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Skønlitteratur for børn og unge: religiøs litteratur

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  • - Vitello #20
    af Kim Fupz Aakeson & Niels Bo Bojesen
    72,95 - 117,95 kr.

    VITELLO ønsker sig en hund. Stadigvæk. Han skriver altid HUND på sin ønskeseddel, men der kommer ikke nogen hund. Heldigvis ved William noget om hvordan man får ønsker til at gå i opfyldelse …

  • af Trine Bundsgaard
    43,94 - 105,95 kr.

    Asta og Fanny skal med klassen på lejrskole. Det er ret sjovt, men deres lærer, Buller, har ikke helt styr på tingene - og pludselig bliver det hele lidt uhyggeligt. Men Asta får hjælp af Mads, som er en smule pinlig, men faktisk også ret sød.Læs mere om forfatteren, Trine Bundsgaard.

  • af Trine Bundsgaard
    43,94 - 105,95 kr.

    Hr. Bibi er Astas nabo. Hans øjne lyser i mørke, og han har begravet sin kone i baghaven. Det siger Fanny i hvert fald. Asta er nødt til at undersøge sagen. Snart er hun viklet ind i løgnehistorier og spionage, og hun kan slet ikke rigtig finde ud af, om Fanny overhovedet vil være venner eller ej.Her er andet bind i en helt ny, smadder underholdende og meget velskrevet serie om Asta på 8 år og hendes hverdag med skolen, forældrene, den fjollede lillebror og ikke mindst – hendes bedste venner.Serien 'Bedste venner' fortæller med humor og følsomhed om mødet mellem Asta og Fanny. De to piger udvikler et varmt venskab, men tager også deres kampe – for de er begge to fulde af gode ideer og udstyret med en udpræget trang til at bestemme. Læs mere om forfatteren, Trine Bundsgaard.

  • af Trine Bundsgaard
    43,94 - 105,95 kr.

     Asta har fødselsdag og mor og far spørger, hvad hun ønsker sig. Det eneste Asta ønsker sig er en hundehvalp, men der siger mor NEJ; en hund skal trænes og opdrages og fodres og luftes. Og den fælder og graver huller i haven. ”Nemlig,” siger Asta – ”og den logrer og bliver helt vildt glad, når man aer den.” Men nej, Asta må ikke få en hund, men på selve den store dag kommer hr. Bibi forbi og stiller hende et helt fantastisk forslag; han skal ha en hund, men har brug for en sød og dygtig hjælper …   6. bog i serien om Asta og hendes venner.

  • af Trine Bundsgaard
    43,94 - 105,95 kr.

    Her er første bind i en helt ny serie om Asta på 8 år og hendes hverdag med skolen, forældrene, den fjollede lillebror og ikke mindst – hendes bedste venner.Asta er flyttet med sin familie til Fyn – og hun længes bare tilbage til sine veninder. Asta er tæt på at kvæle sin lalleglade lillebror, Bimmer, som bare synes, det er fantastisk med ny skole og nye venner. Men så begynder det at regne med umodne æbler, og Asta opdager, at nabopigen, Fanny, udspionerer hende. Og det vil hun selvfølgelig ikke finde sig i …'Asta og det store flytterod' fortæller med humor og følsomhed om mødet mellem Asta og Fanny. De to piger udvikler et varmt venskab, men tager også deres kampe – for de er begge to fulde af gode ideer og udstyret med en udpræget trang til at bestemme.Læs mere om forfatteren, Trine Bundsgaard.

  • af Trine Bundsgaard
    43,94 - 105,95 kr.

    Astas lillebror Bimmer fortæller ret gode løgnehistorier. Om alt mulig. Det er vildt skægt, indtil Bimmer fortæller Fanny en sær historie om Asta. Så er det pludselig ikke ret sjovt at være Asta.Læs mere om forfatteren, Trine Bundsgaard.

  • af Hidenori Kumai
    127,95 kr.

    Her er der fart over feltet! Det er evangelierne om Jesus genfortalt i ord og billeder i mangategneseriestil, fuld af action og dramatik. Manga Messias er en ægte japansk mangategneserie i farver, og den skal læses bagfra, som rigtige mangaer skal. Gennem ord og billeder får læseren et forhold til de forskellige disciple og lærer evangelierne godt at kende. Manga Messias tolker ikke evangelierne, men ligger alligevel helt op af de originale fortællinger om Jesus' liv. Bogen vil for mange kunne fungere som en helt ny åbning af evangelierne. Bogen er velegnet fra 9 år og opefter - alle tegneserielæsere vil være godt underholdt. Den er ideel til lystlæsning, men den er også velegnet til undervisning, hvor den gør bibellæsning mere "spiselig".

  • af Trine Bundsgaard
    43,94 - 105,95 kr.

    Hr. Bibi og Asta glæder sig til at få hund. De har snor, kurv og madskål klar. Nu mangler de bare det lille bæst. Asta kan næsten ikke vente, men så bliver hr. Bibi syg ...7. bog om Asta og hendes venner

  • af Clive Staples Lewis
    397,95 kr.

    Narnia . . . where a dragon awakens . . . where stars walk the earth . . . where anything can happen.Experience The Chronicles of Narnia in its entirety in time for The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the third movie in the motion picture epic. This movie tie-in box contains the rack editions of all seven of C. S. Lewis's classic stories:The Magician's NephewThe Lion, the Witch and the WardrobeThe Horse and His BoyPrince CaspianThe Voyage of the Dawn TreaderThe Silver ChairThe Last BattleThe box features stills from the movie, and each book inside has cover art by Cliff Nielson and the original black-and-white interior illustrations by Pauline Baynes. The journey begins long before the Dawn Treader sets sail and ends long after its voyage, so don't miss out on any part of this definitive fantasy series of our time!

  • af Trine Bundsgaard
    43,94 - 105,95 kr.

    Asta glæder sig til jul, men Fannys mor er syg, og måske er det meget alvorligt. Asta ved ikke, hvordan hun kan hjælpe Fanny - og er der overhovedet noget ved at holde jul, hvis Fannys mor er syg? Og hvad skal Asta stille op med Gregers og hans sære hunde-rensdyr? 10. bog i serien om Asta og hendes venner.

  • af Trine Bundsgaard
    43,94 - 105,95 kr.

    Bedste venner er en alvorligt sjov serie om sære naboer, irriterende små søskende og glæden ved at have en god ven.Bedsteveninden Silja kommer endelig på besøg. Asta har savnet hende, og det er vildt hyggeligt. Så dukker Fanny også op, og de tre piger laver loppemarked. Men på grund af et kasseapperat i plastik, Astas fine ring og en hemmelig ingrediens kommer det til at gå helt anderledes, end Asta havde tænkt sig.Læs mere om forfatteren, Trine Bundsgaard.

  • af Erlend Loe
    72,95 - 85,95 kr.

    José ved hvem han elsker. Til fods kan det tage ham op til en halv time at gå fra Marias øre og ned til hofteskålen. På cykel knap tre minutter. En meget smuk og anderledes kærlighedshistorie af Norges nye kultforfatter og hans lige så opsigtsvækkende illustrator.

  • - Tolv historier fra Det Gamle Testamente
    af Peter Mouritzen
    257,95 kr.

    Endelig foreligger her en samlet pragtudgave af Peter Mouritzens 12 Bibelstærk-historier fra Det Gamle Testamente: sprælske, sprogsprudlende genfortællinger, nu med magisk myldrende 'bibeltavler' af Otto Dickmeiss, der må have dyppet penslen i evighedens blækhus.Følg med fra Skabelsen ('Da Gud gik i gang') og helt til Jonas i hvalfiskens bug ('Jammergøjen').

  • af Jennifer Kropf
    242,95 kr.

    "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good fright..."What if St. Nicholas was really a young, mad trickster and you had the one thing he wanted? What if the only person who agreed to protect you from him had a past of letting those he's meant to protect die? What if you were in the wrong place at the wrong time, and you gained the ability to see a whole other world tucked into the cracks of your own?Helen Bell is a student with a past she'd rather not remember and a high school social life that doesn't exist. Almost everyone she passes either forgets she's there or doesn't notice her in the first place. She survives her life in the shadows by focusing on her studies. Until the day everything changes. When a strange encounter leaves Helen able to see a species of invisible people existing among us, naturally she assumes she's going delusional or is getting ill from the cold Canadian weather. But when a young, handsome Winter guardian appears to aid her in a crisis, and a train horn starts blasting over the city in a search to hunt her down, she finds herself in the middle of a war where nothing is quite as it seems, and what's "right" isn't always right. "No matter what happens," her Winter guardian warns as creatures all down the street begin to shriek and freeze in place, "Don't move a muscle..." Zane Cohen is a young, retired Patrolman. Even though he craves mischief and would rather play tricks on snow rabbits than get dragged back into the guardian life, he finds he can't help himself when he meets Helen Bell. She's not suitable to play the games of the Rime Folk. If she's not careful, she's going to get herself killed. And he shouldn't care, but... But a long time ago, he believed in an ancient "Truth". This same Truth begins calling Helen's name across the snow, forcing her to make the ultimate decision to either run back to her empty life, or do the unthinkable-to face off with the Snow Queen in The Quarrel of Sword and Bone; a match that takes place in a Winter arena before one thousand witnesses and will likely mean certain death. So, the retired Patrolman becomes not so retired after all. A Soul as Cold as Frost is Jennifer Kropf's debut novel, ideal for fans of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis, and The Nutcracker and the Four Realms by Meredith Rusu and Ashleigh Powell. Book Facts:*The Winter Souls Series is an adventure for ages 10+, loved by teens and parents alike.*This series contains a Christian allegory.*A Soul as Cold as Frost was rewritten, reimagined, and reformatted with illustrations by Kyannah Durocher in 2024 for a better reading experience."Wow, I loved this book! This book was a magical twist between Narnia, Alice in Wonderland, and Spirited Away, yet somehow read as effortlessly original. It was gripping, fast paced and full of action, yet not lacking in heart. Highly recommended for young YA readers upwards." - Alice Ivinya, USA Today Bestselling author of Stars May Burn"Fans of Alice in Wonderland would love this story. The Christian allegory is also beautiful and so well done. I love how this story emphasizes the power inherent in speaking the truth." - Stefanie Lozinski, author of the Storm & Spire series "The Chronicles of Narnia meets Harry Potter. This fantastic winter tale is the perfect blend of classic portal fantasy and the magical world co-existing with our own. This magical Christian fantasy adventure totally hits the spot and got everything right. It is a beautiful reminder of what is truly important in life." - USA Today Bestselling author Astrid V. J.

  • af Cottage Door Press
    179,95 kr.

    "Snuggle up with your favorite nursery rhymes, drift into the magical worlds of all your most treasured fairy-tale characters, and find new stories and adventures to fill imaginations every bedtime of the year"--Back cover.

  • af Bent Haller
    216,95 kr.

    En allegori på Jesu liv der foregår i storbyens slum.På sin 10-års fødselsdag føder Sara en dreng, Sølnvan. De, der kommer i berøring med ham, får et mere positivt liv. Men nogle ønsker ikke forandring...En fantastisk roman om et barn, der viser sig at have mere magt end både rockere, narkobagmænd og politi.

  • af Rory Vaden
    207,95 kr.

    How do we build character in children and prepare them for success from the time they are young? The answer lies in understanding the difference between how cows and buffalo respond to storms. This heartwarming and compelling tale by New York Times bestselling author Rory Vaden is one that readers, young and old, will remember for years to come.

  • af The Sincere Seeker Collection
    112,95 kr.

    As parents, we must raise our children in the Islamic Faith. This requires us to introduce our children to our beloved Prophet Muhammad PBUH, the role model that Allah sent down for us to emulate and follow so that we will succeed in this world and the next. He has the best manners and character, and we should learn from him and love him. But simply loving our Prophet is not enough. We must actually live the lifestyle that our beloved Prophet teaches us.¿ My First Book on Hadith for Kids ¿ introduces Prophet Muhammad PBUH and his teachings in an easy, fun, and educational way so our kids develop and are instilled with love for our Prophet and learn to live the way he teaches us to live. This book shares various Hadiths of our Prophet, ranging from a Hadith on good manners and remembering Allah to a Hadith on the etiquette of eating, sleeping, and hygiene. Every concept this book teaches contains colorful images to help your child understand and appreciate what they need to learn! Chapters and topics of this book includeWho is Prophet Muhammad?What is the Holy Quran?What is Hadith?What is Sunnah?Sincerity& showing offGood manners and good characterBeing good to your parentsRemembering AllahGreeting others with 'Assalamu Alaikum'Smiling to othersHonoring guestsBeing grateful and saying thank youBeing generous to othersWanting good for othersHelping othersEtiquette of eatingSunnah of sleepingImportance of good personal hygiene¿¿ About The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection ¿¿The most significant and longest-lasting inheritance you can gift your child as a parent is a proper Islamic upbringing and knowledge of Islam. As a parent, you must teach your children about Allah (God), the Holy Quran, the religion and lifestyle of Islam, and about Prophet Muhammad; peace be upon him. Every parent must instill an interest and love for Islam in their children at an early age, so they are raised with an Islamic mindset and lifestyle. Every household should set time aside each day to develop and grow their child's connection with Allah and nourish their souls. Just like our physical bodies need food and water to grow and be nourished, we need the Guidance of Allah and the recitation of the Holy Quran to enrich, nourish and give life to our souls.The Sincere Seeker Kids Collection is designed to introduce and teach your children the essentials they need to know about Allah (God), the Holy Quran, Islam, Prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him, Hadith for kids, the Five Pillars of Islam, the six articles of faith in Islam, and more in an easy, fun and educational way. The love of Allah is already instilled in our children's hearts, and it is our duty as parents to help develop, nurture and sustain that love and bond at an early age. A fun way to introduce these concepts to your children is by reading to them and encouraging them to read. Nothing beats sitting with your children and bonding with them with beneficial and interesting concepts of Islam and the Holy Quran. Every page in each book of the collection introduces a topic with delightful, colorful illustrations to help your children understand and appreciate each component of Islam.

  • af Malene Sølvsten
    122,95 - 151,95 kr.

    Den synske Hejd må hutle sig igennem tilværelsen, og for at få mad nok til at forsørge sin lillebror, Gisle, spiller hun om penge og bruger sin synskhed til at slå modstanderne. Men på trods af sine evner, lykkes det hende ikke at redde lille Gisle fra at blive slået ihjel. Hejd bønfalder Frigg om hjælp til at genoplive ham, men gudinden nægter, så Hejd vender sig i stedet mod Odin. Og for at give ham kraft nok til, at han kan redde Gisle, må hun bruge sin synskhed til at fortælle Odins historie.  I Spående Vølve genfortæller Malene Sølvsten de kendte myter fra den nordiske mytologi og giver her et nyt bud på dem.Bogen indledes med et forord af Jeanette Varberg og er illustreret med linoleumstryk af forfatteren.

  • af Kate Scelsa
    155,95 - 177,95 kr.

    A witchy, atmospheric lesbian contemporary romance set in Salem--from the acclaimed author of Fans of the Impossible Life. Perfect for fans of Nina LaCour and Becky Albertalli.Seventeen-year-old Eleanor is the last person in Salem to believe in witchcraft--or think that her life could be transformed by mysterious forces. After losing her best friend and first love, Chloe, Eleanor has spent the past year in a haze, vowing to stay away from anything resembling romance.But when a handwritten guide to tarot arrives in the mail at the witchy souvenir store where Eleanor works, it seems to bring with it the message that magic is about to enter her life. Cynical Eleanor is quick to dismiss this promise, until real-life witch Pix shows up with an unusual invitation. Inspired by the magic and mystery of the tarot, Eleanor decides to open herself up to Pix and her coven of witches, and even to the possibility of a new romance.But Eleanor's complicated history continues to haunt her. She will have to reckon with the old ghosts that threaten to destroy everything, even her chance at new love.Improbable Magic for Cynical Witches is a romantic coming-of-age about learning to make peace with the past in order to accept the beauty of the present.

  • af The Sincere Seeker Collection
    107,95 kr.

  • af Neal Shusterman
    157,95 kr.

    Sydney Taylor Honor Award winnerNational Jewish Book Award finalistNeal Shusterman, Margaret A. Edwards Award WinnerNational Book Award winner Neal Shusterman and acclaimed illustrator Andres Vera Martinez present a graphic novel exploring the Holocaust through surreal visions and a textured canvas of heroism and hope.Courage to Dream plunges readers into the Holocaust - one of the greatest atrocities in human history - delving into the core of what it means to face the extinction of everything and everyone you hold dear.This gripping, multifaceted tapestry is woven from Jewish folklore and cultural history. Five interlocking narratives explore one common story - the tradition of resistance and uplift. Neal Shusterman and Andres Vera Martinez are internationally renowned creators who have collaborated on a masterwork that encourages the compassionate, bold reaching for a dream.

    59,95 kr.

    Gud lovede dem et land, der flød med mælk og honning. De var Guds udvalgte, men de vendte ham ryggen.Leder Gud dem ud af ørkenen? Vil de erobre det land, de blev lovet? Lykkes det kong Saul at slå David ihjel, og kan David modstå den smukke Batseba?Vil Gud tilgive dem - eller vil han tilintetgøre dem?Manga Monarker er historien fra de gamle skrifter om Israels vej fra storhed til fald – og tilbage igen.Manga er betegnelsen for tegneserier på japansk, og de har en helt særlig streg, actionmættet stil og flotte farver. Manga Monarker er både velegnet som lystlæsning og til undervisning. Teksten er baseret på den autoriserede udgave af Bibelen fra 1992.Aldersgruppe: 9-14 år.

  • - En børnebog om kalkmalerier
    af Finn Lykke Schmidt & Birgit Pedersen
    101,95 kr.

    Af børn kan man høre sandheder og få uforglemmelige kommentarer til alt også kalkmalerier. Børn er umiddelbare, de er gode til at se og iagttage, og de er ikke bundet af de voksnes viden og erfaringsverden. Når man som i denne bog fjerner kontekst og ironi fra vores århundredgamle, vidunderlige kalkmalerier og derefter lader børn opleve dem, får man i stribevis af originale, overraskende og øjenåbnende kommentarerTak til alle de børn, der sammen med os har set på de udvalgte kalkmalerier og givet deres umiddelbare og overraskende kommentarer. Kommentarerne blev viderebragt til illustratoren Peter Maltha, som har associeret videre ud fra børnenes tankegang. Til sidst har Birgit Pedersen og Finn Lykke Schmidt bearbejdet kommentarerne og sat dem og illustrationerne ind i en bibelhistorisk sammenhæng. Hermed er malerierne, børnenes kommentarer og illustrationerne stillet til rådighed for videre oplevelse, fortolkning og dialog.

  • af Caitlin Alexander
    150,95 - 272,95 kr.

    When a family celebrates Christmas and Hanukkah, that means double the traditions and fun. Join this interfaith family as they create special memories for their littlest family member that will last a lifetime.Merry Christmas and Chag Sameach!

  • - Facing Life, Death, Mean Girls, and Cute Boys in rural America
    af Dann Hurlbert
    207,95 - 226,95 kr.

    After her dad is tragically killed, Dakota Moore's mom moves her to northern Minnesota, where Dak discovers an outcast classmate may be a reclusive miracle worker. She thinks she found him too late. The truth is, she met him just in time. Now, tucked into a secluded A-frame near a beaver-infested creek with her strong Sioux mom and a lisping little brother, Dak faces a new school and a trio of mean girls. Seemingly alone, she buries herself in a design app and self-pity until an old blind man, his curly-haired horse named Eyeballs, a quirky dragon-doodling classmate, and a strawberry blonde with delicious sun-kissed freckles give her four reasons to keep on living. But will Dak discover the miracle worker's secrets before the next tragedy strikes?

  • af Sarah Gaston
    107,95 kr.

    Daisy was a shiny, helpful Dump Truck. She was pink and strong, and she loved God!Daisy feels scared going into a long, dark tunnel to work. Will singing The Brave Song help her to trust in God?Join Daisy as she learns that God is ALWAYS with her, so she doesn't have to be afraid!Familiar construction friends from "Benny Bulldozer: Work and Pray" by Sarah Gaston come together again!

  • af Anna M Pederson
    122,95 kr.

    Gracie adalah seekor flamingo yang hidup bahagia bersama kelompoknya. Lalu suatu hari orang tuanya memberitahunya bahwa mereka akan pindah untuk tinggal bersama para zebra! Gracie belum mengerti tentang apa saja yang dapat berubah saat mereka pindah. Bisakah dia, seekor burung tinggi berwarna merah muda, dapat menyesuaikan diri dengan para zebra bergaris belang di sabana?

  • af Esther Dalmas
    125,95 kr.

    A story about walking down your favorite path, holding hands with your mother, being taught about the surroundings of the walk, and feeling the excitement of her stories; a story of finding something old yet a treasure for you; a story of best friends and the fun you have, sharing laughter and time; a message from God; a story about children seeing things that we take for granted; and a story about finding a buried penny and what made it special--if we could only see through the eyes of a child, we would have sweet memories.

  • af Karen Brough
    114,95 - 195,95 kr.

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