Bag om Correcting the Wise.
t is very difficult to correct a learned one but very easy to impress an illiterate Nobody knows all things. We knows in parts and works in parts. Many preachers claims to know too much if they can pray and something happens but when they are preaching you will start to see that what they were preaching is not in line with what the bible has written for our edifications. Searching the scriptures makes you wiser and better. When you are preaching or teaching what the bible did not support your message is veiled. The congregations need to understand the lord they are serving and how better to work with him. You need a lot of wisdom to work successfully with men but you needed a lot of faith to work with God. Everything you had done beyond measures will soon turn back to fight you. Men are enemies of progress. They love to jealous each other. Jealousy can be found mostly in women. Other women does not agree that another woman can be better than them. It is chauvinism that has long existed beyond human control. The Christians in the church is different from the Christians in the heart If God is not holy he will not admonish you to be holy. When Stephen was being stoned to death, he prayed that God should forgive his killers for they did not know what they are doing. A true and sound knowledge leads to maturity God is disciplining people to correct them. You will not be able to know your true friends when life is rosy for you. Good to learn from others mistakes than your own mistakes A man of wisdom is the one that has a good understanding and plans for every time and seasons. Your prayer points shows the kind of heart you has. Be good and lead a good life. Leave all vengeance to the lightest God. Prayers is not fight. It is a plea or begging.
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