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  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    127,95 kr.

    The thrilling 2nd novel in James Patterson's Women's Murder Club series.

  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    19,95 - 60,95 kr.

    Í þriðju bókinni um Kvennamorðklúbbinn komast hetjurnar heldur betur í hann krappann. Og ein þeirra á sér leyndarmál sem getur orðið þeim öllum að aldurtila.Rannsóknarlögreglukonan Lindsay Boxer verður vitni að sprengingu og í kjölfarið uppgötvar hún röð morða framin með aðeins þriggja daga millibili. Að venju leitar hún til vinkvenna sinna í Kvennamorðklúbbnum, sem eru boðnar og búnar til að aðstoða hana við að leysa málið. En skyndilega eru morðingjarnir komnir með meðlim Kvennamorðklúbbsins í sjónlínuna og í ljós kemur að ein þeirra geymir leyndarmál sem er svo hræðilegt að þær eru allar í hættu. Hver þeirra skyldi það vera? Mun Kvennamorðklúbburinn lifa af?KvennamorðklúbburinnKvennamorðklúbburinn er röð spennusagna eftir James Patterson. Þær eiga það allar sameiginlegt að gerast í San Francisco og innihalda sömu fjórar aðalpersónurnar, konur sem láta ekkert stoppa sig til að réttlætið nái fram að ganga. Árið 2007 voru gerðir sjónvarpsþættir sem byggðu á bókunum og báru sama nafn.James Patterson er bandarískur metsöluhöfundur fæddur árið 1947. Bækur hans hafa selst í hundruðum milljóna eintaka. Patterson hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir skrif sín og hafa bækur hans verið þýddar á fjölmörg tungumál. Patterson kýs að gefa aftur til samfélagsins með því að styrkja verkefni sem efla læsi í skólum víða um Bandaríkin. Andrew Gross er bandarískur rithöfundur, best þekktur fyrir samstarfsverkefni sín með James Patterson. Þar á meðal eru tvær bækur í ritröðinni Kvennamorðklúbburinn.Bókin fær fjórar og hálfa stjörnu hjá notendum Goodreads.

  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    69,95 - 90,95 kr.

    Hengästyttävä trilleri on kolmas osa James Pattersonin menestyssarjaa naisista, jotka ratkovat yhdessä kylmäverisiä murhia San Franciscossa. Pommiräjähdys sytyttää miljardöörin asunnon liekkeihin. Silminnäkijäksi sattuneen komisario Lindsay Boxerin onnistuu pelastaa talosta pieni poika, mutta raunioihin jää kolme ruumista. Palon jäänteistä poliisi löytää julman viestin.Kolme päivää myöhemmin menestynyt liikemies löydetään murhattuna, ja murhapaikalla on jälleen samankaltainen viesti tappajalta. Lindsay turvautuu jälleen Cindyn, Clairen ja Jillin apuun selvittääkseen syyllisen. Mutta yhdellä naisten murhakerhon jäsenistä on synkkä salaisuus, joka uhkaa heitä kaikkia. Nainen on tietämättään murhaajan seuraava kohde.Yhdysvaltalainen James Patteron on yksi kaikkien aikojen menestyneimmistä jännityskirjailijoista. Patterson on Guinness World Record -listalla eniten #1 New York Times -bestsellersijoituksia keränneenä kirjailijana, ja hänen kirjojaan on myyty yli 400 miljoonaa kappaletta. Patterson tunnetaan erityisesti rikossarjoistaan Alex Cross ja Naisten murhakerho.

  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    49,95 - 62,95 kr.

    "3:e graden" är en pulshöjande thriller, och tredje delen i James Pattersons populära spänningsserie om kvinnorna som löser kallblodiga fall i San Francisco tillsammans. En bombexplosion sätter en miljardärs bostad i lågor. Polisinspektör Lindsay Boxer tar sig in i huset i hopp om att hinna rädda någons liv, men möts istället av tre redan avlidna människor. Bland resterna av det nedbrunna huset finner San Francisco-polisen ett mystiskt meddelande. En framgångsrik och välkänd affärsman hittas mördad tre dagar senare med ett liknande meddelande på brottsplatsen, och Lindsay tar hjälp av Cindy, Clare och Jill för att lösa fallet. Men en av kvinnorna döljer en mörk hemlighet som utgör ett hot mot dem alla, och utan vetskap är hon utsedd som mördarens nästa mål.James Patterson är en av världens bäst säljande spänningsförfattare. Hans popularitet beror bland annat på hans förmåga att skapa komplexa intriger och halsbrytande spänningsscener och han känd för att skriva böcker som är omöjliga att lägga ifrån sig.

  • af Andrew Gross
    112,95 kr.

    A close friend from investigator Ty Hauck's past is murdered along with her family in a terrifying home invasion. Now Ty will risk everything he loves to avenge her death . . . An international financier sees his world about to crumble?and realizes his family is in unfathomable danger . . . A tenacious government agent's blood freezes when she watches bank transfers of millions in cash, suspecting that this is the first step in a plot to unleash a new global terror . . .Following the trail of murders, Ty Hauck?along with agent Naomi Blum of the U.S. Department of Treasury?steps into the crosshairs of an unthinkable conspiracy.

  • af Andrew Gross
    112,95 kr.

    From New York Times bestselling author Andrew Gross comes the long-awaited return of detective-turned-global-troubleshooter Ty Hauck in this topical and unrelenting thrillerWhitewater guide Dani Whalen finds a body washed up on the river's edge outside Aspen, Colorado, and is stunned to discover it's Trey Watkins?a close friend. Watkins's death is quickly ruled an accident. But Dani isn't convinced even if Wade Dunn, the local police chief and her ex-stepfather, also believes Trey's death was accidental. Undeterred, Dani secretly builds her case, and when Ron, a hot-air-balloon operator who insists he saw something that day to back up her claims, is killed himself in a fiery crash, Dani threatens to take her suspicions public.When Dani's father contacts his old friend, Ty Hauck, and asks him to help his daughter, Ty doesn't hesitate. Soon Ty and Dani become ensnared in a sinister scheme running deep beneath the surface of a quiet Colorado town. But there is one resource more valuable than oil in this drought-stricken region: water. As Ty and Dani discover the true price that all will pay to get it, they're drawn in deeper while the stakes grow even higher.

  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    43,95 - 62,95 kr.

    Kvennamorðklúbburinn kemur aftur saman, nú til að takast á við hættulegri glæpamann en þær hafa nokkru sinni áður komist í tæri við.Röð morða í San Francisco virðast ótengd í fyrstu en Lindsay Boxer rannsóknarlögreglukona skynjar fljótt rauða þráðinn sem tengir þau saman. Hún hóar því í Kvennamorðklúbbinn; blaðakonuna Cindy Thomas, aðstoðarsaksóknarann Jill Bernhardt og réttarmeinafræðinginn Claire Washburn og saman uppgötva þær hvað fórnarlömb morðanna eiga sameiginlegt. Morðinginn er með þeim grimmdarlegri sem þær hafa tekist á við, bæði saman og hver í sínu lagi. Mun þeim takast að koma höndum yfir hann?Árið 2007 voru gerðir sjónvarpsþættir sem byggðu á bókunum og báru sama nafn.KvennamorðklúbburinnKvennamorðklúbburinn er röð spennusagna eftir James Patterson. Þær eiga það allar sameiginlegt að gerast í San Francisco og innihalda sömu fjórar aðalpersónurnar, konur sem láta ekkert stoppa sig til að réttlætið nái fram að ganga.Bókin fær fjórar stjörnur af fimm mögulegum hjá notendum Goodreads.James Patterson er bandarískur metsöluhöfundur fæddur árið 1947. Bækur hans hafa selst í hundruðum milljóna eintaka. Patterson hefur unnið til fjölda verðlauna fyrir skrif sín og hafa bækur hans verið þýddar á fjölmörg tungumál. Patterson kýs að gefa aftur til samfélagsins með því að styrkja verkefni sem efla læsi í skólum víða um Bandaríkin. Andrew Gross er bandarískur rithöfundur, best þekktur fyrir samstarfsverkefni sín með James Patterson. Þar á meðal eru tvær bækur í ritröðinni Kvennamorðklúbburinn.

  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    69,95 - 90,95 kr.

    Toinen osa James Pattersonin myydyintä trillerisarjaa neljän naisen murhakerhosta. Pulssia nostattavaa kirjaa on mahdoton laskea käsistään!11-vuotias kuorotyttö tapetaan ammuskelussa kirkon edessä San Franciscossa. Ainoa komisario Lindsay Boxerin löytämä johtolanka on tarra kaksipäisestä leijonasta pakoauton kyljessä. Toimittaja Cindy Thomas puolestaan tutkii aiempaa kuolemantapausta, jossa nainen löydettiin kellaristaan hirtettynä. Kun kellarista löytyy samanlainen leijonan kuva, tajuavat naiset olevansa tekemisissä ennalta-arvaamattoman sarjamurhaajan kanssa. Naisten murhakerhon on aika kokoontua jälleen.Vihjeet tuntuvat johdattavan suoraan San Franciscon poliisin sisäpiiriin. Kun Lindsay ystävineen pääsee murhaajan jäljille, huomaavat he joutuneensa itse tappajan kohteiksi. Heidän on toimittava nopeasti, ennen kuin yhdestä heistä tulee seuraava uhri.Ei toista tilaisuutta jatkaa James Pattersonin nopeatempoista rikossarjaa, jossa neljä naista ratkoo yhdessä kylmäverisiä murhia San Franciscossa. Useat sarjan kirjoista ovat olleet New York Times Bestseller-listalla, ja sarjasta on tehty myös tv-sarja Naisten murhakerho.Yhdysvaltalainen James Patteron on yksi kaikkien aikojen menestyneimmistä jännityskirjailijoista. Hänen kirjojaan on myyty yli 400 miljoonaa kappaletta. Patterson on Guinness World Record -listalla eniten #1 New York Times -bestsellersijoituksia keränneenä kirjailijana. Patterson tunnetaan erityisesti rikossarjoistaan Alex Cross ja Naisten murhakerho.

  • af James Patterson & Andrew Gross
    57,95 - 58,95 kr.

    "En 2:a chans" är andra delen i James Pattersons bästsäljande deckarserie om kvinnorna som löser fall i San Fransisco tillsammans. En pulshöjande bok som är omöjlig att lägga ifrån sig!En elvaårig flicka blir mördad utanför en kyrka i San Francisco, och vid hennes kropp finns en symbol från den grekiska mytologin. Polisinspektör Lindsay Boxer och hennes vänninor, tillika utredarkollegor, tar sig an fallet direkt. Några veckor tidigare hittades en kvinna död i sin källare, och när det visar sig att samma mytologiska symbol fanns i närheten av kroppen förstår Lindsay och de andra att de har att göra med en otäck seriemördare. I takt med att de kommer närmre gärningsmannen, och upptäcker att spåren leder dem in bland San Franciscos poliser, blir kvinnorna själva måltavla för mördaren. De måste agera fort, innan någon av dem blir hans nästa offer. James Patterson är en av världens bäst säljande spänningsförfattare. Hans popularitet beror bland annat på hans komplexa intriger och halsbrytande spänningsscener, och hans förmåga att skriva böcker som är omöjliga att lägga ifrån sig.

  • - Finding the Maturity to Lead
    af Andrew Gross
    187,95 kr.

    "It goes against everything I believe, but I just can't keep this baby, Al." Jen said after a long, deep sigh. Al knew that Jen Wolansky was facing insurmountable problems-everything in her family was falling apart and it was up to Jen alone to hold things together. An unexpected pregnancy was the last thing she needed. How could Pastor Al help Jen lead her family in a different direction? Did Al, or Jen, have the maturity for this? Be Surrendered follows our first book, Be Different: Finding the Resilience to Lead. This second book traces the same characters, Pastor Al and the Wolansky family, as they try to put their lives back together in the wake of terrible events. This is a book for leaders about leadership-specifically, how we can lead like Jesus in troubled times. Every leader encounters enormous suffering in this life, and if we attempt to lead like Jesus the suffering only seems to increase. How do any of us find the maturity to lead, especially to lead like Jesus? We argue that finding the maturity to lead like Jesus springs from surrendering ourselves to God in troubled times. Surrender is what takes us to the next level of differentiation, the topic of our first book. Surrender is what makes us mature. Surrender is what places us in the center of God's will when we don't have the wisdom or strength to understand His will. Surrender is how we access the grace God has for leaders. Surrender is what Jesus did when He was in the greatest trouble of His life, Who "kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously" (1 Peter 2:23). This is a book about how you, when you suffer as a leader, can "entrust [your] soul to a faithful Creator in doing what is right" (1 Peter 4:19) so that you, like Jesus, can rise again with joy-filled maturity.

  • af Andrew Gross & Susan Gross
    182,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Gross
    207,95 kr.

    "As moving as it is gripping. A winner on all fronts."-Booklist (starred review)"Heart-pounding...This is Gross's best work yet, with his heart and soul imprinted on every page."-Kirkus Reviews (starred review)Bursting with compelling characters and tense story lines, this historical thriller from New York Times bestseller Andrew Gross is a deeply affecting, unputdownable series of twists and turns through a landscape at times horrifyingly familiar but still completely new and compelling.Poland. 1944. Alfred Mendl and his family are brought on a crowded train to a Nazi concentration camp after being caught trying to flee Paris with forged papers. His family is torn away from him on arrival, his life's work burned before his eyes. To the guards, he is just another prisoner, but in fact Mendl-a renowned physicist-holds knowledge that only two people in the world possess. And the other is already at work for the Nazi war machine.Four thousand miles away, in Washington, DC, Intelligence lieutenant Nathan Blum routinely decodes messages from occupied Poland. Having escaped the Krakow ghetto as a teenager after the Nazis executed his family, Nathan longs to do more for his new country in the war. But never did he expect the proposal he receives from "Wild" Bill Donovan, head of the OSS: to sneak into the most guarded place on earth, a living hell, on a mission to find and escape with one man, the one man the Allies believe can ensure them victory in the war.

  • - A Novel
    af Andrew Gross
    112,95 - 222,95 kr.

    A determined, (down on her luck,) mother caring for her handicapped son becomes entangled in a murderous conspiracy to keep a twenty year old secret buried in this blistering thriller, set during the tragic aftermath of Hurricane Sandy, from Andrew Gross, the New York Times bestselling author of 15 Seconds and No Way Back.While driving along a suburban back road, Hilary Blum, whos just lost her job and whose deadbeat husband has left her alone to care for her son with Aspergers, witnesses a freakish accident. A car ahead of her careens down a hill and slams into a tree. Stopping to help, she discovers the driver deadand a satchel stuffed with a half a million dollars.That money could prevent her familys ruin and keep her special needs son in school. In an instant, this honest, achieving woman who has always done the responsible thing makes a decision that puts her in the center of maelstrom of dark consequences and life-threatening recriminationsa terrifying scheme involving a twenty-year-old murder, an old woman whos life has been washed out to sea, and a powerful figure bent to keep the secret that can destroy him hidden.With everything to lose, everything she loves, Hilary connects to a determined cop from Staten Island, reeling from the disaster of Sandy, to bring down an enemy who will stop at nothing to keep what that money was meant to silence, still buried.

  • - A Novel
    af Andrew Gross
    112,95 kr.

    No Way Back is a thrilling page-turner from Andrew Gross, the New York Times bestselling author of 15 Seconds and The Blue Zone. One woman is framed for a horrific crime, and desperate to prove her innocence.A chance meeting with a stranger in a hotel ends in ashocking murder. Wendy Gould is an average momand the only witness. Nanny Lauritzia Velez knows a shocking secret that could prove to be deadly. Both of their lives in danger, this unlikely pair must work together against a network of dangerous men who want nothing more than to see them dead.A fast-paced, riveting tale with strong, compelling characters, No Way Back is an edge-of-your-seat read with nonstop action and a complex mystery.

  • - A Novel
    af Andrew Gross
    112,95 kr.

    A total white knuckle, stay-up-all-night thrill ride. Enjoyed the heck out of it!Harlan CobenA top-notch thriller writer.Chicago Sun TimesA master of no-nonsense, good, old-fashioned suspense.Steve Berry, New York Times bestselling author of The Jefferson KeyA writer in the company of Child and Coben (Connecticut Post), New York Times bestseller Andrew Gross is the acclaimed author of The Blue Zone, Eyes Wide Open, and other exceptional suspense thrillers. Now, with 15 Seconds, he delivers an electrifying, lightning-paced story of a desperate man on the run, trying to save his family from the faceless enemy thats determined to destroy them all. A gripping tale of a life turned upside-down in 15 Seconds, Grosss stunner is a must for fans of James Patterson, David Baldacci, Jeffery Deaver, Lisa Gardner, Nelson DeMille, Tess Gerritsen, or anyone who likes action and suspense done to perfection.

  • - A Novel
    af Andrew Gross
    112,95 kr.

    A master of no-nonsense, good, old-fashioned suspense.Littered with surprises from start to finish, Dont Look Twice offers the perfect blend of menace and normality.Steve Berry, New York Times bestselling author of The Venetian BetrayalDont Look Twice, the third solo effortand third consecutive New York Times bestsellerfrom Andrew Gross, author of The Blue Zone and The Dark Tide, brings back Detective Ty Hauck and ensnares him in a lethal maze of cover-up and corruption. Gross, who co-wrote several bestsellers with suspense superstar James Patterson, soars to new heights with his intrepid action hero Hauckwhom the Connecticut Post calls, a Jack Reacher with heart.

  • af Andrew Gross
    297,95 kr.

    Henry Steadman didn't know what was about to hit him when he pulled up to a red light. A successful Florida plastic surgeon, he is in town to deliver a keynote address at a conference when suddenly his life becomes an unrelenting chase to stay alive. Stopped by a policeman for a minor traffic violation, Henry is pulled from his vehicle and handcuffed. When he is released, a blue sedan pulls up, shoots the officer, and then speeds away, leaving only one suspect?Henry. In that moment, his idyllic life becomes a free fall into hell as he becomes the target of a police manhunt, as well as being pursued by a cunning, unnamed perpetrator bent on some kind of vengeance. With breakneck pacing and nonstop action, 15 Seconds shows what can happen when even the best life is turned upside down in an instant.

  • - A Novel
    af Andrew Gross
    112,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Gross is a top-notch thriller writer.Chicago Sun-TimesAndrew Gross knows how to make your skin crawl. Eyes Wide Open should be read with the door shut and the lights on; a truly terrifying descent into evil.Nelson DeMilleNew York Times bestselling author Andrew Gross solidifies his position as one of todays very best suspense authors with Eyes Wide Open. Joining his previous bestsellers The Blue Zone, The Dark Tide, Dont Look Twice, and Reckless, Eyes Wide Open is another brilliant example of the contemporary thriller done absolutely right. In this relentlessly exciting page-turner, a man must investigate a shattering personal tragedy that is somehow connected with a charismatic cult leader from the 60s. James Patterson, Harlan Coben, David Baldacci, John Grisham, Jonathan Kellerman, Jeffery Deaver, Lisa Gardner, Nelson DeMille, Tess GerritsenAndrew Gross stands tall in their elite company.

  • af Andrew Gross
    112,95 kr.

    From the number one New York Times bestselling coauthor of Judge & Jury and Lifeguard comes this electrifying solo debut, The Blue Zone. Kate Raab's life seems almost perfect: her boyfriend, her job, her family . . . until her father runs into trouble with the law. His only recourse is to testify against his former accomplices in exchange for his family's placement in the Witness Protection Program. But one of them gets cold feet. In a flash, everything Kate can count on is gone. Now, a year later, her worst fears have happened: Her father has disappeared?into what the WITSEC agency calls "the blue zone"?and someone close to him is found brutally murdered. With her family under surveillance, the FBI untrustworthy, and her father's menacing "friends" circling with increasing intensity, Kate sets off to find her father?and uncover the secrets someone will kill to keep buried.

  • af Andrew Gross
    292,95 kr.

    In this long-awaited return of detective Ty Hauck, he and a courageous young whitewater guide step into a deadly showdown between downtrodden farmers and a clandestine energy giant in this topical and unrelenting thriller from New York Times bestselling author Andrew Gross.During a routine trip down the rapids outside Aspen, Colorado, whitewater guide Dani Whalen finds a body washed up on the river's edge, and it turns out to be a close friend. His death is ruled an accident, but Dani is convinced something far more sinister has occurred. And when she takes her case to Wade Dunn, local police chief and Dani's ex-stepfather, he tosses her in jail.Ty Hauck has been sailing the Caribbean for three months, recuperating from his last deadly case. When Dani's father, an old friend, reaches him and says his daughter is in trouble out west, Ty doesn't hesitate to get involved. He and Dani quickly become ensnared in a sinister scheme revolving around the only resource more valuable than oil in this drought-stricken region: water. As they discover the true price that all will pay to get it, they're drawn in deeper as the stakes grow even higher.

  • af Andrew Gross
    107,95 kr.

    On the morning Karen Friedman learns that her husband, a hedge fund manager, has been tragically killed, Detective Ty Hauck begins his investigation of another man's death in a suspicious hit-and-run in Karen's hometown.The two seemingly unrelated tragedies are about to plunge a beautiful widow and a determined investigator into a maelstrom of murder, vast sums of missing money, and international conspiracy.

  • af Andrew Gross
    297,95 kr.

    Ty Hauck is shattered by the news. A close friend from his past, along with her husband and daughter, has been brutally murdered in her home by vicious intruders. Now he will risk everything he loves to avenge her death. . . .A wealthy banker, seeing his world about to crumble around him, knows his family is in unfathomable danger. . . . A U.S. government agent watches the sudden bank transfers of millions in cash and suspects that this is the first step in a plot to unleash a wave of global panic. . . . Ty Hauck hunts the murderer of a friend?and steps into the crosshairs of a sinister conspiracy?in this most electrifying novel yet from New York Times bestselling thriller master Andrew GrossPrivate security investigator Ty Hauck, with Naomi Blum, a tenacious agent from the U.S. Department of Treasury, unravels the evidence that joins these seemingly unrelated events?revealing a reckless scheme that stretches from New York to London to central Europe and gives new meaning to the phrase "too big to fail." What began with a tragedy that opened a door to Hauck's past?a door that he thought was long closed?ends with a frantic race to avert a disaster that could shake the very security of our country?and even the world.

  • af Andrew Gross
    297,95 kr.

    A woman uncovers the secrets of her dead husband's past in this second electrifying thriller from the author of the New York Times bestseller The Blue Zone.Karen Friedman thinks it's a mistake when two men show up asking about her dead husband's business, but millions of dollars don't disappear by accident?and all trails lead to Charles. Then detective Ty Hauck makes a discovery while investigating a suspicious hit-and-run?a clue that shockingly points to Charles. As Karen's and Hauck's lives converge, they unwittingly step into a widening storm of hedge fund losses, international scams, and deadly conspiracies.

  • af James Patterson
    63,95 - 91,95 kr.

    In het derde deel van de Women’s Murder Club-reeks moeten de vriendinnen Lindsay, Jill, Claire en Cindy een moordenaar vinden die iedere drie dagen uit is op moord.. Er zijn al drie onschuldige slachtoffers gevallen, dus wie wordt de volgende? In een zenuwslopende race tegen de klok komen ze erachter dat de moordenaar het op een van hen gemunt heeft. Wie van de vier vriendinnen loopt het risico om het vierde slachtoffer te worden? ‘De derde aanslag’ is een echte pageturner vol onverwachte wendingen, precies zoals je van James Patterson gewend bent!De Amerikaanse James Patterson (1947) is een van de succesvolste auteurs op dit moment met meer dan 300 miljoen verkochte exemplaren en 1 miljoen verkochte e-books wereldwijd. Maar liefst 114 boeken kwamen op de New York Times bestseller lijst, waarvan 67 op nummer 1 stonden. Dat is een Guinness World Record! Geen enkele Patterson thriller laat zijn lezers onberoerd, maar zijn bekendste werken zijn de thriller reeksen over ‘Alex Cross’, verfilmd met Morgan Freeman in de hoofdrol, en de ‘Women’s Murder Club’-reeks, dat verfilmd is tot serie en in 2007 te zien was op de Nederlandse televisie. In 2015 won Patterson de Literatuur Award van de National Book Foundation voor zijn inzet om meer Amerikanen aan het lezen te krijgen. Voor zijn thrillers, maar ook enkele romans en kinderboeken, heeft hij meerdere prestigieuze onderscheidingen ontvangen, waaronder de Edgar Award.

  • af James Patterson
    63,95 - 91,95 kr.

    Wat doe je, als je erachter komt dat een moordenaar jou in het vizier heeft? De vriendinnen van de Women’s Murder Club laten zich niet zomaar afschrikken en proberen een brute seriemoordenaar in de val te lokken. Op steun van haar collega’s hoeft inspecteur Lindsay niet te rekenen, want niemand ziet in dat een serie nieuwe moorden verdacht veel op elkaar lijken. Ze lappen alle regels en procedures aan hun laars... alles om de moordenaar te vinden! Maar zijn de vrouwen op het goede spoor? Laat je in ‘Mijn wil geschiede’ compleet overdonderen door wie de dader is! Heb je genoten van Pattersons ‘De eerstverlorene’? Maak je dan klaar voor het bloedstollende vervolg van de ‘Women’s Murder Club’-reeks.De Amerikaanse James Patterson (1947) is een van de succesvolste auteurs op dit moment met meer dan 300 miljoen verkochte exemplaren en 1 miljoen verkochte e-books wereldwijd. Maar liefst 114 boeken kwamen op de New York Times bestseller lijst, waarvan 67 op nummer 1 stonden. Dat is een Guinness World Record! Geen enkele Patterson thriller laat zijn lezers onberoerd, maar zijn bekendste werken zijn de thriller reeksen over ‘Alex Cross’, verfilmd met Morgan Freeman in de hoofdrol, en de ‘Women’s Murder Club’-reeks, dat verfilmd is tot serie en in 2007 te zien was op de Nederlandse televisie. In 2015 won Patterson de Literatuur Award van de National Book Foundation voor zijn inzet om meer Amerikanen aan het lezen te krijgen. Voor zijn thrillers, maar ook enkele romans en kinderboeken, heeft hij meerdere prestigieuze onderscheidingen ontvangen, waaronder de Edgar Award.

  • - A Novel
    af Andrew Gross
    72,95 - 186,95 kr.

  • - A Novel
    af Andrew Gross
    112,95 - 197,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Gross
    92,95 - 195,95 kr.

    A thrilling novel about three brothers and the Mafia in 1930s New York by Andrew Gross, the bestselling author of The One Man and The Spy.

  • af Andrew Gross
    107,95 - 195,95 kr.

    A thrilling novel about the only man who can stop Nazi sympathizers from rising up and plunging New York, America and the world into darkness, from Andrew Gross, the bestselling author of The One Man and The Spy.

  • af Andrew Gross
    173,95 kr.

    A thrilling espionage adventure set in World War II Europe, by the author of The One Man, Andrew Gross, previously published as The Saboteur.

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