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Bøger af Anne Grethe Pind

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  • - Find the courage to follow your inner voice
    af Anne Grethe Pind
    107,95 kr.

    * Would you like to use nature & painting to help you develop?* Would you like to be a better listener to your inner voice?* Do you dream of a more meaningful daily life?It is not always easy to figure out what we seek. We have some convictions, but if we dare listen to our inner voice, it often says something else. With Mindful Painting you use nature & painting as eye-openers for your personal development & are led on to the right path, the path related to the life you dream of within yourself.When you express yourself through picture language, you open a new dimension in yourself & gain new insights that can be hard to catch if you only think rationally. Mindful Painting sharpens your focus on the feelings that surface while you paint. The key to renewed energy & transformation lies in the connection/coupling between your picture & your emotional reaction to it. You will often experience relief & release, a clearer idea of the direction your life should take.In Mindful Painting - find the courage to follow your inner voice you will learn about Mindful Painting, & be guided through the main processes & techniques that will enable you to work with the method. Moreover, Anne Grethe Pind describes her own personal journey & the ways she has used nature & painting to navigate in life & make the best decisions by listening to her inner voice. Her journey & the examples of others' painting processes will inspire you to explore what lies in your own painting, so you can move on to a daily life full of enthusiasm & meaning.

  • - Få mod til at følge din indre stemme
    af Anne Grethe Pind
    98,95 - 160,95 kr.

  • - i natur og maleri
    af Anne Grethe Pind
    267,95 - 337,95 kr.

    I bogen KUNSTEN AT SE, I NATUR OG MALERI beskriver Anne Grethe Pind ærligt og autentisk, hvordan hun gennem sit intuitive sind skaber malerier, der viser, hvad hendes inderste ønsker og behov er.At turde give slip på gamle overbevisninger og springe ud i noget nyt kræver mod, tillid og handlekraft. Anne Grethe Pind citerer Einstein: `Vores rationelle sind er en trofast tjener, og vores intuition er en uvurderlig gave. Samfundet hylder tjeneren og har glemt gaven.´ Det er denne gave, som Anne Grethe Pind så levende fortæller om. Med historier fra sit eget liv fortæller Anne Grethe, hvordan hun gennem sine malerier har lært at lytte til sjælen, og hvordan hun har haft mod til at følge de indsigter, hun har fået, til store spring i sit liv.I den sidste del af bogen er der en fin beskrivelse af, hvordan Anne Grethe Pind giver sine erfaringer og metoder videre til deltagerne på kurserne i Mindful Maling. Bogen giver læseren inspiration til et personligt udviklingsforløb gennem kunsten at se og kunsten at lytte til sin intuition.Lis Sandberg, psykoterapeut og meditationslærerForfatter til bogen `Misbrug, meditation, livskvalitet´

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