Bag om Harvey: A novel by David Tarrant
Ronald (Harvey) Bright dropped out of school in the mid Sixties causing consternation in his family. Following experimentations with illicit drugs and a long spell in hospital he gets married. Following the birth of his son he rejoins society to get a job. Harvey lost both his parents but is often haunted by his mother in various guises. His ineptitude in the bedroom leads to the failure of his marriage but help is at hand. His son leaves him with two grandchildren of the same age, from different mothers, mild mannered Amber and the coarse fiery Verna. During his work in a Social Security office Harvey meets the formidable Herbert Crowe, an out of control beast of a man, with a soft centre. Crowe plays a major part in a custody battle with Verna who is in league with feeble Robin Lewis. Lewis has many dark secrets, including a cache of pornography destined to be his downfall. Harvey is a black comedy complete with flights of fancy and genuine emotion.
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