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  • af Mia Rosé
    158,95 kr.

    Book 6 in the Full Moon Series When Gabriel is ousted from the pack, he finds himself almost alone. He has his friend Tanya, but even she's unsure if she wants to be with him. This could be a lonely life if she leaves, too. Meanwhile, Declan finds himself reorganising his pack and getting ready for an all out war with the werewolf hunters. He's on the right track, but they'll still need to compensate for the silver, somehow. It's deadly, and it can wipe the pack out, almost instantly. Noelle is human again, and she is finding herself jealous about Declan. She doesn't want to share him with anyone, it seems. This newfound relationship might take some work, and a sense of humor. Will they win the war against the hunters? And will Gabriel be allowed back into the pack after what he's done? Only time will tell, and there's not much of that left. The clock ticks as war looms. "The war will have its consequences, and love will have its way, too."

  • af Mia Rosé
    118,95 kr.

    Book 2 in the Full Moon series Declan Hall has got everything covered this time around. He is going to make sure that being Alpha is easy; with or without help from anyone. No one's going to tell this guy how to handle anything; not Gabriel, or anybody else, for that matter. This time he is in charge. No arguments, ifs or buts. That's certain! That is until... he meets a woman werewolf who wants to have her own way. Headstrong about absolutely, positively everything. She's the alpha type and she leads by full coercion. A no-holds-barred kind of feminine... a persuasive, narcissistic force to be reckoned with. Declan definitely did not see her coming. So, why isn't Noelle talking to him? Everything was sweet as... before. Relationships should never be this damn hard. Werewolves are pack animals, aren't they? Let's go hunting... it's anyone's game...

  • af Mia Rosé
    118,95 kr.

    Book 5 in the Full Moon series. When Noelle finds herself in the deep, depths of the forest, she feels lost and delirious in her plight to find her way back home. But where is she? And how on earth will she get back to where she belongs? Luckily for her, the wheel of fortune is slowly turning in her favor, or is it? That's something that only time will tell... Meanwhile, Declan is on a quest to become a wolf again, but the journey he must follow is unknown and relenting. He'll need more than luck to get him where he needs to go. He must find a witch, but that's going to be easier said than done. He really needs to get back to his pack. Unfortunately, Gabriel is in charge, and it's not looking pretty, so far. The pack is still suffering at the hands of Gabriel -he's acting like a spoiled-brat tyrant and has the wherewithal to kill whomever he pleases, at will. This is going to take more than some inspired action to change the balance of power, now. In fact, it will need the brute-force and agility of a wild, assertive, masculine werewolf. Someone just like Declan...

  • af Mia Rosé
    443,95 kr.

    Du bist der Rhythmus meines Herzens. Der Teil in mir, der mich zu dem macht, der ich sein will.OakleyMein Bodyguard rastet aus und wird entlassen? Check.Ich werde von meinem Manager gezwungen, einen neuen einzustellen? Doppel-check.Dieser ist ein übellauniger und distanzierter Arsch? Jackpot.Will ich ihn trotzdem? Hell, yeah!BlakeEinen Pinguin entführen und mir selbst die Zukunft ruinieren? Check.Daraufhin meinen Job beim FBI verlieren und Personenschützer werden? Doppel-check.Bodyguard für den vorbelasteten Frontsänger der Colliding Angels werden? Verdammt.Oakley Hall wollen, obwohl es strengstens verboten ist? Hell, no!Grumpy Bodyguard trifft auf Sunshine Rockstar, doch Blake hat noch weitere Gründe, sich besser nicht auf Oakley einzulassen. Denn diese Liebe könnte ihn mehr kosten, als nur seinen Job.

  • af Mia Rosé
    118,95 kr.

    Book 4 in the Full Moon Series Can Gabriel really be the new alpha? How will he pull everything off, with Declan now gone MIA? Megan is not a happy camper because he's been acting more than peculiar, lately. He's being a spoiled brat on top of his new-found masculinity. Noelle will have a hard decision to make; one affecting her entire future. But what path should she choose...? And will her decisions lead her to her perfect love, Declan? And is he really that, at all? Meanwhile, Declan needs strength from within to keep himself going. Is it possible that he can never turn again? And what on earth did he consume from Edmund? Is it really a long-term problem? The past will come to light as Declan remembers a part of his childhood, and a strange meeting with a man who knows much, much more. The connections will take him deeper than he ever thought possible. A witch? How is that even an answer?

  • af Mia Rosé
    118,95 kr.

    Declan Hall has mastered the delicate practice of blending in with humans, he's managed to run a safe harbor for werewolves in Cripple Creek, Co. Declan has enough on his plate in his mission to keep his pack hidden, but his priorities take a sharp turn when his mate, Cassidy, return from a late-night hunt with an injury inflicted by an unknown assailant. With the help of his Beta, Gabriel, the pack bands together to find out who this masked hunter is before they can cause any more harm in the pack. However, when Declan finds himself falling into a dangerous affair with the mysterious Noelle, he realizes that trying to figure out how he's going to eliminate a hunter while exploring his new fling is a recipe for trouble....

  • af Mia Rosé
    118,95 kr.

    Declan Hall is still trying to come to terms with the reality of multiple situations. Ones that are continually making his brain go into a desperate overload. He's infatuated with the beautiful Noelle, but the newest happenings have made life nearly impossible to be with her. Should he move on? He's got a real chance to find a cure for the after-effects of silver. This could save his entire pack from the hunters... and ultimately from the threat of extinction. But who is this Doctor Edmund Stone? And why would he even want to help out a pack of werewolves, anyway? Declan tries to remain the perfectly strong and focused Alpha that his pack members need. But his intuition is sometimes flawed by his own longing heart. A heart that longs to be with his one true desire. The gorgeous Noelle. But, right now, she's ignoring him for letting her family become involved. She's even looking elsewhere, it seems. There are secrets coming to them all. But who will it affect the most? And in what unbelievable, mind-shattering ways?

  • - 15 Steps to Attract Wealth, Create Prosperity and Manifest Money
    af Mia Rosé
    143,95 kr.

    If all things magical have always fascinated you and you've wished to learn more but haven't known where to start, then continue reading...If you want to manifest wealth, you need to learn the skills that will help you proactively and holistically manifest it as an enduring part of your life.This book will teach you those skills and the magic to manifest prosperity, love, and health. It contains a full introduction to chants, spells and rituals. It is packed with information on the history and our understanding of chants and rituals.The book also takes a practical look at the subject and gathers together a range of chants drawn from traditional and modern sources. From Romany chants to traditional English, home-made spells, right through to modern Wiccan chants, the book brings together 30 chants and spells to help you change your life. It includes basic spells for beginners, to help you learn the methods you'll need.This book also includes...Why, and how, spells and chants can workA guide to the ways you can use magical chants and spellsThe best ways to conduct spells and what to do nextSpells from ancient and modern sourcesSpells for beginners, for health and for loveFinancial tips and resources to reduce debt and improve investmentsHow to proactively plan for a happier, healthier lifeHow to define what wealth means to you and start manifesting it in your life.How to create and sustain proactive relationships with the people in your life.How and when to apply wealth magic to manifest prosperity in your life.And much, much more!In addition it covers health and well-being and those all-important love spells. Whether you are new to magical practice or an experienced practitioner there is something for everybody in this short, but information packed, compendium of chants!Click "Add to Cart" to receive your copy now...

  • af Mia Rosé
    373,95 kr.

    Vielleicht zogen Wolken an mir vorbei, während ich nicht hinsah, weil ich es nicht ertrug, wie die Welt sich weiterdrehte.Nathan wollte in Seattle seinen Frieden finden und traf stattdessen auf Miles.Miles Callahan, sein neuer Nachbar, der zu oft lächelte und zu viel sprach.Der es schaffte, Nathans Herz aus seiner Starre zu befreien und ihm zeigte, dass es Sekunden im Leben gab, in denen die Zeit nicht stillstand.Zusammen erschufen sie Glasbauwelten, in denen Nathan seine Angst für ein paar Augenblicke vergessen konnte.Doch in der Nacht, als Nathans Welt zerbrach, drohte er mehr zu verlieren als nur sich selbst.Wenn aus Hoffnung Scherben werden und die Welt in tausend Teile zerspringt, was bleibt dann noch?

  • af Mia Rosé
    368,95 kr.

    Von Schneeflockenzauber, der wahren Liebe und einem unerwarteten Wunder.Um Weihnachten zu entfliehen, begibt sich Lilah Evans kurzerhand auf eine Reise in eine unbekannte Zukunft.Ein kleines Familienhotel mitten in Colorado soll ihr helfen, ihre Vergangenheit hinter sich zu lassen. Sie möchte endlich über den schrecklichen Unfall hinweg kommen, der sie an den Rollstuhl fesselte.Mit der Ruhe ist es allerdings schnell vorbei, als sie den Rezeptionisten Jace King kennenlernt. Denn dieser lässt nicht nur ihr Herz höher schlagen, sondern schleppt gleich eine ganze Großfamilie mit an.Mit seiner lockeren Art hilft er ihr, sich endlich wieder frei zu fühlen.Er zeigt ihr, wie wertvoll das Leben ist und dass es sich lohnt, dafür zu kämpfen.Durch Jace lernt Lilah, wieder zu lieben und zu leben.Doch kann sie die Schatten ihrer Vergangenheit hinter sich lassen und Jace voll und ganz vertrauen? Oder reißt der nächste Schicksalsschlag alles auseinander?Weihnachten war wie träumen, wie loslassen und frei sein.Doch ein kurzer Moment kann das ganze Leben verändern.

  • af Mia Rosé
    423,95 kr.

  • af Mia Rosé
    398,95 kr.

  • af Mia Rosé
    538,95 kr.

    "Zwei Wochen, Paigiecake. Das sind vierzehn Tage, in denen ich keine Angst um dich haben muss."Augenblicke.Es waren Augenblicke, die mein Leben für immer veränderten.Augenblicke voller Schmerz, Leid und Ablehnung. Momente, die mir den Boden unter den Füßen wegrissen und mich in die tiefsten Tiefen stürzten.Mein Leben bestand aus Dunkelheit, bis ich ihn traf. Nikolaj Petrow.Er wurde zu meinem Licht in der Finsternis. Wenn er bei mir war, gab es kein grau und kein schwarz. Es gab nur weiß und endlose Helligkeit. Er schenkte mir die Sonne und wusste es nicht einmal.Er hielt mich fest, wenn ich zerbrach. Er fing mich auf, wenn ich fiel.Es waren Augenblicke, die mir den Atem raubten und mein Herz brachen. Denn als meine Vergangenheit uns einholte, strahlte selbst sein Licht nicht hell genug.Neue Stadt, neue Uni, neues Leben.Nach traumatischen Erlebnissen ist Paige endlich bereit, ein neues Leben zu beginnen. Zusammen mit ihrer besten Freundin zieht sie nach Santa Barbara um dort auf die Uni zu gehen.Ihr Plan war zu vergessen und neu anzufangen.Doch sie hat nicht damit gerechnet, dass der beste Freund ihres Bruders alles durcheinanderbringen wird.Found Family, Brothers Best Friend, emotional Scars, slow Burn Love

  • - Erotische Kurzgeschichten fur Frauen Teil 1
    af Mia Rosé
    173,95 kr.

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