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Bøger af Jeff Forshaw

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  • - En guide til kosmos
    af Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw
    273,95 kr.

    Vi vover at forestille os en tid før Big Bang, hvor hele universet var presset sammen til et område mindre end et atom. Og nu kan vi, som Brian Cox og Jeff Forshaw viser, gøre mere end blot at forestille os: Vi kan forstå. Gennem århundreder har den menneskelige trang til at opdage afdækket en utrolig mængde viden. Hvad den afslører for os, gør os åndeløse.UNIVERSEL tager os med på en storslået videnskabelig opdagelsesrejse og afslører undervejs, hvordan vi kan forstå nogle af de mest grundlæggende spørgsmål omkring vores Jord, Sol og solsystem og de stjernefyldte galakser længere væk. Nogle af disse spørgsmål – hvor stort er vores solsystem? Hvor hurtigt udvider rummet sig? - kan besvares fra vores baghave; svarene på andre – hvor stort er universet? Hvad er det lavet af? - trækker på forbløffende informationer, som netop nu indsamles af hold af astronomer, der arbejder i grænselandet af det kendte univers.I centrum af alle disse spørgsmål – fra de tidligste forsøg på at måle tyngdekraften til vores bestræbelser på at forstå, hvad mørkt stof er, og hvad der virkelig skete ved universets fødsel – står den videnskabelige proces. Videnskaben afslører en dybere skønhed, forbinder os med hinanden, med vores verden og med vores univers, og rækker ved at forstå andres banebrydende arbejde ind i det ukendte. Ydermere viser UNIVERSEL os, at hvis vi tør bruge vores forestillingsevne, kan vi alle gøre det.

  • - (And Why Should We Care?)
    af Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw
    147,95 - 191,95 kr.

    An explanation of Einstein's equation that explores the principles of physics through everyday life. It considers the real meaning behind the iconic sequence of symbols that make up Einstein's most famous equation.

  • - Everything that can happen does happen
    af Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw
    127,95 kr.

    The Quantum Universe brings together two authors on a brilliantly ambitious mission to show that everyone can understand the deepest questions of science. But just what is quantum physics? How does it help us understand the world? Where does it leave Newton and Einstein? And why, above all, can we be sure that the theory is good? The bizarre behaviour of the atoms and energy that make up the universe has led to some very woolly pronouncements on the nature of all interconnectedness. Here, Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw give us the real science, and reveal the profound theories that allow for concrete, yet astonishing, predictions about the world. This is our most up-to-date picture of reality.

  • - A Journey Through the Cosmos
    af Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw
    125,95 kr.

    An awe-inspiring, unforgettable journey of scientific exploration from Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw, the top ten bestselling authors of The Quantum Universe.We dare to imagine a time before the Big Bang, when the entire Universe was compressed into a space smaller than an atom. And now, as Brian Cox and Jeff Forshaw show, we can do more than imagine: we can understand. Over the centuries, the human urge to discover has unlocked an incredible amount of knowledge. What it reveals to us is breathtaking. Universal takes us on an epic journey of scientific exploration and, in doing so, reveals how we can all understand some of the most fundamental questions about our Earth, Sun, Solar System and the star-filled galaxies beyond. Some of these questions - How big is our solar system? How fast is space expanding? - can be answered from your back garden; the answers to others - How big is the Universe? What is it made of? - draw on the astonishing information now being gathered by teams of astronomers operating at the frontiers of the known universe.At the heart of all these questions - from the earliest attempts to quantify gravity, to our efforts to understand what dark matter is and what really happened at the birth of our universe - is the scientific process. Science reveals a deeper beauty, connects us to each other, to our world, and to our Universe; and, by understanding the groundbreaking work of others, reaches out into the unknown. What's more, as Universal shows us, if we dare to imagine, we can all do it.

  • - (And Why Anything That Can Happen, Does)
    af Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw
    207,95 kr.

    From the writers of Why Does E equal mc2?, a highly engaging and accessible explanation of Quantum Mechanics and why it matters.

  • af Brian Cox & Jeff Forshaw
    148,95 kr.

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