Bag om Eternal Rome
Front Cover provided by: Image: A "Rose" Made of Galaxies: Arp 273. Credit: NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team (STScl/AURA) Emperor Algueius finally gets to go on his search, to find God's Jewel. Bracius is reluctant to allow his daughter, Eden, to come along. For she is pregnant and he is worried about her safety. In his reluctance, he gives her permission to accompany him. As they leave, Bracius feels the loneliness of not having the empress with him. For he has grown accustom to her presence and counsel. She is on home world, under twenty four hour watch. She wants to make sure, she doesn't have another miscarriage. For this child will replace the son, who has died. As the emperor and Eden go on their quest. Bracius, sends his newly adopted daughter, Inbaria, to negotiate a peace treaty. She is to meet with the representative, from the galaxy of The Germanic Empire. Bracius is hoping to divert a war or stall for time. For his empire needs a year, to increase their military forces and beef up their defenses. Inbaria, wants to negotiate the treaty from the standpoint of strength, not weakness. As she meets with the German delegate, he verbally throws insults, trying to intimidate her. He fails to realize, she is from a warrior clan. She finds his attempts, to be humorous. At one point, he tries to physically force her back, to the negotiations table. He finds out how wrong that was, for he pays the price for his arrogance. The German delegate, tried a new tactic of threatening war, if Inbaria didn't accept his terms for a peace treaty. As she walks away from the negotiations, she tells him. When you are ready, to earnestly negotiate for peace, call me but until then, I will be on my ship.
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