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Bøger af Daniel Cravens Taylor

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  • - Abraham Lincoln's Religion
    af Daniel Cravens Taylor
    178,95 kr.

    Does the world really need another book on Abraham Lincoln? Probably not, but as long as a majority of Americans consider him to be America's greatest president and the enigma and charisma of his personality continues to draw interest, there will be other books - including this one. Will there be anything new in these additional works? Frankly, it will be hard to find something unknown about Lincoln. His story and his history have been hashed and rehashed to the point that authors are hard pressed to find anything new to give to scholars and buffs. The facts of Lincoln's life will not change and there are not many new historical sources coming to light with new information to tantalize and entice.So what does this work offer that has not been said or written before? Maybe not all that much and maybe a lot. There continues to be great disagreement regarding Lincoln's religious nature or his lack thereof. He has been painted as a closet atheist freethinker and as a closet Christian along with almost everything in between. Many words have been written with the goal of presenting the truth about Lincoln's religion. Many, if not most of those works, have started with the conclusion they wanted to be true (or thought might sell more books) and gone on to prove it. That is where this work will attempt to be different.This work on Lincoln is set with one goal, to look at the various thoughts and suppositions and theories about Lincoln's religious beliefs and to weigh them against what he said and did in order to let Lincoln speak about his religion rather than letting others with an agenda pigeon-hole him into theirs. And, naturally, this work will be thought a pigeon-holing by those who already have their pigeon hole and this work does not end up in the same hole.

  • - Abraham's Father
    af Daniel Cravens Taylor
    273,95 kr.

    Hundreds of books have been written (and are still being written) about Abraham Lincoln. But in the annals of Lincoln history, Thomas Lincoln, Abraham’s father, is a largely neglected figure. He rates a few paragraphs in an otherwise large biography and has served as a quick backdrop to the birth and childhood of our sixteenth president.Early Lincoln biography did not consider Thomas worthy of much mention. William Herndon set the pattern for how Thomas has been viewed historically. Thomas was seen as “roving and shiftless”, lazy beyond repair. Thomas was said to be uneducated and against education. He was portrayed as mentally and physically slow, “careless, inert, and dull”. He was the obstacle Abraham overcame to become great.That view of Thomas Lincoln is wrong. Thomas was not dull or inert or lazy. He lived in a different path from that chosen by his illustrious son but he was not an obstacle his son had to overcome.Because of this view, many will consider this volume to be revisionist history. In a sense, it is. It will revise the standard view of Thomas based on the historical record available and place him as he was in the events and time in which he lived. However, it is not revisionist in the negative sense that wording often suggests. It is not built from twisting events or rewriting timeframes to make history into something it was not. Thomas Lincoln: Abraham’s Father will correct the old and errant understanding of Thomas Lincoln and show him the man he truly was. It will not enlarge him into something he was not nor will it lower him to be what many have thought him.Lincoln history has a gap in not having the story of Thomas Lincoln readily available. Hopefully this volume will open the doors to taking a new and serious look at the father who raised and shaped Abraham Lincoln’s early life.

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