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  • - Zaruro Yekururama Kwako
    af Rudi Louw
    118,95 kr.

    Kururama ndicho chidzidzo chisinganzwisiswe zvakanyanya muBhaibheri, zvino mukusanzwisisa ikoko, nokuda kwechokwadi chisina kujeka nefungiro isina kuita zvakanaka nemhedzisiro, ndicho chikonzero chikuru chinoita kuti maKristu akawanda agare muhutapwa. Ndakakura, sevamwe vakawandisa, ...ndichibatanidza kururama nemabasa akanaka, ...asi waiziva here kuti hapana kana basa rako rakanaka rinokuita kuti uve wakarurama? Muna Johani 14-17 Jesu vakange vasiri kutaura pamusoro pedzimba kudenga, ...asi vaitaura Kururama, Pavakati: "Ndinoenda ndinokugadzirira nzvimbo."

  • - You Are the Object of God's Desire!
    af Rudi Louw
    173,95 kr.

    Man's first experience, when he awoke in creation, was the overwhelming display of God's love ...God's very favor and adoration!God is love ...and this love could only rest an encounter ...with a being of the same kind and likeness! God can only find His rest in a being of the same image and likeness as Himself ...a being with the same love as His ...a love of the same kind as His own. Love can only find its rest in love! Love can only be satisfied by love! Love desires someone else to love ...and love desires a response of the exact same kind and quality! God, in His creation of mankind, designed a being with whom He could share equality! In His creation of mankind, God desired and designed a being upon whom He could lavish His love! See, Man alone can appreciate and respond to God's love on a level of worship. The desire in Man for some kind of relationship with God was birthed by that first encounter and experience of God's adoration in the garden. To reflect back in love, the adoration He gives, is the only appropriate response to His love!1 John 4:19, "We love Him because He first loved us."

  • - Origin & Manifestation of the New Creation
    af Rudi Louw
    173,95 kr.

    "Unless a man is born from above, he cannot SEE..." (- John 3:3. The original word used is: anouthen - 'see more') ...the Kingdom of God." We must understand that being "born from above," as the original language puts it, is the realization that we originated in God, in the mind of God, and that Jesus Christ is the physical manifestation of that original design, and that that realization or awakening to that truth is our re-birth into that original life and that original relationship with our Maker; our Father; our Genesis; our Origin if you will! The kingdom of God (the reign of God's image and likeness, His character, His love, His person) is made visible again on earth, as it is in heaven, now tangible in human form, in Jesus, and now also in those who SEE these things and BELIEVE. Jesus intended for Nicodemus, and for the rest of us who grasp the conversation He had with Nicodemus, to discover that our attraction to Him as an individual is founded upon the fact that man is more than the fruit of his mother's womb. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh." Man's natural features and identity reveals a glimpse of his parents', But there is another womb that man comes from, the womb of the spirit. "...that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Man's birth is not merely by the desire of an earthly parent, (John 1:13) but Man exists by the desire of God. Man comes from above. "I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb." (Jeremiah 1:5.) If man did not come from above, then the heavenly realm would offer no appeal or attraction to him. In our very make-up we are the God-kind (His image, His likeness) with an appetite for more than what bread and the senses (natural existence - sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) could satisfy us with. We are designed to hunger for the "Logos" that comes from above, from a dimension where "the original thought" about us remains preserved and intact without contamination. It is that very "logic", that very "word" that became flesh in Jesus. And that then is what the "gospel" and the New Creation is all about!

  • - A Revelation of the Eternal Heart of God
    af Rudi Louw
    173,95 kr.

    In 1988 I began to see the love God has for me. It blew my mind, impacted my spirit, and overwhelmed my heart, to realize that Almighty God, who needs nothing, has chosen to need me, because He desires me! Did you know that we are the only beings who can fulfill God's love dream? God is in love with you! He desires for you to be His soul mate!

  • - Activating Resurrection Life In You!
    af Rudi Louw
    173,95 kr.

    Jesus could not be held by death! He could not be held! ...because of the power of that act of righteousness! ...because of the holiness of such love demonstrated! Tremendous power was released from Heaven in one legal act! ...because of God's legal declaration! ...declaring the end of the fall! ...declaring man's total release! Romans 4:25 says that, "He was delivered up; given over to death, because of our sins, and then He was raised, because of our justification; ...because we were made righteous and declared righteous! ...because we were made innocent and declared innocent!" Hallelujah! In His death, we died! And in His resurrection, we were raised to newness of life! Jesus triumphed over the government of sin and death, and released the law of the Spirit of life, to operate in the lives of all those who would dare believe what He did, and embrace fully, that gift of salvation and redemption and restoration and righteousness! We are living in the power of the resurrection! The government of the life of the Spirit is established in the power of the resurrection of Jesus Christ! That government; that life of the Spirit is real! And it is established, in the resurrection! the power released there! That resurrection life is the most powerful life that we can ever partake of!

  • - The End of All Distance, Delay, & Dispute!
    af Rudi Louw
    98,95 kr.

    We live in a modern world full of so many wonders, and I am always blown away at how we can go "live" for instance, like when we do a "live feed" on Facebook or on the web somewhere, and we can then always also go behind the scenes and see who is tuning in to our broadcast, and from where, or we can see how many people have seen the video, and where they are located globally. However, I want us to celebrate the fact that there is an even greater spiritual GPS that positions us jointly, in heavenly places, and reveals that we are co-seated together with Christ!And you know it is just so wonderful to also discover that the seat of His authority is already and exclusively established upon our redeemed innocence!Hebrews 1:3 reveals that, "Having made purification for sins, He sat down"God is so totally jealous in the most positive sense of the word of YOUR innocence! There is nothing that carries higher value in the universe than your redeemed innocence! Because it is the very place that breeds our Divine encounters! It is the place where His embrace remains our permanent reference and eternal abode!

  • - ...Because You Are Loved Immensely!
    af Rudi Louw
    173,95 kr.

    God wanted children of His own, a bride, someone to love, a companion in life, and for life, and you are it! You are a spirit being, and you come from God; that's your true origin! You are the very image and likeness of the invisible God, and you are fearfully and wonderfully made!You are not some kind of failed experiment; you are not a mistake! If you believe that, then you are insulting the One whose work is perfect and whose ways are all just and have everything to do with righteousness and nothing to do with unrighteousness! - Deuteronomy 32:4.God is Love and God is Spirit and He brought you forth out of Himself, and He placed you in your mother's womb and there He clothed you with flesh, so, you are not just flesh and blood; you are a spirit being to begin with, made in the exact image and likeness of God, your true origin; your true Father! You are a natural human being, yes, but you are also a spirit being that just happens to live temporarily in a flesh and blood body! You are God's exclusively, you are His offspring, you are a love child of a loving God, and you are deeply loved by Him!"The earth is the Lord's earth, and the fullness thereof; the entire world and all those who dwell in it!" - Psalm 24:1.You are indeed God's handiwork, His one-of-a-kind masterpiece, His greatest idea come to life; you are His whole heart and soul; the apple of His eye - He loves you unequivocally, with everything He is and all He has! God loves you immensely!

  • - The End of All Distance, Delay, & Dispute!
    af Rudi Louw
    83,95 kr.

    Quite often the world is amazed at what a specific painting sold for at public auction, and we all wonder to ourselves, 'Why would people be prepared to pay such a ridiculous price for a painting?' until you learn that it was an original Van Gogh.You see, when it comes to the value of the human race, to the value of the individual, we have, for so long, been forced to live with the idea that God actually made a little bit of a mistake when He made me.But, He didn't!Jesus is proof that God did not make a mistake when He made you!Jesus came to give testimony of your authentic original value!Jesus came with one mission, one mandate. He came, not to start a new religious movement, but to unveil original authentic value, clothed in human skin!Listen humanity: You are God's idea!...And you have no competition!

  • - Zaruro Yemwoyo Wamwari Usina Magumo
    af Rudi Louw
    118,95 kr.

    Muna 1988 Ndakatanga kuona rudo urwo Mwari vanaro kwandiri. Zvakashamisa pfungwa dzangu, pamwe nokubata mweya wangu, nokufadza mwoyo wangu, kuziva kuti Mwari wamasimba ose, asina chaanoda ...akasarudza kuva anondida. Wanga uchizviziva here kuti ndisu chete vanhu vanokwanisa kuzadzisa chiroto cherudo chaMwari? Mwari vari murudo newe! Vanoshuvira kuti uve mumwe Wavo wepamwoyo!

  • - Nothing Can Separate Us From the Love of God!
    af Rudi Louw
    173,95 kr.

    Fully, intimately knowing the love of Christ is a treasure worth possessing. When we are talking about intimately fully knowing the love of Christ, we are talking about heart knowledge, full persuasion! We are talking about a knowledge that way surpasses understanding. It's of another dimension, it's of a spirit dimension, it's of a faith dimension; it's of a heart dimension. Listen, your mind can get tired of 1+1=2. You can so easily get bored with that knowledge. The language of the heart, the conviction and persuasion of the heart is another matter altogether, it surpasses knowledge. You see, your heart speaks the language of love, it's an intimate language that the mind sometimes cannot even comprehend. Your spirit, your heart, cannot get enough of, 'I love you'. It understands that language perhaps more than any other language! There is a vast difference between knowing about love and being in love! Being in love is much better! Our hearts were custom designed to respond to the gospel. Experiencing the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge is what our spirits feasts off of. It's the bread of life, and the living water; it's what your inner-man of the heart lives off of. When we hear about the love of God for us, there is an immediate witness, and an acknowledgment of that truth within our spirits, within our hearts. Your spirit was designed for that truth. You heart was designed to respond to that love. You were designed for the love of God! God wants to fully persuade you of His love!

  • - Unveiling Man's True Design!
    af Rudi Louw
    173,95 kr.

    God knows, what we need in the world today, is a real revival, not just a bunch of hype; a real revival of the truth of God, about Himself and about our true identity as revealed in Jesus Christ; a revival of authentic insight and understanding; a real paradigm shift in the mindsets of people; real change in the heart ...a genuine revival of the faith of God and of the love of God that will bring about a continual world wide revival and reformation; a real revival ...where people genuinely intimately know God, and where sin and self-centeredness keeps loosing ground within our hearts and lives, and therefore also in the world we live in, until the earth is filled with the knowledge of His glory and the glory of the Lord finally cover the earth as the waters cover the sea!

  • - The End of All Distance, Delay, & Dispute!
    af Rudi Louw
    78,95 kr.

    In the disguise of the cross, in the disguise of this language of law and sin, of guilt and of judgment, God addresses the human race. He addressed us in scapegoat-language. Why? Because He came to redeem our innocence!You see, religion cannot afford your innocence. Because, what becomes of their altars then?Let me say that again: Religion cannot make or declare you innocent, because they cannot afford your innocence, because what is the use then of their altars, and what will become of it? Ha... ha... ha...Listen: Doomsday was never God's idea; it's a doctrine invented by religion to distract from the powerful message of the cross!

  • - The End of All Distance, Delay, & Dispute!
    af Rudi Louw
    78,95 kr.

    This book is Part 1 of the series: The Gospel In 3-D! Paul says in Romans 1:19 that "Whatever can be known of God is manifest in man."Oh, I know that verse 18 says that, "Through their unrighteousness they have suppressed the truth." But that's not the point of Paul's message!The real question is: How long can you hide something that cannot remain hidden? The very mystery that once was hidden, says Paul in Colossians 1:27, that mystery "which was hidden for ages and generations has now been revealed." And then He tells us what that mystery is. He says, it is Christ... Where?Hiding somewhere in history, or perhaps in outer space somewhere, or somewhere off in the near or distant future; in the sweet by-and-by? No! He says, it is Christ the nations.Christ you, where He has been hiding all along.Listen; Gold does not become gold once it is discovered! No. Gold has been gold all along!But why must it be discovered?So that it can become currency!

  • - Grace equals God's Power NOT God's forbearance ...putting up with our failures and excuses!
    af Rudi Louw
    173,95 kr.

    So many people think that grace and mercy is basically the same word and can be used interchangeably, but they represent different concepts all together. Mercy flows out of grace and is an aspect of grace, but grace is so much more than mercy. Grace has nothing to do with overlooking and tolerating weakness. Grace has to do with God's total restoration and enablement of us to overcome the fall of Adam and all its consequences. The grace of God represents the complete work of redemption, from the incarnation to the ascension; it is all a powerful display of the grace of God in order to deliver us and break us out of bondage. Grace sets us free! Grace is God's sufficiency to enable us to overcome all contradiction. Everything God is and everything available to us in Him is an outflow of that grace; the full content of His heart towards us!

  • af Rudi Louw
    123,95 kr.

    All that God labored for, for you, what He accomplished for you, on your behalf, is exactly what He has in mind for you! God does not have in mind, a lesser value, a lesser measure of all that He worked for, for each one of us ...for each one of you reading this book!The only reason why some of us continue to live in a frustrated experience in our faith is simply because we have not yet fully laid a hold of; fully grasped and believed all that He has worked for and accomplished in Christ Jesus!God is not to blame if there is prevailing evidence in your spirit and in your life, in your testimony, of need and of lack! He says, "I have come that you might have LIFE, and have it more abundantly!" But you see, only within the light of what He accomplished do we find access into that life-quality that Jesus calls, "abundance." That "abundance," is our portion! ...nothing less, amen! In this book I do my best to inspire you, not to settle for anything less than His faith, in your heart and life; than His "abundance!"This book is part of the series: Faith Inspired MinistryThere are 6 books in this series:1. Faith's Vision2. Faith Inspired Obedience3. God's Unfailing Integrity4. Appropriating Truth5. Multiply what you have in God6. Faith's fuel

  • af Rudi Louw
    178,95 kr.

    In one of my other books "No Longer Looking for Applause" I explored the concept of people's hunger for applause and their need for positive recognition ...and the extent that they would go to, to receive that recognition from other people a basis for righteousness a basis for justification a basis to bolster their ego and feed their pride and silence or soothe their conscience ...and so to justify their existence on this planet! You see every person at their core realizes from the earliest stages of consciousness that there is more to them than meets the eye, ...we have all come to realize that there is more to us than just kind of making it through the day and through the season ...and then to die at a good old age, and hopefully to be able to leave an inheritance to our children, and a monument to our good conduct! ...we all know, deep within ourselves that there must be more to life; that we were made for more ...for more than just a natural existence we hunger and crave for righteousness ...what I mean is we all hunger for the kind of appreciation, the kind of approval ...that would permanently satisfy and fulfill us. But let me tell you, God did not have in mind a being in us, that would be inferior ...and not measure up to His own approval ...not measure up to be His eternal companion! He did not leave any of us in any way lacking in glory ...lacking in the full brilliance of what we were designed for ...lacking in the full brilliance of His very own design ...lacking in the full brilliance of His own image and likeness!

  • af Rudi Louw
    123,95 kr.

    I really do believe that God has a life full of the miraculous in mind for each and every person who has grasped the fact that they are indeed the sons of God. The Scriptures are not an instruction book for us to just kind of make it in life; to just kind of keep our heads above the water and to just sort of live and barely rise above our problems in a small meager measure, but God's Word, the gospel, made known there in the Scriptures, guarantees the life of the overcomer to the believer. God says that we are more than conquerors. God wants our lives daily to testify of victory upon victory upon victory, amen, I really believe this! God doesn't intend for any of us to live in the frustration of constant defeat, and the frustration of just not being able to make ends meet, and just not quite being able to live that life more abundantly He had in mind for us from the beginning! I say again, the Scriptures are not an instruction book for us to just kind of make it in life, no it is a book written in order to break open new revelation for us into our sonship; it's an instruction book into our sonship in order for us to be able to lay a hold of our full inheritance as children of God!

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