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Bøger udgivet af Fisher King Publishing

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  • af Alan Reynolds
    182,95 kr.

  • af Beth Smart
    159,95 kr.

  • af Chris Madeley
    132,95 kr.

  • af Martin Haigh
    182,95 kr.

    Focusing on your direction in life comes easy to some people and they know exactly what they want to do for a job, but for others, deciding on a career path can be one of the most daunting experiences of their lives.This interactive book provides readers with an array of tools and ideas to help them prepare for and find interesting, stimulating employment (or self-employment). Both key skills (CV writing, jobsearching etc.) and behavioural aspects (how to build rapport, how to conduct yourself in an interview etc.) are covered and blended together in a logical pathway to success. Also included in this book is a list of useful references and links to websites established to support you with your career choices.The contents and exercises in the book are cross-referenced to the Gatsby Benchmarks so that teachers and careers specialists can use the stand-alone exercises in class and refer to the Gatsby code. As you progress through the book, please feel free to complete the many helpful exercises. However, if you do not wish to write in your book, then all of the exercises and blank tables are provided free as a resource pack."Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle." Christian D. Larson

  • af Betty Steinhauer
    142,95 kr.

  • af C J Hansen
    182,95 kr.

    Anna Lawrence has always had the power to see the true nature of people, an ability which has frightened others and led to her persecution. Agents of darkness beyond comprehension are in this world. London is gripped by fear as a demonic beast stalks the night. Anna learns the nature of absolute evil - evil which it is her fate to stand against.

  • af Joe Varley
    112,95 kr.

  • af Alan Reynolds
    200,95 kr.

    April 2006, the height of the Iranian nuclear crisis. The Iranian secret police, with its thirty thousand agents, spies and informants, are everywhere. Relations between Iran and most of the rest of world are low; the Americans, with their itchy trigger fingers, are unpredictable.Against this backdrop, a cleaner at the British Embassy compound slips a piece of paper to the wife of the Cultural Attaché. The cleaner's husband is one of Iran's leading nuclear scientists and he wants to defect to the UK. The message reaches MI6 headquarters in London; urgent high-level meetings take place. Is it authentic or are the Iranians playing games? Is it even feasible? Agent Nick Houghton is sent to Tehran to investigate.A nail-biting thriller which will have readers flicking through the pages as the story reaches its gripping conclusion.

  • af Chris Madeley
    122,95 kr.

    Conrado, Constanza, Concetta e Conte erano molto eccitati. Erano pronti per un'altra avventura! Erano davanti ad un bellissimo edificio con archi e luci."Sembra eccitante," sussurrò Conte. "Che ne dite di entrare e vedere cosa troviamo?""Non ci sono umani in giro," disse Conrado, "andiamo".Così inizia la storia. Coni Sulle Rotaie è l'ultima avventura della serie di libri per bambini Coni. Per quanto queste storie siano divertenti, piene di eccitazione e avventura, contengono anche messaggi sulla bontà, l'importanza della sicurezza, i principi morali, la disponibilità e la comprensione. Temi perfetti con i quali far conoscere alle giovani menti la possibilità che sia bello estendere la mano dell'amicizia e che prendersi cura degli altri renda il mondo un posto più sicuro e migliore in cui vivere. Ogni storia è creativa e contiene meravigliose illustrazioni. I bambini adorano queste storie e gli adulti adorano raccontarle.

  • af Catherine Adamson
    228,95 kr.

    Do you want to start a successful microbusiness without it taking over your life? Or do you have a business already but are itching for the next level? If you've been wanting a no-hype, practical guide to get your business growing so you can live life on your terms, this book is for you.This is no get-rich-quick scheme. It takes work. But it means your work works. These chapters share what to do, in the right order, so you develop the vision, resilience and practical know-how to run a business that works for you, whatever curveballs life throws.Catherine Adamson is a mentor, speaker and author who brings decades of experience to help more business owners reach their personal sweet spot - finding the right mix of time, energy and money to be fulfilled in their work and life. She is the original Thousandaire, with her business 'Kaleidoscope Virtual Assistant Services' providing executive support to top entrepreneurs and leaders globally.

  • af Martin Haigh
    112,95 kr.

    This book is designed to be read with children, to engage them in discussion about having a positive attitude to exercise, movement and activity, and the value of a healthy lifestyle.The number of very overweight (obese) infants and children is increasing year on year. Without intervention, these children are likely to be overweight during childhood, adolescence and adulthood. The problem is made worse with children accessing more screen time and leading more sedentary lives. Action needs to be taken sooner rather than later.With this in mind the pupils at Salterhebble Junior and Infant School wanted to contribute to helping children become more aware of health and fitness. Based on an original storyboard by Martin Haigh (Enterprise Partner and Governor at Salterhebble Junior and Infant School), the pupils developed their own extended storyboards. Then, snippets of each were merged to form the final, illustrated story showing the value of health and fitness in young people and their families.Children - did you know that?...• some children put on too much weight when they are quite young• extra weight can make children unhealthy and unfit• children who are overweight might start to lose confidence and stop playing with other children• some children might become sad if they lose confidence due to being overweightWould you like to help these children by telling them about health and fitness?

  • af Bethany Taylor
    166,95 kr.

    'I'm really sorry to say, the reason we are having to operate on you today is because you have something called Cauda Equina Syndrome. Have you ever heard of it?' Naturally I hadn't, she continued. 'Cauda Equina Syndrome is an extremely rare disorder, your L5 disk is compressing on the spinal nerve roots at the tail of your spine, hence the name Cauda Equina, it's latin for horses tail. If this goes un-operated for more than forty-eight hours you are likely to have permanent incontinence and permanent paralysis of your lower extremities. As you mentioned, this started on Wednesday evening so we really need to get you into theatre before midnight tonight to have any chance of salvaging your nerves. Also, full disclosure, we have a woman in surgery right now with a difficult labour...'Meet Pip Parker, she will have you laughing and crying, in parts you may even wince through her pain but above all, you will be uplifted by a young woman who displays a life must go on attitude as she laughs in the face of adversity while she dreams of climbing a mountain.

  • af Chris Madeley
    122,95 kr.

    Tôt un matin ensoleillé, Cônerad et Cônestance, qui se trouvaient au bout d'une longe ligne de Cônes, papotaient silencieusement. Mais rester assis au même endroit les ennuyait.Cônerad dit « Tu te souviens, quand on était couverts de poussière de lune, puis on s'en est débarrassés en se balançant d'un côté a l'autre ? Peut-être, si on essayait ça, on pourrait se déplacer et aller ailleurs. »Cônerad grimaça alors qu'il essayait de bouger.« Bonjour, je m'appelle Cône-Vera », dit le Cône à côté de Cônestance.« Si vous soulevez deux coins de vos bases et vous déplacez de côté vous pouvez balembler. » Cône-Vera montra aux deux amis comment faire.« Balembler ? » demanda Cônerad.« Oui, c'est ce que font les Cônes quand ils bougent. Plus que trembler, mais moins que balancer. Les Cônes balemblent» Cône-Vera expliqua.Cônerad et Cônestance réalisèrent qu'ils étaient vraiment doués à balembler.

  • af Chris Madeley
    127,95 kr.

    It was very early morning. Conestance, Conerad, Cone-Vera and Conen were NOT happy Cones. They had woken up to find Cone Collector's driver busily stacking Cones onto his truck. "This is not fair!" Conestance said, stamping the corner of her base, "we're not doing anything wrong." "What's happening?" Conen asked, sleepily.And so our four friends embark on a new adventure in the award winning Cones series of books. This time they discover the dangers of roadworks. Author, Chris Madeley and all of those in Team Cones are passionate about helping children understand aspects of safety, friendship, kindness and moral and ethical principles by which to be guided. With wonderful illustrations by Darcy Cash, children and adults alike will love Cones in the Roadworks.

  • - A Date with Obsession
    af Alan Reynolds
    192,95 kr.

    A tense psychological thriller… Sarah, an ambitious senior manager for a prestigious departmental store decides to find a partner using an on-line dating website. After rejecting eleven potential suitors, she reads the profile of Jez Steadman, the twelfth, and believes he has possibilities - good looking, intelligent and, importantly, solvent. Initially, the signs are promising and Sarah believes she has made a good choice, but, gradually, his behaviour becomes more and more obsessive. What happens when she becomes attracted to the new Compliance Manager at the store? How will Jez react when he discovers her affections for him have been stolen by someone else? A fast-paced novel that will give readers plenty of twists and turns to the final page.

  • - A Working Holiday in New Zealand
    af Joe Varley
    182,95 kr.

    Who goes on holiday to work? Especially to New Zealand, halfway around the world? Yorkshire-born Joe ponders this briefly, before doing exactly that… for a year.Before he leaves for Auckland, Joe studies the feats of fellow Yorkshireman Captain James Cook. Attempting to emulate Cook, Joe invents a chapter-by-chapter scorecard to compare his progress with the famous explorer: if Joe succeeds in any way he's allocated one point, but in the event of failure or embarrassment, the Captain is allocated a point. If it's too close to call, it's a draw: game on!Travelling on a working visa, Joe is soon put to work in garden centres, hotels, as a labourer, and even helping a private investigator.With support from his university friends, coupled with a blossoming romance with the lovely Jess, our hero soon discovers the highs and lows of working thousands of miles from home with no money.Hard Up Down Under mixes deadpan humour with razor-sharp insights. A must-read for anyone interested in travel, looking for adventure, or hoping to work abroad.

  • af Chris Madeley
    112,95 kr.

    Conerad, Conestance, Cone-Vera and Conen had had a busy day. They had woggled and woggled until they were too tired to go any further. It was very dark and the four friends rested on a hillside. Below them in the valley was a town. The street lights were shining and there were lights in the houses and shops...So begins another great adventure for our Cone friends. This time they will learn all about the importance of electricity, some of the difficulties caused during a power cut and how the power company supports communities so that the most vulnerable are looked after.

  • af Chris Madeley
    112,95 kr.

    Em Cones Fa a Novos Amigos as aventuras dos Cones continuam em uma hist ria para cativar as crian as enquanto ensinam a import ncia de como elas fazem amigos e se divertem! Hist rias maravilhosamente criativas, deliciosamente ilustradas. As crian as adoram e os adultos adoram contar isso.

  • af Chris Madeley
    127,95 kr.

    Dawn was breaking and casting a warm glow. A large cargo ship was ploughing its way across the heaving sea and turned to come towards the port. A green and white Cone was on the deck, woggling backwards and forwards. He was very tired, it had been a long journey from America. As the ship turned to face the port, a small tug chugged out to sea to help the ship dock safely. In Cones Power and Nature the adventures of the four friends Cones continue when they learn about a power station and the way electricity can be produced from a sustainable resource. Wonderfully creative stories that are delightfully illustrated. Children love them and adults love stories that introduce themes of friendship and safety awareness.

  • af Chris Madeley
    135,95 kr.

  • af Graham Shutt
    542,95 kr.

    To mark the end of the war in Europe the flag was hoisted in front of the School, and on 8 May and 9 May 1945 there was a holiday to celebrate VE Day. On 10 May there was a short ceremony at Morning Assembly to celebrate the Allied victory.This book is not only about those 463 ex-pupils and staff who were in the Armed Forces, forty-one of whom were killed in the War, or about those who were wounded, or those who were prisoners of war in German, Italian or Japanese hands. It is alsoabout the life of the school in the years 1939 - 1945 and the 998 pupils who were there at the time, forty-one of whom were at Prince Henry's for the length of the war. It is dedicated to everybody associated with Prince Henry's Grammar School before and during the Second World War.Lest we forget.

  • af Chris Madeley
    169,95 kr.

    The Cones series are brilliantly written, delightfully illustrated stories for children that are fun to read. The adventures that the Cones find themselves in through each book illustrate aspects of safety awareness as well as moral and ethical principles of mutual support and friendliness.

  • af Chris Madeley
    127,95 kr.

  • af Morag Higgins
    407,95 kr.

    Equido (R) has been developed to educate people, from basic to advanced horsemanship, in a method that is sympathetic to the needs of the horse. Equido (R) has been accredited by LANTRA, and over 500 students so far have studied the system and discovered the path of least resistance.

  • af Alan Reynolds
    194,95 kr.

    In this sequel to the acclaimed novel and Wishing-Shelf Awards finalist, The Sixth Pillar, we again follow the exploits of former SAS officer Rory Calderwood, as he tries to rebuild his life following his time on the North Sea Gas rig. He has now relocated to a seemingly more tranquil area, but an act of extreme bravery leads to a chance meeting with the managing director of a company involved in making weaponry. Rory is soon hired as a security consultant, his key role, to protect them from industrial espionage. The company's latest invention, under the code-name 'Hades', will change modern warfare and there are numerous countries and agencies anxious to get their hands on the plans. What follows is a dramatic account of Calderwood's attempt to protect his employers, the story weaving from the backstreets of Birmingham to the warring factions of the Middle East. Then there is Natalie, the mysterious international lawyer from Estonia recently employed by the company; where does she fit in, in all the mayhem? Is she really what she seems or a smokescreen? Whatever you do, do not miss the exciting climax that will have readers flipping the pages to reach the conclusion.

  • af John Howard
    276,95 kr.

    John Howard was a good Catholic boy brought up in post-war Lancashire, who became more turned on by gilt than by guilt. Sacred Heart statues and a wall-mounted crucifix, along with plans for the priesthood, were replaced by Marc Bolan posters, miming to 'Metal Guru' in front of a full-length mirror and dreams of pop stardom.As Glam Rock stomped into millions of teenage bedrooms, John left home for London, and was quickly signed to CBS Records, making his debut album at Abbey Road studios, and enjoying the hedonistic pleasures of a fully gay-liberated city.He appeared on TV and rubbed shoulders with stars like Johnny Mathis and David Essex, wrote and recorded the theme song for the William Holden/Peter Fonda movie, Open Season, and launched his album with a concert at The Purcell Room on the South Bank.Meanwhile, he was attacked with a knife by his first lover; beaten up by an East End crook boyfriend; narrowly escaped being gang-raped in Malta, and was rescued from being abducted by a serial killer cab driver in New York.Everything finally came to a crashing halt when, at the age of twenty-three, he broke his back jumping from his apartment window, escaping from his flatmates' sex attacker.A potentially glittering career, and an often perilous sex life, were all put on hold as John lay in a hospital bed unsure if he would walk again.

  • af Chris Madeley
    135,95 kr.

  • af Yvette
    182,95 kr.

    It is no exaggeration to say that we were tortured; physically, mentally, emotionally and sexually. It took decades for me to piece together the fragments of my life at a children's home run by the Catholic Church, to pull hazy images out of the shadows of my mind and bring them into sharp focus. Slowly, painfully, I put the puzzle back together.

  • af Leigh Bowman-Perks & Jonathan Bowman-Perks Mbe
    182,95 kr.

  • af Nick Forgham
    207,95 kr.

    A Black Belt who is calm in a crisis, who knows their potential and how to achieve it. A Black Belt who knows who they are, and who is comfortable with others because they know and understand themselves.This book is about the Black Belt that is within you. Feeling stuck?Feeling there is something missing?Black Belt Thinking will help you to:Increase your awareness and understanding of who you areConnect fully with yourself and othersKnow what 'failure' is and know why you will never failLearn how to carry on, even when things seem too toughUse the power of humility to achieve extraordinary sustainable resultsMost of all, it shows you how to maximise your potential, whatever your upbringing or current situation.Nick Forgham empowers people to achieve more than they think they can. Whether it is improving a martial art technique, or increasing sales, or removing limiting beliefs that are holding them back. He is a keynote speaker, workshop facilitator and runs retreats and seminars that motivate and inspire people to succeed.Nick lives in Reading, UK and works internationally.

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