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This book is a sequel to "Jesus on Catching the Bull", and is a continued dialogue with Jesus, now around his notion "Elevated Self in Form", that he presents in A Course of Love. Where the former book was about the "ascension" towards finding one's True Self, this sequel is about the "descending" back to our ordinary reality in order to manifest it in concrete action. This journey can also have its difficulties, where the ego and the body still can activate subconscious obstacles. Like the former book, "Jesus on Elevated Form" uses ancient symbols in order to illustrate the message, and here the notion of the Chakras, the energy centers of the body, are used as a supporting structure in the exploration of Elevated Self in Form.
This book is a dialogue with Jesus around an ancient set of images called "The Bull and His Herdsman" originating from old zen masters. To each image, there is a old text connected, as well as three koans, short poems. The dialogue is an exploration of how these images can be used in the process of spiritual awakening, the awakening towards disidentifying from the ego and becoming aware of one's True Self. (Edition 2, August 15 2015.)
Den här boken är en dialog med Jesus runt en urgammal uppsättning bilder som kallas "Tjuren och hans herde", som har sitt ursprung från gamla zen-mästare. Till varje bild finns en text till, såväl som tre koans, korta dikter. Dialogen är en utforskning om hur de här bilderna kan användas i processen för andligt uppvaknande, uppvaknandet mot att desidentifiera sig från egot och att börja bli medveten om sitt Sanna Jag, Självet.
John Zacharias, the typical engineer, became more and more provoked by his wife's growing interest in New Age, which he regarded as anti-scientific brainwashing. When she one day asked him to read a pamphlet about a book that was alleged to have been "channeled" to the author from Jesus Christ, who had given it the title "A Course in Miracles", his patience hit a limit. But, instead of trying again to persuade his wife into realizing why all this just was superstition and naïve wishful thinking, he strangely enough decided to read the book, in order to prove to her that it was all humbug. This improbable decision changed John's life completely. Reading the book made John re evaluate his view on reality, it made him change his profession into becoming a psychotherapist, and it ultimately made him learn to listen to the divine inner guidance that exists in the silent bottom of the mind of everyone. John's inner guidance led him onto a life long path towards enlightenment. On his way there, he discovered and refined the ability to transport himself through space and time. This ability was registered by the global security system TSS that by 2040 had become refined to a level of sophistication where it could maintain constant surveillance of every individual on Earth. When John, after having disappeared without a trace on his hundredth birthday in 2046, returned after three hundred years, many authorities saw John's return as a grave security risk that eventually could jeopardize political control. The space-time jump ability had from 2144 slowly spread to others. Fearing a more rapid increase of this ability due to John's return, a special office within the NSA was now formed and was assigned the task of investigating, containing and eliminating this risk. But, darkness can never dispel Light. The book Stairway is about John's spiritual path to enlightenment, and about what will happen to mankind when more and more of us let our Inner Light shine, and how this ultimately will dispel all darkness. *** "The book Stairway by Lars Gimstedt is an imaginative and thrilling vision about how mankind's development on Earth can be changed into something better. It is also a thoroughly documented description of how another book, A Course in Miracles (ACIM), can lead to a personal and spiritual growth against all odds. Those who have worked with ACIM themselves will probably recognize things from their own experiences. But also for those that are beginners to ACIM, the book will convey ideas about how the Course influences, in ways that are both easy to understand and that are educating. The book differs from an ordinary novel in its format. The different steps in Stairway are identified with the rainbow colors. The narrative consists of letters and reports in different formats and fonts, and it also includes images and symbols. The resulting variation makes the book beautiful, as well as more interesting and easier to read. For myself, I found Lars' book very engaging and I recommend it for everyone that have worked with A Course in Miracles and for everyone wanting to learn more about the Course. His book reflects his deep knowledge and experience of ACIM in different situations and contexts. It describes an emerging vision where something deeper in us than the hunt for money and social status, and it is therefore a book for inspiration. Albert Harloff, Stjarnsund, Sweden, April 27 2014." (ACIM translator to Norwegian, chairman Swedish ACIM Network.) "Imagine a world dedicated to living the happy dream promised by 'A Course in Miracles'. All it would require is people experiencing the Holy Instant and living peacefully together. Lars Gimstedt gives us a peek into the future. Fast forward 300 hundred years and the transformation is happening, but not without the group ego's last stand. For many people in future world, paranoia runs deep. Read this book to find out what happens!" (Dr. Sam Menahem, spiritual psycholo
Vem är Jesus? Är han den som beskrivs av Paulus och evangelisterna i Bibeln? Eller kan en klarare bild av den riktiga personen Jesus träda fram om man begränsar sig till att läsa bara det som historien pekar på som sannolika direktcitat? Om Jesus, eller Yeshua som hans namn var på hans modersmål arameiska, skulle ha skrivit sitt evangelium själv, hur skulle den boken ha varit? Den här boken utgör ett förslag på hur hans evangelium kunde ha sett ut. Boken baseras på det som modern historieforskning berättar om hans tid, och baseras också på de delar av religiösa böcker som går att bekräfta historiskt. Eftersom historiska data, trots nya rön, fortfarande är mycket knapphändiga, är boken förstås mest skönlitterär, och det faller på dig, läsaren av boken, att avgöra vad i den du är villig att acceptera och vad du känner att du måste avfärda. I bäggedera fallen, kan den här boken förhoppningsvist få dig att söka efter mer information om den verklige Yeshua bar Yosef från Nasaret, den fattige timmerarbetaren från en liten avskild by i en avlägsen del av det romerska imperiet som med sina ord och gärningar har påverkat mänskligheten under två årtusenden. ================ "En intressant bok om Jesus, eller Yeshua, har just publicerats av Lars Gimstedt. Boken är skriven som en självbiografi av Yeshua, och täcker hela hans livstid från barndom fram till det allra sista mötet med lärjungarna efter återuppståndelsen. Författaren har gjort ett imponerande bakgrundsarbete med avseende på arameiska och hebreiska namn, som används genomgående i boken. Detta gjorde det lättare för mig att läsa boken som en oberoende berättelse, utan att behöva koppla ihop den med bibeln hela tiden. Det är en lättläst bok, kapitlen är relativt korta, de hänger samman och är koncisa. De som studerar En Kurs i Mirakler kommer att upptäcka många referenser, speciellt dess huvudsakliga fokus, att vi är alla ett med vår Skapare. Det är uppfriskande att läsa en mer vardaglig beskrivning av Yeshuas liv som människa. Att hans liv inte var så annorlunda mot våra i många avseenden, så lätt att glömma. Att vi alla är på samma 'resa', återresan mot Himlen och Enhet. Han bara 'kom fram' före oss andra. I författarens förord i början gör han klart att berättelsen är fiktiv, men baserad på tillgängligt material i bibeln och också i En Kurs i Mirakler. Icke desto mindre stimulerar den min egen syn på och min egen förståelse av människan Jesus, som på många sätt har kommit att betraktas som så speciell att vi 'ordinära' människor aldrig skulle kunna uppnå en sådan utvecklad andlig nivå som han gjorde. Jag kan rekommendera boken som värdefull läsning för alla de som arbetar med, eller är intresserade av livets andliga sida. Med sina många nya tolkningar kan den leda till en bättre förståelse av vad detta handlar om, för de som vågar tänka 'utanför boxen'. Stjärnsund, 1 juli 2014 Albert Harloff " (EKIM-översättare till norska, författare till Ske Din Vilja, ordf. Nätverket EKIM.)
Den här boken är resultatet av ett samarbetsprojekt och är en samling korta berättelser från olika "elever till En Kurs i Mirakler". Berättelserna visar vad som kan hända om du börjar att använda EKIM, i stället för att bara läsa, fokusera på teorin, diskutera den, och så vidare. När du inser att du inte KAN bedöma något, och när du överlämnar alla dina beslut till Den Helige Ande, DÅ befinner du dig på en kurs till mirakler. Låt dig bli inspirerad av den här boken och bjud in mirakler in i ditt liv! Bidra med din egen berättelse, och få gratis tillgång till nya utgåvor! Gå till ttp: //psykosyntesforum.se/Svensk/En_kurs_till_mirakler.htm för instruktioner.
This book is a joint venture and is a collection of short stories from different "students of A Course in Miracles". The stories show what can happen when you start to use ACIM, instead of only reading, focusing on the theory, discussing, and so on. When you realize that you cannot judge things correctly, and when you surrender all your decisions to The Holy Spirit, you are on a course to miracles. Get inspired by this book and invite miracles into your life! And also, contribute with your own personal story! Go to http: //psykosyntesforum.se/A_Course_To_Miracles.html for instructions. All who send in a contribution will get free access to the e-book, including future updates.
Who is Jesus? Is he the one described by Paulus and the evangelists in the Bible? Or can a clearer picture of the real person Jesus emerge if one limits oneself to read only what historical data points at being plausible direct quotes? If Jesus, or Yeshua as his name was in his native tongue Aramaic, would have written his gospel himself, how would that book be? This book is a proposal for how His own gospel could have been. It is based on what modern history has revealed about the time of His life, and is also based on the parts of religious scripture that seem to be possible to confirm historically. Because historical data, despite new findings, are still extremely scarce, the book is naturally mostly pure fiction, and it is up to you, the reader of this book, to assess what you are willing to accept and what you feel you must reject. In either case, this book can hopefully inspire you to search for more information about the true Yeshua bar Joseph from Nazareth, the poor wood-worker from an obscure little village in a remote part of the Roman Empire that with his words and deeds has influenced mankind for two millennia. All e-book formats + audio book: http: //psykosyntesforum.se/Yeshua.htm . =================== "An interesting book about Jesus, or Yeshua, has just been published by Lars Gimstedt. The book is written as a self-biography by Yeshua, and covers his lifespan from childhood till the very last meeting with his disciples after the resurrection. The author has done an impressive background study regarding Aramaic and Hebrew names, which are used throughout in the book. It made it easier for me to read the book as an independent story, and not directly synchronize it with the Bible all the time. It is a book easy to read, the chapters are relatively short, coherent and to the point. Students of A Course in Miracles will detect many references, and especially the main focus, that we are all one with our Creator. It is refreshing to read a more everyday description of the human life of Yeshua. That his life was not very different from our own in many aspects, so easy to forget. That we are all on the same 'voyage', the return trip to Heaven and the Oneness. He just 'finished' ahead of us. In the author's foreword in the beginning it is made clear that the story is a fictitious one, but based on some of the available material in the Bible and also A Course in Miracles. Nevertheless it stimulates my own perception and understanding of the human Jesus, which in many ways have been regarded as so special that we 'ordinary' humans could never reach a spiritual advanced state such as he did. I can recommend the book as worthwhile reading for anyone who is working with, or interested in the spiritual side of life. With its many novel interpretations it can lead to a better understanding of what this is about, for those who dare to think 'outside the box'.
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