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The Destiny Grimoire Anthology is a must-have collectible lore compendium assembled for Destiny's devoted and enlightened scholars and lore lovers, as well as fans of fantasy and science fiction storytelling.
Kendskab til statistik er nødvendigt i forbindelse med planlægning af kvantitative forskningsprojekter, metodeudvikling samt analyse og publicering af resultater. Desuden er kendskab til statistik en betingelse for forståelsen af videnskabelig forskningslitteratur. Denne bog giver i Del 1 et overblik over grundlæggende statistiske begreber og metode med let tilgængelige udregninger uden brug af computer. Del 2 gennemgår et udvalg af procedurer, der leder op til den endelige forsøgsgang, herunder metoder til beregning af stikprøvestørrelser og til kvalificering af dataindsamlingsværktøjer. Del 3 og 4 bearbejder i detaljer tænkte forsøgsresultater fra spørgeskemaundersøgelser og undersøgelser med måledata. Beregninger i Del 2-4 foretages i Excel og inkluderer de hyppigst anvendte test af frekvensdata samt parametriske og nonparametriske måledata. Bogen henvender sig til studerende på en mellemlang videregående uddannelse og på gymnasie niveau.
Blood, Sweat, and Pixels is a gripping title penned by Jason Schreier. Published by HarperCollins Publishers Inc in 2017, this book has managed to gain a significant following. The genre of this literary masterpiece is hard to pin down to just one category. It's an intriguing exploration of the trials and triumphs of the gaming industry, making it a must-read for both gaming enthusiasts and those curious about the behind-the-scenes of game development. Schreier, with his engaging writing style, takes the readers on a journey, shedding light on the immense effort, dedication, and, as the title suggests, the blood, sweat, and pixels that go into creating a video game. HarperCollins Publishers Inc has a reputation for introducing groundbreaking books, and Blood, Sweat, and Pixels is no exception.
Discover all the amazing things you can do with Arduino Arduino is a programmable circuit board that is being used by everyone from scientists, programmers, and hardware hackers to artists, designers, hobbyists, and engineers in order to add interactivity to objects and projects and experiment with programming and electronics.
Kevin Mitnick's long-awaited memoir of computer hacking and FBI skirting, revealed now after seven years of government-mandated silence.
Alt du ønsker at vide om Office 2016 og Office 365Denne bog er din garanti for at få mest mulig ud af Office 2016 programmerne Skype, Outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint. Desuden guider vi dig igennem funktionerne i Office 365 abonnementet, så du får fuldt udbytte af din investering.I bogen lærer blandt andet, hvordan du kan lagre dine dokumenter og andre filer i skyen med tjenesten OneDrive. Når filerne ligger i skyen, er de sikrede i tilfælde af at din computer bryder sammen. Samtidig er filerne på én gang tilgængelige på både din computer, smartphone og tablet. Desuden kan dokumenter i skyen let deles med kollegaer eller venner, så I kan samarbejde om udarbejdelsen af den næste rapport, præsentation eller feriebudgettet.Bogen er skrevet i et letforståeligt sprog og er opsat som en kogebog, hvor hver enkelt side beskriver en enkelt funktion i det pågældende program. Du kan derfor bruge bogen som et opslagsværk, hvor du ikke behøver læse hele kapitler for at finde det, du søger.Inklusiv gratis online adgang til bogen.
The classic guide to how computers work, updated with new chapters and interactive graphics"For me, Code was a revelation. It was the first book about programming that spoke to me. It started with a story, and it built up, layer by layer, analogy by analogy, until I understood not just the Code, but the System. Code is a book that is as much about Systems Thinking and abstractions as it is about code and programming. Code teaches us how many unseen layers there are between the computer systems that we as users look at every day and the magical silicon rocks that we infused with lightning and taught to think."- Scott Hanselman, Partner Program Director, Microsoft, and host of HanselminutesComputers are everywhere, most obviously in our laptops and smartphones, but also our cars, televisions, microwave ovens, alarm clocks, robot vacuum cleaners, and other smart appliances. Have you ever wondered what goes on inside these devices to make our lives easier but occasionally more infuriating?For more than 20 years, readers have delighted in Charles Petzold's illuminating story of the secret inner life of computers, and now he has revised it for this new age of computing. Cleverly illustrated and easy to understand, this is the book that cracks the mystery. You'll discover what flashlights, black cats, seesaws, and the ride of Paul Revere can teach you about computing, and how human ingenuity and our compulsion to communicate have shaped every electronic device we use. This new expanded edition explores more deeply the bit-by-bit and gate-by-gate construction of the heart of every smart device, the central processing unit that combines the simplest of basic operations to perform the most complex of feats. Petzolds companion website, CodeHiddenLanguage.com, uses animated graphics of key circuits in the book to make computers even easier to comprehend. In addition to substantially revised and updated content, new chapters include:Chapter 18: Lets Build a Clock!Chapter 21: The Arithmetic Logic UnitChapter 22: Registers and BussesChapter 23: CPU Control SignalsChapter 24: Jumps, Loops, and CallsChapter 28: The World BrainFrom the simple ticking of clocks to the worldwide hum of the internet, Code reveals the essence of the digital revolution.
Hvad er op og ned i børns gaming? Er det skadeligt, når børn dagligt bruger timevis på at game? Går det udover deres sociale liv og generelle udvikling? Bliver de mere voldelige af at spille skydespil? Hvordan undgår man afhængighed? Og hvordan håndterer man konflikter om skærmtid mellem børn og voksne? KORT & GODT OM BØRN & GAMING giver svar på de mange spørgsmål, som bekymrede og uvidende forældre og andre voksne, der har med børn at gøre, ofte mangler reel viden om. Der er mange modsatrettede stemmer i debatten om børn og unges gamingadfærd, som ofte også bygger mere på følelser end på fakta. Denne bog bygger på international forskning om børn og gamingadfærd, og ser også på de mange fordele, der er ved at game. Den fortæller om den negative feedback, som børn, der gamer – modsat børn, der spiller fodbold eller har andre anerkendte fritidsinteresser – ofte får af deres forældre, og hvordan forældrene kan bidrage til at anderkende og udvikle børnenes interesse og dermed skabe større trivsel i familien. Om forfatterne Trine Bjerremand Caspersen. Ejer og chefpsykolog hos Tricas. Ekstern lektor ved Syddansk Universitet. Morten Saxtorff Andreasen er aut. psykolog og seniorkonsulent i TricasEsport.
Permanent Record is the essential and courageous memoir of Edward Snowden - the man who risked everything to expose the shocking mass surveillance used by governments across the world to spy on their own citizens.
Get excited about the Canon EOS 90D and all it can do!An amazing photo begins with a quality camera and the know-how to use it. If you've selected the Canon EOS 90D, you now have a digital camera that serves a range of photographers, from novices to professionals. It takes some know-how to take advantage of the camera's upgrades to its sensor, shutter speed, and video capabilities. Fortunately, Canon EOS 90D For Dummies canhelp you maximize the potential of the camera and its features.Canon EOS 90D For Dummies lets you skip the photography class and start shooting high-quality images right away The book introduces the camera's settings; explains how to take control of exposure, focus, and color; and shows how to put all this new-found knowledge to work to shoot great portraits or action shots. The book is co-written by a pair of photography pros who share their professional experience on how to apply simple techniques for great shots.* Choose the best setting for your situation* Manage focus and color* Make the most of your lighting* Understand camera settings* Customize your camera to your needsCreate remarkable photos and memories, whether you stick with user-friendly automatic settings or decide to dive into more advanced features. With your Canon EOS 90D and this book at your side, you can shoot quality video and capture moving subjects confidently.
This book is the fastest way to learn JavaScript and use it together with CSS3 and HTML5 to create powerful web and mobile experiences. Students will learn how to do what they want, the way they want, one incredibly easy step at a time. JavaScript has never been this simple!
Introducing 'The Legend Of Zelda Encyclopedia', an enthralling masterpiece by the renowned author, Nintendo. Published in 2018, this book is a must-have for all gaming enthusiasts and lovers of fantasy. This encyclopedia brings to life the rich and complex universe of Zelda, one of the most beloved video game series of all time. It provides an in-depth look into the characters, creatures, weapons, and locations of each game. It's a comprehensive guide to the lore and history of the Zelda universe, making it an essential resource for any fan. Published by Dark Horse Comics, U.S., this book is a testament to their commitment to bringing the best of the gaming world to readers. The book is written in English, making it accessible to a global audience. Don't miss out on this opportunity to dive deep into the mystical world of Zelda!
With a completely refreshed look to celebrate its tenth anniversary, Michael Freeman's iconic bestseller, The Photographer's Eye, has never looked better.
The author of the massively bestselling Steve Jobs biography writes the whole history of the digital age
Embark on a fascinating journey through the world of Hyrule with 'The Legend Of Zelda: Hyrule Historia'. This masterpiece is penned by none other than Shigeru Miyamoto, one of the most respected figures in the gaming industry. Published in 2013, this book offers an in-depth look into the rich history and intricate lore of the Legend of Zelda series. From its captivating characters to its iconic locations, every aspect of Hyrule is brilliantly brought to life in this book. As a bonus, it also features an exclusive comic by Akira Himekawa. Published by Dark Horse Comics, this book is a must-have for any avid fan of the franchise. Whether you are a longtime fan or a newcomer, 'The Legend Of Zelda: Hyrule Historia' promises to provide an unforgettable journey into the heart of one of gaming's most beloved franchises.
The world's most infamous hacker offers an insider's view of the low-tech threats to high-tech security Kevin Mitnick's exploits as a cyber-desperado and fugitive form one of the most exhaustive FBI manhunts in history and have spawned dozens of articles, books, films, and documentaries.
Although AI technology has become mature, affordable, and robust and promises immense business value, implementations often fail with broken budgets and dispirited staff in its wake. According to the author, the problem is always the same. The project methods we use for designing and implementing traditional IT do not work for AI. Thus, the high failure rate is not caused by the technology but by how we run the projects. In the book, the author explains how AI differs from traditional IT. He then provides an easy-to-follow step-by-step method to identify the main challenges, write the business case, plan the project, design the solution, get the users on board, and deliver tangible business value.Finally, a book that shows you how to apply artificial intelligence to everyday problems. The author has deep practical experience with AI and generously shares it with his readers. ★★★★★ Martin Boberg, CEO, DictionDan’s book brings us a practical approach to reap the potential of AI. Although the technology is sophisticated, he explains it simply and shows how it can be applied to solve critical business problems. I can recommend the book to anyone involved with business optimisation.★★★★★ Nicolai Hofsø, Director of P2P, Vertical, Mobile & Fintech, Visma e-conomicsOver the years, I have read many books on AI, studied articles, taken academic courses, and spoken to countless fellow AI practitioners. This book sums it up neatly and gives valuable answers on practically implementing AI into your organisation.★★★★★ Christian M. Prip, Head of Data Consulting, Netcompany
This best-selling book uses concrete examples, minimal theory, and production-ready Python frameworks--scikit-learn, Keras, and TensorFlow--to help you gain an intuitive understanding of the concepts and tools for building intelligent systems.
Artificial Intelligence is transforming human society fundamentally and profoundly. Not since the Enlightenment and the Age of Reason have we changed how we approach knowledge, politics, economics, even warfare. Three of our most accomplished and deep thinkers come together to explore what it means for us all.
NO-CODE er for dig, der er ekspert i alt andet end kode. Du mestrer måske Excel, men ønsker at gøre en større digital forskel. Bogen introducerer dig til 25 måder at bygge software eller automatisere arbejdsgange uden at skrive en eneste linje kode.
Is the Internet making us stupid? In this new book, as incendiary as it is important, Nicholas Carr argues that the Internet is changing dramatically how we think, remember and interact.
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