Bag om Who Is Israel? Discovering Our True Identity in Jesus Christ and Why It Matters!
Book 3 Volume II of this three-part series reveals many of the things we were taught at Church that are false or not biblical. Join me on this journey to be set free from the lies and deception.
In this book, we will discover the answers to these thought-provoking questions and much more...
Discover why "love" essentially fulfills the essence of the Law if we walk according to the Spirit. Why has the love of many grown cold? Why are all seven of our heavenly Father's holy convocations still in effect and relevant for New Covenant believers? Why has Satan, through mass deception, convinced many New Covenant believers that the 4th commandment of the Ten Commandments-to keep the seventh day Sabbath holy-is no longer valid? Especially, since this is the only one our heavenly Father commands us to remember. Jesus told us to keep Passover in "remembrance" of Him as an everlasting memorial of His great sacrifice on the Cross. Find out why the majority of Christians have abandoned the commandments of God in favor of celebrating non-biblical holidays such as Easter that have nothing to do with the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus. Why did all the virgins in The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins start out as believers in Jesus Christ, yet tragically, in the end, Jesus commands the "unwise" virgins to depart from Him because He never knew them? Discover why, until the first resurrection takes place at the end of the age, Jesus is the only one who has immortality. Are the Old Testament saints (or anyone else) in heaven yet? Why are there two resurrections? When does the resurrection of the dead take place? Why will this earth be totally "annihilated" and "depopulated" at the return of Jesus Christ? On the Cross at Calvary, Jesus joined both the Jews from the House of Judah and former Gentiles from the House of Israel as One New Man. What are the lies and deception causing the body of Christ to remain a house divided against itself? Jesus will not return for His bride until this breach is reconciled so that a faithful remnant of all Israel shall be saved.
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