Bag om Science of Goalkeeper
Science of Goalkeeper-Managing Goals with the Potential Within You is the metaphysics of time. It clarifies the correlation of the goalkeeper with time by synthesizing ancient and modern knowing systems from around the world and advancing them for further research and practice.
Thesis. Time weakens the existing goal-profit-with an expectation of fulfillment by a para deity. The preexisting goal of the superiority dimension of one as a deity capable of working to fulfill the goal with a path of devotion remains weak. It forces one to be a param deity-the goalkeeper-who conceives the not-yet-existing goal of the priority order among the two goals. The two goals are the path of a collective, where the para deity performs for one's profiting, and the path of an individual, where one profits by performing.
The mood that manages time as the entity time is the coexisting goal. One has a choice to be either the goal of the para deity's consciousness or the goalkeeper, conscious of the potential to fulfill the goal. The enjoyer enjoys the goal when there is a priority order to fulfill it as a goalkeeper.
The space in the mind that lets one decide the priority order is the postexisting goal. The spatial hole "within mind" forms a field "without mind" to open space with the experience of joy when one takes responsibility to be a goalkeeper. The responsible one is an entity whose knowing makes her a para deity. The energy within the knowing fulfills the goal by centering the entity as the primordial self. The entity with a clarified consciousness of energy within knowing is the supraexisting goal.
One is the causation for the goal to be true, i.e., be an absolute goal that predominates the consciousness as it becomes reproductive as a guiding force. The causation is the superexisting goal that brings the goal into existence with its potential to fulfill a wish. The extrinsic potential of a para deity within the param deity, the goalkeeper, is the infinite goal for the growth of the wish. The consciousness of the extrinsic potential makes one whole. Oneself, conscious of intrinsic potential as the not-yet-existing self within the system of extrinsic potential, is the primordial goal.
The growth of the wish makes one a goalkeeper who enjoys the present growth as a sentient entity. Therefore, the goalkeeper is the potential goal to enjoy the reality gifted by Mother Nature.
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