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Undervisningsmidler: handel og økonomi

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  • af Jenny Drew
    257,95 kr.

  • - BIT-modellens anvendelse i socialfaglig forhandling
    af Anne Brorson
    177,95 - 247,95 kr.

    Mange kommuner oplever stigninger i antallet af personer, der har brug for støtte fra socialområdet og servicelovens paragraffer, og dermed også et stigende økonomisk pres. I forhandlingen med leverandører har kommunerne pligt til at sikre, at der foretages individuelle vurderinger i alle borgersager, som serviceloven foreskriver. Derfor er forhandling ikke blot et spørgsmål om at nedbringe udgifter for at imødegå en økonomisk udfordring. Forhandling skal, for at være fagligt og juridisk velfunderet, være socialfagligt funderet. Bogen er skrevet til rådgivere, ledere og studerende indenfor socialområdet og giver en grundlæggende indføring i den socialfaglige forhandling, og hvordan den ud fra BIT-modellen (behov, indsats, takst) kan praktiseres sådan, at det understøtter både lovgivning, faglighed og økonomi. Den retter sig direkte på den daglige praksis og indeholder anonymiserede eksempler fra konkrete forhandlingssager. BIT-modellen kan benyttes på tværs af aldersgrupper og målgrupper. Det vil sige, at den socialfaglige forhandling kan udføres på børne- og familieområdet så vel som voksenområdet, selvom der i bogen tages udgangspunkt i det specialiserede voksenområde.

  • - Entreprenørskab og intraprenørskab
    af Kristian Philipsen
    697,95 kr.

  • af GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council)
    362,95 kr.

    Introducing the 'GMAT Official Guide 2023-2024' by the authoritative GMAC (Graduate Management Admission Council). This comprehensive guide is the definitive resource for those looking to conquer the GMAT. Published in 2023 by Wiley John + Sons, this book is a must-have for anyone preparing for business school. The GMAC, known for its expertise in the field, provides a complete overview of the GMAT, offering invaluable tips and strategies to help you succeed. This guide is more than just a study tool, it's a roadmap to success in the challenging world of graduate management admission. It's not just a book, it's your passport to a promising future. Dive into the world of GMAT with this official guide and embark on your journey to business school success. Published by Wiley John + Sons, this book is an essential tool in the arsenal of every ambitious individual.

  • af Charles T. Horngren, Wendy M. Tietz & C. William Thomas
    969,95 - 1.074,95 kr.

  • af Morten Haase, Michael Bregendahl, René Mortensen & mfl.
    797,95 kr.

    Med Marketing B & A1 får du en grundbog med den teori og de modeller, du har brug for i din undervisning i afsætning. Bogen rummer materiale målrettet mod B-niveau, som er identisk med første del af A-niveau. Strukturen følger den nye læreplan.Udgivelsen er en appetitlig og veloplagt introduktion til afsætning. Materialet er gennemrevideret med mange nye billeder samt aktuelle og praksisnære eksempler, som er integreret i den teoretiske gennemgang. Desuden er materialet opdateret med den nyeste teori.Materialet sælges også i iBogen Marketing, hvor du desuden finder opgaver, videoer og interaktiviteter.

  • af Morten Haase, Conni Paldam & Uffe Schjødt
    487,95 kr.

    Mennesket agerer og kommunikerer i krydsfeltet mellem biologi og kultur – og det gælder også reklamer. Når du ser chokoladereklamer, reagerer din krop helt konkret. Men mundvandet er blot en af mange biologiske mekanismer, som reklamebranchen udnytter. Kulturen er også med til at bestemme, hvad du opfatter som attraktivt og gerne vil efterligne som forbruger.I Reklamepsykologi giver tre eksperter i kultur, markedsføring og hjerneforskning et samlet bud på, hvad der gør, at reklamer virker – og ikke virker.

  • af Hjarn von Zernichow Borberg & Robert Wederkinck
    227,95 kr.

    Penge, valuta og de finansielle markeder – et overblik giver på en overskuelig måde et godt overblik over sammenhængen mellem den danske statsgældspolitik, pengepolitik og valutapolitik samt koblingen til de finansielle markeder og deres indbyrdes sammenhænge. Bogen beskriver de mest centrale begreber som eksempelvis renter, fordringer, penge og likviditet samt forskellen mellem rentespænd, rentemarginal og rentestruktur. Der gives også en detaljeret beskrivelse af Nationalbankens pengepolitiske redskaber og valutapolitiske redskaber til forsvar for den danske kronekurs samt statens indenlandske og udenlandske låntagning. Desuden indeholder bogen en kort og praktisk anvendelig gennemgang af de mest centrale forklaringsfaktorer for udviklingen i den danske valutakurs, statsobligationsrenter m.v. Penge, valuta og de finansielle markeder – et overblik er nyttig for alle, som gerne vil videre mere om penge, valuta, statsgældspolitik og sammenhængen mellem disse emner, som alle har betydning for globaliseringen af dansk økonomi. Den kan bruges både som lærebog inden for dansk valuta- og pengepolitik og sammenhængen med de finansielle markeder samt som opslagsværk for alle, som har behov for viden forud for analyser af de finansielle markeder i Danmark.

  • af Scott H. Young
    212,95 kr.

    Learn a new talent, stay relevant, reinvent yourself, and adapt to whatever the workplace throws your way. Ultralearning offers nine principles to master hard skills quickly. This is the essential guide to future-proof your career and maximize your competitive advantage through self-education.In these tumultuous times of economic and technological change, staying ahead depends on continual self-education?a lifelong mastery of fresh ideas, subjects, and skills. If you want to accomplish more and stand apart from everyone else, you need to become an ultralearner.The challenge of learning new skills is that you think you already know how best to learn, as you did as a student, so you rerun old routines and old ways of solving problems. To counter that, Ultralearning offers powerful strategies to break you out of those mental ruts and introduces new training methods to help you push through to higher levels of retention.Scott H. Young incorporates the latest research about the most effective learning methods and the stories of other ultralearners like himself?among them Benjamin Franklin, chess grandmaster Judit Polgár, and Nobel laureate physicist Richard Feynman, as well as a host of others, such as little-known modern polymath Nigel Richards, who won the French World Scrabble Championship?without knowing French.Young documents the methods he and others have used to acquire knowledge and shows that, far from being an obscure skill limited to aggressive autodidacts, ultralearning is a powerful tool anyone can use to improve their career, studies, and life.Ultralearning explores this fascinating subculture, shares a proven framework for a successful ultralearning project, and offers insights into how you can organize and execute a plan to learn anything deeply and quickly, without teachers or budget-busting tuition costs.Whether the goal is to be fluent in a language (or ten languages), earn the equivalent of a college degree in a fraction of the time, or master multiple tools to build a product or business from the ground up, the principles in Ultralearning will guide you to success.

  • - En teori- og værktøjsbog om innovation
    af Kirsten Frandsen & Birte Ravn Østergaard
    291,95 - 522,95 kr.

    Heureka! præsenterer en række grundlæggende teorier og værktøjer til udvikling af idéer, produkter og virksomheder.Vi har alle prøvet det – at man tænker: ”Dét kunne være rigtig smart” eller ”Sådan kunne man løse problemet”. Men det er de færreste af os, der i praksis forfølger idéen, og sætter den i værk. Somme tider er ideen så besnærende simpel, andre gange er det så vanskeligt, og man prøver forgæves i månedsvis eller længere endnu, før det begynder at lykkes. At finde og virkeliggøre de gode ideer, og at udvikle forbedringer til det, der allerede findes, er hvad innovation handler om.

  • - tysk handelskorrespondance for niveau B og A
    af Dorthe Unnerup-Madsen & Henrik Thomasen
    297,95 kr.

    "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ..." er en virkelighedsnær og relevant lærebog i tysk handelskorrespondance. Er skrevet i moderne tysk stil og opbygget efter de nyeste principper for opstilling af breve og mails. Giver en bred indsigt i virksomhedens eksterne og interne kommunikation. Giver mulighed for at arbejde med erhvervsrelateret terminologi og fraseologi. Lægger op til forskellige undervisningsformer. Muliggør differentieret undervisning. "Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, ..." er en lærebog i tysk handelskorrespondance udarbejdet til brug ved tyskundervisningen over to år for handelsgymnasiets niveau B og over tre år for niveau A. Bogen henvender sig også til kursister på f.eks. handelsskolernes enkeltfagskurser og rekvirerede kurser samt til studerende ved akademierne.

  • af Elanor Best
    78,95 - 112,95 kr.

    Learn how to save the planet with this activity book with card press-outs and stickers.

  • af John Dumay
    824,95 kr.

    Academic Research, Publishing and Writing: Critical Thinking and Strategies for Business Scholars is designed for all scholars of business and management and outlines practical and proven ways of designing, developing, and executing impactful research and writing projects with a view to eventual publication.

  • af Arthur Bochner
    172,95 kr.

    Jam-packed with up-to-date, easy-to-understand information on every area of money, this smart, useful book?just right for kids age 8?14?makes learning about money fun. A savvy brother and sister team, Arthur and Rose explain a lot about money matters, including: Budgets and savings (great ways to get the stuff you really want!) The basics of stocks, bonds, and other ways of investing Credit cards (?The Plastic Flash?) and borrowing Updated information on the Internet with useful Web links Online investing, Web safety precautions Saving and paying for college And much more

  • af Camille Simon
    209,95 kr.

    Join Isaiah on an exciting journey as he learns about real estate through fixing and flipping houses from his parents. Follow his inspiring tale of determination, teamwork, and creativity.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    247,95 kr.

    Subject: EconomicsBoard: CambridgeLevel: A2 LevelPaper: 3 and 4For exam: 2024 and 2025Examination Preparation Reference GuideFull Syllabus CoverageIn the vast expanse of economic literature, "Cambridge A2 Level Economics 9708: 2024" emerges as a beacon of clarity and insight, tailored for students and enthusiasts eager to navigate the intricate world of economics. Crafted with a keen eye for both the microeconomic foundations and the overarching macroeconomic dynamics, this book stands out for its holistic approach, blending theoretical depth with practical examples.At its core, the book delves into the fundamental principles of the price system and the microeconomy, illuminating the concepts of utility, indifference curves, and budget lines. It skillfully bridges the gap between abstract economic theories and their tangible impacts on daily life, ensuring that readers grasp the nuances of efficiency, market failure, and the interplay between private and social costs and benefits. By dissecting types of cost, revenue, and profit, alongside the mechanics of production in both the short run and long run, the text lays a robust foundation for understanding the diverse market structures that shape our economic reality.Beyond the realms of individual markets, the book ventures into the strategic growth and survival of firms, offering insights into their differing objectives and the pivotal role of government intervention in microeconomic regulation. This exploration is not confined to theoretical models; it extends to the practical implications of government policies aimed at achieving efficient resource allocation, correcting market failures, and fostering equity and income redistribution.Transitioning from the micro to the macro, "Cambridge A2 Level Economics 9708: 2024" embarks on a journey through the complexities of the macroeconomy. From the circular flow of income to the critical issues of economic growth, sustainability, and employment, the book presents a comprehensive overview of the forces at play. It addresses the essence of money and banking, the pivotal role of government macroeconomic intervention, and the intricate balance between policy objectives and the inevitable trade-offs and conflicts they engender.The narrative further unfolds to reveal the challenges and strategies related to exchange rates, economic development, and globalisation, enriched by a discussion on economic indicators and the varied characteristics of countries at different development stages. The book does not shy away from the contentious debates surrounding the relationship between developed and developing nations, offering a balanced perspective on the benefits and drawbacks of globalisation."Cambridge A2 Level Economics 9708: 2024" is not just a textbook; it's a journey through the landscape of economic thought, designed to equip readers with the tools to understand and critique the world around them. Its unique blend of simplicity and depth makes it an indispensable resource for anyone looking to demystify the complex world of economics. Whether you're a student preparing for exams or a curious mind eager to understand the economic forces that shape our lives, this book promises to be a guiding light, offering clarity, insight, and a deep appreciation for the vibrant world of economics.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    227,95 kr.

    Subject: EconomicsBoard: CambridgeLevel: Advanced Subsidiary (AS) LevelSyllabus code: 9708For exam: 2024 and 2025Examination preparation reference guideFull Syllabus CoverageEmbarking on an exploration of economics is akin to unlocking a treasure trove of insights that illuminate the world around us. The "Cambridge AS Level Economics 9708: 2024" textbook is a beacon of knowledge for students poised at the threshold of understanding the intricate dance of economic principles. Crafted with the budding economist in mind, this book demystifies the complexities of economics using the simplest English, ensuring concepts are not only accessible but deeply engaging.At the heart of this textbook lies a commitment to exploring the foundational pillars of economic theory, starting with the eternal conundrum of scarcity, choice, and opportunity cost. It's a journey that begins with the basics-how we make choices in a world of limited resources and infinite wants. From there, readers are guided through the economic methodology and the factors of production, unraveling the tapestry of resources that fuel our societies and economies.As the narrative unfolds, the book delves into the mechanisms of resource allocation across different economic systems, showcasing the diversity of approaches in managing economies. The production possibility curves come alive as tools to visualize potential and limitations, setting the stage for a deeper understanding of the goods and services that form the backbone of markets.Transitioning to the microeconomy, the textbook navigates the nuanced landscapes of demand and supply curves, elasticity, and the interplay of market forces with a clarity that enlightens and empowers. Through vivid examples and clear explanations, students are introduced to the concepts of consumer and producer surplus, bringing to light the benefits and costs inherent in market transactions.The narrative then shifts towards the vital role of government intervention in microeconomic environments. It uncovers the rationale behind policy decisions, the methods employed, and their impacts on markets and society, offering a balanced view on addressing income and wealth inequality.The exploration broadens to the macroeconomy, where readers embark on a journey through national income statistics, the circular flow of income, and the dynamics of aggregate demand and supply. Key topics such as economic growth, unemployment, and price stability are dissected, presenting a holistic view of economic health and challenges.In the final sections, the textbook examines government macroeconomic interventions, dissecting policy objectives and the tools at the disposal of policymakers, including fiscal, monetary, and supply-side policies. It also ventures beyond domestic borders to unravel the complexities of international trade, protectionism, and the balance of payments, concluding with strategies to correct imbalances that affect nations.

  • af Make Believe Ideas
    112,95 kr.

    A dinosaur activity book with 3-D felt stickers and card press-outs!

  • af Make Believe Ideas
    117,95 kr.

    Brilliant seek-and-find book, full of colorful, illustrated pages.Introducing an amazing seek-and-find book, packed full of engaging, illustrated pages full of things for children to find!Each busy page contains suggestions of things for children to find, making this the perfect book for adults and children to enjoy together. Kids will love searching through the colorful scenes!

  • af Brendan January
    397,95 kr.

    Timely technology title comes out as the internet is prompting individuals to rethink their relationships with government and financial institutions. Amidst a growing enthusiasm for disruptive technologies, title touches on many angles surrounding cryptocurrency: cryptothieves and security, questions of regulation, and the potential for social paradigm shifts.

  • af Mari C Schuh
    257,95 kr.

    What do television ads look like? How can you tell that ads are not part of TV shows? Why do companies make TV ads? Readers will learn to identify and evaluate the advertisements they see on television. Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the role of advertising in their lives.

  • af Mari C Schuh
    257,95 kr.

    Internet website offer information and entertainment. But many websites have ads too. What do ads on the Internet look like? Why are they there? Readers will learn to identify and evaluate the advertisements they see on the Internet. Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the role of advertising in their lives.

  • af Mari C Schuh
    257,95 kr.

    What do the words and pictures on your shirt or shoes mean? Why did someone put those things on your clothes? Readers will learn to identify and evaluate the advertisements they see on clothing. Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the role of advertising in their lives.

  • af Mari C Schuh
    257,95 kr.

    Magazines have stories, pictures, and ads. Companies put ads in magazines to sell products. What do magazine ads look like? And what is their purpose? Readers will learn to identify and evaluate the advertisements they see in magazines. Accessible text and explanatory photos help students understand the role of advertising in their lives.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    237,95 kr.

    "Cambridge O Level Accounting 7707: Second Edition" is an essential resource tailored for students preparing for their O Level Accounting exams in 2023, 2024, and 2025. This comprehensive guide dives deep into the world of accounting, offering a clear and concise exploration of its fundamentals, intricacies, and practical applications.At its core, the book is designed to demystify accounting for young learners. It begins by laying the foundation with an insightful look into the purpose of accounting, unraveling its significance in the business world. The initial sections skillfully introduce the accounting equation, serving as the cornerstone for understanding how financial information is balanced and interpreted.As the journey into accounting progresses, the book delves into the vital processes of data sourcing and recording. It elucidates the double-entry system, a pivotal concept in bookkeeping, and further elaborates on various business documents and primary books of entry. These early chapters are instrumental in building a robust understanding of how financial transactions are systematically recorded and managed.The middle sections of the book are dedicated to the verification of accounting records. Here, students are guided through the intricacies of the trial balance, error correction, bank reconciliation, and the role of control accounts. These topics are crucial for ensuring accuracy and reliability in financial reporting, skills that are invaluable for aspiring accountants.Transitioning into more advanced territories, the book addresses various accounting procedures. It covers a range of topics from capital and revenue expenditure to the nuances of dealing with non-current assets, payables, receivables, irrecoverable debts, and inventory valuation. This section is particularly beneficial for understanding the day-to-day accounting practices and the treatment of various financial elements.Preparing financial statements is a significant aspect of accounting, and the book dedicates a substantial section to this. It offers insights into the preparation of financial statements for diverse entities like sole traders, partnerships, limited companies, clubs, societies, and even delves into manufacturing accounts and the treatment of incomplete records. This part of the book is particularly relevant for students to understand how different types of organizations manage and present their financial data.In the penultimate section, the book shifts its focus to the analysis and interpretation of financial information. It introduces accounting ratios, a tool essential for evaluating the financial health of a business. Students learn not just to calculate these ratios, but also to interpret them, compare them across firms, and understand their implications for various stakeholders. This section is pivotal for developing analytical skills in financial decision-making.Finally, the book culminates with a detailed discussion on accounting principles and policies. This section reinforces the ethical and standardized practices in accounting, ensuring that students are well-versed in the principles that govern the profession.In summary, "Cambridge O Level Accounting 7707: Second Edition" is a meticulously crafted guide that blends theoretical knowledge with practical insights. Its comprehensive coverage, easy-to-understand language, and alignment with the latest O Level syllabus make it an indispensable tool for students aiming for excellence in their accounting exams over the next three years. This book is not just about learning accounting; it's about mastering it in the simplest and most effective way possible.

  • af Azhar Ul Haque Sario
    237,95 kr.

    "Cambridge O Level Economics 2281: Second Edition" is an insightful guide that delves into the complex world of economics, tailored specifically for O Level students. This comprehensive textbook is an indispensable resource for those seeking to understand the foundational concepts and applications of economics in the modern world.For exam: 2023-25At the heart of this book is an exploration of the basic economic problem: scarcity and the need for choice. It provides a clear explanation of the factors of production - land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurship - and introduces the concept of opportunity cost, a fundamental principle in economics. Through engaging examples and simplified explanations, the book makes these concepts accessible to young learners.The allocation of resources is another key focus. Here, students are introduced to microeconomics and macroeconomics, providing a balanced view of economic theory and practice. The role of markets in allocating resources is dissected, alongside an in-depth analysis of demand, supply, and price determination. The book also covers complex topics like price elasticity of demand and supply, market systems, and market failures in a manner that is easy to grasp.In discussing microeconomic decision-makers, the textbook looks at the roles and influences of households, workers, and firms. It delves into the dynamics of money and banking, production processes, costs, revenues, and objectives of firms, as well as various market structures.The role of government in the macroeconomy is a critical area covered. It discusses government interventions through fiscal and monetary policies, and the impact of supply-side policies. The macroeconomic aims of government, including addressing issues like economic growth, employment, and inflation, are analyzed in a straightforward and engaging manner.The book also sheds light on economic development, an area of great interest in the modern world. It examines the standards of living, poverty, population dynamics, and the disparities in economic development between countries. This section is particularly relevant in understanding the global economic landscape and the challenges faced by different nations.Finally, the book delves into international trade and globalization. It covers essential topics like international specialization, the debate between free trade and protectionism, foreign exchange rates, and the balance of payments. This section is crucial for understanding how economies are interconnected in the globalized world."Cambridge O Level Economics 2281: Second Edition" stands out for its clear, simple language, making complex economic concepts accessible to young minds. It's not just a textbook; it's a journey through the world of economics, designed to spark curiosity and foster a deep understanding of the subject. This book is an essential tool for any O Level student aiming to excel in economics.

  • af 1a-Studi GmbH
    229,95 kr.

    In ¿Thesis Sprint: Die 4-Wochen-Strategie zur perfekten Bachelor- oder Masterarbeit¿ findest du eine funktionierende Methode, um deine Abschlussarbeit in nur 4 Wochen zu schreiben. Dieses Buch ist genau das Richtige für dich, wenn du vor der Herausforderung stehst, eine qualitativ hochwertige Thesis unter Zeitdruck zu schreiben. Die Abschlussarbeit hat einen erheblichen Einfluss auf deinen Gesamtnotendurchschnitt und somit Bewerbung auf einen Job nach dem Studium.In diesem Buch (+ Workbook) lernst du, wie du effektives Zeitmanagement, das Schreiben unter Druck und bewährte Schreibtechniken nutzen kannst, um deine Arbeit fristgerecht und auf einem hohen wissenschaftlichen Niveau zu vollenden. Dieses Buch ist das Ergebnis jahrzehntelanger Erfahrung in der Zusammenarbeit mit Studenten und Akademikern und kombiniert Expertenwissen mit den Ratschlägen professioneller Lektoren und Studentencoaches.Du lernst, wie du den Schreibprozess deiner Thesis effektiv und effizient organisierst und diese Herausforderung mit Entschlossenheit und Engagement angehst. Die 4-Wochen-Strategie ist mehr als ein Zeitplan ¿ diese ist ein Modell, wie du unter Druck arbeiten und dabei hervorragende Ergebnisse erzielen kannst. Diese Strategie wird dir nicht nur während deines Studiums, sondern auch in deinem späteren Berufsleben nützlich sein.

  • af Georgia I Lainiotis
    217,95 - 337,95 kr.

  • af James McKenna
    287,95 kr.

    For use in schools and libraries only. A comprehensive first guidebook to earning, saving, and investing money. Written in a humorous but informative voice that engages young readers, it's the book that every parent who wants to raise financially savvy and unspoiled children should buy for their kids. It is packed with lively illustrations that make difficult concepts easy to understand all as a way of building financial literacy, good money decision-making, and the appreciation of a hard-earned dollar.

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