Bag om It's An Ill Wind Indeed....
The weather was absolute hell when they'd met on the top of the Fell, miles from anywhere.The downpour had caught her totally off guard and she was soaking wet when he saw her, sheltering in the lea of a large clump of rocks.He couldn't just ignore her, so he didn't.'If he ignored her...?' no one should ignore another in distress out here.She could refuse his help, but she didn't.He sat down with her and unsnapped his poncho to include her under it with him, until the storm passed.He should try and get her dry, or she'd never be able to go anywhere. Nothing is ever as simple as it at first seems, as James soon discovered.There was something about her...!He soon found out was that 'something' was. She didn't have a shy bone in her body and she was eager for his help.The situation very quickly got out of control.
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