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Fagbøger for børn og unge: praktiske fag

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  • af Anne Erica Larsen
    247,95 kr.

    Forfatter: Anne Erica LarsenGrafisk designer: Kamilla Voss AsmussenVidste du, at vores mad og drikke udleder mere CO2 end alle biler i Danmark? Og at hver dansker i gennemsnit smider 47 kg mad ud om året? Her i bogen kan du læse om, hvordan madspild og køernes prutter og bøvser påvirker kloden. Hvordan man kan få kikærter til at smage godt. Og hvorfor det er en god ide at spise meget frugt og grønt. Med viden, tips og lette opskrifter inspirerer bogen dig til, hvordan dine madvaner kan gøre en forskel – én mundfuld ad gangen! Prøv bønnebrownies, lav dine egne klimakys og sprøde chips, eller sæt fut i dit vand med sjove smage. FAKTA KlodebogMålgruppe fra 10 årFotos og illustrationer i farver Læs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside https://forlagetkrabat.dk

  • af Helle Perrier & Vicky Devi Smidt
    247,95 kr.

    Forfattere: Helle Perrier og Vicky Devi SmidtGrafiker: Kamilla Voss AsmussenLæs de første kapitler på forlagets hjemmeside https://forlagetkrabat.dkTårnhøje hæle, opfindsomme kostumer og vild makeup. Det er drag – og det kan underholde og udfordre – både dem der optræder og dem, der ser på.I bogen kan du læse om de forskellige typer af drags og om den spændende historie om drag queens og drag kings. Fra japansk teater til Pride og Melodi Grand Prix.Du kan også møde en lang række danske drags, der fortæller om sig selv, og hvad du kan gøre, hvis du drømmer om høje hæle, lip sync og glitter.Målgruppe fra 10 år.Med illustrationer og fotos i farve.FAKTA bog

  • af Gecko Keck
    217,95 kr.

    Tegnekunst for børn – Dyr viser med meget pædagogiske og simple greb grundlæggende tegneteknikker. Disse teknikker kan børnene øve i opgaver, der er særligt tilrettelagt for ikke-øvede kunstnere. Bogen henvender sig til børn fra omkring 9-årsalderen med simple skitseringer, figur- og pelstegninger og meget mere.Instruktionerne til, hvordan man tegner dyr, er illustreret med store trin for trin-billeder og formidlet klart og tydeligt. Øvelserne i bogen er af varierende sværhedsgrader, så børnene kan starte med overkommelige projekter og få en succesoplevelse lige fra den første streg. Og får de små kunstnere appetit på mere, så er det bare at tage hul på øvelserne, der stiger i sværhedsgrad.I denne bog er der fokus på at tegne dyr. Her er både pattedyr, fisk og insekter, og til sidst er der et afsnit om dyreunger.

  • af Gecko Keck
    137,95 kr.

    BLIV EN PROF TEGNER – TRIN FOR TRIN!Her lærer børn at lave realistiske og flotte tegninger af dyr. Fra kaniner, aber og hunde til løver, kænguruer og ulve. Man kan ved hjælp af letforståelige trin-for-trin-vejledninger ret hurtigt lære at tegne motiverne selv. I bogen er der plads nok til egne projekter.På pladserne, klar, parat, start – med denne perfekte øvebog til alle små tegnekunstnere og dem, der gerne vil blive det.Denne øvebog er det perfekte supplement til grundbogen Tegnekunst for børn - Dyr.

  • af Julie Egholm
    91,95 - 157,95 kr.

    Hvad gjorde man før der fandtes penge og hvem holder styr på pengene i Danmark?Hvor kommer pengene fra? og hvor kommer mor og fars penge egentlig fra? og findes der egentlig pengetræer og pengemaskiner.Vi får svar på, hvordan penge indgår i danske festligheder og traditioner og hvordan man i en tidlig alder kan tjene sine egne penge. Vi sætter fokus på, hvor pengene kan komme fra til sparebøssen og hvorfor det er smart at have to sparebøsser i stedet for én.Den gyldne penge-regel er god at kende og har afgørende betydning for at sikre alle børn en god økonomisk fremtid. Med bogen tages det første skridt i børnenes bevidsthed omkring penge og giver svaret på, hvor skattekisten med rigdom i virkeligheden er gemt.Vi finder ud af hvor pengene kommer fra og hvordan drømme og ønsker går i opfyldelse…

  • af Heath McKenzie
    267,95 kr.

    Hvorfor skal jeg absolut spise grøntsager, når der findes så meget lækker mad? Hvorfor kan jeg ikke bare få pizza i stedet for? Ved du hvad? Det er sundt at spise noget nyt!

  • af Heath McKenzie
    247,95 kr.

    Hvorfor er der bare så meget, man gerne vil købe? Man vil have noget legetøj, en is, en kage … men man kan ikke få det hele. For penge vokser jo ikke på træerne!

  • - du selv kan lave
    af Karin Schaefer & Helena Schaeder Söderberg
    197,95 kr.

    At lave sine egne halskæder er både sjovt og nemt! Her får du masser af inspiration og smarte tips til, hvordan du selv kan skabe smukke halskæder. Bogen indeholder en lang række projekter, hvor der bruges forskellige teknikker og materialer. Hvad med at lave dine egne perler af hobby-ler, vedhæng i form af fine donuts, seje fotorammer eller flotte origamifigurer? Eller hvorfor ikke prøve kræfter med det magiske krympeplast, som du kan bruge til at lave miniudgaver af alt lige fra paraplyer til huse? Ved hjælp af bogens vejledninger lærer du at udvikle dine helt egne design. Du lærer tilmed at lave flotte smykkestativer til dine kreationer.Denne længe ventede opfølger til succesen Smukke armbånd er den perfekte bog til dig, der elsker at lave dine egne smykker eller er på udkig efter en kreativ og afslappende hobby. Forfatterne Helena Schaeder Söderberg og Karin Schaefer er begge grafiske designere og erfarne gør-det-selv-folk med fokus på projekter for både store og små! Helena skriver og fotograferer indretnings- og DIY-artikler for forskellige magasiner. Karin står bag bloggen Pysselbolaget.se.

  • - kager og lækre sager for den unge bager
    af Mikkel Klintmann & Jane Sejrup Carlsen
    144,95 - 236,95 kr.

    ”Pandekager!” råber børnene altid, hvis vi skal lave noget lækkert i køkkenet, og det er klart en af favoritterne i det søde køkken, hvis man spørger børnene selv.Denne bog indeholder 67 lækre opskrifter på alverdens lækkerier og søde sager, som alle børn elsker, og som får tænderne til at løbe i vand. Bogen byder bl.a. på børnenes personlige favoritopskrifter og små personlige historier.Med denne bog ønsker vi at skabe glæde og motivation, så børn kommer mere med i køkkenet og får interesse for at bage og kaste sig ud i det søde køkkens mange muligheder. Vi ønsker at sætte fokus på, at børn sagtens kan være med og selv fremstille søde lækkerier til familie og venner, hvis de får muligheden. Vi ved, at øvelse gør mester, og vi ønsker, at børnene bliver udfordret og udvikler sig i køkkenet og dermed opnår at kunne mestre mange forskellige teknikker indenfor det søde køkken.Vi håber, at I vil nyde opskrifterne og de historier, der ledsager dem, når I sammen står i køkkenet og leger med chokolade, dej, krymmel og glasur.

  • af Simone Lykke
    186,95 kr.

    Wilma og far skal bage pandekager. Wilma glæder sig!Først må de på indkøb. Hvad skal man bruge til pandekagedejen? Hvor finder man varerne i det store supermarked, og hvor stammer madvarerne egentlig fra?Tag med Wilma og far på indkøb i denne smukt illustreret finde-bog, og find ud af det sammen med dem.

  • af Annette Collin
    197,95 kr.

    Annette Collin is a hairdresser and make-up artist and active Viking from Denmark.This is her third book about the beautiful Viking braids in her three-book series; "Vikingeflet"Viking Braids Viking Braids 2Oldnorse Braids - in a new way Annette Collins' books can be seen on the shelves of Viking museums in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, as well as at authentic Viking markets and festivals in the Nordic countries.In this book, Annette Collin has returned to the Danish ancient oldnorse times and was inspired by the art of braiding in the 3 ages of ancient oldnordse times; Bronze Age, Iron Age and Viking Age - and once again created a brand new unique braiding book, so that beginners and experienced people can learn to braids their hair like the Vikings and their ancestors. But also with new inspiration, with new braids inspired by Old Norse traditions and symbols.This book contains 22 brand new, unique and beautiful braids with easy step-by-step instructions on how to braid your hair like a Viking and their ancestors.The book is divided into the 3 ages of ancient oldnorse times:Bronze AgeIron Age Viking AgeIn each section there are instructions for braiding a historical reconstruction and a number of modern interpretations.Richly illustrated with many beautiful images of women and men in authentic clothing and braided hair, the book gives you inspiration and easy-to-understand instructions for braiding both historical braids and new braids based on ancient Nordic traditions, symbols and ornaments from antiquity.In addition to many exciting ideas for elaborate braiding, the book also provides you with inspiring examples of other types of headdresses that are based on the Old Nordic tradition.And so the old Nordic aesthetic in the categories mentioned above can live on in the hair of our day - in a new way.In addition, the book contains historical fact pages with the authentic findings of the proud Nordic hair braiding craft.The book is a beginner's book for women, men, boys and girls.The book is also a fantastic textbook for any teacher or facilitator looking to create a workshop for students and audiences.Each braid is characterized by its level of difficulty; “Easy”, “Medium” and “Difficult” and how long it takes to braid and the things you need.On the historical fact pages you can read which historical sources Annette Collin used as inspiration for her Viking braids; the over 2,000 year old “Arden Twist,” based on a discovery of hair twisted in 2 spirals on the top af the head, The hair was reddish-brown and originated from a woman from the Iron Age, found in Denmark in the municipality of Store Arden.The fantastic discovery of Iron Age “Vingmose braided knot” was discovered in a small bog called Vingmose in Jutland, Denmark.Additionally, you can also read about the beautiful discovery of the "Vimose comb"on the island of Funen in Denmark; a rune decorated comb. Have fun ❤️Annette Collin

  • - Auf eine neue art
    af Annette Collin
    247,95 kr.

    Annette Collin ist Friseurin und make-up artist und aktive Wikingerin.Dies ist ihr drittes Buch über den wunderschönen Flechtfrisuren der Wikinger in ihrer aus drei Büchern bestehenden Serie „Vikingeflet“;Wikinger FlectfrisurenWikinger Flechtfrisuren 2Alte Nordische Flectfrisuren - auf eine neue ArtIn diesem Buch ist Annette Collin in die Antike Zeit der Vorfahren der Wikinger zurückgekehrt und hat sich von der Flechtkunst aus die 3 Antiken zeiten; Bronzezeit, Eisenzeit und der Wikingerzeit inspirieren lassen und erneut ein einzigartiges neues Flechtbuch erstellt, das Anfängern und Erfahrene können lernen, ihre Haare auf altnordische Weise zu flechten, aber auch mit neuen Flechtfrisuren inspiriert von altnordischen Traditionen und Symbolen.Dieses Buch enthält 22 nue wunderschöne einzigartigen Flechtfrisuren mit einfache step-by-step Anleitungen zum Flechten Ihrer Haare wie ein Wikinger und ihre Vorfahren.Das Buch ist in die 3 altnordischen Antike zeiten eingeteiltBronzezeitEisenzeitWikingerzeitJedes Kapitel enthält Anleitungen für eine historische rekonstruktion und eine Reihe moderner Interpretationen.Das Buch ist reich bebildert mit vielen schönen Bildern von Frauen und Männern in authentischer Kleidung und geflochtenem Haar und gibt Ihnen Inspiration und leicht verständliche Anleitungen zum Flechten sowohl historischer Zöpfe als auch neuer Zöpfe, basierend auf alten nordischen Traditionen, Symbolen und Ornamenten aus Antike.Neben vielen spannenden Ideen für aufwendige Flechtarbeiten liefert Ihnen das Buch auch inspirierende Beispiele für andere Kopfschmuckarten, die auf der altnordischen Tradition basieren.Und so kann die alte nordische Ästhetik in den oben genannten Kategorien in den Haaren unserer Tage weiterleben – auf neue Weise.Darüber hinaus enthält das Buch historische Faktenseiten mit den authentischen Erkenntnissen des stolzen nordischen Haarflechterhandwerks.Das Buch ist ein Einsteigerbuch für Frauen, Männer, Jungen und Mädchen.Das Buch ist auch ein fantastisches Lehrbuch für alle Lehrer und Vermittler, die einen Workshop für Schüler und Publikum gestalten möchten.Jeder Zopf ist durch seinen Schwierigkeitsgrad gekennzeichnet; „Einfach“, „Mittel“ und „Schwierig“ und wie lange es dauert, den Zopf zu flechten und die Dinge, die Sie brauchen.Auf den Seiten mit historischen Fakten können Sie nachlesen, welche historischen Quellen Annette Collin als Inspiration für ihre Wikingerzöpfe verwendet hat;Der über 2.000 Jahre alte "Ardener Kordelzopf", einem Haarfund von 2 Spiralen am Oberkopf aus rotbraune Haaren aund stammen von einer Frau us der Eisenzeit. Gefunden in Dänemark in der Gemeinde Store Arden.Der ertaunliche Fund aus der Eisenzeit „Geflochtener Haarknoten aus Vingmose“ aus der Eisenzeit. Gefunden in Dänemark, Jutland in einem kleinen Moor namens Vingmose.Darüber hinaus können Sie auch über die wunderschöne Entdeckung von den "Vimos-Kamm" aus der Eisenzeit. Gefunden in Dänemark er auf der Insel Fünen; ein mit runen verzierter Kamm.Viel Spaß und weiter flechten❤️Annette Collin

  • - Find inspiration og materialer til dine kunstværker i naturen
    af Pippa Pixley
    148,95 kr.

    Denne bog henvender sig til alle unge kunstner og naturelskere!Opdag dine egen kreativitet gennem en fantastisk, rodet, kunstnerisk fejring af vores natur og omverden.Der bruges alt fra dagligdagsting fra køkkenskuffer til udendørsfund, hvor sten og blomster bliver til regnbuer og skulpturer.Opdag de hemmelige kunst-materialer, som gemmer sig rundt omkring dig! Slip fantasien løs, mens du laver vilde og fantastiske kunstværker ud af frugt og grønt. Te og kaffe, træ og blade, sten, jord og mange mange flere ting – kun fantasien sætter grænser!

  • af Gail Borkosky
    136,95 kr.

    Gail resides with her husband of over forty years in a rural community of Western Massachusetts where she was born and raised. She was inspired to write this story to leave as a legacy for her first grandchild, Annika. Gail is a mother of two grown daughters and travels to her vacation home in upstate New York with her family as often as she can. Her interests include boating on Lake George, hiking in the Adirondack mountains, and quilting. Gail is currently employed as a purchasing agent for a paper company based in Georgia.

  • af Robert R. Blondin
    205,95 kr.

    A story about three kids and their Papa, finding stars and lucky stardust.Written by Canadian author Robert Blondin.Other books by author are Lost in The Darkness of Thought and Guilt Factors - Mind Games & Thought Nots!

  • af B. B. Jankoski
    167,95 kr.

    Do you want to be in charge of YOUR financial future? Here's the secret playbook to money management, investment, debt navigation, and more... all tailored for teens! Imagine a Saturday morning... Your phone buzzes, lighting up with excited texts from friends. They're planning the ultimate weekend adventure - movies at the coolest cinema in town, arcade games, mouth-watering burgers, and endless laughter. But then you glance at your wallet. A lonely $5 bill stares back... not even enough for a ticket at the discount theater. Frustration turns into panic as you scroll through complicated part-time job applications online. Words like 'savings,' 'investments,' and 'budgeting' taunt you like a secret code you just can't crack. While your friends are sharing jokes and making plans, you are left with that gnawing worry that you'll always be playing catch-up. Does that hit close to home? You're not alone... A staggering 54% of teens find themselves feeling overwhelmed and unprepared to handle the financial roller coaster waiting in the world of adulting. But wait - your superhero has arrived! It's not a bird, it's not a plane; it's a step-by-step manual to conquering the money game, living the dream, and never missing out on fun with friends again. Whether it's snagging that perfect job, making your money dance to your tune, or even becoming the next teen investment whiz - this guide is your backstage pass to the world of financial freedom. Here's just a select sample of what you'll discover within: ¿ A step-by-step guide to earning your first dollars, even if you've never worked a day in your life¿ 15 debunked myths to open your eyes to a whole new money game (#7 will make you rethink everything you've heard about happiness and wealth)¿ How to save for the things you REALLY want, without sacrificing fun¿ 10 creative budgeting games to transform your financial future - no boring lectures required!¿ A foolproof guide to staying out of debt - discover how to navigate loans, credit cards, and more like an adult¿ How to plan for college without burying yourself in debt (and still have enough to go on that dream road trip after graduation)¿ Emergency Prep 101 - be ready for anything with financial emergency plans that won't give you a headache¿ 12 proven and effective ways to diversify your investments - No more fear of putting all your eggs in one basket¿ 8 engaging exercises and gamified strategies to spice up your road to financial freedom And much more! Think this is too complex for you? Think again! This book breaks down everything into teen-friendly language, relatable examples, and actionable strategies... even if you're starting from scratch. No boring graphs, no lectures that make your eyes glaze over, no big words that belong in a boardroom. Just real-life wisdom, straight talk, and friendly advice that feels like it's coming from your coolest older sibling.Ready to transform your financial game and be the master of your own money? Scroll up and click "Add to Cart" right now.

  • af Kesha Grant
    93,95 kr.

    How we cook and eat today looks a lot different than it did in the past. From prehistoric kitchens to food preservation and the invention of the refrigerator, the history of food is surprising, unusual and amazing. Learn more about how people used these innovations to survive and thrive in everyday life.The Amazing History of Food contains high-interest, low-reading-level text specially written to engage and support struggling and reluctant readers.

    976,95 kr.

    Conceived as an archive, the book brings together the experiences of Frequencies, a global participatory project initiated by multimedia artist Oscar Murillo in 2013. Part of the artist's multimedia practice, Frequencies addresses the notion of community through the lens of its making. For over a decade, it has involved members of Murillo's family, studio team and collaborators, visiting schools around the globe, fixing raw canvas onto classroom desks, and inviting the students to freely mark, write and draw on them for a period of approximately six months. Murillo has collected an archive of canvases, which he presented in various interactive exhibitions. OSCAR MURILLO (*1986, La Paila, Colombia) has developed a multi-faceted and ambitious practice that spans painting, collaborative projects, video, sound and installation. He received his MFA from the Royal College of Art in 2012 and was one of four artists to collectively win the prestigious Turner Prize in 2019.

  • af Alisha Kapani
    82,95 kr.

    Delight Your Young Chef with Sweet Adventures! Welcome to "Little Bakers, Big Flavors: Fun, Easy & Unique Desserts for Young Chefs," where the kitchen becomes a playground of sweet creativity for budding culinary artists! Unleash the magic of baking with this delightful cookbook designed to inspire and empower young chefs.Key Benefits:Fun & Easy Recipes: Step-by-step instructions make baking a joyous and stress-free experience for kids.Creativity Unleashed: Encourage imagination by customizing recipes with various toppings, flavors, and decorations.Empowering Skills: Develop foundational baking techniques while fostering independence and confidence in the kitchen.Family Bonding: Create lasting memories as families come together to share laughter and delicious homemade treats.Educational & Delicious: Instill a love for cooking and provide a fun way for kids to learn about measurements, ingredients, and kitchen safety.From ice-cream sandwiches to fruity popsicles, each recipe is crafted to make baking an adventure filled with fun and flavorful discoveries. Join the culinary journey today and watch your little bakers' faces light up with excitement! Add "Little Bakers, Big Flavors" to your cart now and bring the joy of baking home!

  • af Susan Glick
    107,95 - 322,95 kr.

  • af Kaye Baillie
    179,95 kr.

    Mabel loves visiting Miss Plum's café and drawing pictures for the art wall. But one day, Mabel finds the café under renovation by someone new. She misses her favourite café, and she misses Miss Plum's smiles. One day, the café reopens, and Mabel reluctantly visits there with her mother. Will Mabel feel the same joy she felt in the old place?

  • af Valorie Fisher
    212,95 kr.

    "Designed for children who can't yet read, Look and Cook Breakfast: A First Book of Recipes in Pictures is a must-have introduction to cooking for kids ages 4 to 8. Following the same easy-to-read visual layout of Look and Cook Snacks, this cookbook features delicious sweet and savory breakfast recipes for the whole family to enjoy--homemade granola, zucchini muffins, and more! Key features for kids include: Step-by-step visual instructions: Let kids who can't yet read and visual learners guide their own cooking journey; A guide to kitchen basics: Learn skills like mixing and measuring, and proper handling of safe-to-use kitchen equipment; Family-friendly recipes: Delicious, easy, and healthy breakfast dishes for the entire family to enjoy making and eating together!"--

  • af Giovanna Zoboli
    176,95 kr.

    Stunning artwork from the acclaimed illustrator of The Midnight Fair illuminates a sweet cautionary tale about a rabbit whose fabled soup-making gets away from him. Mr. Lepron is a rabbit who lives in a cozy burrow with many offspring. Every year on the first day of autumn, he reaps vegetables from the farmer's garden--carrots, onions, celery, beans, aromatic herbs, and much more--and makes the best soup on earth, adored by his family. As it simmers, he dozes and dreams of being a famous cook, hosted by kings. And sure enough, his soup is so good that it starts drawing creatures from all over--until one day a factory springs up in the woods, with Mr. Lepron presiding day and night and soup cans for sale in all the most renowned shops. But as demand rises, Mr. Lepron's dreams become fretful, and soon he starts hearing complaints: his soup is not as good as it was. Has his recipe changed--or has Mr. Lepron? How can he recapture the joy he once shared with his family? Mariachiara Di Giorgio's exquisitely detailed artwork appears lit from within as it captures the pastoral setting, a range of expressive forest animals, Mr. Lepron's fitful dreamscapes, and the palpable sense of peace as he rediscovers what truly matters.

  • af Candice Ransom
    65,95 kr.

    Dream big with a Little Golden Book biography about French chef Jacques Pépin, who taught countless fans how to cook french meals—and carve lemons into the shape of pigs. Little Golden Book biographies are the perfect introduction to nonfiction for young readers—as well as fans of all ages!This Little Golden Book about Jacques Pépin—the beloved French chef, artist, and close friend of Julia Child—is an inspiring read-aloud for young foodies and their parents.Look for more Little Golden Book biographies: • Harry Belafonte • Tony Bennett • Iris Apfel • Oprah Winfrey • Julia Child

  • af Kari Allen
    70,95 kr.

    Dream big with a Little Golden Book biography about Julia Child, the chef and cookbook author who introduced Americans to the art of French cooking. It's the perfect introduction to nonfiction for young readers—as well as fans of all ages!This Little Golden Book about Julia Child—beloved for her entertaining and informative cooking shows—is an inspiring read-aloud for all young sous chefs. Bon appétit!Look for more Little Golden Book biographies: • Harry Belafonte • Martha Stewart • Iris Apfel • Oprah Winfrey • Jacques Pépin

  • af Judy Katschke
    70,95 kr.

    Dream big with a Little Golden Book biography about Martha Stewart—America's first woman billionaire who built her own home goods and multimedia business. Little Golden Book biographies are the perfect introduction to nonfiction for young readers—as well as fans of all ages!This Little Golden Book about Martha Stewart—the expert on all things related to cooking, crafting, gardening, and cleaning—is an inspiring read-aloud for young children, as well as their parents and grandparents.Look for more Little Golden Book biographies: • Lucille Ball • Oprah Winfrey • Iris Apfel • Bob Ross • Rita Moreno

  • af Monee' Brown
    242,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Well-Being Publishing
    162,95 kr.

    Embark on a Delicious Journey through the Art of Canning!Delightful flavors, fun-filled afternoons, and the magic of preserving time. Imagine your children unleashing their creativity while learning a time-honored skill that combines science, nutrition, and a dash of history. With "Canning For Kids: The Canning and Preserving Adventure," they'll do just that-as they dive into the world of homemade jams, pickles, and everything in between.Our journey begins with a warm welcome to the fascinating world of canning-where each jar tells a tale of tradition and tasty triumphs. Through the pages of this book, kids will discover not only what canning is, but also why it's an enduring craft that's beneficial even in our modern times. They'll learn the scientific wonders that occur inside each sealed jar and understand the critical importance of safety-a key chapter that makes every subsequent step a confident stride.But what adventure doesn't require a toolkit? In Chapter 3, your young learners will be equipped with the essentials of canning equipment and introduced to some whimsical gadgets that make the process even more fun. They will encounter delightful recipes, starting with sweet and simple jams and jellies that pave the way for the crunch of pickles, the heartiness of soups, and the lushness of canned fruits.As they explore further, your children will encounter the vibrancy of tomatoes transformed into salsas, the crafting of unique gifts through infusions and flavored oils, and even take inspiration from the garden directly to the jar. This book helps forge connections-with the food they eat, the past that has shaped their present, and the community that grows when they share what they've made. Rich with illustrations and engaging activities, this book endears the time-honored practice of canning to the next generation.So, let the countdown to canning commence, where every lid sealed is a treasure chest of taste waiting to be reopened-capturing the essence of seasons, and inspiring stories for the dinner table. Grab your copy of "Canning For Kids: The Canning and Preserving Adventure" and preserve the delight for seasons to come!

  • af Helaine Becker
    165,95 kr.

    With its cheeky pictures and riotous rhymes, Ode to Underwear gets behind that most overlooked, underappreciated wardrobe essential--underwear!

  • af Georgie Birkett
    170,95 kr.

    Banana chips! Rice cakes! When Gertie wants to eat only snacks, her dad shares the joy of growing, making, and sharing your own food in this adorable picture book from the creator of Carry Me! Gertie LOVES snacks! All kinds of snacks: sofa snacks, bath snacks, bedtime snacks . . . Isn't everything better with a snack? But the delicious meals Daddy is making for her are going uneaten, and snacks are all that Gertie can talk about. Could a day in Grandma's community garden plot be just the thing to help Gertie see everything she's missing--and find the inspiration she's looking for? With characteristic warmth and humor, Georgie Birkett explores small children's exasperating eating habits, capturing the ups and downs of parenting life through a very endearing father-daughter mouse duo.

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