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Fugle, inklusive burfugle, som kæledyr

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  • af Andreas Tjernshaugen
    227,95 kr.

    Mejserne har flere hemmeligheder, end man forestiller sig. De er hinanden utro, de dræber flagermus, fordi deres hjerner smager godt, og de opfører sig på mange måder som små flyvende dinosaurer i luften. Sociologen Andreas Tjernshaugen har passioneret observeret mejsernes liv og afslører en fascinerende verden, der findes lige for øjnene af os. I mejsernes hemmelige liv følger vi musvitten og blåmejsen gennem et kalenderår og ser, hvordan de overlever den hårde vinter.Har mejserne hverdagsproblemer? Ja, der er nabostridigheder, jalousidramaer, forskelle i børneopdragelsen – det lyder næsten bekendt. Og ingen mejser er ens: nogle er bange, andre modige og praktiske, når de møder det nye og ukendte. Efter læsningen af Mejsernes hemmelige liv ser man anderledes på fuglene uden for vores vinduer. Bogen er flot illustreret.

  • af Aksel Bo Madsen
    171,95 kr.

    Odderen er en bog om en forvaltningsmæssig succes. Fra at være udryddelsestruget i begyndelsen af 1980érne er odderen i Danmark nu igen i fremgang over det meste af landet. Aksel Bo Madsen har forsket og formidlet om oddere siden 1984 og har med sin forskning stået bag rådgivningen for forvaltningen om odderen. Bogen fortæller både om odderens biologi og om hvordan man lovgivningsmæssigt og formidlingsmæssigt kan hjælpe en bestand på fode igen.

  • - Hvad bør jeg vide som ny ejer?
    af Heidi Holm Damgaard
    127,95 kr.

    Bogen henvender sig til såvel den nye undulatejer, som den lidt mere garvede. Velegnet til opslagsværk og til informationsmateriale i butikker.Bogen omhandler alt fra: burindretning, foder og sygdomme, til naturmedicin, yngel og "de gode lister".

  • af Bitten Honoré Steensen
    108,94 kr.

    Opdrætterens avlsresultater” er en notesbog, hvor du kan samle alle dine oplysninger om årets opdræt. På hver side kan du skrive ringnummer og varietet for forældrefugle, bedste- og oldeforældre samt angive ungernes klækningsdato, ringnummer, køn og varietet. Der er også plads til ekstra noter for hver unge. Nederst på hver side er der et skema til angivelse af kuldenes størrelse, befrugtningsgrad og antal klækkede æg. Bagerst er der sider til noter, hvor du f.eks. kan notere gode internetsider, kontaktoplysninger, foderplaner, nedarvning, sygdom etc.

  • af Robert Berkelhammer
    403,95 kr.

    Full of concrete, detailed examples of what pet owners can do to improve and empower their relationships with their pets, this book draws on the author¿s experiences working as a pet care professional to provide advice about various services owners can access including dog playgroups, dog walkers, cat visitors, and pet sitters.

  • af Dion Rosser
    297,95 kr.

    The ultimate guide to raising ducks for eggs, meat, and companionship!Have you ever thought of having a supply of fresh, organic eggs and meat in your backyard? Are you looking to bond with nature through the delightful kind of companionship that only ducks can offer? Are you curious about the secrets behind successful duck raising?Dive into the fascinating world of duck homesteading with this ultimate guide! This comprehensive guide offers an immersive journey into the art of raising ducks for multiple purposes, catering to both novices and experienced enthusiasts. Discover the joys of tending to these charming, feathered creatures while reaping the rewards of their eggs and flavorful meat.In this book, you will:Learn techniques for raising ducks, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro.Discover the ins and outs of selecting the right duck breeds for your specific goals.Gain valuable insights into creating a comfortable and efficient duck habitat.Understand what to feed ducks for optimal egg production and meat quality.Explore effective healthcare practices to ensure your flock's health.Harness the power of duck companionship and its positive impact on your well-being.Discover tips for incorporating ducks into your permaculture and sustainable living practices.Whether you're after delectable farm-to-table delights, a deeper connection with nature, or a fulfilling hobby, this guide holds all the answers. Don't miss out on the opportunity to unlock the secrets of successful duck raising.

  • af Amrahs Hseham
    161,95 kr.

    "Feathered Companions: A Guide to Pet Birds" is an immersive and comprehensive exploration into the captivating world of avian companionship. This guide is more than just a manual; it is a celebration of the unique bond between humans and their feathered friends. From choosing the right pet bird to understanding their natural behaviors, the book provides invaluable insights, practical tips, and real-life case studies to guide both novice and experienced bird enthusiasts.The book begins by delving into the evolutionary roots of avian behavior, unraveling the mysteries of flight, foraging strategies, and social structures that define birds' lives. It navigates through the intricate language of avian communication, deciphering vocalizations, body language, and feather displays. Nesting habits, reproductive behaviors, and territorial instincts are explored, offering readers a holistic understanding of their bird's needs.Throughout the chapters, the guide emphasizes a holistic approach to bird care. It goes beyond the basics of physical well-being, addressing the psychological and emotional aspects of avian companionship. Real-life case studies woven into the narrative provide relatable stories of bird owners facing challenges, seeking solutions, and experiencing the joys of sharing their lives with feathered companions."Feathered Companions" is a journey of growth and mutual understanding. It encourages readers to look beyond the confines of the cage, recognizing birds as sentient beings capable of forming deep bonds. The guide advocates for environmental enrichment, offering practical suggestions for creating stimulating and enriching environments that contribute to the well-being of both birds and their human caregivers.This guide is a gratitude-filled flight, expressing appreciation to bird enthusiasts, experts, and readers who contribute to the collective knowledge of avian care. It aspires to inspire, guide, and bring joy to those navigating the delightful world of pet birds, fostering a harmonious and fulfilling journey for both the feathered companions and their human caretakers.

  • af Julie Rach
    322,95 kr.

  • af Rachael B
    102,95 kr.

    The Chicken Millionaire's Handbook: What It Takes To Earn A Good Fortune From Chicken Farming is your ultimate guide to achieving poultry farming success. This captivating book is a treasure trove of wisdom for both beginners and seasoned poultry entrepreneurs, offering invaluable insights into turning your love for chickens into a profitable venture.With a focus on financial management, diverse income streams, and real-life success stories, this handbook provides the key ingredients to unlock your poultry farming potential.Throughout this book, you'll discover the essential strategies for running a prosperous poultry business. From mastering the economics of chicken farming to diversifying income streams through value-added products, agritourism, and niche markets, you'll learn how to stand out in the competitive world of poultry.This book emphasizes the importance of efficient budgeting, record-keeping, and pricing strategies, ensuring that you maximize profits while providing top-quality chicken products.As you delve into this handbook, you'll also be inspired by the captivating success stories of poultry entrepreneurs who started small and scaled up, each with a unique path to prosperity. Whether you dream of becoming a backyard poultry keeper or a commercial poultry magnate, The Chicken Millionaire's Handbook is the ultimate roadmap to poultry farming riches.

  • af Thomas Andrewes
    157,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Lady Rachael
    102,95 kr.

    Lessons From Millionaire Quail Farmers: Cracking the Code to Quail Profits is a captivating journey into the world of quail farming, where success stories abound. This insightful book unlocks the secrets of becoming a millionaire quail farmer, providing a roadmap for those eager to excel in this niche industry.The book delves into the strategies employed by these successful farmers, showcasing their unique approaches and mindset. From ethical and sustainable farming practices to innovative marketing strategies, the book explores every facet of quail farming that leads to financial prosperity.Discover the strategies that have propelled these farmers to millionaire status, including the art of ethical and sustainable quail farming, the innovations in quail egg marketing, and the promising future of this industry. This book provides a comprehensive guide that caters to both seasoned quail farmers and newcomers. It unveils the potential of quail farming not just as a profitable venture but also as a sustainable, ethical, and eco-friendly practice that resonates with modern consumers.Through the pages of this book, you will not only gain a deep understanding of quail farming but also be inspired to embark on your own journey towards quail farming success. Lessons From Millionaire Quail Farmers: Cracking the Code to Quail Profits is more than a book; it's a blueprint for realizing your dreams in the world of quail farming.Whether you're intrigued by the prospect of becoming a millionaire quail farmer or simply looking to enhance your existing farm, this book is your key to unlocking the door to quail farming prosperity.

  • af Lady Rachael
    102,95 kr.

    Lessons From Millionaire Chicken Farmers: Cracking The Code To Poultry Profits is your key to unlocking the secrets of a thriving poultry farming business. In this captivating and comprehensive guide, you'll delve into the world of successful poultry farming, just as those who have achieved millionaire status in this industry. From sustainable practices to financial management, this book offers a treasure trove of knowledge for anyone seeking prosperity in the world of poultry.This book details invaluable lessons on how to create a profitable poultry farm that's both environmentally responsible and financially rewarding. Discover the art of efficient resource utilization, sustainable feeding, and innovative automation technologies that reduce labor and increase productivity.Whether you're a seasoned farmer looking to boost your profits or a novice starting out in poultry farming, this book equips you with the wisdom to thrive in the industry, making it a must-read for anyone eager to crack the code to poultry profits.This book not only tackles the nuts and bolts of poultry farming but also explores global trends that are shaping the future of this industry. Urban farming, small-scale, sustainable practices, and diversification are just a few of the innovative concepts explored.Furthermore, the author emphasizes the importance of ethical animal welfare and the adoption of technology to optimize production while reducing the industry's environmental footprint. With this knowledge in hand, readers are poised to position themselves at the forefront of the evolving poultry farming landscape, gaining access to export opportunities and the growing demand for sustainable poultry products.This book is a comprehensive guide that marries the wisdom of successful poultry entrepreneurs with the latest in sustainable practices and innovative technology. It is a blueprint for thriving in the poultry farming industry, ensuring that your farm not only thrives today but also lays the foundation for lasting prosperity in the future.

  • af Lady Rachael
    102,95 kr.

    Chicken Diseases: The Most Comprehensive Guide On Diagnosis, Treatment And Prevention is a definitive manual that serves as your indispensable companion in the world of poultry health. This engaging guide dives deep into the intricate realm of avian health, offering a wealth of knowledge on diagnosing, treating, and preventing common and uncommon chicken diseases.Packed with expert insights, this book not only educates but empowers poultry keepers to become adept in the art of maintaining resilient, disease-resistant flocks. From recognizing subtle symptoms to implementing robust biosecurity measures, this guide covers it all.With a focus on holistic poultry health, this book provides readers with valuable insights into creating proactive health plans and strategies for future-proofing their flocks. It emphasizes the significance of disease prevention through vaccination, breed selection, and ongoing management techniques. This book seamlessly integrates these elements, ensuring that readers not only grasp the essentials of poultry health but also learn how to implement them effectively.Whether you're a seasoned poultry keeper or just beginning your journey, this guide is your go-to resource for ensuring the well-being of your feathered companions.For those who seek to empower themselves with the knowledge and skills to nurture thriving, disease-resistant flocks, this Chicken Diseases guide is an invaluable companion. It offers much more than just information; it provides a roadmap to healthier, more resilient poultry, benefiting both your chickens and your peace of mind as a poultry keeper.

  • af Lady Rachael
    112,95 kr.

    Urban Chicken Farming From Scratch: How To Raise Strong, Vibrant, Healthy And Highly Productive Chickens is a comprehensive guide that offers a unique and captivating perspective on the world of urban chicken farming.This book brings to life the remarkable journey of transforming a small urban space into a thriving chicken haven, combining sustainability, community engagement, and resourceful living. From the very first chapter, you'll dive into the captivating world of urban chicken farming, exploring the joys of fresh eggs, sustainability, and connecting with your community. This book encapsulates the essence of city living while maintaining a harmonious relationship with the natural world.As you go deeper into the chapters, you'll uncover the secrets to choosing the perfect chicken breed for your urban environment and how to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing coop, even in limited spaces.The book adeptly navigates the complexities of zoning regulations and legalities, ensuring that your urban chicken farming venture stays within the law while reaping the benefits of raising chickens. From raising baby chicks to crafting a nutritious diet for your flock, this book leaves no stone unturned in your quest to raise healthy and highly productive chickens.Moreover, it decodes the intriguing world of chicken language and behavior, allowing you to understand and communicate with your feathered friends like never before. The author skillfully guides you through the intricacies of health and well-being, offering natural remedies, preventative care, and solutions to common chicken ailments.Additionally, the book provides practical strategies for maximizing egg production, managing seasonal changes, and making the most of your urban environment, all while emphasizing the importance of community engagement, sustainability, and resource utilization.Urban Chicken Farming From Scratch is not just a guide; it's an inspiring lifestyle that promises strong, vibrant, and healthy chickens, making it an interesting read for anyone seeking to embark on a rewarding urban chicken farming adventure.

  • af Lady Rachael
    92,95 kr.

    Urban Quail Farming From Scratch: How To Raise Strong, Vibrant, Healthy And Highly Productive Quails is your comprehensive guide to the fascinating world of urban quail farming. This book dives deep into the art of raising quails in urban environments, empowering readers with the knowledge and techniques needed to establish a thriving quail farm from the ground up.Whether you're a novice looking to embark on your quail farming journey or an experienced farmer seeking to enhance your quail operation, this book is your ultimate resource.Within its pages, you'll discover the secrets to creating a healthy and vibrant quail farm in urban settings, while exploring sustainable practices and nurturing strong, resilient quails. With expert guidance, you'll learn to maximize your quail's egg production and harvest delicious, high-quality quail meat.This book delves into the intricacies of quail care, offering insights into nutrition, health management, and breeding to ensure your quails are happy and productive. As you delve into the world of urban quail farming, you'll uncover the key to achieving a thriving quail farm, from nurturing these remarkable birds to marketing your quail products effectively.Read this books if you long to transform your urban space into a hub of vitality and productivity. This book not only equips you with the essential skills but also takes you on an adventure filled with sustainable farming practices and humane animal husbandry. Your urban farm will become a haven for these resilient birds, resulting in robust egg production and delectable quail meat.Embrace the world of quail farming and discover the rewards of nurturing a strong, vibrant, and highly productive quail flock, ultimately turning your urban space into a flourishing and rewarding quail farm. Explore the quail farming niche, and join the ranks of successful urban quail farmers with this invaluable resource.

  • af Editors of Chartwell Books
    92,95 kr.

    Enjoy hours of calm entertainment as you color in pages of unique and eccentric chicks in Fabulous Chickens Coloring Book: Color the Fanciest Chickens in the Backyard Flock – More Than 100 Pages to Color!

  • af Hugh Piper
    172,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af E. J. W. (Edwin Joseph Wesley) Dietz
    337,95 kr.

  • af Anonymous
    297,95 - 422,95 kr.

  • af William Beebe
    297,95 kr.

  • af John Matthews Eaton
    157,95 - 327,95 kr.

  • af Maud Thornhill Porter
    172,95 kr.

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