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Bøger af Loretta L. Pecchioni

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  • af Loretta L. Pecchioni, Jon F. Nussbaum, James D. Robinson & mfl.
    781,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

    Understanding how the elderly adapt to significant changes in their environment provides insight into both the process of communication and the process of ageing. The purpose of this book is to help readers understand how important these communicative relationships are.

  • af Loretta L. Pecchioni, Jon F. Nussbaum & Kevin Bradley Wright
    646,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

    This broad consideration of the lifespan component of communication study emphasizes how communicative processes develop, are maintained, and change throughout the life span. Topics covered include language skills, interpersonal conflict management, socialization, care-giving, and relationship development.

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