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  • af Innime Righteous
    421,95 kr.

    This study has become very imperative due to the environmental degradation occasioned by hydrocarbon production in Rivers State. There has been series of conflicts between the indigenous people of the region and the major Oil Companies operating therein over the years. The region claims that the activities of the Oil Companies instead of improving have impoverished its people by causing a serious decline in their marine and agricultural resources, which constitute their economic main stay because of environmental pollution, there is drastic decline in the region¿s biodiversity and ecological resources, which are the main sources of their income and the people¿s mode of survival (Ashton, 1999). Also, there is an aspect of the health hazards posed to the inhabitants as a result of oil pollution of the environment, and hence there are environmental challenges as well as socio-economic problems created by adverse effects of oil mining, which has culminated into low agricultural productivity and poor farm yields sufficient enough to threaten the food security of Rivers State.

  • af Innime Righteous
    582,95 kr.

    Les inondations ont causé plusieurs dommages à l'environnement. Elles ont entraîné des pertes de vies humaines, des maladies transmissibles, des érosions, des famines, des déplacements d'entreprises, des déplacements de maisons résidentielles, des assèchements de terres agricoles et de marchés. La topographie de l'État de Rivers le rend susceptible d'être affecté par le flux d'eau excédentaire qui tente de trouver son chemin vers l'océan Atlantique.Les inondations sont la catastrophe naturelle la plus fréquente dans le monde, se produisant dans presque tous les pays situés dans la région côtière au cours de la dernière décennie. Les inondations ont des effets étendus et significatifs sur la santé, à court et à long terme, allant de la noyade et des blessures aux maladies infectieuses et aux problèmes de santé mentale (OMS, 2011). Cependant, au cours des dix dernières années, les inondations ont tué 1000 personnes et en ont affecté plus de 3,4 millions. Deux tiers de ces décès sont dus à la noyade, et le reste à des traumatismes physiques, des crises cardiaques, des électrocutions, des intoxications au monoxyde de carbone et des incendies.

  • af Innime Righteous
    582,95 kr.

    As inundações têm causado vários danos ao ambiente. Resultou em perda de vidas, doenças transmissíveis, erosões, fome, deslocação de empresas, deslocação de casas residenciais, drenagem de terrenos agrícolas e de mercados. A topografia do Estado dos Rios torna-o susceptível de ser negativamente afectado pelo fluxo de água em excesso que tenta encontrar o seu caminho para o Oceano Atlântico.As inundações são a catástrofe natural mais comum no mundo, ocorrendo em quase todos os países da região costeira na última década. As inundações têm efeitos extensos e significativos sobre a saúde, a curto e longo prazo e vão desde afogamentos e lesões a doenças infecciosas e problemas de saúde mental (OMS, 2011), no entanto, nos últimos 10 anos, as inundações mataram 1000 pessoas e afectaram mais de 3,4 milhões. Dois terços dessas mortes foram causadas por afogamento, e o restante por trauma físico, ataques cardíacos, electrocussão, envenenamento por monóxido de carbono e incêndio.

  • af Innime Righteous
    346,95 kr.

    Flooding has caused several damages to the environment. It has resulted in loss of lives, communicable diseases, erosions, hunger, displacement of businesses, displacement of residential houses, drains of farm land and market places. The topography of the Rivers State makes it prone to be adversely affected by the flow of excess water attempting to find its way into the Atlantic Ocean.Floods are the most common natural disaster in the World, occurring in almost all the countries that lie in the coastal region in the past decade. Flooding has extensive and significant effects on health, spanning the short and long terms and ranging from drowning and injuries to infectious diseases and mental-health problems (WHO, 2011), however, over the past 10 years, flooding killed 1000 people and affected more than 3.4 million. Two thirds of such deaths are from drowning, and the remainder from physical trauma, heart attacks, electrocution, carbon monoxide poisoning and fire.

  • af Innime Righteous
    257,95 kr.

    Nawodnenie naneslo neskol'ko uscherbow okruzhaüschej srede. Ono priwelo k gibeli lüdej, infekcionnym zabolewaniqm, ärozii, golodu, peremescheniü predpriqtij, peremescheniü zhilyh domow, osusheniü sel'skohozqjstwennyh ugodij i rynkow. Topografiq shtata Riwers delaet ego podwerzhennym negatiwnomu wozdejstwiü potokow izbytochnoj wody, pytaüschejsq najti swoj put' w Atlanticheskij okean.Nawodneniq qwlqütsq naibolee rasprostranennym stihijnym bedstwiem w mire, proishodqschim pochti wo wseh stranah, raspolozhennyh w pribrezhnom regione w poslednee desqtiletie. Nawodneniq imeüt obshirnye i znachitel'nye posledstwiq dlq zdorow'q, ohwatywaüschie kratkosrochnye i dolgosrochnye periody i war'iruüschiesq ot utopleniq i trawm do infekcionnyh zabolewanij i problem s psihicheskim zdorow'em (VOZ, 2011), odnako za poslednie 10 let w rezul'tate nawodnenij pogibli 1000 chelowek i postradali bolee 3,4 milliona. Dwe treti takih smertej proishodqt ot utopleniq, a ostal'nye - ot fizicheskih trawm, serdechnyh pristupow, porazheniq älektricheskim tokom, otrawleniq ugarnym gazom i pozharow.

  • af Innime Righteous
    582,95 kr.

    Le inondazioni hanno causato diversi danni all'ambiente. Ha provocato la perdita di vite umane, malattie trasmissibili, erosioni, fame, spostamento di attività commerciali, spostamento di case residenziali, prosciugamento di terreni agricoli e di mercati. La topografia dello Stato dei Fiumi lo rende incline a subire gli effetti negativi del flusso di acqua in eccesso che tenta di raggiungere l'Oceano Atlantico.Le inondazioni sono il disastro naturale più comune al mondo e nell'ultimo decennio si sono verificate in quasi tutti i Paesi che si trovano nella regione costiera. Le inondazioni hanno effetti estesi e significativi sulla salute, sia a breve che a lungo termine, che vanno dall'annegamento e dalle lesioni alle malattie infettive e ai problemi di salute mentale (OMS, 2011), ma negli ultimi 10 anni le inondazioni hanno ucciso 1000 persone e ne hanno colpite più di 3,4 milioni. Due terzi di questi decessi sono dovuti all'annegamento e il resto a traumi fisici, attacchi cardiaci, folgorazione, avvelenamento da monossido di carbonio e incendi.

  • af Innime Righteous
    582,95 kr.

    Überschwemmungen haben der Umwelt zahlreiche Schäden zugefügt. Sie haben zum Verlust von Menschenleben, zu übertragbaren Krankheiten, Erosionen, Hunger, zur Verlagerung von Unternehmen, zur Verlagerung von Wohnhäusern, zur Trockenlegung von Ackerland und Marktplätzen geführt. Die Topographie des Rivers State macht ihn anfällig für Überschwemmungen, die versuchen, in den Atlantischen Ozean zu gelangen.Überschwemmungen sind die häufigste Naturkatastrophe der Welt, die in den letzten zehn Jahren in fast allen Ländern der Küstenregion aufgetreten ist. Überschwemmungen haben weitreichende und signifikante Auswirkungen auf die Gesundheit, die sich über kurze und lange Zeiträume erstrecken und von Ertrinken und Verletzungen bis hin zu Infektionskrankheiten und psychischen Problemen reichen (WHO, 2011). In den letzten zehn Jahren kamen bei Überschwemmungen 1000 Menschen ums Leben und mehr als 3,4 Millionen waren betroffen. Zwei Drittel dieser Todesfälle sind auf Ertrinken zurückzuführen, der Rest auf physische Traumata, Herzinfarkte, Stromschläge, Kohlenmonoxidvergiftungen und Feuer.

  • af Innime Righteous
    346,95 kr.

  • af Innime Righteous
    346,95 kr.

  • af Innime Righteous
    346,95 kr.

  • af Innime Righteous
    317,95 kr.

    Several United Nations (UN) entities, instruments and regional organizations have different definitions of youth, which the United Nations secretariat recognizes. Definition of youth perhaps changes with circumstances, especially with the changes in demographic, financial, economic and socio-cultural settings; however, the definition that uses 15-24 age cohort as youth fairly serves its statistical purposes for assessing the needs of the young people and providing guidelines for youth development. Drug as defined by World Health organization is ¿any substance that when taken into the living organism may modify one or more of its functions¿. (WHO 2018).Drug is any solid or liquid substance other than food which when taken into the body, it alters the physiological or neurological functions of the human body (Matthew 2021 unpublished). Drug may be defined as any chemical that can change, influence or modify the physiological functioning of human and animal body when used or applied. Ezurike (1992) as cited in Ordu (2012).

  • af Innime Righteous
    317,95 kr.

    The paper reviewed the occupational health hazards and diseases of painters. Painting job includes applying of paint on surfaces, design and decoration which exposes painters to health hazards. The health hazards include physical hazards like falling from height, chemical hazards like inhaling of fumes and other substances when painting, biological hazards such as insect bites, snakes and exposure to other living organisms, mechanical/ergonomic hazards such as faulty tool/work place fault or musculoskeletal disorders and psychosocial hazards such as threats, bullying and so on. The paper also revealed that exposure to workplace hazards without the use of personal protective wears often lead to occupational diseases such as silicosis, asbestosis, among others. Moreso, safety measures for painters were reviewed among which are use PPW¿s and proper ventilation. Recommendations were also made that painters should adhere strictly to the use of appropriate PPW¿s while at work.

  • af Innime Righteous
    317,95 kr.

    BACK GROUND: Quality systems can help to manage change while maintaining a high quality of care. A new model of quality systems inspired by the works of Donabedian has three factors: structural quality (resources and administration), process (culture and professional co-operation), and outcome (competence development and goal achievement). The objectives of this study were to determine the capacity s of primary health care in Ahoada west local government area to render quality health care services.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The instrument for the study was a structural quality protested questionnaire on facilities and equipment¿s as predictors of effective health care delivery service and checklist of items on infrastructural quality and equipment.RESULTS: primary health care facilities (12.9%) were functional providing essential services ¿ out- patient, immunization, counseling/health promotion. outreach. Water and sanitation, essential drug list, have efficient record maintenance system, family planning, antenatal, infant welfare, delivery. These signified that equipment and human resources were statistically significant and predict effective health care delivery service.

  • af Innime Righteous
    317,95 kr.

  • af Innime Righteous
    317,95 kr.

    Chemical manufacturing creates products by transforming organic and inorganic raw materials with chemical processes. Chemicals generally are classified into two groups: commodity chemicals and specialty chemicals. In recent decades, important changes in the industrial structure of Nigeria have altered the profile of occupational exposures to respiratory hazards through the exposure of chemical manufacturing firms and therefore spread the burden of occupational respiratory diseases. In addition, the Nigerian workforce has changed: it has become older, reflecting ageing of the general population, and more ¿vulnerable¿ because of the increased prevalence of individuals with chronic respiratory diseases, both entering and remaining in the workforce, and of low-socioeconomic-status migrant workers. Finally, the leading preventive role of governmental organizations via legislative regulation and surveillance has progressively diminished in favour of an increased emphasis on the responsibility of both employers and employees.

  • af Innime Righteous
    317,95 kr.

    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) disease seems to have the major and most prevalent contributory factor to deformity and serious functional disability among patients, if not well managed (making the condition of a social significance). The disease is capable of developing in adults including adolescents and children ¿15 years which has given rise to juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis cases. Both males and females are predisposed to rheumatoid arthritis but the females are at a higher risk. Auto immune diseases, of which rheumatoid arthritis is one, are more common in women due to activities of some sort of hormone. It is the 4th leading cause of disability in women Sokka (2009). The disease development of Rheumatoid arthritis occurs through a complex interaction between genes, environmental factors, and immunity. For a substantial number of Rheumatoid arthritis patients, the disease is characterized by the occurrence of autoantibodies in serum, which are used to predict the disease course and treatment responds. Several environmental and life style factors are involved in the development of Rheumatoid arthritis.

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