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Parapsykologiske studier

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  • - fra grundlæggende forståelse til praktisk anvendelse¤en omfattende vejledning til afbalancering af energicentrene ved hjælp af musik, farver, ædelsten, aromaer, åndedrætsteknikker, zoneterapi, naturforståelse og meditationer
    af Shalila Sharamon & Bodo J. Baginski
    157,95 kr.

    Omfattende vejledning til afbalancering af energicentrene ved hjælp af musik, farver, ædelsten, aromaer, åndedrætsteknikker, zoneterapi, naturforståelse og meditation. Grundig gennemgang af de 7 hovedcharaers funktioner. Med adskillige oversigtsskemaer

  • - hvordan du vækker dine energier med krystaller, farver, dufte og positiv tænkning - og forvandler din virkelighed
    af Margaret Ann Lembo
    267,95 kr.

    Væk dine energier og forvandl dit liv ved hjælp af krystaller, farver, aromaterapi og positiv tænkning I indledningen til bogen skriver Margret Ann Lembo, at det er op til dig selv, om du ønsker at for- vandle dit liv. Du kan, skriver hun, blive raskere, lykkeligere, og mere tilfreds, hvis du ønsker det. Margaret Ann Lembo ejer The Crystal Garden. I mere end 20 år har hun ledet workshops og kurser over hele USA. Dine følelser, tanker and hele livssituation afgiver, selvfølgelig, energier og vibrationer, Det et er de signaler som du udsender. Og relativt let lader det sig gøre, siger Margaret Ann, at forandre og vitalisere dit sind. Bogen vil med andre ord give læseren mulighed for at opnå ægte forandring og en højere grad af harmoni. I bogen er det farver, krystaller, sten, og energicentrene og chakraerne, der er i centrum. Og forfatteren lover læseren, at hun vil være I stand til at hjælpe med så at sige at kalibrere sindet og skabe muligheder for en højere selvbevidsthed. Hertil hjælper stenene, krystallerne, chakraerne. Der er et 16 siders tillæg med farvegengivelser af sten og krystaller. Det der gør Margaret Lembos bog til noget særligt er, at den er så enkelt og letbegribelig. Vi ved det jo godt: Det handler om energi og balance. Vores egen i forhold til alt det, der omgiver os.

  • - Med disciplen Johannes på pilgrimsrejse
    af Hans Lyngsgaard
    43,94 - 247,95 kr.

    JOHANNESVEJEN beretter om en ny pilgrimsrejse og er en fortsættelse af Marias lære, hvor Hans Lyngsgaard fulgte et indre kald og sammen med Maria gik ad de veje gennem Europa, hun engang menes at have tilbagelagt. Denne gang kommer henvendelsen fra disciplen Johannes og forfatteren inviteres til at følge ham på nogle rejser på forskellige græske øer og til Israel. Johannes menes selv at have fortaget disse rejser, så man kan opfatte beretningerne som historiske glimt fra Johannes liv. Men bogen beskriver også en udviklingsvej, hvor forfatteren kommer i lære hos Johannes og trin for trin bliver introduceret til det at være discipel gennem udfordringer og selverkendelse. Bogen er illustreret med vignetter fra de steder, hvor vandringerne foregår.  

  • af Dora van Gelder Kunz
    166,95 kr.

    Det er ikke hver dag, der i Danmark udgives en autentisk bog om alfernes forunderlige verden, baseret på førstehåndsoplevelser og beskrevet i malende detaljer. Det er heller ikke ofte, at en klassiker inden for denne genre ser dagens lys på det danske sprog. Men i dette tilfælde er begge ting opfyldt til fulde, da Dora van Gelder Kunz i højeste grad er et anerkendt navn i holistiske og esoteriske kredse verden over, og da et af hendes specialer netop var at anvende højpsykiske sanser til at beskrive de verdener vore fysiske øjne ikke har adgang til. Der er tale om omhyggelige observationer, som det ellers kendes fra især Geoffrey Hodsons beskrivelser i felten. Det er lidt som at blive inviteret med en zoolog ud i eksotiske naturområder for at opleve fascinerende eller måske sjældne forekomster af dyr eller planter. Engle og naturånder er ikke kun noget for hjertet og det såkaldt irrationelle. De kan anskues som levende og konkrete væsener, der blot lever i nogle finere frekvensområder af vores multidimensionale virkelighed. Det tager på ingen måde eventyrligheden fra emnet, men det skyldes ikke bare romantiske forestillinger. Det har sin rod i at selve vores virkelighed er eventyrlig. Dora Kunz kommunikerede helt naturligt med de mange væsener, som unddrager sig de flestes opmærksomhed. For hende var de en naturlig del af virkeligheden, ikke noget overnaturligt. Og som hendes livs virke er et godt billede på, så var hun ikke en upraktisk, drømmende excentriker, men et ansvarligt, velfungerende og meget rationelt anlagt menneske.

  • - men du græder aldrig for evigt
    af Bettina Møller Jensen
    127,95 kr.

    En bidende kold martsnat brast mine drømme i tusinde stykker, og i på øjeblik forsvandt det liv, jeg engang kendte, for altid.På den efterfølgende rejse med sorgen som min følgesvend, fandt jeg mig selv uden retning. Som en tom båd der viljeløs driver afsted. Aldrig før har ensomhedens dyb føltes så tydeligt. Men som fugl Føniks steg jeg op fra asken og fandt en spire af håb og lys.Denne bog er til dig, der har mistet en elsket. I bogen deler jeg blandt andet hvad jeg selv har gjort for at finde fodfæste igen, da tragedien ramte og jeg mistede min mand.Må den væve et tæppe af håb, oplyse din vej og give dig styrke til at fortsætte, selvom dit hjerte er fyldt med savn.

  • af Hans Lyngsgaard
    247,95 kr.

    En velskreven og inspirerende rejsebeskrivelse, der kombinerer en jordisk og åndelig rejse. Guidet af Jesus besøger forfatteren en række hellige steder, hvor Jesus har vandret med sine disciple. På vejen har de ofte selskab af disciplene og også Jomfru Maria og Maria Magdalena optræder på dele af vandringen, der først går op på Hermonbjerget og senere sydpå langs Genesareth sø og videre langs Jordanfloden. Som læser inviteres man med på en forunderlig og strabadserende rejse i spændingsfeltet mellem overjordiske optrin og den jordnære opdagelsesrejsende, der uden særlige forudsætninger prøver at forstå, hvad det er, der sker – og hvad hans egen rolle er.

  • - På rejse i det ukendte
    af Klaus Aarsleff
    226,95 kr.

    Som globetrotter og tidligere formand for Eventyrernes Klub har Klaus Aarsleff i mere end et kvart århundrede foretaget ekspeditioner Jorden rundt for at undersøge mysterier, myter og fortidsgåder fra de ældste kulturer.I sin nye bog rejser Klaus Aarsleff længere væk end nogensinde før og går i clinch med verdensrummets største mysterier. Han beretter om de nyeste og ældste nærkontaktoplevelser og mest uforklarlige ufo-observationer, han rejser til ufo-kultens arnesteder og fortæller om kvæglemlæstelser, sælsomme rum-objekter og budskaber til og fra universets dybder. Og han kigger videnskaben i kortene og fremlægger forskernes chokerende og dristige teorier om fremmede livsformers udseende og universets sande natur.Første oplag af bogen er vedlagt en DVD med sensationelt film- og fotomateriale, blandt andet fra Skandinavisk UFO Informations arkiver. Meget af materialet har aldrig tidligere været offentliggjort.

  • - Magi, mystik og alkymi i videnskabeligt perspektiv
    af Illobrand von Ludwiger
    129,95 kr.

    HVOR BOR VORES BEVIDSTHED? HVAD ER ÅNDELIGHED? HVAD ER MAGI? Universet i seks dimensioner er en populærvidenskabelig bog om det paranormale. Bogen er skrevet af tyske Illobrand von Ludwiger og fremsætter en teori for to ekstra dimensioner, ud fra hvilke åndelige, bevidsthedsmæssige og paranormale fænomener kan forklares. Ludwiger skriver bredt om det paranormale, idet han mener at have fundet en teori, som fremtidig forskning bør arbejde videre på. Universet i seks dimensioner argumenterer for, at videnskaben ikke bør fornægte fænomener som f.eks. astralrejser, magi og tankeoverførsel, blot fordi man ikke kan bevise sådanne fænomener ud fra videnskabens egne regler. Ludwiger mener, at det ganske enkelt ikke er en videnskabelig tilgang. I stedet bør videnskaben have en mere åben tilgang og søge at undersøge fænomener, som mange mennesker unægteligt oplever. Om forfatteren: Illobrand von Ludwiger (født 1937) har studeret fysik, kemi, matematik og astronomi på universiteterne i Hamborg, Erlangen samt Göttingen og er uddannet astrofysiker siden 1964. Han har som fysiker og systemanalytiker arbejdet i luft- og rumfartsindustrien i 30 år (bl.a. for Europas største luft- og rumfartskoncern: EADS) samt for militæret i USA, Frankrig og England. Han har skrevet en del populærvidenskabelige værker og en lang række videnskabelige bidrag til konferencerapporter, tidsskrifter samt antologier (bl.a. om Heim’sk kvantefeltteori). Hans bøger er indtil videre blevet oversat til bulgarsk, engelsk, japansk, tjekkisk og nu for første gang dansk. Universet i seks dimensioner er ikke alene den seneste, men også en af hans absolut vigtigste bøger. Om oversætteren: Loránd-Levente Pálfi har en sprogvidenskabelig baggrund (lingvistik) med speciale i leksikografi. Han har publiceret i mange nationale og internationale tidsskrifter (både videnskabelige og populærvidenskabelige) og i fagbøger - bl.a. gennem Oxford University Press, De Gruyter, Det Kongelige Bibliotek (i Danmark) og Det Ungarske Videnskabernes Selskab. Hans hovedværk er Leksikon over ordbøger og leksika (2011). Den yderst kompetente oversætter har gjort bogen mere læsevenlig og forståelig og forsynet den med mange forklarende noter.

  • af Panache Desai
    209,95 kr.

    NATIONAL BESTSELLERA spiritual thought-leader and featured guest on Oprah's SuperSoul Sunday helps us learn to quiet fear and anxiety and discover the powerful wholeness that exists within us all in this inspiring and affirmative guide.Achieving equilibrium in today's age of anxiety can seem like a near-impossible?even frivolous?task. Panache Desai offers a refreshing, surprisingly unusual approach to meet the challenges of the modern moment and heal the fractured self it produces.For Desai, the soul?whole, unbroken, at peace, and one with the life source?isn't a destination. It already exists within each of us, just waiting to be revealed. It is not something we have to work to develop?it is our birthright. And when we are in union with our soul, we experience a personal evolution that not only illuminates our individual cosmic purpose but helps us to engage the sense of purpose and presence necessary to remake the world itself.You Are Enough offers a straightforward, non-judgmental, and approachable process of revealing the soul, of coming into alignment and harmony with our true selves. Combining personal narrative, clear and inspiring philosophy, and prescriptive practices, it reveals that the way through is the way in?that the way through fear, self-doubt, and anxiety is accepting and embracing dissonance and emotional and psychological blockages, so that we can approach our lives and the world from a perspective that understands our fears are not who we are. Desai's goal is simple: to guide readers through radical self-acceptance toward a life of ultimate peace and fulfillment.Beautifully designed, this enlightening volume by a fresh voice shows us that while life may have caused us to forget our power, potential, light, and love, they are always there, just waiting to be discovered.

  • - A Treatise On One Of The Objective Forms Of Psychic Or Spiritual Phenomena
    af William Stainton Moses
    197,95 - 232,95 kr.

    Psychography: A Treatise On One Of The Objective Forms Of Psychic Or Spiritual Phenomena is a book written by William Stainton Moses, which explores the phenomenon of psychography. Psychography, also known as automatic writing, is a form of psychic or spiritual communication in which a person allows themselves to be a conduit for messages from the spirit world. The book provides a detailed account of Moses' own experiences with psychography, as well as his observations of others who have practiced this form of communication. He discusses the various methods used to achieve psychography, including trance states, automatic writing, and other forms of mediumship.Moses also delves into the nature of the messages received through psychography, exploring their spiritual and philosophical implications. He examines the role of the medium in this process, as well as the potential dangers of engaging in psychography without proper guidance and preparation.Throughout the book, Moses provides a balanced and objective analysis of psychography, drawing on his own experiences as well as the work of other prominent spiritualists and psychical researchers of his time. Psychography: A Treatise On One Of The Objective Forms Of Psychic Or Spiritual Phenomena is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the study of psychic and spiritual phenomena, and offers a fascinating glimpse into the world of psychography.This scarce antiquarian book is a facsimile reprint of the old original and may contain some imperfections such as library marks and notations. Because we believe this work is culturally important, we have made it available as part of our commitment for protecting, preserving, and promoting the world's literature in affordable, high quality, modern editions, that are true to their original work.

  • af Henry Gordon
    273,95 kr.

    What exactly is the New Age movement? Why has it become the dominant force of the Zeitgeist, invading nearly every aspect of American life? After years of researching this burgeoning movement, columnist, author, and magician Henry Gordon is one of the world's foremost experts on every aspect of the New Age - its derivations and content, the people most involved in it, the forces that motivate and prolong it, and the enormous amount of money changing hands as the "me" generation takes on astrology, crystals, runes, channeling, mysticism, yoga, acupuncture, herbal medicine, telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, biofeedback, biorhythms, reincarnation, and every sort of psychological technique for heightened awareness. At the forefront of the brouhaha is high-profile actress, lecturer, and free spirit Shirley MacLaine. This book is strictly unauthorized - a freewheeling and spirited roast of the New Age, including a history of trends leading to the movement (rooted in 19th-century occultism), and observations on the vast amount of coverage given to the movement (and to New Age celebrities) by the print and broadcast media. Although Gordon delights in skewering the absurdities of the New Age, there's a serious emphasis to his research and his message: While the gurus are busy channeling into "new realities," they are becoming phenomenally rich without contributing in any significant way to the alleviation of human unhappiness - and very often, without making any sense at all.

  • af Ryan J. Hulbert
    192,95 kr.

    Yäam Ehliyeti kitab¿ beni son derece mutlu ediyor. Özellikle gençlerimizin kendi davran¿¿lar¿n¿ nas¿l daha iyi kontrol edebilecekleri ve bunun temelleri hakk¿nda nas¿l fikir sahibi olabilecekleri konusunda ilgilerini çekmeye yönelik yeni bir yaklä¿m. Pek çok insan için araç kullanmak büyük bir özgürlük ve f¿rsat kaynä¿d¿r. Dr. Hulbert'¿n kitab¿, hayatlar¿m¿zda daha fazla huzur ve ne¿e bulmak, daha fazla özgürlü¿ü deneyimleyebilmek ad¿na kendisine bälayan ilgi çekici bir kitapt¿r.

  • af Carl Abrahamsson
    222,95 kr.

    An unconventional memoir of a man immersed in magic and the occult

  • af John Gruber
    307,95 kr.

    A Hard Back edition of another of Dr. John D. Gruber's Paranormal journals (the fourth). This one contains 15 short stories from the archives of S.P.A.T.S. (Supernatural, Paranormal And Technical Services) investigation teams in the field. Over the years they have collected really great evidence but, each story on their own would not fill a regular U.S. Trade Hard Back Book. It is definitely an array of fascinating events from all walks of life... and death.

  • af Günther Gold
    209,95 - 245,95 kr.

  • af Ruth Montgomery
    192,95 kr.

    Now Ruth Montgomery, the acclaimed bestselling author of Threshold to Tomorrow, joins forces with Mr. A. the most amazing healer of our time, to tell the story of his extraordinary powers and the astounding yet completely authentic cures he has achieved in over a half century of treating seemingly "hopeless" cases.These cases range from crippling arthritis to malignant tumors, from paralysis to near-blindness. The grateful patients include many famous personalities as well as thousands of ordinary men and women. The method Mr. A uses is the most ancient of all healing arts, "the laying on of hands" utilizing the vital life energy he has been blessed with. This energy is real, just as the cures described in this book are absolutely real and convincing. Here is both the enthralling story of a remarkable man and an eye-opening illumination of a great untapped source of healing that may lie within many of us today.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    297,95 kr.

    Description:Embark on an extraordinary voyage into the uncharted territories of the mind with "The Sixth Sense: A Journey into the World of Psychic Abilities." This immersive exploration invites you to unravel the mysteries of the human psyche, where intuition, precognition, and telepathy dance at the edges of our understanding.From ancient mysticism to cutting-edge scientific research, this book is a comprehensive guide that navigates the realms of parapsychology. Discover the fascinating history behind psychic phenomena, and delve into the stories of those who have experienced the inexplicable first-hand. Each chapter is a portal into a different facet of the sixth sense, offering insights into clairvoyance, telekinesis, mediumship, and more."The Sixth Sense" is not merely a collection of anecdotes but a thought-provoking journey that bridges the gap between scepticism and belief. It challenges preconceptions, encouraging readers to reconsider the boundaries of what the human mind can achieve. Whether you're a seasoned explorer of the paranormal or a curious sceptic, this book provides a balanced and engaging perspective on the extraordinary capabilities that lie dormant within us.Written with clarity and a sense of wonder, "The Sixth Sense" is an invitation to question, reflect, and marvel at the mysteries that surround us. As you turn the pages, prepare to be captivated by the unknown and inspired to see the world through a new lens. This book is not just an exploration of psychic abilities; it's a celebration of the human spirit's boundless potential for perception and intuition.Are you ready to embark on a journey that transcends the ordinary? Open the door to the extraordinary and let "The Sixth Sense" be your guide to the fascinating and enigmatic world of psychic abilities.

  • af V T Sreekumar
    307,95 kr.

    Description:Step into the enigmatic realm where the seen and the unseen converge in "Glimpses of the Unseen: Navigating the Haunting Question of Ghosts." This captivating exploration delves into the age-old mystery of ghosts, taking readers on a mesmerizing journey through the shadows of the supernatural.In this thought-provoking book, the author skilfully weaves together historical accounts, personal experiences, and cultural perspectives to create a tapestry of ghostly narratives. From chilling encounters with apparitions to ancient legends passed down through generations, "Glimpses of the Unseen" offers a comprehensive look at the diverse manifestations of the spectral world.The book invites readers to question their understanding of reality as it navigates through the haunted corridors of haunted houses, abandoned spaces, and the deep recesses of the human psyche. It explores the psychological and cultural facets that contribute to the universal fascination with ghosts, unravelling the threads that connect our collective consciousness to the ethereal."Glimpses of the Unseen" is not merely a compilation of spine-tingling tales; it is a scholarly investigation into the intersection of belief, science, and the unknown. Through meticulous research and insightful analysis, the author guides readers through the blurred boundaries between the corporeal and the spiritual, encouraging them to ponder the age-old question: What lies beyond the veil of the unseen?Whether you are a sceptic seeking rational explanations or a fervent believer in the paranormal, this book provides a nuanced and balanced exploration of the ghostly phenomenon. Prepare to be captivated by the stories that linger in the shadows and the profound questions that arise when we confront the mysterious and unexplained."Glimpses of the Unseen" is a compelling odyssey into the supernatural, a thought-provoking examination of the human fascination with the unknown, and an invitation to consider the existence of realms beyond our comprehension. As you turn each page, be prepared to confront your own beliefs, challenge your preconceptions, and embark on a haunting journey into the mysteries that lie just beyond our everyday perception.

  • af Alfred Taylor Schofield
    242,95 - 362,95 kr.

  • af Frank Podmore
    282,95 - 397,95 kr.

  • af Elio Endless
    337,95 kr.

    Mind Over Market: Unraveling Human Psychology in StocksDiscover the Power of Psychology in Stock Market InvestingAbout the BookAre you ready to unlock the secrets of successful stock market investing? "Mind Over Market: Unraveling Human Psychology in Stocks" is your essential guide to understanding the intricate relationship between the human psyche and investment decisions. In this groundbreaking book, we delve deep into the captivating world of behavioral finance, shedding light on how human behavior shapes the stock market's dynamics.PrefaceUnderstanding the Market MindIn the world of financial markets, knowledge is power. The preface of "Mind Over Market" sets the stage for an enlightening journey into the profound impact of human behavior on stock market functioning. Here's a glimpse of what this book has to offer:Psychological Factors in Stock TradingExplore the pivotal role of psychological factors in stock trading. Gain insights into how individual and collective behavior can sway market trends and influence your investment decisions.Controlling Psychology in Stock TradingUncover the five fundamental approaches to efficiently manage psychology when trading stocks. These methods serve as indispensable tools to bolster your decision-making process and maintain a balanced perspective amidst market volatility.Behavioral Aspects of Stock Market FluctuationsDive into the complex relationship between behavior and the stock market. Analyze two distinct investor archetypes, the Copycat investor and the Active investor, to understand their behaviors and motives in the market.Exploring the Psychology of InvestingIn the following chapters, "Mind Over Market" delves deeper into the fascinating world of behavioral finance:Emotions and Investment DecisionsInvestigate the direct impact of emotions and states of mind on financial decisions. Lay the foundation for understanding behavioral finance concepts and explore the Prospect Theory to grasp how individuals perceive profits and losses.Herd Mentality and Behavioral BiasesExamine the influence of herd mentality on investment choices. Dive into a comprehensive analysis of behavioral biases and discover effective tactics to mitigate their negative effects on your investment strategies.Unveiling Behavioral Finance TheoriesThe final chapter offers an in-depth review of behavioral finance theories. Gain a profound understanding of these ideas and their relevance in deciphering market oddities. Demystify the world of behavioral finance and its associated biases.Your Journey BeginsPrepare for a deep dive into the intricate dynamics of human behavior and the stock market. "Mind Over Market" equips you with invaluable insights to navigate the complex world of finance with heightened awareness of psychology's indelible mark on investing.Unlock the Power of Psychology in Stock Market Investing. Order Your Copy Today!

  • af Violet Razegh Panah
    132,95 kr.

    In "The Third Season," the author elucidates therapeutic storytelling's potential as a salutary modality for enriching older adults' wellbeing. Drawing upon extensive research and firsthand experience, this illuminating work demonstrates narrative's profound healing power and capacity to help surmount aging's challenges. With its singular focus on recrafting tales as targeted treatments for seniors, this opus addresses a substantive gap in current scholarship, offering valuable insights to caregivers, healthcare providers, and all interested in uplifting the elderly through story's ancient art. By mining narrative to restore purpose and strengthen communal bonds, the author proposes an integrative approach to invigorate body, sharpen intellect, and nourish weary souls.

  • af Charles Robert Richet
    307,95 - 412,95 kr.

  • af Andrew Jackson Davis
    192,95 - 347,95 kr.

  • af Joseph-Philippe-Francois Deleuze
    312,95 - 457,95 kr.

  • af Alphonse Teste
    397,95 kr.

    This book provides a detailed study of animal magnetism, a form of alternative medicine that was popular in the 19th century. It covers topics such as hypnosis, suggestion, and trance states. Readers interested in the history of medicine, psychology, or alternative healing practices will find this book informative and fascinating.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the "public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work.Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be preserved, reproduced, and made generally available to the public. We appreciate your support of the preservation process, and thank you for being an important part of keeping this knowledge alive and relevant.

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