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Bøger af Robert Olesen

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  • - Kyst til kyst i USA
    af Robert Olesen
    237,95 - 277,95 kr.

    Kyst til kyst henover USA er for mange drømmerejsen. Selvom turen kan køres i bil, har kombinationen af ​​kærlighed til motorcykler og touring i USA altid stået øverst på min ønskeliste. Efter femten år opstod denne once in a lifetime mulighed og jeg begav mig ud på mit livs rejse.At planlægge i forvejen var lettere sagt end gjort, men ved at dele min oplevelse vil du opdage at drømmen er tættere på end du tror. Efter på forhånd at have researchet information, har jeg forsøgt at inkludere alle de praktiske oplysninger indsamlet undervejs. Denne bog giver samtidig et indblik i mc-livsstilen. Selvom du ikke er interesseret i motorcykler, er en stor del af informationerne i denne bog også nyttige hvis du vil krydse USA på motorcykel, i en bil eller autocamper.Indflydelsen fra amerikansk populærkultur kan ikke ignoreres, og denne bog er et vidnesbyrd om dette. I mødet med amerikanerne, har denne tur været en enorm livsbegivenhed, og når vi taler om livet, har jeg også benyttet lejligheden til at dele nogle dybere tanker om dette. Hvis du er interesseret i at rejse fra kyst til kyst i USA, motorcykelkultur og nogle provokerede verdensanskuelser, så er denne bog for dig.

  • - The motorcycle ride of a lifetime
    af Robert Olesen
    487,95 kr.

  • - The motorcycle ride of a lifetime
    af Robert Olesen
    387,95 - 517,95 kr.

  • - The motorcycle ride of a lifetime
    af Robert Olesen
    227,95 kr.

    Traveling coast to coast across the USA is the dream journey for many. Although this can be done in the comfort of a car, combining the love for Harley Davidson with touring across the United States both ways has always been on the bucket list. After fifteen years, a once in a lifetime opportunity arose and the author went for it.Trying to plan ahead was easier said than done, but being able to share the experience you will find that the dream is closer than you might think. Researching beforehand, the author has tried to include all the practical information collected, including buying a motorcycle and registering a motorcycle in the USA as a foreigner. Reading this motorcycle travel book will also provide you with an insight into the motorcycle lifestyle. Although you might not be interested in motorcycles, a large portion of the information is useful if you want to cross the USA on a motorcycle, in a car or an RV. The influence and impact of american popular culture can''t be ignored and this book is a testament to that. Meeting the Americans in a post- 9/11 USA, this trip has been a huge life event. Riding motorcycles also offers the opportunity to ponder on some deeper thoughts about life in general. Partially inspired by the classic Robert Pirsig book, Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, this is a different concept and more directly linked to the practical and historical aspects. Speaking of life the author has also taken the opportunity to share some deeper thoughts about the time we are given, as well as about mentally and literally finding the way forward.ΓÇó Paperback w. black and white photos. This title is also available in a color paperback (ISBN 978-8797184905) and color hardcover version (ISBN 978-8797184912).

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