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Paul Gilbert har gennem sit mangeårige arbejde med kognitive processer i behandlingen af depression og selvværdsproblemer påvist, at man gennem øget viden om sindets negative overbevisninger kan opnå større selvindsigt og efterhånden lære at overskue og kontrollere sine tankemønstre, så man får det bedre. I denne bog forener han den kognitive adfærdsterapi med principperne for mindfulness og med de buddhistiske tanker, der ligger bag begreber som venlighed, indlevelse, medfølelse og overbærenhed – både med sig selv og med andre. I bogens elleve kapitler gennemgår Paul Gilbert, hvordan man kan overvinde sin strenge selvkontrol, sin overdrevne bekymring, sin hang til perfektionisme og sine urealistiske høje krav til sig selv. Målet er at opnå større ro og indsigt og dermed leve et liv med mindre stress, angst og vrede.Medfølelse kan defineres på mange måder, men essensen er en kærlig grundholdning, der indebærer en stærk bevidsthed om egne og andre levende væseners psykiske smerte kombineret med et ønske om at gøre, hvad man kan for at mindske den. Skønt mennesker kan opføre sig utrolig grusomt og hjerteløst, har medfølelse i over 3.000 år været kendt som en af menneskesindets vigtigste og mest karakteristiske egenskaber. Medfølelse er ikke blot blevet et efterstræbelsesværdigt åndeligt og moralsk mål i mange religioner, men er også blevet opfattet som et vigtigt middel til at hele skaªder på vores omskiftelige sind og på forholdet til andre mennesker.
Bogen er en efterfølger til Kognitiv terapi - modeller og metoder fra 2005. I denne bog præsenteres dels opdateret kognitiv terapi ved de fleste psykiske lidelser hos voksne, dels en række af de væsentligste såkaldt tredjebølge bidrag til behandling. Bogen indeholder f.eks. kognitiv terapi ved misbrug, skizofreni, affektive lidelser, angsttilstande, spiseforstyrrelser, ADHD, ludomani, arbejdsrelateret stress og kapitlet om mindfulness, ACT, positiv psykologi, "compassion focused therapy" og neuropsykologi. Bogen giver såvel en teoretisk forståelse af de enkelte lidelser som praktiske kliniske anvisninger på vurdering og behandling. Der er endvidere skemaer til klinisk brug til alle kapitler, der kan downloades fra HRs hjemmeside. Kognitiv terapi redigeres at to kapaciteter på omådet: Nicole K. Rosenberg, chefpsykolog, leder af Klinik for angstlidelser ved Aarhus Universitetshospital og adjungeret professor. Mikkel Arendt, cand.psych, PhD, post.doc forsker og ansat ved Klinik for Angstlidelser, Århus Universitetshospital.
Compassionfokuseret terapi er et felt i hastig udvikling. Forskningen i de gode effekter ved at udvikle medfølelse eller compassion har taget fart i de seneste årtier, hvor udviklingen af compassion er blevet et vigtigt terapeutisk mål og fokus. Denne bog er en klassiker på feltet og er skrevet af den britiske professor i psykologi Paul Gilbert (f. 1951), som er grundlæggeren af compassionfokuseret terapi (CFT), der lægger vægt på arbejdet med at udvikle medfølelse og compassion for sig selv og andre for derigennem at øge den enkeltes trivsel og styrke vejen til helbredelse og recovery. I bogen forklarer Gilbert, hvordan compassionfokuseret terapi adskiller sig fra andre former for kognitiv adfærdsterapi. Ud fra 30 hovedpunkter undersøger Gilbert de grundlæggende principper for compassionfokuseret terapi og giver en detaljeret beskrivelse af aspekterne ved compassion, som det anvendes i CFT. Bogen falder i to dele – Teori og Compassion i praksis – og giver en klar vejledning i de særlige elementer i CFT. Compassionfokuseret terapi henvender sig til studerende, terapeuter og andre professionelle, der enten selv eller i et formaliseret uddannelsesforløb ønsker at lære mere om compassionfokuseret terapi.
Based on the latest work from Professor Paul Gilbert OBE, bestselling author of The Compassionate Mind, and Buddhist expert Choden. Professor Gilbert has spent the past twenty years developing a new therapy called Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT) which has an gained international following. In recent years, mindfulness is being used increasingly to treat common mental health problems such as depression, stress and stress-related insomnia. In this ground-breaking new book, Professor Gilbert, along with his co-author Choden, combines the best of Compassion-Focused Therapy with the most effective mindfulness techniques. The result is an extremely effective approach to overcoming everyday emotional and psychological problems and improving one's sense of wellbeing.
Beskrivelse af sindstilstanden depression samt hvordan den opleves, efterfulgt af en praktisk del med teknikker og metoder til at ændre de negative tanker og følelser
'Wise and perceptive. [It] teaches self-compassion and the consolations of kindness. I recommend it.' SALLY BRAMPTON, author of Shoot the Damn DogDEVELOP YOUR FEELINGS OF COMPASSION AND INCREASE YOUR SENSE OF WELL-BEING In societies that encourage us to compete with each other, compassion is often seen as a weakness. Striving to get ahead, self-criticism, fear, and hostility towards others seem to come more naturally to us.The Compassionate Mind explains the evolutionary and social reasons why our brains react so readily to threats - and reveals how our brains are also hardwired to respond to kindness and compassion.Research has found that developing kindness and compassion for ourselves and others builds our confidence, helps us create meaningful, caring relationships and promotes physical and mental health. Far from fostering emotional weakness, practical exercises focusing on developing compassion have been found to subdue our anger and increase our courage and resilience to depression and anxiety. 'As one of Britain's most insightful psychologists, Gilbert illuminates the power of compassion in our lives.' OLIVER JAMES, AUTHOR OF AFFLUENZA
New revised edition of the bestselling CBT self-help guide.
Research into the beneficial effect of developing compassion has advanced enormously over the years. This book explains how Compassion Focused Therapy (CFT) - a process of developing compassion for the self and others to increase well-being and aid recovery - varies from other forms of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
This book explores how our archetypal potential can be dangerously shaped by culture, inadvertently forcing us to live in crazy and destructive ways. Through a a wide ranging discussion of different aspects of human society, history and evolution, Gilbert demonstrates the costly psychological defenses that we use to cope with the reality of suffering and how cultivating compassion can enable us to hone balance, connection, health and the social good.
Being paired to a prodigal is a relational nightmare. How do you love a wayward person without enabling them? How do you know when to let them go? In this book, pastors Dave Harvey and Paul Gilbert share stories of pain and stories of hope as they reveal how to care for the wayward people in our lives who have strayed.
Shows how political philosophy can be applied to the practical problems of terrorism, State violence and national identity. This text clarifies a range of issues in applied political philosophy, including: the ethics of war; theories of state and nation; and human rights and national security.
What is philosophy? How should we do it? Why should we bother to? These are the kinds of questions addressed by metaphilosophy - the philosophical study of the nature of philosophy itself. Students of philosophy today are faced with a confusing and daunting array of philosophical methods, approaches and styles and also deep divisions such as the notorious rift between analytic and Continental philosophy. This book takes readers through a full range of approaches - analytic versus Continental, scientistic versus humanistic, 'pure' versus applied - enabling them to locate and understand these different ways of doing philosophy. Clearly and accessibly written, it will stimulate reflection on philosophical practice and will be invaluable for students of philosophy and other philosophically inclined readers.
This book attempts to classify the accounts of nationhood that can be given in terms of the kinds of argument for statehood they support. It is based on the International Society for the Study of European Ideas conference in 1990.
This volume of articles and blogs is called “A time to care”. It is Paul Gilbert's 6th book and his most personal collection so far with an emphasis on individual contribution, collective leadership, kindness, humanity and thoughtfulness.The cover image is of ink in water, a metaphor for how thoughts and ideas can move in directions that make their own unique patterns and an encouragement to allow the potential of your kindness and your ideas to find new patterns for you and your colleagues.We need everyone to care more because in so many respects we have created environments in which it is hard to thrive. We have extended the hours and years we expect to work, while supercharging our exposure to overwhelming quantities of data, pointless communications and needless change. We have made too many working environments toxic for our mental health and for our career development. All too often we fail to create sustainable, supportable infrastructures, and then over-rely on personal goodwill to get anything done. We promote people to lead without investing in their leadership potential and all too often we treat career and family aspirations as an inconvenience to short term target setting.The anthology does not offer easy answers, but Paul's intention is to call out some of the nonsense, and to stress our collective responsibility to care and to lead with kindness. We can make it better, but we have to listen and show some courage. Paul hopes the commentary, insights and ideas in this book will give you a pause to think, a chance to reflect, and a moment to change something. Some of the blogs and articles will make you smile and others may inspire you to act. Above all Paul hopes it will encourage you to share your stories and your wisdom, to show others that you care to lead as well.
"In this, the first truly philosophical study of nationalism, Paul Gilbert attempts to make sense of the fact that there are different sorts of nationalism--for example, political and cultural--and that"
A practical guide to working with people suffering from depression. It outlines how to work with general negativity, sense of failure and abandonment, and feelings of powerlessness, anger, shame and guilt. It examines the essential stages of the therapeutic process from conceptualization and formulation through to a wide variety of interventions.
This title serves as an introduction to the philosophy of mind area of the undergraduate philosophy curriculum. It covers issues such as the language of thought, the road to functionalism and the problem of qualia.
One of the most commonly reported emotions in people seeking psychotherapy is shame, and this emotion has become the subject of intense research and theory over the last 20 years. This book examines the effect of shame on social behaviour, social values, and mental states.
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