet en natugle, så den kan ses i sin naturlige størrelse.En spændende og lærerig bog til store og små fugleelskere.

  • af Jan Kjærgaard Jensen
    101,95 kr.

    Anden og meget forøgede udgave af klassikeren af samme navn. 1. udgaven solgte 2 oplag på tre måneder.

  • af Jens Overgaard Christensen
    146,95 kr.

    Med denne lille fuglebog kan man blive klogere på, hvilke fugle der bor i de danske skove og hegn. Fugle ved skov og hegn indeholder Jens Overgaard Christensens smukke akvareller, der med elegante strøg indfanger hver enkelt fuglearts særpræg samt detaljerede beskrivelser af fuglene, deres særkende, levesteder, føde, parring og udbredelse. Det lille format gør det nemt at tage bogen med i tasken, på familieudflugten eller en gåtur i skoven. Bogen vil få alle nysgerrige til at vende blikket op og få øje på skovens rige fugleliv.

  • af Birgitte Kirkhoff
    310,95 kr.

    “At tjene øjeblikket” er en almanak, en lærlings rejse, en fortælling om at finde væren og nænsomme handlinger i en skælvende verden.Hver måned udfoldes en ny persons praksis, der peger på en begrønnet og besjælet måde at være i verden på gennem sanselig fortryllelse, kulturforankring og forfædre, selvfortrolighed, medmenneskelig opmærksomhed, drømme, fællesskab, sang, et omsorgfuldt sprog, bøn, vands gådefulde flyd, lytning, ritualer, hjerte-aktivisme, naturpleje, regenerativt jordbrug, stilhed og gennem at stå i relation til alt levende.“At tjene øjeblikket” er en personlig og økokritisk samtalebog med deltagelse af Gry Worre Hallberg, Maya Sialuk Jacobsen, Shëkufe Tadayoni Heiberg, Nikolaj Sorgenfrei Blom, Bjarne Bo Jensen, Rune Hjarnø Rasmussen, Sandra Villumsen, Lise Hovesen, Lasse Nyholm Jensen, Peter Voss-Knude, Lisbeth Kensmark Mikkelsen og Sisselmaya Øster. Bogen er illustreret af Matilde Maria Rasmussen.

  • af Axel Kielland & Jens Frimer Andersen
    147,95 kr.

    Der findes mange smukke fugle i Danmark og resten af Norden. Kom tæt på det rige fugleliv i denne bordkalender med 365 imponerende fugle. Hver dag indeholder en illustration af en fugl samt en tekst, hvor man kan læse om fuglens kendetegn, levesteder og trækvaner.Tekster af Axel Kielland og tegninger af Jens Frimer Andersen.

  • - Dagbog 2005-2023
    af Jon Bjørn Andersen
    137,95 - 257,95 kr.

    Fire år efter at forfatteren og hans ægtefælle flyttede til Glumsø, nogle få kilometer fra Tystrup-Bavelse Sø, flyttede også havørnen til området og begyndte at yngle. Det skete i 2001. Bortset fra et enkelt år har der lige siden ynglet havørn ved dobbeltsøen, og fra 2018 endda to havørnepar.Naboskabet til Europas største ørn gav fine muligheder for at følge dens liv på nært hold, både i yngletiden og resten af året. Selv om havørneparret i løbet af årene skiftede ynglested tre gange, kunne havørneparrets liv følges året rundt, ikke mindst fordi forfatteren kendte de fire reders beliggenhed. Det blev til talrige optegnelser om havørnen, ligesom der blev lejlighed til at iagttage de øvrige fugle og dyr i de varierede landskaber med søer, skove, enge og marker.I 2016 blev Haslev den nye adresse, 20 km længere østpå. Det betød ganske vist et farvel til havørnene ved Tystrup-Bavelse Sø, men fire år senere skete der igen noget helt uventet: Haslev fik sit eget par ynglende havørne, og de fik unger på vingerne, også i 2023.

  • - Årskalender til egne noter
    af Dan Zetterström, Bill Zetterström & Niklas Aronsson
    172,95 kr.

    Hver årstid har sin karakter – og sine fugle. De stille vintermåneder går over i de forårsmånedernes hektiske aktivitet, hvor fuglesangen tager til. Så kommer sommerens jagt på føde til de små unger, og når efteråret sætter ind, er det tid for mange fugle til at bryde op for at drage mod varmere himmelstrøg.Denne kalender løber parallelt med fuglenes liv – her kan aftaler skrives op side efter side med notater om fugle i haven eller i naturen.Den perfekte kalender for naturinteresserede og de mange, der følger fuglenes liv på foderbrættet.

  • af Jonathan Elphick & John Woodward
    165,95 kr.

    Sådan laver du en fuglevenlig haveFUGLENE I HAVEN er pakket med gode råd og praktisk viden om, hvordan du tiltrækker et rigt fugleliv til din have – om de rigtige planter, naturlig føde, fuglefodring, foder- brætter, redekasser mv. Desuden indeholder bogen en guide til de almindeligste havefugle.Alt om fuglefoder, foderbrætter og foderautomaterFremstilling og placering af redekasserSådan vælger du planter for at tiltrække bestemte arterFuglenes forskellige adfærd gennem årstiderneBilleder og beskrivelser af havens almindelige fugle gør det nemt at bestemme arten

  • af Joan E Strassmann
    162,95 kr.

    The perfect journal for keen daily observation of the spectacular birds all around youMany birding journals are geared around a life list, which requires traveling far and wide to see rare birds. Evolutionary biologist Joan Strassmann advocates for a different kind of birding: slow birding, focused on the joys of birding right where you are and at your own pace.     This one-of-a-kind journal, filled with detailed sections for daily use, is the ideal companion for local and backyard birders. The Slow Birding Journal features: Space for recording your observations of the birds you seeTargeted prompts and questions to incorporate into your birdingAdvice and guidance on watching birds: what to look for and pay attention toDetailed illustrations of several well-known birds, and blank pages to make your own illustrations    The best birding is where you are right now: in your backyard, your local parks, or on your favorite day hikes. This journal will lead you to a deeper understanding of the birds you see each day.

  • af Louise Imer Nabe-Nielsen
    554,95 kr.

    Fugle i skoven er en praktisk felthåndbog med beskrivelser og tegninger af 50 fuglearter, som du kan møde i de danske skove. Guiden angiver for hver art de vigtigste kendetegn, forvekslingsmuligheder, hvornår de kan opleves og deres levevis. Endelig er der nogle generelle tips til, hvordan man kommer i gang med at kigge på fugle, og hvilke kendetegn ved fuglene, som man skal lægge særligt mærke til.Bogen er skrevet af Louise Imer Nabe-Nielsen, der er biolog og har mange års erfaring med formidling af natur. Hun har igennem årene delt sin begejstring og interesse for natur med både skolebørn, spejdere, studerende, foreninger og mange flere.De fleste Illustrationer er lavet af Hermod Karlsen, som har illustreret fagbøger siden 1983. Han er en af Norges førende inden for sit felt.

  • af Amelia Díaz Ettinger
    192,95 kr.

    Ettinger's poems chronicle the plight of birds in a changing world with all the grief and hope that entails. As she shares her encounters with birds she connects us to nature and reflects some of our most vulnerable human qualities.

  • af Ehsan Sheroy
    347,95 kr.

    "The Striking Vision of Hawks: A More critical Look" is an exciting investigation into the sensational universe of bird vision, diving into the complexities of their visual capacities and the significant effect this perspective has on their reality and our comprehension of the regular world. The excursion starts with a fastidious assessment of the life systems of falcon eyes, unwinding the modern designs that put them aside. Perusers will find the transformations that outfit hawks with unmatched visual sharpness, outperforming the restrictions of human vision and exhibiting nature's resourcefulness. Part by section, the book reveals the privileged insights behind hawk vision, taking an entrancing profound jump into the domain of visual sharpness past the human standard. It explains the logical estimations of hawk vision and its substantial ramifications, offering a focal point through which perusers can understand the significant meaning of this remarkable quality. The account then, at that point, changes into the commonsense utilizations of falcon vision, especially with regards to hunting procedures. Investigating the different types of birds, the book explains how their vision assumes a vital part in their endurance, revealing the complexities of their extraordinary hunting ways of behaving. Hawk vision isn't only an organic peculiarity; it conveys significant developmental experiences. The book follows the developmental history of raptor vision, uncovering the versatile changes that have happened in their eye structures over the long haul and the transformative benefits gave by such superior execution vision. As the investigation proceeds, the biological job of hawks is featured. They arise as natural markers, adding to the observing of ecological wellbeing. The book talks about the ramifications for preservation and the obligation that accompanies defending falcon natural surroundings. Past the actual viewpoints, the social and representative points of view of falcons are likewise tended to, winding around together folklore, old stories, and the social imagery related with these glorious birds. The excursion closes by investigating the innovative applications motivated by hawk vision, going from biomimicry to state of the art mechanical technology. The Momentous Vision of Birds: A More critical Look" is an enthralling odyssey that commends the radiance of hawk vision as well as highlights the more extensive ramifications for science, culture, and protection. This book entices perusers to see the value in the remarkable world uncovered through the eyes of hawks, welcoming them into a domain where science meets wonder.

  • af Dorcas S Miller
    98,95 kr.

    "Identify aboveground nests in eastern North America with this pocket-size guide. Whether you're hiking with your family, on a camping trip, or visiting a park, you're sure to notice a variety of bird nests. If you're curious about these nests-and which feathered friends built them-then Bird Nest Finder by Dorcas S. Miller is just what you need. With the handy, easy-to-use format, you can identify commonly seen bird nests-from water birds like the Great Blue Heron to raptors like the Bald Eagle to backyard birds like the American Robin-in the eastern half of North America"--

  • af Roger J Lederer
    98,95 kr.

    "Identify birds of the eastern United States with this pocket-size guide. Whether you're hiking with your family, on a camping trip, or gardening in your backyard, you're sure to notice a variety of birds. If you're curious about these feathered friends-from water birds like the Great Blue Heron to raptors like the Bald Eagle to backyard birds like the American Robin-then Bird Finder by Dr. Roger J. Lederer is just what you need. With the handy, easy-to-use format, you can identify common and noteworthy birds east of the Mississippi River"--

  • af Roberta L Bondar
    387,95 kr.

    The lives and habitats of two majestic bird species are shared through striking space, aerial, and surface photographs to artfully convey the fragile elegance of life on Earth.New perspectives can inspire us to think differently about our place in the universe. The first photos of Earth from space showed the home of all known life as a small “blue marble” in a vast darkness and are thought by many to have inspired the environmental movement. For Dr. Roberta L. Bondar, the first female Canadian astronaut and the world’s first neurologist in space, the rare perspective she enjoyed aboard the Space Shuttle Discovery enhanced her reverence for the world we share with non-human life— especially birds, the only animals also able to fly vast distances across the globe.In Space for Birds: Patterns and Parallels of Beauty and Flight, Bondar, also an accomplished professional nature and landscape photographer, focuses her lens on two international species: the endangered Whooping Crane, which migrates from its boreal nesting grounds in Canada’s Wood Buffalo National Park to the seaside abundance of its winter habitat in Texas; and the near-threatened Lesser Flamingo, which is seen in dazzling pink flocks on and above East African Rift Valley soda lakes. Photos from the International Space Station convey the continental scale of these birds’ travels, and Bondar’s aerial and surface photos, accompanied by insights both scientific and personal, offer intimate glimpses of their daily lives and unique behaviours. While these birds lead different lives on opposite sides of the globe, they share, with each other and with us, an imperative to survive and a reliance on Earth’s fragile ecosystems.This book complements a travelling photographic exhibit, Patterns & Parallels: The Great Imperative to Survive.

  • af Stan Tekiela
    145,95 kr.

    "Identify West Virginia birds with this easy-to-use field guide, organized by color and featuring full-color photographs and helpful information. Make birdwatching in West Virginia even more enjoyable. With Stan Tekiela's famous bird guides, field identification is simple and informative. There's no need to look through dozens of photos of birds that don't live in your area. The Birds of West Virginia Field Guide features 125 species of West Virginia birds organized by color for ease of use. Full-page photographs present the species as you'll see them in nature, and a "compare" feature helps you to decide between look-alikes"--

  • af Stan Tekiela
    132,95 kr.

  • af John Muir Laws
    147,95 kr.

    Updated for the first time in twenty years with completely redrawn birds and more, the classic and remarkably easy-to-use guide for identifying birds in the Sierra Nevada.John Muir Laws began his lifelong project of connecting people to the natural world when he noticed that novice birders often distinguish birds by color and size rather than by family, genus, and species. Inspired by his observation, he created a guide to Sierra birds that assumes no prior birding knowledge on the part of the reader. The guide became the most popular of its kind, used frequently by local birders and visitors alike. Now updated for the first time in twenty years, The Laws Field Guide to Sierra Birds—originally published as Sierra Birds: A Hiker’s Guide—features fully redrawn color illustrations throughout.Color-coded keys eliminate the time-consuming frustration of thumbing randomly through a guide, and a cross-index is also included for more advanced birders. All this in a format that is simply organized, lightweight, and small enough to tuck inside a pocket. Featuring more than 200 species, The Laws Field Guide to Sierra Birds is a friendly, invaluable resource for anyone seeking to identify birds in the Sierra Nevada mountain range.

  • af Jack Gedney
    219,95 kr.

    "Explores the beautiful, comic, and endearing qualities of over fifteen bird species that live among California's oaks"--

  • af DK
    317,95 kr.

    Delve into the fascinating world of birds through astonishing photography and clear explanations in this absorbing global guide.Birds are dinosaurs with a history going back millions of years. Our fascination with them runs deep in history, and our close association is reflected in creation stories, myths, legends, songs, and children's stories.This book explores:Both the natural history of birds and that deep cultural connection. From their evolution and anatomy to their behavior and diversity.Hawks, finches, swans, or birds of paradise, moving the focus away from a predictable species-by-species account and allowing for truly global coverage. The bold nature of European Robins and why they are associated with Christmas; the mythical Phoenix, which rises from the ashes; and learn about eagles, from their hunting prowess to their myriad of stories and symbolism. Packed with information, beautiful photography, and illustrations, The Bird Book is a must-have for nature enthusiasts.

  • af Rafeal Mechlore
    307,95 kr.

    "Chirps and Challenges: The Economic Impact of Bird Flu Outbreaks" offers a detailed exploration of the multifaceted consequences that avian influenza, commonly known as bird flu, inflicts on the economy. This insightful analysis delves into the intricate relationship between bird flu outbreaks and various economic sectors, shedding light on the challenges faced by industries, businesses, and communities affected by the spread of avian diseases.The comprehensive examination begins by unraveling the economic repercussions on the poultry industry, a primary sector directly impacted by bird flu outbreaks. It addresses the financial losses incurred by farmers, the decline in poultry production, and the subsequent disruptions in the supply chain. Moreover, the guide investigates how such outbreaks reverberate through related industries, including feed production, transportation, and food processing, influencing market dynamics on a broader scale.Beyond agriculture, "Chirps and Challenges" investigates the economic ripples that extend to public health systems and healthcare industries. It analyzes the financial burdens placed on healthcare infrastructure, the costs associated with prevention and containment efforts, and the potential economic strain caused by increased demand for medical resources.The guide also explores the broader economic implications for affected regions, considering factors such as tourism, trade restrictions, and the overall impact on local economies. Additionally, it addresses global repercussions, as bird flu outbreaks can trigger shifts in international trade patterns and influence the prices of poultry products in the global market.Through this exploration, "Chirps and Challenges" aims to equip policymakers, businesses, and communities with a deeper understanding of the economic dimensions of bird flu outbreaks. By providing insights into the various challenges posed by avian influenza, the guide encourages proactive measures, preparedness, and collaborative strategies to mitigate the economic fallout associated with these infectious diseases.In summary, "Chirps and Challenges" serves as a valuable resource for stakeholders seeking to comprehend, anticipate, and respond effectively to the intricate economic dynamics intertwined with bird flu outbreaks.

  • af Daniel I Stein
    207,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Candace Savage
    157,95 kr.

    Crows are all around us, shouting from lamp posts, poking around on lawns, and generally taking a bright-eyed interest in everything that moves st of us don't know much about their lives. In How to Know a Crow, award-winning author Candace Savage invites us into the fascinating world of these big, brash, and surprisingly brainy birds.

  • af Philip Giordano
    132,95 kr.

    A gorgeously illustrated story of a swallow who goes against the flock, and the wonderful friendship that emerges from her decision. For kids 3-7, The Swallow Who Stayed is a beautiful celebration of the seasons and what happens when we have the courage to be different.Iris asked the other birds, “What happens to the forest when we leave?”But nobody knew the answer. No swallow had ever stayed long enough to see.It’s time for the swallows to fly South for the winter. But not for Iris, a curious swallow, who has always wondered what the winter is like and decides to stay. One by one, the leaves fall from the trees and the cold begins to settle. Soon an icy wind blows and big snowflakes tumble from the sky. Maybe staying for the winter was a mistake… Though everything changes when Iris stumbles into the home of a squirrel.Philip Giordano’s geometric art perfectly captures the changing seasons and the different skyscapes we experience in the morning and at night as seasons change. This heartfelt story shares the incredible surprises that happen when we dare to do something different, and celebrates a friendship that lasts from winter to spring.

  • af Sophie A H Osborn
    277,95 kr.

    "The story of one woman's remarkable work with a trio of charismatic, endangered bird species-and her discoveries about the devastating threats that imperil them. In Feather Trails, wildlife biologist and birder Sophie A. H. Osborn reveals how the harmful environmental choices we've made-including pesticide use, the introduction of invasive species, lead poisoning, and habitat destruction-have decimated Peregrine Falcons, Hawaiian Crows, and California Condors. In the Rocky Mountains, the cloud forests of Hawai'i, and the Grand Canyon, Sophie and her colleagues work day-to-day to try to reintroduce these birds to the wild, even when it seems that the odds are steeply stacked against their survival. With humor and suspense, Feather Trails introduces us to the fascinating behaviors and unique personalities of Sophie's avian charges and shows that what endangers them ultimately threatens all life on our planet. More than a deeply researched environmental investigation, Feather Trails is also a personal journey and human story, in which Sophie overcomes her own obstacles-among them heat exhaustion, poachers, rattlesnakes, and chauvinism. Ultimately, Feather Trails is an inspiring, poignant narrative about endangered birds and how our choices can help to ensure a future not only for the rarest species, but for us too"--

  • af Christian Cooper
    337,95 kr.

    NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Central Park birder Christian Cooper takes us beyond the viral video that shocked a nation and into a world of avian adventures, global excursions, and the unexpected lessons you can learn from a life spent looking up.“Wondrous . . . captivating.”—Ed Yong, Pulitzer Prize–winning author of An Immense WorldA Washington Post and Chicago Public Library Best Book of the Year • Longlisted for the Andrew Carnegie Medal Christian Cooper is a self-described “Blerd” (Black nerd), an avid comics fan and expert birder who devotes every spring to gazing upon the migratory birds that stop to rest in Central Park, just a subway ride away from where he lives in New York City. While in the park one morning in May 2020, Cooper was engaged in the birdwatching ritual that had been a part of his life since he was ten years old when what might have been a routine encounter with a dog walker exploded age-old racial tensions. Cooper’s viral video of the incident would send shock waves through the nation.In Better Living Through Birding, Cooper tells the story of his extraordinary life leading up to the now-infamous incident in Central Park and shows how a life spent looking up at the birds prepared him, in the most uncanny of ways, to be a gay, Black man in America today. From sharpened senses that work just as well at a protest as in a park to what a bird like the Common Grackle can teach us about self-acceptance, Better Living Through Birding exults in the pleasures of a life lived in pursuit of the natural world and invites you to discover them yourself.Equal parts memoir, travelogue, and primer on the art of birding, this is Cooper’s story of learning to claim and defend space for himself and others like him, from his days at Marvel Comics introducing the first gay storylines to vivid and life-changing birding expeditions through Africa, Australia, the Americas, and the Himalayas. Better Living Through Birding recounts Cooper’s journey through the wonderful world of birds and what they can teach us about life, if only we would look and listen.

  • af Wayne Mollhoff
    92,95 kr.

    For 40 years Wayne Mollhoff conducted a personal bird census every January. He explains:"After having run several Breeding Bird Survey routes, and participated in several Christmas Bird Counts, I became curious to see what might be found on a winter count under the more tightly controlled parameters of a census, as contrasted with Christmas counts done with variable numbers of observers." The count was set up similarly to the USGS Breeding Bird Survey routes with 50 stops, one-half mile (800 meters) apart, all birds counted for 3 minutes, with birds counted at one stop not counted again at following stops. The census route ran from the northwest corner of Boone County, along Beaver Creek, to a point outside Albion. Counts began at local sunrise. A total of 73 species were recorded during the 40-year census. This paper records those results and offers observations on patterns of occurrence or absence and changes in frequency.A Nebraska Ornithologists' Union Occasional Paper

  • - Året rundt med vores fugle
    af Svenja Ernstein
    367,95 kr.

    Uanset om du bor i byen eller på landet, er der en masse forskellige fugle alle vegne. Solen er dårligt nok stået op, før de begynder at slå triller, kvidre og pippe højlydt. På det tidspunkt sover du nok dybt og tungt. Hvad kan du kende fuglene på? Alle fugle lægger æg, og de kan næsten allesammen flyve. Men fuglene adskiller sig fra hinanden ved deres størrelse, farven på deres fjer og deres sang. Vil du vide, hvem der synger på dit tag eller bygger rede i hækken i din have? Følg med flere end 40 hjemlige fugle i løbet af året, og find ud af, hvordan de bor, hvad de spiser, hvordan de opfostrer deres unger, og hvordan de forbereder sig på vinteren.

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