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Bøger af Lorna Byrne

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  • - En sand beretning om en irsk kvindes usædvanlige evner
    af Lorna Byrne
    236,95 kr.

    Lorna Byrne har set og kommunikeret med engle, siden hun var barn. Da hun var lille, blev hun opfattet som langsom og »tilbage«, fordi hun ikke syntes interesseret i sine omgivelser. I Engle i mit hår taler hun for første gang om, hvordan hun kunne se en anden verden af engle og ånder midt iblandt os. I mange år antog hun, at alle andre kunne se det samme. Englene hjælper hende gennem livet og er vidnesbyrd om, at vi er beskyttet.Engle i mit hår er en biografi om en moderne kvindes liv i Irland. Det er samtidig en poetisk bog om en mystiker fra fattige kår med en vanskelig barndom, som finder kærligheden og mister den igen, samtidig med at hun kommunikerer med engle hele livet. Hun bliver en berømt og elsket healer og lærer i Irland og skriver sent i livet en bog, som rører manges hjerter.»Engle i mit hår er mere end blot en selvbiografi. Det er en åbenbaring, der vil åbne dine øjne og ændre dit liv.« – Matthew E. Adams

  • af Lorna Byrne
    236,95 kr.

  • - Fortsættelsen til engle i mit hår
    af Lorna Byrne
    236,95 kr.

    Englene er overalt tager os med tilbage til det sted, der gjorde Engle i mit hår til en international bestseller.Det er historier om Lornas første år i det landlige Irland, hvor engle hjalp hende og guidede hende gennem svære begivenheder. Der indgår detaljere beskrivelser af hvordan englene er, hvordan de optræder og interagerer med Gud og andre engle og ikke mindst med mennesker. En så detaljeret information om deres rolle i vores liv og efter døden er aldrig før offentliggjort.

  • - Kærlige bønner om hjælp og velsignelser
    af Lorna Byrne
    160,95 kr.

    Forfatteren ser det som sin livsopgave at formidle fred og kærlighed på ethvert plan. Hun ønsker at gøre sine læsere og tilhørere opmærksomme på, at mennesket ikke bare er krop, men i høj grad også ånd, og at de to kan forenes til en højere enhed, hvis vi vil.  Gud og englene er overalt omkring os og kan hjælpe os på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt – det eneste, vi behøver gøre, er at bede om hjælp og så selvfølgelig lytte.

  • - Fortsættelsen til engle i mit hår
    af Lorna Byrne
    73,95 - 117,95 kr.

    Englene er overalt tager os med tilbage til det sted, der gjorde Engle i mit hår til en international bestseller.Det er historier om Lornas første år i det landlige Irland, hvor engle hjalp hende og guidede hende gennem svære begivenheder. Der indgår detaljere beskrivelser af hvordan englene er, hvordan de optræder og interagerer med Gud og andre engle og ikke mindst med mennesker. En så detaljeret information om deres rolle i vores liv og efter døden er aldrig før offentliggjort.

  • - Seven stories for children
    af Lorna Byrne
    125,95 - 127,95 kr.

    A collection of children's stories by international bestselling author Lorna Byrne.

  • - Now includes a 7 day path to bring more love into your life
    af Lorna Byrne
    137,95 kr.

    Lorna Byrne, the Irish mystic who sees angels as clearly as she sees people, reveals for the first time that she also sees love as a physical force. This gives her a unique insight into love.

  • - The Sunday Times No. 1 Bestseller
    af Lorna Byrne
    127,95 kr.

    In A Message of Hope from the Angels Irish mystic Lorna Byrne brings a vital, urgent communication from above for these challenging times. 'The Angel told me, 'Hope makes the impossible possibleLorna sees angels with as much clarity as the rest of us see people and she speaks to them every day. In the past Lorna has talked about her life, and how the angels prepared her to deliver a message to the world. This book contains her message of hope, and this message is for you. She writes about how she sees angels helping people when they are feeling tired, helpless, depressed, unloved, inadequate as a parent, struggling financially or simply too busyIn A Message of Hope from the Angels Lorna tells in a simple and direct way how you can call on this help to make your life better and happier.

  • - A guide to living lovingly through the seasons
    af Lorna Byrne
    127,95 kr.

    Keep the wisdom of the angels with you throughout the year.

  • - The phenomenal Sunday Times bestseller
    af Lorna Byrne
    127,95 kr.

    An autobiography of a modern day mystic, an Irish woman with powers of the saints of old. It presents the testimony of a woman who sees things, beyond the range of our everyday experience.

  • af Lorna Byrne
    69,95 kr.

    Ganz gleich von wem in unserem nahen Umfeld – wenn wir verletzt werden, verschließen wir unser Herz. In ihrem Ratgeber zeigt uns Lorna Byrne, wie wir nach einem emotionalen Rückschlag unsere inneren Verletzungen heilen und unser Herz wieder öffnen können. Eine große Hilfe dabei sind die Engel in unserer Umgebung. Lorna Byrne wurde 1953 geboren und ist eine irische Schriftstellerin. Sie ist bekannt für ihre esoterischen Werke „Engel in meinem Haar" und „Liebe – das Geschenk des Himmels". Byrne gibt an, die Fähigkeit zu haben, Engel zu sehen, was sie auch in ihren Büchern thematisiert.

  • af Lorna Byrne
    165,95 kr.

    The author of the bestselling Angels in My Hair gives you the comfort of knowing that, no matter how alone you might feel, you always have a guardian angel by your side to support you.In this inspiring and uplifting book, Lorna Byrne reveals how you can call on the help of your angels to carry you through the challenges that everyone inevitably faces, including loneliness, depression, stress, financial strain, heartbreak, the death of a loved one, or feeling inadequate as a parent. No matter what obstacles you face, you can call on this support to make your life happier and more fulfilling.

  • af Lorna Byrne
    227,95 kr.

    In a poignant account, the author narrates the role that our guardian angel plays in our life and how we can connect with it. She also reveals to us that the souls of our loved ones help and guide us forward to confront any difficulty.

  • af Lorna Byrne
    197,95 kr.

    Translation of: A message of hope from the angels.

  • af Lorna Byrne
    132,95 kr.

    Tâitulo original: A message of hope from the angels.

  • af Lorna Byrne
    207,95 kr.

    A petición de sus múltiples lectores y seguidores, Lorna Byrne nos regala un magnífico libro de oraciones en el que, con ayuda de los ángeles, nos enseña desde qué es el poder de la oración y por qué es tan importante rezar, hasta cómo pedir ayuda y protección para las diferentes circunstancias de la vida. Upon request from her many readers and followers, Lorna Byrne presents a magnificent book of prayers. With the help of angels, she reveals the power and importance of prayer, as well as how to ask for help and protection in various life circumstances.

  • - How angels and our loved ones help guide us
    af Lorna Byrne
    127,95 kr.

    Angels at My Fingertips takes us back to the territory that made Angels in My Hair a million selling, international bestseller. Stories of Lorna's early life in rural Ireland, of how angels helped and guided her through traumatic events, lead to a detailed description of what angels are like, the different types of angels, how they behave in interact with God and other angels as well as human beings, their role during our lives and after death. Angels at My Fingertips also contains an account of how Joe, her husband, who died young in Angels in My Hair returns to visit her. For the first time Lorna reveals the role of the souls of our loved ones who may return from heaven briefly to help and guide us. Information as detailed as this never been published anywhere before now.Since she went public about her unprecedented gifts, Lorna's reputation has grown. The Catholic Church is at last beginning to show recognition, asking her to speak in churches, and leading American theologian Matthew Fox has compared her to the medieval saint, Hildegard of Bingen. Her unique qualities have been recognised by leading Islamic theologians too.Lorna's last two books for have been Sunday Times number one bestsellers and Message of Hope from the Angels was also the number one bestselling MBS book in the year it was published.

  • - By the bestselling author of A Message of Hope from the Angels
    af Lorna Byrne
    127,95 kr.

    Lorna Byrne sees and talks with angels every day of her life and has done since she was a baby. As a child Lorna was told by the angels that her job on this earth was to share the wisdom and knowledge that God and the angels were giving her. When Lorna s husband died, her world fell apart. In Stairways to Heaven she tells the story of how she pulled her life back together and how she, an uneducated mother of four, broke her silence and started to spread the angels message to the world. Lorna tells us of the future that God envisages for us and some possible other futures, depending on the decisions we make. Everyone must play their part , she says. She reveals some of the most extraordinarily detailed information about angels and the way they work in the world, that has ever been written down. She also introduces us to the Guardian Angel of the Earth and explains why it is so important that we listen to him. She tells the tragic love story of two spirits who she met first as a young child. These spirits stayed close to her for twenty years using Lorna s spiritual gifts to heal those who had done them wrong and also to heal the descendants of those wrongdoers, whose lives were still being overshadowed. The overwhelming reaction of readers to Lorna s writing regardless of religious belief is that it gives them hope, helping them to realise that no matter how alone they might feel they have a guardian angel by their side.

  • - Kærlige bønner om hjælp og velsignelser
    af Lorna Byrne
    118,95 kr.

    Forfatteren ser det som sin livsopgave at formidle fred og kærlighed på ethvert plan. Hun ønsker at gøre sine læsere og tilhørere opmærksomme på, at mennesket ikke bare er krop, men i høj grad også ånd, og at de to kan forenes til en højere enhed, hvis vi vil.  Gud og englene er overalt omkring os og kan hjælpe os på et hvilket som helst tidspunkt – det eneste, vi behøver gøre, er at bede om hjælp og så selvfølgelig lytte.

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