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Bøger af Ernest Hemingway

Ernest Hemingway er en af de største og mest indflydelsesrige forfattere, der endnu har været. Han er kendt for at bruge sig selv og sine nærmeste i sine litterære værker og må siges at være en sand forgangsmand for det, man i dag kalder autobiografi, hvor virkelighed og fiktion blandes sammen. Han blev født d. 21. Juli 1899 i Illinois, USA. Han kom fra en respekteret overklassefamilie, og hans interesse for at skrive kom allerede til udtryk, da han under gymnasietiden blev skribent ved avisen Kansas City Star. Hemingway lod pennen lede og inden længe havde han udgivet en lang række værker, hvoraf mange i dag anses som store klassikere, deriblandt “Den gamle mand og havet”. Hemingways værker har været genstand for mange analyser af kvindesyn og mandschauvinisme, og der er blevet spekuleret mangt og meget i den myte, der forener Hemingways hovedpersoner og forfatteren selv. Hans skrivestil er nøgtern og præcis, og han har inspireret forfattere verden over med sine skarpe iagttagelser. I 1954 blev han tildelt Nobelprisen i litteratur.

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  • af Ernest Hemingway
    99,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    137,95 kr.

    Ernest Hemingway's classic novel of the Spanish Civil War.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    185,95 kr.

    Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) is celebrated as a novelist and man of action. The present collection includes all Hemingway's shorter fiction arranged chronologically from 'Up in Michigan' (1923) to 'Old Man at the Bridge (1938) and contains stories not currently available in any other UK edition of Hemingway's work's

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    582,95 kr.

    A collection of the most beloved and enduring novels by Ernest Hemingway: The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea, as featured in the film by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick on PBS.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    165,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    117,95 kr.

    WITH A FOREWORD BY PATRICK HEMINGWAY AND AN INTRODUCTION BY SEAN HEMINGWAYIn 1918 Ernest Hemingway went to war. But A Farewell to Arms is not only a novel of war, it is also a love story of immense drama and uncompromising passion. This special edition lifts the lid on Hemingway's creative process.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    102,95 kr.

    Fiesta had already established him as a novelist of exceptional power, but with these short stories, his second collection, he showed that it is possible, within the space of a few pages, to recreate a scene with absolute truth, bringing to life details observed only by the eye of a uniquely gifted artist.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    107,95 kr.

    Men and women of passion and action live, fight, love and die in scenes of dramatic intensity. The Snows of Kilimanjaro is one of the best known and loved collections of stories by one of the greatest literary novelists of the twentieth century.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    107,95 kr.

  • - The Authorized Edition
    af Ernest Hemingway
    92,95 kr.

    Originally published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises is Ernest Hemingway’s first novel and a classic example of his spare but powerful writing style.​A poignant look at the disillusionment and angst of the post-World War I generation, the novel introduces two of Hemingway’s most unforgettable characters: Jake Barnes and Lady Brett Ashley. The story follows the flamboyant Brett and the hapless Jake as they journey from the wild nightlife of 1920s Paris to the brutal bullfighting rings of Spain with a motley group of expatriates. In his first great literary masterpiece, Hemingway portrays an age of moral bankruptcy, spiritual dissolution, unrealized love, and vanishing illusions. “The ideal companion for troubled times: equal parts Continental escape and serious grappling with the question of what it means to be, and feel, lost.” —The Wall Street Journal

  • - The Restored Edition
    af Ernest Hemingway
    107,95 - 122,95 kr.

    Featuring a personal foreword by Patrick Hemingway, Ernest's sole surviving son, and an introduction by the editor and grandson of the author, Sean Hemingway, this new edition also includes a number of unfinished, never-before-published Paris sketches revealing experiences that Hemingway had with his son Jack and his first wife, Hadley.

  • - (The 1924 Paris Edition)
    af Ernest Hemingway
    142,95 - 227,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    118,95 kr.

    Den gamle mand og havet handler om en gammel fiskers heroiske kamp med at fange en kæmpe sværdfisk og siden forsvare sin fangst mod de griske hajer. En saga om fiskeren og havet, en mytisk beretning om menneskets vilkår. Om mennesket, 'der kan tilintetgøres, men ikke besejres'. Fortællingen fremstilles i en enkel og rolig stil uden et overflødigt ord."Hemingways mest berømte og roste klassiker, som han først modtog Pulitzerprisen for og året efter Nobelprisen ... Bogen har bevaret mytens, folkeeventyrets, sagaens, den sande poesis klarhed og jævnhed, umiddelbare sandhedsforhold. De forskellige ting og episoder 'betyder' ikke noget, de er. Og det er det inderste kendemærke for stor poesi." – Jens Kruse, Jyllandsposten"Med Den gamle mand og havet har han formet et billede så lysende og klart, så følsomt og fast og fejlfrit, at det har tendens til at forvandle sig til symbol." – Tom Kristensen, Politiken

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    53,95 kr.

  • - The Authorized Edition
    af Ernest Hemingway
    142,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    117,95 kr.

    ______________________________________Hemingway's last major novel, set in the Gulf Stream islands, captures the struggles of adult personal relationships in his consummate distinctive style. This is the last book Hemingway wrote before he died, the story of Thomas Hudson, an artist and adventurer.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    117,95 kr.

    In these early Hemingway stories, which are partly autobiographical, men and women of passion live, fight, love and die in scenes of dramatic intensity. They range from haunting tragedy on the snow-capped peak of Kilimanjaro, to brutal America with its deceptive calm, and war-ravaged Europe

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    173,94 kr.

    One of a series of top-quality fiction for schools, this is Hemingway's Nobel Prize-winning story of a Cuban fisherman's struggle with a great fish - a struggle between man and the elements, the hunter and the hunted.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    117,95 kr.

    Green Hills of Africa is Ernest Hemingway's lyrical journal of a month on safari in the great game country of East Africa, where he and his wife Pauline journeyed in December 1933. Hemingway's well-known interest in - and fascination with - big-game hunting is magnificently captured in this evocative account of his trip.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    312,95 kr.


  • af Ernest Hemingway
    167,95 - 255,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    197,95 kr.

  • - 35 Classic American and British Stories from the First Half of the 20th Century
    af Ernest Hemingway
    107,95 kr.

    Since its first printing in 1954, this outstanding anthology has been the book of choice by teachers, students, and lovers of short fiction. Surveying stories by British and American writers in the first half of the twentieth century, editors Robert Penn Warren and Albert Erskine selected stories that broke new ground and challenged the imagination with their style, subject matter, or tone: the unforgettable, enduring works that shaped the literature of our time.A truly exceptional collection of great stories, including:The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky by Stephen CraneThe Horse Dealer’s Daughter by D. H. LawrenceBarn Burning by William FaulknerThe Sojourner by Carson McCullersThe Open Window by SakiFlowering Judas by Katherine Anne PorterThe Boarding House by James JoyceSoldier’s Home by Ernest HemingwayThe Tree of Knowledge by Henry JamesWhy I Live at the P.O. by Eudora Welty. . . and twenty-five more of the century’s best stories!

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    212,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    373,95 kr.

    The letters, many previously unpublished, of Volume 4 (April 1929-1931) trace Hemingway's ascendency to international renown. From the publication of A Farewell to Arms to the completion of his ground-breaking treatise on bullfighting, Death in the Afternoon, the letters constitute a rich account of the artist.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    152,95 kr.

  • - Noveller fra Novellix
    af Selma Lagerlöf, Ernest Hemingway, Alice Munro & mfl.
    146,95 kr.

    Novellix – Stor litteratur i et lille formatDette er en æske med fire fortællinger om livets store spørgsmål – om frihed kontra ensomhed, om livsvalg, og døden som banker på, om kærlighed og ægteskab, og om hvem der egentlig har retfærdigheden på sin side. Fire forfattere fremviser den særegne fortællekunst, som har indbragt dem hver især Nobelprisen i litteratur – fire noveller, som er helt igennem lysende eksempler på kraften og storheden i det korte format. Her finder du store læseoplevelser, som bliver hængende længe efter…

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    192,95 kr.

    During his first 20 months in Paris, Hemingway filed 88 stories for the Toronto Star newspaper. He covered the Greco-Turkish War, where he witnessed the burning of Smyrna, and wrote travel pieces such as "Tuna Fishing in Spain" and "Trout Fishing All Across Europe: Spain Has the Best, Then Germany". Hemingway was devastated on learning that Hadley had lost a suitcase filled with his manuscripts at the Gare de Lyon as she was traveling to Geneva to meet him in December 1922. The following September, the couple returned to Toronto, where their son John Hadley Nicanor was born on October 10, 1923. During their absence, Hemingway's first book, Three Stories and Ten Poems, was published. Two of the stories it contained were all that remained after the loss of the suitcase, and the third had been written early the previous year in Italy. Within months a second volume, in our time (without capitals), was published. The small volume included six vignettes and a dozen stories Hemingway had written the previous summer during his first visit to Spain, where he discovered the thrill of the corrida. He missed Paris, considered Toronto boring, and wanted to return to the life of a writer, rather than live the life of a journalist

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    124,95 kr.

  • af Ernest Hemingway
    73,95 kr.

    "Signeret" består af en lang række af Ernest Hemingways artikler og beretninger. Den indeholder blandt andet hans medrivende øjenvidneberetning fra den spanske borgerkrig og anden verdenskrig. Samlingen byder også på artikler, som Ernest Hemingway skrev til avisen "Toronto Star" og bladene "Look" og "Esquire, Collier’s".Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961) er en af det 20.århundredes mest betydningsfulde amerikanske forfattere. Gennem sit arbejde som journalist lærte han sig en enkel stil, der blev karakteristisk for hans forfatterskab. I 1954 blev Ernest Hemingway tildelt Nobelprisen i litteratur.

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