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  • af A. Antony Prakash
    650,95 kr.

    Die diskrete Mathematik hat in den letzten Jahrzehnten aufgrund ihrer Nützlichkeit in der Computertechnologie an Popularität gewonnen, was sie für die Informatik und das Ingenieurwesen unentbehrlich macht. Dies ist darauf zurückzuführen, dass die Untersuchung sehr kleiner Zahlenmengen den Schwerpunkt der diskreten Mathematik bildet. Computerimplementierungen spielen jedoch eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Übertragung von Konzepten der diskreten Mathematik auf reale Anwendungen wie das Operations Research. In allen Bereichen der Informatik, einschließlich der Entwicklung von Computeralgorithmen, Programmiersprachen, Kryptographie, Flussdiagrammen, Computernetzwerken mit Graphen, Logikbildung, automatisiertem Theorembeweisen und Softwareentwicklung, sind Konzepte und Notationen aus der diskreten Mathematik bei der Untersuchung und Beschreibung von Objekten und Problemen nützlich. Die diskrete Mathematik beschäftigt sich hauptsächlich mit Mengen, Graphen, Kombinatorik, logischen Aussagen und anderen verwandten Themen.

  • af A. Antony Prakash
    958,95 kr.

    Les mathématiques discrètes ont connu un regain de popularité au cours des dernières décennies en raison de leur utilité dans la technologie informatique, ce qui les rend essentielles à l'informatique et à l'ingénierie. En effet, l'étude de très petits ensembles de nombres est l'objectif principal des mathématiques discrètes. Cependant, les implémentations informatiques jouent un rôle essentiel dans le transfert des concepts de mathématiques discrètes vers des applications du monde réel, comme la recherche opérationnelle. Dans tous les domaines de l'informatique, y compris le développement d'algorithmes informatiques, de langages de programmation, de cryptographie, d'organigrammes, de réseaux informatiques utilisant des graphes, la construction logique, la démonstration automatisée de théorèmes et le développement de logiciels, les concepts et les notations des mathématiques discrètes sont utiles dans l'étude et la description des objets et des problèmes. Les mathématiques discrètes traitent principalement des ensembles, des graphes, de la combinatoire, des énoncés logiques et d'autres sujets connexes

  • af A. Antony Prakash
    958,95 kr.

    A matemática discreta tem registado um aumento de popularidade nas últimas décadas devido à sua utilidade na tecnologia informática, o que a torna essencial para a informática e a engenharia. Isto deve-se ao facto de o estudo de conjuntos de números muito pequenos ser o foco principal da matemática discreta. No entanto, as implementações informáticas desempenham um papel fundamental na transferência dos conceitos da matemática discreta para aplicações no mundo real, como a investigação operacional. Em todas as áreas da informática, incluindo o desenvolvimento de algoritmos informáticos, linguagens de programação, criptografia, fluxogramas, redes de computadores usando gráficos, construção lógica, prova automática de teoremas e desenvolvimento de software, os conceitos e notações da matemática discreta são úteis no estudo e descrição de objectos e questões. A matemática discreta trata principalmente de conjuntos, gráficos, combinatória, enunciados lógicos e outros tópicos relacionados.

  • af A. Antony Prakash
    650,95 kr.

    Za poslednie neskol'ko desqtiletij populqrnost' diskretnoj matematiki wozrosla blagodarq ee ispol'zowaniü w komp'üternyh tehnologiqh, chto delaet ee nezamenimoj w informatike i inzhenerii. Jeto ob#qsnqetsq tem, chto izuchenie ochen' malyh naborow chisel qwlqetsq osnownym naprawleniem diskretnoj matematiki. Odnako komp'üternye realizacii igraüt wazhnejshuü rol' w perenose koncepcij diskretnoj matematiki w real'nye prilozheniq, takie kak issledowanie operacij. Vo wseh oblastqh informatiki, wklüchaq razrabotku komp'üternyh algoritmow, qzykow programmirowaniq, kriptografii, blok-shem, komp'üternyh setej s ispol'zowaniem grafow, postroenie logiki, awtomaticheskoe dokazatel'stwo teorem i razrabotku programmnogo obespecheniq, ponqtiq i oboznacheniq iz diskretnoj matematiki polezny pri izuchenii i opisanii ob#ektow i problem. Diskretnaq matematika w osnownom zanimaetsq mnozhestwami, grafami, kombinatorikoj, logicheskimi wyskazywaniqmi i drugimi smezhnymi temami.

  • af A. Antony Prakash
    958,95 kr.

    La matematica discreta ha conosciuto un aumento di popolarità negli ultimi decenni grazie alla sua utilità nella tecnologia informatica, che la rende essenziale per l'informatica e l'ingegneria. Questo perché lo studio di insiemi di numeri molto piccoli è l'obiettivo principale della matematica discreta. Tuttavia, le implementazioni al computer svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nel trasferire i concetti della matematica discreta alle applicazioni del mondo reale, come la ricerca operativa. In tutte le aree dell'informatica, compreso lo sviluppo di algoritmi informatici, linguaggi di programmazione, crittografia, diagrammi di flusso, reti di computer che utilizzano grafici, costruzione di logiche, dimostrazione automatica di teoremi e sviluppo di software, i concetti e le notazioni della matematica discreta sono utili nello studio e nella descrizione di oggetti e problemi. La matematica discreta si occupa principalmente di insiemi, grafi, combinatori, enunciati logici e altri argomenti correlati.

  • af A. Antony Prakash
    798,95 kr.

    Discrete mathematics has witnessed a rise in popularity over the past few decades due to its utility in computer technology, which makes it essential to computer science and engineering. This is thus because the study of very small sets of numbers is the main focus of discrete mathematics. However, computer implementations play a critical role in transferring discrete mathematics concepts to real-world applications, like operations research. In all areas of computer science, including the development of computer algorithms, programming languages, cryptography, flow charts, computer networks using graphs, logic building, automated theorem proving, and software development, concepts and notations from discrete mathematics are useful in the study and description of objects and issues. Discrete mathematics mostly deals with sets, graphs, combinatorics, logical statements, and other related topics.

  • af A. Antony Prakash
    673,95 kr.

    PHP is a server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose programming language. Originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, the PHP reference implementation is now produced by The PHP Group. Since PHP can be integrated directly into HTML, you can also utilize it on the front end. For every web developer, learning PHP is an excellent alternative because of these qualities. You will learn the skills required to create programs in PHP by working through the core concepts of PHP programming in this skill your way.In this book, we provide a compilation of PHP based examples that will help you kick-start your own web projects.

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