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  • af G. L. Sharma
    528,95 kr.

    This book deals with total 11 s of which, some are related to the thrusts caused by the phytonematodes and their managements in cereals, forage, pulses, seed spices, horticultural and plantation crops. In some of these, the protective cultivation and interaction between nematode and phytopathogens have also been dealt. Coverage of this book is with recent literature pertinent to the related topics and their compilation also made by subject learned scientist. It is to hope that this book will be serving as a good reference book to the subject related researchers and scientists.

  • af Chand Gireesh
    828,95 kr.

    The book carries documents contributed by faculty members from all across the country on emerging disease threat, design effective management strategies through various conventional and modern approaches. The chapters in the book provide a current and detailed account of biotic and abiotic constraints that affect the crops, with comprehensive coverage of occurrence, distribution, economic importance, symptoms of biotic and abiotic constraints, disease cycle, epidemiology and sustainable disease management strategies.

  • af JDS Panwar
    1.133,95 kr.

    The book covers concept and relevance of organic agriculture in 16 chapters as organic farming, basic information on biofertilizers, classification of biofertilizers, nitrogen fixation, Rhizobium, Azolla, Azotobacter, Azospirillum, blue green algae, phosphorus solubilizing micro-organisms (PSMs), Mycorrhizae, Frankia, vermiculture and vermicomposting, liquid biofertilizers, production, quality and marketing of biofertilizers & some important media. The book is written in a very simple form with up to date data and statistics. We have put the references of all chapters at the end of book that we hope will be useful to you. It is a mostly all-inclusive basic textbook on organic farming system and will specifically meet out the requirement of the scientists, teachers, research scholars and students of both the urban and non-urban areas.

  • af George Sabina
    1.088,95 kr.

    "This is a sincere effort to record the major ornamental plants raised in gardens and landscapes of today. The main classes of plants are described in the introductory . The subsequent s list the plants in the order of their habitat. The information includes scientific name, common name and the family to which the plants belong, a brief description and ornamental features. A comprehensive account of trees, shrubs, herbs, climbers, creepers and taxonomic groups that share characteristics such as bulbous plants, cacti, succulents, bromeliads, ferns and their allies, grasses, bamboos, sedges as well as ornamental water garden plants are given. Flowering and foliage trees of gardens of the tropics and subtropics and the popular deciduous trees and coniferous trees of the temperate zone are dealt separately. Among shrubs, dicotyledonous and monocotyledonous flowering and foliage shrubs as well as temperate region species suited for the hilly regions of India are included. Importance has been given to annual and perennial herbs grown in tropical and temperate regions. Climbers and creepers popularly grown in tropical gardens are listed. Among specialized plant groups, they are more commonly grown plants and those with outstanding ornamental features are selected. A brief account of planting and tips on their care and management are given. The book includes around 250 colour photographs and an index of the scientific names and families. The author has prepared this volume for the enlightened and keen enthusia to serve as guide for identifying garden plants and for selecting ornamentals to suit different locations under varied climatic conditions."

  • af Rajesh Singh
    953,95 kr.

    Studies have shown that there is a perfect link between strong IPR regime protected by the rule of law and economic development of a country. India is still at nascent stage when compared with the IPR regimes of developed economies. Hence, governmental and intergovernmental initiatives in association with commerce and industrial bodies are being taken up for creating awareness on IPR. As a signatory to many international treaties and conventions, India has modified many existing IPR laws and codified new ones to foster protection of Indian traditional knowledge and innovations emanate from research and professional institutions of India. Even though the researchers of software, pharmaceutical and biomedical fields are leading the pack of most number of patent applications received at Patent Offices in India, requirement of such awareness in other fields is necessary. It is felt that ignorance on legal and administrative procedures involved in filing for IPR is a major issue that needs to be addressed immediately. Although articles and books are written on the conventions/treaties and on the importance of IPR and its protection, non-availability of IPR information in the form of a concise ready reference on IPR/patents/designs/ copyrights/trade marks and laws, application forms and procedures thwarts common-man to understand IPR and related issues. Enhanced awareness on IPR laws and copyright procedures would help filings for IPR by scientists, teachers and researchePublication of this volume is an attempt to alleviate this ignorance and spread information on IPR, which may help the needy to understand the intricacies of IPR and apply for IPR. It covers topics on IPR including important definitions, history of evolution of IPR concepts, major organizations that control IPR in bilateral, multilateral and global forums, issues concerning developed and developing countries with reference to enforcement of IPR, implications of major treaties of IPR protection to which India is a signatory, management practices of IPR and finally suggestions on creating increased awareness on IPR. Written in a simple language and concise form, this volume is a comprehensive treatise on IPR required for common readers and professionals. In addition to individual papers that deal with specific topics in detail, provision of suitable application forms for copyrights, trade marks, patents, designs, etc., as annexure makes this volume necessary addition in libraries of private, public, academic and research institutions, legal institutions and practicing lawyers and charted accountants. As many academic institutions have included IPR in course curricula, this volume would serve as a textbook suitable for teaching too.

  • af A. K. Tiwari
    823,95 kr.

    Ornamental Horticulture is a branch of Horticulture which deals with commercial growing of flowers ornamental plants and beautification of surroundings. This subject assumes great importance in improving total environment and checks visual pollution by way of beautification. The flowers have been eulogised by poets and artists for generations not merely for their ornamental properties but for their versatile curative properties. The Study of ornamental horticulture comprises of two parts i.e. the knowledge of growing of plants like annuals, shrubs, climber, trees, bulbous, succulents and cactus, shade loving plants, lawn etc. and their use in beautification programme. The information on above aspect is scattered in different book and a great difficulty was being felt by students, landscapers and scientist. In this context, a need of simple book on introduction, cultivation and management of ornamental plants is highly demanded by student of Horticulture and florists of India. This book describes in details collection identification, propagation, cultivation, nutritional & weed management, plant and flowers senescence management etc., of annuals, herbs, shrubs, climbers and ornamental trees. Since, beautification involves the principles of art and gardening styles. Therefore, bio aesthetic planning, basics of landscaping and flowers arrangement have also been discussed in details. Special care has been taken to present the subject matter in a simple and lucid style. Book further includes recent available information. The illustrations have been drawn from own specimens with photographs.

  • af Adikant Pradhan
    2.623,95 kr.

    This book fills the need of upcoming changes in geo-informatics and basic level up-gradation and comprehensive text on digital technology under varying circumstances for the students at undergraduate and post-graduate studies. This will be of immense use in dealing basic principles envisage knowledge and applied aspects of digital mapping of natural resources for students, scientists, extension workers as well as teachers engaged in delivering lectures in class rooms.Remote sensing includes GIS to process data as per need have been explained with maximum accuracy kept in mind during final shape of the book.This book contains ten chapters covering GIS, GPS, Cartography, digital terrain analysis, aerial photography, topographical map, drone technology, image processing, remote sensing remote sensing imagery along with suitable example executed in fields using these technologies for agriculture, soil conservation, geo-informatics, mappers and field workers.

  • af C. B. Pandey
    1.478,95 kr.

    Natural change in climate is slow and takes millions of years; and it is known to have made our planet hospitable to live. The climate change is not limited to one country or a continent. It is occurring across the globe as evident from droughts in Texas and flooding along the Missouri River in the United States and along the Red River in Canada. Climate change drives many stressors and interacts with many non-climatic stressors which make it difficult to forecast outcomes in any general way other than existing threats to agriculture. Agroforestry increases a high level of diversity within agricultural lands which supports numerous ecological and production services that bring resilience to the impact of climate change mitigation and adaptation. Climate change risk management is difficult in annual cropping systems due to increasing uncertainty of inter-annual variability in rainfall and temperature. Mixing of woody trees with crops, forage and livestock operations provides greater resilience to the inter-annual variability through crop diversification and increased resource use efficiency. Deep rooted trees allow better access to nutrients and water during droughts and when appropriately integrated into annual cropping systems and extract from different resource pools that would otherwise be lost from systems. Agroforestry increases soil porosity, reduces runoff and increases soil cover, which improve water infiltration and reduces moisture stress in low rainfall years. During periods of excessive soil moisture, tree based systems keep soils aerated by pumping out excess water and offer an economic return. The book contains 36 chapters mainly on agroforestry practices found in India and its role in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

  • af Rup Kumar Roy
    1.253,95 kr.

    This perplexity of common people inspired me to record technical information in concise way on garden designing in the form of this book. The main purpose is to provide basic information on design, features, plants, maintenance and how to combine these in the form of gardens. The way these have been illustrated with examples, photographs and list of plants for each feature will certainly help all for finalizing various issues of garden developments. Students of ornamental horticulture and researchers will find s on historical aspects, principles and various styles of garden designing of the world supported with relevant reference for further studies. Amateur garden lovers and house owners who like to do designing, selection of plants for their own garden, will find the practical guidelines contained in the book most useful. Professionals, who are associated with designing and development of gardens, will find complete guidelines in the form of designs, features, plants and maintenance of specialized gardens to fulfill the requirements of various situations like factories, temples, avenues, airports, home etc. Those who like to get the garden development job thorough agencies / landscape contractors will find relevant information in the appendix.

  • af A. M. Ranjith
    298,95 kr.

    This book has been written, primarily due to my own felt need to have a comprehensive text book on the pests of horticultural crops and methods to manage it, in the integrated way. Due to the widespread use of digital color photography and the good resolution that you get in even the basic level digital cameras, it is possible to get good photos. It was thus more of a need to have a text book to teach the UG and PG students, that this book was written. It was also necessary that any practicing field level worker like officers of the state department of Agriculture and commodity boards, and every practicing farmer with an ability to read English text book, should be guided into the basic facts about the pests of crops. It is most likely that most of the information is available in this book itself, as pest of some other crop. It will then be possible to read on the pest in that , and manage the pest effectively using the latest techniques available to the crop management expert.

  • af Prabhat K Nema
    2.768,95 kr.

    This book is a novel contribution on the topic "Unit Operations in Food Processing". It widely covers the syllabi laid down for Agricultural Engineering as well as for Food Processing students.This book has 24 chapters and each chapter describes the fundamental knowledge of various unit operations used in processing of food and their applications with suitable examples. The language is kept simple and easy to understand and thus it will prove highly useful text book intended for undergraduate student in different universities and institutes.

  • af S. Padmavathi
    318,95 kr.

  • af Vijay Yadav
    483,95 kr.

    This Laboratory Manual has been designed for students for easy understanding of basic plant pathological laboratory techniques related with Isolation of pathogen, Preservation of disease samples, Demonstration of Koch.s postulates, Study of different groups of fungicides and antibiotics, Preparation of fungicides, Methods of application of fungicides, Bio-assay of fungicides, Bio control of plant pathogens and Identification of some important fungal pathogens. The book is fully colour book with digitized images have been made to identify diseases and pathogens with explanations of new terminologies to enhance students understanding about the subject. The book will be useful to beginners, students, instructors, scientists and research workers in the field of Plant Pathology and Agricultural Microbiology

  • af Parmodh Alexander
    963,95 kr.

    The book is divided into four sections, minerals, crystals, rocks and ores. Section A incorporates nine s, begins with presenting salient features of the earth--its structure and composition. The second Minerals and Mineralogy briefly tells about their diversity and their categorisation and introduces the interesting way they are named. Crystal chemistry the third is the heart and soul of mineralogy and deals in somewhat details about the building blocks of minerals -atoms and ions and the way they form diverse types of minerals are. It tries to tell why every combination of chemical compounds cannot result into a naturally occurring mineral. The fourth and fifth s deal with Properties of Minerals, physical and optical. The s describe various physical properties that are helpful in the identification both in hand specimens and as thin section under the microscope. These two s are adequately aided with a number of illustrations, photographs and photomicrographs to bring home the point. five deals with classification of minerals and their occurrence and forms a prelude to the next two s on descriptive mineralogy. Important silicate and non silicate minerals are described in s eight and nine. A brief description of mineral uses is dealt with in both descriptive mineralogy as well Section D on mineral deposits, however, the last , Mineral uses presents an overall picture and will be interesting as well as educating to students and even general readeSection B is devoted to crystals and crystallography. one introduces the subject while two presents basic crystallographic elements. three deals with the main six crystals systems while also giving a preliminary idea about stereographic projection and x-ray crystallography. Section C covers petrology, beginning with introduction to science of petrology, rock nomenclature. two is devoted to the study of igneous rocks, including their forms, composition, textures, structures, classification and description. Sedimentary rocks is the theme of three while different aspects of metamorphic rocks including kinds and agents of metamorphism and classification and description of metamorphism. The last portion of this also considers metamorphism in the background of global tectonics. five, the rock cycle presents a concise summary of geological events that have shaped the planet earth. The last section D is what geology is all about for a man on the street and its significance in nation building--the Ore minerals. It begins with what ore is and its place in human affairs as a well as presenting the important terminology in economic geology. two deals with ore genesis and presents various hypogene and supergene process that carves out ore deposits from non economic materials. three, mineral deposits and global tectonics is becoming a very popular theme among the earth scientists. A brief introduction of the same will be certainly appreciated by the student community and prompt them for further study in this direction. A general survey of India's mineral resources is the theme of four. It covers almost all of the commonly used ores, metallic, non metallic or fuels. The last of section D and the boom, 'Indian mineral industry: some facts and figures' will present where our country stands in the realm of mineral resources. Latest available data of resources, production, export, import, organisations that matter and other useful facts and figures are presented.

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