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Behaviorisme, adfærdsteori

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  • - Seks adfærdsøkonomiske trin til højere priser og gladere kunder
    af Sally Khallash & Ulrik Lehrskov-Schmidt
    322,95 kr.

    Træt af endeløse diskussioner om hvad prisen skal være – hvor ingen i lokalet rigtig ved, hvad de taler om?Mangler du et systematisk overblik, der sætter dig i stand til at prissætte dit produkt eller din service – og vide med sikkerhed, at kunderne vil købe, allerede inden du rammer markedet?Så er der hjælp at hente i Prispsykologi, hvor du finder:En systematisk trin-for-trin proces til at prissætte et produkt eller en service – og teste prisen, inden varen rammer markedet.En forståelse for, hvordan du bruger betalingsformer, rabatter, abonnementer og loyalitetsklubber til at øge salget, profitten og kundetilfredsheden.Avancerede teknikker til at optimere salg og profit i produktporteføljer.Et framework til at styre prisforhandlinger, så kunden fokuserer på værdien i stedet for prisen.En forståelse for prissætning, der vil bringe dig foran dine kolleger – og konkurrenter.Denne bog giver dig en metodisk og systematisk proces til at sætte den optimale pris på ethvert produkt eller service.De seks trin er:Analyse: Find din vares drømmekunde, den situation deres behov opstår i og hvilke dybe benefits din vare kan give.Kategori: Vælg aktivt, hvilke konkurrenter dit produkt skal sammenlignes med i markedet.Positionering: Design, hvordan din kunde skal opfatte dit produkt i forhold til alternativerne i købssituationen.Prototype: Byg en simulation af den valgsituation, du stiller din kunde i, når købet skal foretages.Test: Stresstest dine prispunkter og valg, og justér din kategori og positionering, indtil dine kunders tænder løber i vand.Implementering: Optimér din prissætning i markedet på tværs af salgskanaler, tilbud og konkurrencesituationer.Metoden er baseret på en unik kombination af moderne beslutningsteori, adfærdsøkonomi og eksperimentel psykologi, og hvert af de seks trin bygger oven på det forrige.Med Prispsykologi får du de rigtige redskaber til hele tiden at optimere dine priser OG få mere tilfredse kunder.Omtale”Bogens primære budskab er, hvordan man kan få kunderne til at betale mere for de samme varer, uden at de bliver utilfredse. Dette er ønskescenariet for de fleste virksomheder, og man når som læser at tænke, at det næsten må være for godt til at være sandt. Men efterhånden som bogen skrider frem, fremstår det som ganske realistisk. Teorien og værktøjerne bliver dokumenteret med cases og aktuelle situationer. Det er med til at fastholde interessen og nysgerrigheden gennem hele bogen. (...) Dette er ikke alene en bog, der giver virksomheder en værktøjskasse til prissætning. Den er i høj grad også interessant for forbrugeren, da man flere gange undervejs bliver gjort opmærksom på, hvor relativt let vi som forbrugere kan blive manipuleret. Man bliver med andre ord en del klogere på sig selv ved at læse denne bog.”5 stjerner- anmeldelse ved Daniel Oman Gru, Inside Business, 9. november 2017IndholdKapitel 1 Dine priser er langt vigtigere end dine udgifterKapitel 2 Value vs. Cost-PricingKapitel 3 Værdi – Det Kognitive PerspektivKapitel 4 Forankring & VærdimanipulationKapitel 5 Markedsanalyse – Benefits, Identiteter & SituationerKapitel 6 Kategori & Perfekt PositioneringKapitel 7 Prototyping & TestKapitel 8 PrisforhandlingerKapitel 9 PrisstigningerKapitel 10 BetalingsformerKapitel 11 PrisarkitekturKapitel 12 Produktporteføljer & UdvalgKapitel 13 Rabatter, Discounts & GratisKapitel 14 PriskrigeKapitel 15 AfslutningLitteraturliste

  • - fra intention til handling
    af Henrik Dresbøll
    397,95 kr.

    Bliv adfærdsleder og få det til at ske!Kender du det at gå fra et godt møde med vigtig ny viden og klare handlepunkter?Kender du også det at mødes til næste statusmøde, hvor halvdelen ikke har fået gjort det aftalte, og den anden halvdel har gjort noget helt andet? Et sted på vejen fra intention til handling går det galt. Denne bog hjælper dig til at tage fat i det og lykkes med at få forandringerne til at ske. Med denne bog i hånden får du en indføring i, hvordan du kan blive adfærdsleder i din organisation og lære at bruge mikrohandlinger til at opnå maksimal effekt i dine forandringsprojekter.I mange år har vi fokuseret på forandringerne – nu er tiden kommet at til at fokusere på forudsætningen for, at forandringen lykkes, nemlig ændringer i adfærden. Hvis du vil have forandringerne til at ske og bygge varig værdi, skal du kombinere indsigt i ændring af individuel adfærd med organisationens forventninger til gevinstrealisering. Bogen guider dig til, hvordan du skal gøre netop det samlet i fire enkle skridt: gå småt, gå bredt, gå hurtigt og gå igen.I bogen får du:1 samlet system til at få forandring til at ske12 forhindringer for forandringer, du let lærer at overvinde13 cases med inspiration14 værktøjer til at praktisere adfærdsledelse46 adfærdsgreb til at gøre forandringen let, indlysende, attraktiv og givende at gøre.Bogen henvender sig til alle dem, der arbejder med forandringer i såvel offentlige som private organisationer. Adfærdsledelse er et effektivt værktøj for såvel forandringslederen, projektlederen og den, der bare leder efter en vej til at skabe varige adfærdsforandringer i sit liv.Om forfatteren:Henrik Dresbøll er forfatter, foredragsholder og direktør. Han er uddannet fra Aarhus Universitet som cand.mag. i Kognitiv semiotik. I 2011 var han medstifter af et af Danmarks første adfærdsbureauer og er i dag direktør for rådgiverbureauet WElearn A/S, der bygger adfærdsforandringer med varig værdi. Han har gennem mere end 18 år arbejdet med kommunikation, forandring og adfærd for internationale brands, organisationer, styrelser og ministerier. Henriks vision er at bruge indsigt i adfærd til at skabe store resultater gennem små handlinger. Tidligere har Henrik udgivet en bog om fiaskoer, han er en populær foredragsholder samt sidder i flere bestyrelser – og så er Henrik en afholdsmand, der tager sin egen medicin.

  • af Solveig Roepstorff
    247,95 kr.

    Vi ved i dag, at det er vores egen adfærd og livsstil, der har presset klodens klimasystemer i en grad, så vi nu står i en global nødsituation. Og vi ved, at det vil kræve radikale ændringer i den måde, vi lever, arbejder og bor på, at bremse den alvorlige udvikling.Hvorfor fortsætter de fleste af os alligevel vores liv, som om intet var hændt? Netop fordi vi er mennesker, forklarer psykolog Solveig Roepstorff i denne nye bog, som beskriver den vifte af automatiske reaktioner og adfærdsmønstre, som nyheder om klodens tilstand aktiverer i os, og som– desværre – får os til at gøre alt andet end at handle.I en blanding af indsigter fra internationale studier, klimaaktivister, klientcases og refleksioner, forfatteren selv blev tvunget til at gøre sig, da klimakrisens alvor pludselig kom tæt på, viser denne bog, hvordan optimistiske pointer fra klimapsykologien kan bruges til at løfte os selv og hinanden ud af bekymring og apati og ind i det handlende fællesskab, der kan redde både vores verden og os selv.

  • af Rob Dial
    165,95 kr.

    'Valuable insights, unique lessons and practical steps to achieve your goals.' JAY SHETTY'Rob Dial's work has already helped millions of people transform their mindset and achieve their goals. By reading Level Up, you will know exactly how to create the life you've always wanted.' HAL ELROD, author of The Miracle Morning'Your key to a brighter future.' LEWIS HOWES, author of The Greatness Mindset-----Level Up will revolutionize the way you approach your life and your goals.World-renowned high-performance coach, Rob Dial, presents a ground-breaking roadmap to unlock your full potential and transform your life. Drawing from cutting-edge research in neuroscience and psychology, he unveils the science behind mental focus and motivation, cracks the code to peak performance and shows how to apply these secrets to your own life.Whether you're struggling with distractions, overwhelmed by your schedule, or simply seeking a path to achieve your goals, Level Up is the game-changer you've been waiting for.

  • af B. J. Fogg
    142,95 kr.

    How can you make real, lasting change in your life? Forget the latest exhausting fitness fad. Forget resolutions that last for a few weeks. Forget the guilt. Forget feeling bad. Improving your life is much easier than you think: Try any habit, make it tiny, find where it fits naturally in your life and nurture its growth. Silicon Valley legend BJ Fogg, pioneering research psychologist, founder of the iconic Behavior Design Lab at Stanford, and one of Fortune's '10 New Gurus You Should Know', has cracked the code of habit formation. Based on twenty years' research and used by over 60,000 people, his method reveals that the key to changing behaviour is the opposite of what you've always been told. It isn't about willpower. By focusing on what is easy to change, not what is hard; focusing on what you want to do, not what you should do, you'll discover that creating happier, healthier lives can be easy, and surprisingly fun. BJ Fogg is Tim Ferriss’smentor and a bona fide Silicon Valley legend. His model is a fundamentalbreakthrough in understanding why people change and why they don’t.

  • af Eric J. Johnson
    125,95 - 195,95 kr.

    ';Indispensable' Daniel Kahneman How do you get people to donate their organs? What's the trick to reading a wine list? What's the perfect number of potential matches a dating site should offer? Every time we make a choice, our minds go through an elaborate process most of us never even notice. We're influenced by subtle aspects of the way the choice is presented that often make the difference between a good decision and a bad one. To overcome the common faults in our decision-making and enable better choices in any situation involves conscious and intentional decision design. Transcending the familiar concepts of nudges and defaults, The Elements of Choice offers a comprehensive, systematic guide to creating effective choice architectures, the environments in which we make decisions. The designers of decisions need to consider all the elements involved in presenting a choice: how many options to offer, how to present those options, how to account for our natural cognitive shortcuts, and much more. These levers are unappreciated, yet they impact our reasoning every day. This book doesn't simply analyse the mental fallacies that trip us up. It goes further to show us what good decision-making looks like that it can be both moral and effective.

  • af Barry L. Duncan
    662,95 kr.

    The editors of this second edition have created a new and enriched volume that presents the most recent research on what works in therapeutic practice, a thorough analysis of this research, and practical guidance on how a therapist can truly “deliver what works in therapy.”

  • af Viruti Satyan Shivan
    288,95 kr.

    Unlocking the Secrets of Behavior: A Deep Dive into Learning and Adaptation Dive into the fascinating world of Classical & Operant Conditioning with this comprehensive guide, a treasure trove for anyone keen to unravel the mysteries of human and animal behavior. This book serves as a crucial bridge, connecting the dots between theoretical principles and real-world applications, making it an indispensable resource for students, educators, and professionals alike. Without relying on images or illustrations to make our point, we've crafted a narrative that's as engaging as it is informative. Through a rich tapestry of personal anecdotes and thought-provoking hypothetical scenarios, we explore the nuanced dynamics of conditioning, shedding light on how these fundamental processes shape behaviors and preferences in a variety of contexts. From Pavlov's dogs to Skinner's pigeons, this guide goes beyond the basics, offering unique insights into how conditioning principles play out in everyday life, from learning and education to therapy and beyond. Each chapter is meticulously designed to engage readers, encouraging them to question, analyze, and apply these timeless concepts to their own lives and professions. By omitting visual aids, we've challenged ourselves to deliver a narrative so vivid and compelling, you won't miss the pictures. Whether you're a seasoned scholar or a curious newcomer, this book promises to enrich your understanding of conditioning in ways you never imagined, making it a must-have addition to your collection.

  • af Henrik Dresbøll
    3.007,95 kr.

    Det går ofte galt, når vi skal ændre adfærd og skabe forandringer i organisationen. Et sted fra intention til handling glipper det. Med dette Få det til at ske-kit får du en række konkrete redskaber, der understøtter arbejdet med forandringsprocesser i jeres organisationer. Kittet er designet til at hjælpe dig og dit team med at navigere gennem forandringer og starte en samtale om, hvordan I sammen kan få en forandring til at ske, der ikke sker af sig selv. Det starter med, at I stiller gode spørgsmål og bliver konkrete på den forandring, I står overfor. Få det til at ske-kittet giver en struktur for jeres samtaler, når I skal omsætte gode intentioner til faktiske handlinger, og er baseret på værktøjerne fra bestseller-bogen Få det til at ske af Henrik Dresbøll – og det er let og ligetil at bruge, når I står over for forandringer, der involverer ændring af adfærd. Kittet består af: Adfærdstragt – til at diskutere, hvordan I oversætter forandringer til hverdagshandlinger Adfærdshjul – til at diskutere forhindringer, løsninger og greb til at oversætte de gode intentioner til faktiske handlinger 46 adfærdskort – med greb og løsninger til arbejdet med at få noget til at ske Den lille prøvehandling – en skabelon til at lave praksiseksperimenter med Brugsanvisning – så du nemt kommer i gang med kittet Videoguide – hvor Henrik Dresbøll introducerer dig til kittet.

  • af Jay Schulkin
    589,95 kr.

  • af N. N.
    218,95 kr.

    A book for men and women from middle age to advanced years who have suddenly and unexpectedly become confronted with the huge effects that the male prostate can have on the body. It is a tale of what can happen to both men and women when the prostate transforms over time as the body changes, free of any of the minor or major taboos surrounding those involved.The book presents both a subjective and an objective account, from a female and a male perspective, of what the prostate is and of the physical, psychological and social effects that changes to the prostate can bring as one ages or reaches old age. The latest medical, psychotherapeutic and social measures available to help men with prostate issues and their partners are discussed. It also addresses the therapeutic taboos that have previously prevented us from attempting a systemic approach to the physical, psychological and social transformation that men and women undergo when they reach middle age and beyond.

  • af Samuel Ottmar Mast
    322,95 - 370,95 kr.

    This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the original. Due to its age, it may contain imperfections such as marks, notations, marginalia and flawed pages. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions that are true to the original work.

  • af Erin B. Rasmussen
    559,95 - 1.526,95 kr.

    Women in Behavior Science is a unique text that showcases the perspectives, stories, and lessons of notable female behavior scientists at all stages of their careers, with relevance for the field¿s many women pursuing careers in academia today.

  • af Ahmed Ragab Ali Abdelghany
    162,95 kr.

    A book that provides a summary of experiments conducted on human action and behavior from 2017 until the end of 2023, and discusses with the reader how to manage minds.

  • - Den strategiske udfordring
    af Stig Næsh Hendriksen
    277,95 kr.

    FRA VISION TIL VIRKELIGHED – DEN STRATEGISKE UDFORDRING belyser kunsten at styre overordnede processer, inklusive strategi, struktur og kultur, der er afgørende for at opnå resultater i dagligdagen. Dette er et tema, der er relevant for organisationer på tværs af bestyrelseslokalet og frontlinjen. Desværre prioriteres det sjældent systematisk, og resultatet afspejler ofte dette forsømte område. Bogen udforsker derfor disse dybtgående spørgsmål: Hvad er meningen? Hvem er vi? Hvor kommer vi fra? Hvor er vi på vej hen? Hvad vil vi opnå, og hvordan? Hvilke rammer har vi? Hvilken kultur vil vi fremme? Hvordan omsætter vi det til praksis og får alle med? Stig Næsh Hendriksen inddrager teori, der belyses gennem sine egne praktiske erfaringer, og han tager dig med på en rejse gennem cases fra kendte virksomheder og sine egne fejltagelser og succeser i mere end 40 år inden for lederskab, både nationalt og internationalt. Denne bog fortsætter rejsen, der blev påbegyndt med LEDERSKAB I ØJENHØJDE OG DEN MENNESKELIGE FAKTOR, udgivet i marts 2023. Hvor den første bog dykkede ned i følelser og menneskelig påvirkning, fokuserer denne bog på den rationelle styring af processer ud fra en overordnet vision og mening.

  • af Florence Gaunet
    1.127,95 kr.

    This book presents a thorough and up-to-date review of the scientific literature on behavioural synchronization and its underlying neurocognitive and neurophysiological processes, from the neuronal to the interindividual and group scale. This multi-disciplinary and multi-scale approach makes this book of interest to scientists and graduate students for both theoretical issues as well practical issues such as mobilizing animals and humans for group / mass actions (e.g. for climate change, diabetes, leading animals, etc.).

  • af Tony Cheng
    207,95 - 617,95 kr.

  • af Paddy Walker
    263,95 - 722,95 kr.

  • af Jasmin Karatas
    222,95 kr.

  • af Joseph Zajda
    1.073,95 kr.

    This book analyses discourses of the use of motivation theories in schools globally. It focuses on the overall impact of motivation theories on teachers, students¿ engagement, well-being, academic excellence, standards, equity and global competitiveness. It examines the role of motivation theories impacting on teachers and students in the classroom, and the overall impact of cognitive, social cognitive, affective and psycho-motor domains, used to motivate students to improve their performance in the classroom.The book analyses such topics as Behaviourism, a major motivation model to improve performance in schools, cognitive theories for creating engaging learning environments, including achievement motivation, Social cognitive theories for improving engagement and motivation, social constructivism to improve students¿ motivation and academic achievement, humanistic approaches for creating effective motivational environments, the use of discourse analysis in understanding motivation, and dominant values used in motivation in inclusive schools. This book contributes in a very scholarly way, to a more holistic understanding of the nexus between globalisation, dominant models of motivation, and students¿ engaging learning environments, and their academic achievement.

  • af Walter B. Weimer
    1.127,95 kr.

    This book argues for evolutionary epistemology and distinguishing functionality from physicality in the social sciences. It explores the implications for this approach to understanding in biology, economics, psychology and political science. Presenting a comprehensive overview of philosophical topics in the social sciences, the book emphasizes how all human cognition and behavior is characterized by functionality and complexity, and thus cannot be explained by the point predictions and exact laws found in the physical sciences. Realms of functional complexity - such as the market order in economics, the social rules of conduct, and the human CNS - require a focus on explanations of the principles involved rather than predicting exact outcomes. This requires study of the historical context to understand behavior and cognition. This approach notes that functional complexity is central to classical liberal ideas such as division of labour and knowledge, and how this is a far more powerful and adequate account of social organization than central planning. Through comparison of these approaches, as well as its interdisciplinary scope, this book will interest both academics and students in philosophy, biology, economics, psychology and all other social sciences.

  • af Adam Bulbulia
    162,95 kr.

    "Authenticity: The Immense Power to Be Yourself" by Adam Bulbulia Unveils a Journey of Self-Discovery and Radical LivingIn his book Authenticity: The Immense Power to Be Yourself, Adam Bulbulia is truly unique in his dedication to authenticity. He brings a combination of loving acceptance along with a fierce firmness to what is of the heart. He tells stories, gives examples, and offers step-by-step practices that show us how one person being authentic has the power to change the world. Being authentic is such a radical act of freedom that it can cause monumental ripple effects. Adam Bulbulia believes we were all born with a set of specific instructions that are inscribed in our hearts. These "instructions" allow us to meet the moment with our hearts open and following the truth. Being authentic puts us in a direct relationship with our heart. If you want to be in your heart, simply be honest about what you feel. When we are connected with our feelings, everything we think, say, and do becomes heart-centered. This book carries the vibration of the heart. If you are open to it, Authenticity will help you to foster deeper connection with yourself, cultivate self-confidence, enhance relationships, and live with purpose. Drawing from his experiences, personal research, and 20+ year career in the field of coaching and Applied Behavior Analysis, Adam Bulbulia is an expert in studying human behavior and an advocate for authenticity, empathy, and unconditional love. In a world full of lies where manners and social norms prevent the free flow of feeling and life, Bulbulia guides readers toward recognizing and embracing their own unique qualities, passions, and values. Bulbulia says, "It's my hope that this book will help people connect with their natural, authentic way of being so they can share their profound gifts with the world."

  • af Michael Muthukrishna
    147,95 kr.

    'Mind expanding - this book will change your view of the world forever' Matthew SyedA blueprint for a better future. Playing on the phrase "a theory of everything" in physics, Michael Muthukrishna offers a unified theory of human behavior, culture, and society - a theory of everyone. Drawing on the most recent research across the sciences, humanities, and the emerging field of cultural evolution, he paints a panoramic picture of who we are and exactly what makes human beings different from all other forms of life on the planet. Muthukrishna argues that it is our unique ability to create culture, a shared body of knowledge, skills, and experience passed on from generation to generation that has enabled our current dominance. But it is only by understanding and applying the laws of life - the need for energy, innovation, cooperation and evolution - that we can solve the practical and existential challenges we face as a species. A Theory of Everyone attempts to provide solutions for how to solve the most pressing problems of our collective future, such as polarization, inequality, the "great stagnation" in productivity, and the energy crisis. Casting a bold and ambitious net, this is a must-read for anyone interested in a better future for ourselves and generations to come.

  • af N. N.
    537,95 - 657,95 kr.

  • af John B. Watson
    297,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Ivo Frohmüller
    589,95 kr.

    Die Arbeit untersucht, ob die Fragmentierung des Kapitalmarktrechts, die Folgen der Finanzmarktkrise und die Behavioral Finance-Forschung eine Modernisierung des Anlegerleitbildes für einen wirksamen Schutz des Privatanlegers erforderlich machen. Hierzu überprüft der Autor, ob de lege lata ein Anlegerleitbild besteht, das Gesetzgebung und Rechtsprechung allgemein anerkennen. Er postuliert de lege ferenda ein positiv definiertes Anlegerleitbild, das sich so lange an den Eigenschaften des homo oeconomicus orientiert bis diese durch empirische Forschung widerlegt werden. Zudem analysiert der Autor die gesetzlichen Anlegerschutzstrategien der Information, der Haftung und der Aufsicht, ob sie bereits Elemente eines modernen Anlegerleitbildes berücksichtigen oder künftig berücksichtigen sollten.

  • af Debarshi (independent researcher) Roy
    473,95 - 1.466,95 kr.

    473,95 kr.

    Breaking Down Joker offers a compelling, multi-disciplinary examination of a landmark film and media event that was simultaneously both celebrated and breaks down the movie to explore its aesthetic and ideological representations within the social and cultural context in which it was released.

  • - What It Is and How To Do It
    af Joseph J. Pear, Canada) Martin & Garry (University of Winnipeg
    657,95 - 2.933,95 kr.

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