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Bøger af Peter Sloterdijk

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  • - Tidsskrift for naturkritik
    af Joseph Roth, August Strindberg, Aksel Haaning, mfl.
    160,95 kr.

    Ny Jord – Tidsskrift for naturkritik er et multidisciplinært tidsskrift, der orienterer sig på tværs af århundreder og landegrænser og bringer videnskab, litteratur og kunst side om side i ønsket om at bidrage til en kvalificeret samtale om naturen i en tid, hvor vores forestillinger og idéer om den ændres markant.

  • - Essays After Heidegger
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    231,95 - 644,95 kr.

    One can rightly say of Peter Sloterdijk that each of his essays and lectures is also an unwritten book. That is why the texts presented here, which sketch a philosophical physiognomy of Martin Heidegger, should also be characterized as a collected renunciation of exhaustiveness.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    147,95 kr.

    Et flertal af menneskene på jorden har stadigvæk opstanden imod det politiske tyranni til gode. Ligeledes erfarer de fleste også i dag dagligt indskrænkningen af deres frihed igennem trykket fra den såkaldt ydre realitet. Med udgangspunkt i to ur-scener i den europæiske friheds historie viser den tyske filosof Peter Sloterdijk, hvordan begge disse former for undertrykkelse er varianter af stressoplevelser. Hans grundlæggende interesse gælder konflikten mellem frihed og socialitet og opkomsten af den potentielt asociale og samfundsnedbrydende frihed.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    127,95 - 137,95 kr.

    Tiden går, kloden drejer, blomsterne springer ud – og mennesket mobiliserer på liv og død. Hvad der ikke bevæger sig, kommer i bevægelse. Det statiske og harmoniske samfund er en saga blot, nu vil vi vækst og fremskridt i det uendelige. Ekspansion, vokseværk, indgriben og omformning. Det er den politiske, praktiske og paniske kinetik. Ikke at lade noget uberørt, men dynamisk nedbryde enhver uskyld. Det er den europæiske og vestlige foretagsomhed, som i ly af oplysningens dialektik splitter helheder og moderniserer det forgangne til ukendelighed. Det er bevægelsen i bevægelsen, og det har intet med tao at gøre.En eurotaoisme er derfor lige så mærkværdig som en bevægelse, der står stille, eller en kynisme i uskyld. Hvad der er utænkeligt må tænkes, og det er, hvad Peter Sloterdijk gør i denne bog. Ikke som en kvit og smart sammenkobling af vestlig filosofi og østlig mystik, men som en krævende, meditativ kritik af vores kulturs uro og den oplyste fornufts sære bevægelser.Eurotaoisme er intet mindre end et fejende forsøg på begrebets anstrengelse, på at tænke de sammenhænge frem, vi ikke kender eller endnu ikke vil kendes ved. For at imødegå den uendelige politiske bevægelse mod bedre vidende, og for at bringe det hvilende tao ind som en bremse af vores katastrofekurs. Som et udkast til en ontologi for det endnu-værende.Eurotaoisme udkom første gang på dansk i 1990 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    92,95 - 102,95 kr.

    ”Filosofferne har blot smigret samfundene forskelligt, det, det drejer sig om, er at provokere dem.” Med denne omskrivning af en kendt Marx-frase karakteriserer Peter Sloterdijk (f. 1947) indirekte sin egen opgave i dette essay om vor tids massetilbøjelighed til på én gang at inkarnere og selv ligge under for den forskelsløse foragt. Vi taler om nærhed, men lever i fremmedhed; vi fabler om kvalitet, men hengiver os til middelmådighed; vi hylder frihed, men lader os nøje med grydeklare tilbud; og vi kræver respekt, men viser (og modtager) kun foragt. Dén udvikling har sin egen historie, en historie om massens forvandling fra fysisk mylder og protest til medieformidlet isolation og følgagtighed – fra krævende fællesskab baseret på forskelle til banal rettighedskultur uden markører. Eller med endnu en Sloterdijk-turnering af de gamle mestre (Freud): ”Hvor identitet var, skal indifferens være”. Masse og foragt er en rystende – rystende præcis – afdækning af vor egen kultur netop nu, og det store essay, oversat af Hans Christian Fink, introduceres her af Steen Nepper Larsen.Masse og foragt udkom første gang på dansk i 2002 og genudgives nu i Hans Reitzels Forlags serie Klassikere.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    407,95 - 1.153,95 kr.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    162,95 kr.

    The stirring speech given by Peter Sloterdijk in Lucerne in October 2022.From time immemorial, humanity has had to organize their “metabolism with nature.” For Marx, the most important factor in this process was labor. When Prometheus, according to the myth, brought fire to earth, another crucial input was added. Fire has been used to cook food and harden tools for hundreds of thousands of years. In this sense, it can be said that all history implies the history of the uses of fire.But whereas trees could only be burnt once, labor and fire shifted with the discovery of underground deposits of coal and oil. Modern humanity, according to Peter Sloterdijk, can be considered a collective of arsonists who set fire to the underground forests and moors. If Prometheus were to return to earth today, he might regret his gift; after all, what looms is nothing less than Ekpyrosis, the demise of the world in fire. And only a new, energetic pacifism can prevent this catastrophe.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    256,95 - 1.036,95 kr.

  • - udvalgte tekster om menneskerugekasser, skindød tænkning og antropoteknik
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    197,95 - 227,95 kr.

    ”Den, der lytter til tænkningens stemme, er dykket ned i en sfære, som noget andet altid allerede har fået til at skælve. Tænkningen er i subjektet som tonen i violinen – kraften fra et svingningsforhold. Mennesker er, for så vidt som de tænker, på sæt og vis musikinstrumenter for forestillinger, der betyder verden.”Peter Sloterdijk er en af de væsentligste tyske filosoffer i dag. Men det er næsten 20 år siden, større tekster af den originale tænker er blevet oversat til dansk. Fem tekster præsenteres – omhandlende:• den fatale, skindøde og kropsløse tænkning• menneskets øvende og engagerede liv• menneskerugekasser• værens domesticering• antropoteknik.Værens domesticering byder på en undersøgelse af, hvordan mennesket bebor væren og tæmmes af den. Sloterdijks sfærologiske tænkning fornyer den filosofiske antropologi og leverer en nådesløs civilisations- og modernitetskritik. Samtidig anes et bud på en teknologifilosofi.Sloterdijks øvelsesantropologi viser, at mennesket frem for alt er et øvende dyr. Vi bor i menneskerugekasser – en slags sfæriske mikrorum – og vi lærer at benytte os af antropoteknikker – det vil sige en række fysiske og psykiske øvelses- og (selv)immuniseringstiltag. De vokser sammen med kroppene og sætter sig i de kulturelle og sociale mønstre – rækkende fra primitive håndvåben og avancerede telekommunikationssystemer til fostervandsdiagnostik.Bogens tekster er udvalgt og redigeret af Steen Nepper Larsen, der tillige har skrevet indledning, og Mads Lund Mikkelsen, der også har stået for de tyske oversættelser sammen med Lars Christiansen.

  • af Sloterdijk
    207,95 - 646,95 kr.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    307,95 kr.

    Studying both France and Germany in its discussion of post-war issues, this book uses a new cultural-theoretical approach to develop a philosophy to overcome post-war traumata, or the traumatization effects that affect entire national cultures.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    132,95 - 137,95 kr.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    207,95 - 644,95 kr.

    One of the worlds leading philosophers shows how our preoccupation with motion and change is a defining feature of our modern, Western way of thinking.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    208,95 - 644,95 kr.

    First published in German as Nach Gott: Glaubens- und Unglaubensversuche, Suhrkamp Verlag 2017.

  • - Towards a Critique of Extremist Reason
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    220,95 - 644,95 kr.

    "In this new volume, philosopher Peter Sloterdijk argues that we will never understand the 20th century if we focus on events or ideologies. Rather, he argues that the predominant motif of the 20th century is what Badiou called a passion for the real, which manifests itself as the will to actualize the truth directly in the here and now"--

  • - Writings on Art
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    267,95 - 644,95 kr.

    In this wide-ranging book, renowned philosopher and cultural theorist Peter Sloterdijk examines art in all its rich and varied forms: from music to architecture, light to movement, and design to typography.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    173,95 - 408,95 kr.

    In this short book Peter Sloterdijk offers a genealogy of the concept of freedom from Ancient Greece to the present day. This genealogy is part of a broader theory of the large political body, according to which Sloterdijk argues that political communities arise in response to a form of anxiety or stress.

  • - Conversations and Interviews 1993 - 2012
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    208,95 - 644,95 kr.

    Peter Sloterdijk s reputation as one of the most original thinkers of our time has grown steadily since the early 1980s. This volume of over thirty conversations and interviews spanning two decades illuminates the multiple interconnections of his life and work.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    135,95 - 408,95 kr.

    In this short book Peter Sloterdijk clarifies his views on religion and its role in pre-modern and modern societies. He begins by returning to the Mount Sinai episode in the Book of Exodus, where he identifies the emergence of what he calls the 'Sinai Schema'.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    208,95 - 622,95 kr.

    In his major investigation into the nature of humans, Peter Sloterdijk presents a critique of myth - the myth of the return of religion.

  • - Towards a Philosophical Theory of Globalization
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    233,95 - 644,95 kr.

    Displaying the distinctive combination of narration and philosophy for which he is well known, this new book by Peter Sloterdijk develops a radically new account of globalization at the beginning of the twenty-first century.

  • - The Battle of the Three Monotheisms
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    182,95 - 644,95 kr.

    The conflicts between the three great monotheistic religions - Christianity, Judaism and Islam - are shaping our world more than ever before. This book examines the forms of conflict that arise between the three monotheisms by analyzing the basic possibilities stemming from anti-Paganism, anti-Judaism, anti-Islamism and anti-Christianism.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    135,95 - 408,95 kr.

    Offers a series of recontextualizations of Jacques Derrida's work by exploring the connections between Derrida and 7 major thinkers, including Hegel, Freud and Thomas Mann.

  • - From Plato to Foucault
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    173,95 - 568,95 kr.

    Peter Sloterdijk turns his keen eye to the history of western thought, conducting colorful readings of the lives and ideas of the world's most influential intellectuals. Featuring nineteen vignettes rich in personal characterizations and theoretical analysis, Sloterdijk's companionable volume casts the development of philosophical thinking not as a buildup of compelling books and arguments but as a lifelong, intimate struggle with intellectual and spiritual movements, filled with as many pitfalls and derailments as transcendent breakthroughs.Sloterdijk delves into the work and times of Aristotle, Augustine, Bruno, Descartes, Foucault, Fichte, Hegel, Husserl, Kant, Kierkegaard, Leibniz, Marx, Nietzsche, Pascal, Plato, Sartre, Schelling, Schopenhauer, and Wittgenstein. He provocatively juxtaposes Plato against shamanism and Marx against Gnosticism, revealing both the vital external influences shaping these intellectuals' thought and the excitement and wonder generated by the application of their thinking in the real world. The philosophical "e;temperament"e; as conceived by Sloterdijk represents the uniquely creative encounter between the mind and a diverse array of cultures. It marks these philosophers' singular achievements and the special dynamic at play in philosophy as a whole. Creston Davis's introduction details Sloterdijk's own temperament, surveying the celebrated thinker's intellectual context, rhetorical style, and philosophical persona.

  • - A Psychopolitical Investigation
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    252,95 - 870,95 kr.

    While ancient civilizations worshipped strong, active emotions, modern societies have favored more peaceful attitudes, especially within the democratic process. We have largely forgotten the struggle to make use of thymos, the part of the soul that, following Plato, contains spirit, pride, and indignation. Rather, Christianity and psychoanalysis have promoted mutual understanding to overcome conflict. Through unique examples, Peter Sloterdijk, the preeminent posthumanist, argues exactly the opposite, showing how the history of Western civilization can be read as a suppression and return of rage. By way of reinterpreting the Iliad, Alexandre Dumas's Count of Monte Cristo, and recent Islamic political riots in Paris, Sloterdijk proves the fallacy that rage is an emotion capable of control. Global terrorism and economic frustrations have rendered strong emotions visibly resurgent, and the consequences of violent outbursts will determine international relations for decades to come. To better respond to rage and its complexity, Sloterdijk daringly breaks with entrenched dogma and contructs a new theory for confronting conflict. His approach acknowledges and respects the proper place of rage and channels it into productive political struggle.

  • - Wisdom as a Practice
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    173,95 - 568,95 kr.

    In his best-selling book You Must Change Your Life, Peter Sloterdijk argued exercise and practice were crucial to the human condition. In The Art of Philosophy, he extends this critique to academic science and scholarship, casting the training processes of academic study as key to the production of sophisticated thought. Infused with humor and provocative insight, The Art of Philosophy further integrates philosophy and human existence, richly detailing the foundations of this relationship and its transformative role in making the postmodern self. Sloterdijk begins with Plato's description of Socrates, whose internal monologues were so absorbing they often rooted the philosopher in place. The original academy, Sloterdijk argues, taught scholars to lose themselves in thought, and today's universities continue this tradition by offering scope for Plato's "e;accommodations for absences."e; By training scholars to practice thinking as an occupation transcending daily time and space, universities create the environment in which thought makes wisdom possible. Traversing the history of asceticism, the concept of suspended animation, and the theory of the neutral observer, Sloterdijk traces the evolution of philosophical practice from ancient times to today, showing how scholars can remain true to the tradition of "e;the examined life"e; even when the temporal dimension no longer corresponds to the eternal. Building on the work of Husserl, Heidegger, Nietzsche, Arendt, and other practitioners of the life of theory, Sloterdijk launches a posthumanist defense of philosophical inquiry and its everyday, therapeutic value.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    377,95 kr.

  • - Faith. Geopolitics. Art
    af Slavoj Zizek, Peter Sloterdijk & Boris Groys
    365,95 kr.

  • af Peter Sloterdijk
    292,95 kr.

  • - Nietzsche's Materialism
    af Peter Sloterdijk
    277,95 kr.

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